Witch containment diary

Chapter 339 The woman who loves to dream

"What should we do with these gold coins?" Sayuri was startled by Reiyo's thoughts, and she composed herself.

"Find a place to store it first. Don't try again. Holding large amounts of gold from unknown sources will only cause trouble." Lian Yang said, "What's more, I have other work tomorrow, which is to transport people to An'an Hospital."

"It sounds like selling." Sayuri curled her lips.

"Originally, it is also selling. Putting trouble-making witches into isolated places has always been a good way to save social management costs. For this reason, no one cares about the feelings of those witches. They are transported like commodities. Have you ever seen the witches who transport them? An armored vehicle," Lian Yang said.

Sayuri thought that when she was transported to Anxin Hospital, she had an anesthesia injection in her neck and her hands and feet were tied. She was indeed transported away like garbage.

"..." Sayuri deflected her gaze, unwilling to talk more.

"You know very well, if it weren't for the fight against the devil, we should have fought back against this imposed order." Reiyo sneered.

"Resist? After this happens, will I have endless blood to drink?" Sayuri asked.

"Blood is the most basic guarantee. You will also have your own assets, and humans have become accessories and inferior races." Reio said.

Without turning on the lights late at night, Reiyo's words were like a cold dagger reaching out from the darkness. Sayuri would either respond or be pierced. She shivered, and the lights of New Tokyo outside the window intertwined into a dazzling light and shadow. If all this is controlled by witches, they can do better than humans. Sayuri thought of a promotional blimp with Mihashi Yu's face floating outside the window during the day, and suddenly knew what to say.

"Then you want to... run for prime minister? It's very popular." Sayuri said.

"Joining the rules of the mortal game is to tie your own hands and feet." Lian Yang said, "Develop your abilities and accumulate resources. Things will change eventually. Let me tell you now, the witch is the strongest!"

She reached forward with both hands and took Sayuri's hand. Both of their hands were cold, and they could only feel a touch of warmth when they held them tightly.

"The witch is the strongest!" Sayuri yelled. She was not afraid to do such a shameful thing, after all, she had already pinched Reio's feet.

After shouting, Sayuri saw a slight change in Reio's expression in the darkness. It was a faint smile, like a small spoonful of sugar melted in a sandwich biscuit. You can only find it after tasting it carefully.

"The witch must have established many great achievements in places that humans can't see, such as outside the sky, under the sea, and deep in the mountains." Reiyo went back to sleep.

"I heard that everyone at Anxinyuan discovered the bottom of the sea." Sayuri watched Reio return to the room.

"That's impossible. Don't be fooled by the nonsense of children. They have done a lot of things over the years and you should be considerate of their youth and ignorance." Lian Yang closed the door.

Anyuan is great. Sayuri thought.

The next day