Witch containment diary

Chapter 338 A date with a beautiful girl

The next day is the weekend.

In the past, the teaching at An'an Hospital was relatively loose, and every day was like a holiday. And with today's tight schedule, weekends are particularly precious to them.

I drank some fairy delicacies last night and had a wild night. Mayumi woke up from the bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Turning around, they were all lying on their respective beds, fast asleep. Without a mobile phone, Mayumi didn't even know what time it was.

She rolled off the bed and walked to the window. The sun hung diagonally across the blue sky. She touched the concrete window sill that was not illuminated by the sun, but it was still cold and pricking. He looked up at the sun again and sneezed. She would do this sometimes when she saw the dazzling sunlight, like some kind of physiological reaction.

I am like their little parent, I have to do something. Mayumi walked to Natsuki's bed. She was lying on her back, just like a baby. Mayumi had only seen babies sleeping in this posture. She pulled the hem of Natsuki's clothes down to cover her navel.

This feeling is so strange, warm and happy. Mayumi opened the quilt and covered Natsuki. She went to see the other people in the dormitory.

After the renovation, everyone has their own bed, bedside table, desk and chair. Zhang Su built it again according to their needs to ensure a comfortable sleep.

I will enter university next year. Mayumi thought silently. I heard that the university dormitory cannot accommodate eight pigs, but it can accommodate eight people.

Their sleeping positions are all unique. Mayumi saw that Enori was curled up, and her cat ears were folded, and they were furry inside, hidden in the soft pink auricles.

Mayumi couldn't help but reach out and touch the soft hair in Yuori's ears. The touch was as delicate as a dandelion. Yuori's head rested on her own hands. She was wearing cotton pink pajamas and covered with a pink checkered quilt. It exuded a faint kitten scent and was completely unaware of Mayumi's hands.

This sleeping state is so sweet and immersive that no one wants to ruin it.

Okay, worried little kitty, sleep well. Mayumi tiptoed away.

She saw Zhazhang lying on the softest and thickest bed, covered with a thick quilt.

The quilt is big and the quilt is small, so only the section near the pillow is raised, like a small nest.

This is how Zhazhang hides himself. She was still at the stage where she felt she could ward off all dark monsters by hiding in a blanket. Mayumi forgot whether she had such a childhood.

The only one sleeping in a normal and dignified posture is Komuro Hana. Her clothes are neatly folded on the bedside, exuding the scent of lavender laundry detergent. The creases are very shallow, and there are no traces of wearing, as if they are brand new from the factory. And her sleeping face was equally beautiful. Mayumi thought of that kind of sleeping beauty. Although everyone is still young, Mayumi feels that Muroka will be the most beautiful when she grows up.

It seems like there is one person missing.

Mayumi raised her eyes and looked around, where was Saho? Saho's bed is the most special and is famous for being messy.

But Mayumi saw that the bed was neat and the blue quilt was folded, but she was completely missing.

Saho's winter vacation homework... Mayumi saw that Saho's homework was still on the table. She thought about whether she should help Saho make up for it, so she walked over and looked through it.

All done.

She subconsciously thought that Saho was writing randomly, so she turned to the last few pages. People who try their best to catch up on their homework usually become more tired as they go to the end. Their eyes are sleepy, their fingers are weak, and they just want to write randomly.

However, the handwriting left by Saho was clear and distinct. Saho knew nothing about calligraphy, but at least she did it neatly, like a gardener pruning a garden with black ink, trying her best to avoid sloping out. Mayumi was secretly surprised.

And the answers were pretty much the same. Mayumi opened her winter vacation homework and saw the scratch paper below, which was full of calculations. The only answer is that when Mayumi and the others went to bed exhausted from the aftereffects of the delicious food, Hayao stayed up all night to finish her winter vacation homework.

But why isn't she sleepy?

Why isn't Hayho as sleepy as everyone else? After finishing his work, Mayumi read a book all night. Afterward, he felt dizzy and in pain, as if there was a nail three inches deep in his skull, and it was heated until it turned red.

The door clicked open, and Saho came back holding a package.

"Morning." Hayao greeted Mayumi before returning to her desk.

The package was square and wrapped in double-layer corrugated paper with orange tape. Hayho put the express box on the table and touched it with her hands.

Did Saho say hello to me? Mayumi is still immersed in this adventure. Then she saw Saho gently "touching" the express box for a week, and the tape was cut by the shadow knife line along the way. She was unable to resist, and the cocoon was peeled off.

Shadow magic? Mayumi couldn't believe it. Hayao could control his magic power so well.

"Do you have any tape?" Hayho asked.

"Yes." Mayumi felt unfamiliar, especially since Saho had recently cut her hair short. She went to her cabinet to get transparent glue for Saho.

Hayao posted a blank board above her desk, and then posted the photos in the package, one after another, with a dark blue background.

Mayumi watched intently. The first photo took her back to the distant New Tokyo Aquarium. A huge great white shark swam slowly in the water. There were three vertical gill lines on the smooth skin. The chin was half opened, revealing a Row of sharp teeth. The photographer's skills are excellent. From this angle, the big shark looks like a noble predator, surveying the prey in front of it.

"Who took this...?" Mayumi asked. She didn't remember taking these pictures last time at the aquarium.

"Sayuri." Hayho posted the second photo on the wall. The photo captures a group of slender gray reef sharks cruising in deep water. Their streamlined bodies appear brisk and agile under the aquarium's ambient lighting, like a group of silver shadow dancers, roaming happily in the water.

"The tour was 50 yen less." Mayumi didn't see these smaller sharks last time.

"She is very attentive." Hayho continued to collage photos without blinking.

Mayumi watched curiously as Sayuri tried her best to complete her mission, even going to more than one aquarium and probably all the seafood parks in New Tokyo. Big sharks, these predators shuttle like silvery deep-sea battleships, suspended between light and shadow.

Especially when the light from the window shines in, the light and dark are intertwined, as if these sharks are swimming slightly in the fleeting light. Mayumi observes intently, almost feeling that the current is pushing him back and forth. These photos brought her to the world of sharks. For a moment, she felt like she was wandering in the deep sea with these sharks, looking for the Agor tribe and the remains of the Great Silence.

"It's time for me to go to bed." Saho returned to the bed and lay down, lying on his side and looking at Mayumi, "You can watch it as long as you want."

"I...it's time to go to tutoring." Mayumi turned to look at Saho, "You have changed a lot today."

"It's nothing." Hayho breathed.

"Why do you stay up all this time?" Mayumi asked.

"Because I saw that the package would arrive today, and I couldn't let Sister Sayuri's feelings expire. So I waited until it came." Hayho covered her with the quilt.

This is still the same Zaho. Mayumi breathed a sigh of relief.

She found that everyone in Anxin Hospital had a different mentality towards each other. Natsuki might treat everyone as little flowers and grass, while Yuanzhi regarded everyone as her own children and babies. Qingxiao felt that everyone was going to fight with her. As for Hayho, she thinks everyone is...

A state of being higher than friends and very close to relatives. Mayumi is at a loss for words. But she knew that as long as she didn't betray Saho, Saho would always be sincere and true to others.

"Go to sleep." Mayumi closed the curtains for everyone, and they wanted to sleep until noon before getting up again, "I will bring you lunch when I come back.

Mayumi walked to the door and thought of something again.

"Speaking of which, Sayuri sent you something, but Reio, who lives with her, didn't."

Hayho was lying flat on his back with a peaceful expression. After hearing Mayumi's words, she immediately turned over and wrapped herself deep in the quilt, like a bomb.

New Tokyo.

"What did you send? I saw the postage bill." Reiyang returned to the office with her expensive shoulder bag. She kicked off her high heels and walked across the polished stone floor in her black stockings.

"Nothing." Sayuri prevaricated.

"Give me a massage." Reio treated Sayuri like a servant. She sat on the swivel chair behind the desk, with one hand on the armrest.

"Yes." Sayuri walked over honestly. Her service started from behind. She first rubbed Reio's shoulders with both hands to relax the tense muscles, and then gently patted both sides of the back and spine.

Lian Yang closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

This was not the first time that Sayuri was manipulated, so she also taught herself how to massage, and her movements became harder and harder.

She paid special attention to Reio's lower back, where the stress of sitting for long periods of time tended to concentrate. Sayuri patted hard, trying to release tension, improve blood circulation, and relieve muscle fatigue.

Finally, Sayuri knelt down and walked close to Reio's feet that had been walking all day.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Sayuri felt helpless.

Reio's black socks had been walking for a day, and although the nylon material was stretchy, there were still subtle signs of wear around the heels and toes. Due to long-term sealing and walking, vague sweat droplets began to disperse, evaporating a fine odor.

"Hurry." Lian Yang urged.

Sayuri gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

"How are you today?" Sayuri used words to divert attention.

"I still need to raise money, and I found a big customer today. I thought it would be extremely deserted since it opened, but I didn't expect that there would be people who were willing and spent a lot of money." Lianyang said.

Before leaving An Yin and rejoining mainstream society, she had thought about how to make full use of her unique magic of sincerity to make a profit. On the surface, the practice is to provide people with psychological counseling, retrieve memories, etc., and the fees are very high.

Lianyang just completed her first big business today.

"Take your time." Sayuri was worried that Reiyo would go astray, "Don't be fooled."

"It's much easier for you to survive now than it is for me. I'm willing to give you a sip. You survive on blood instead of money," Reio smiled.

"Then you won't hang out with men." Sayuri protested.

"The other party is a good person." Lian Yang said, "Don't worry, he also gave me a souvenir."

"Don't!" Sayuri said anxiously.

"Look, he said, putting it in a box would be beneficial." Reio put a gold coin on the table and went to take a bath, "I'm really exhausted today."

Sayuri took an iron box and put the gold coins in it. She felt that this gold coin was very beautiful and she liked it a little bit.

But Reio was really looking for a client today. Sayuri always felt too depraved, but there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't control Lian Yang, and Lian Yang once rescued her from that unfortunate school.

At midnight, Sayuri heard a strange sound. She returned to the iron box and found that it had swelled and was almost bent.

She opened the lid, and more gold coins burst out. The box was filled with gold coins, all of which were shining gold.

"This..." Sayuri quickly went to wake up Reio.

After Lian Yang came out, she raised her eyebrows when she saw these hundreds of gold coins.

"It seems that the customer is satisfied with me." Lianyang said reservedly, "for giving me so much money."

"You, you are too much." Sayuri couldn't say anything.

Lian Yang chuckled.

"Do you really think I'm going to do that kind of work? No, there was indeed a rich gold-collar man working in finance during the day. But he was none other than an acquaintance, Lian Wu's brother, named Long Yi. We had a very harmonious chat. , I thought this gold coin was funny, so he gave it to me. He said he got it from an antique dealer. The antique dealer had just returned from a family cemetery with a lot of money." Lian Yang said.

"Huh, that's okay. He's a serious person and won't mess around. With so much gold, we're going to get rich!" Sayuri cheered up.

Lian Yang looked at the box of gold coins in trance.

"He is very capable. As expected of the eldest lady's brother Long Yi, he can actually get such good things." Lian Yang said.

"Then we have to take this thing back, it belongs to someone else." Sayuri said, "And it feels a bit evil."

"I want to make more money. These things can't buy me. If he has one or two, he will definitely be extremely rich." Lian Yang poured the gold coins away, "I want to date him."

"Dating?!" Sayuri was shocked.

"Then let Teacher Da Su arrest him." Lianyang said, "You know what? I told him that I was 22 years old."

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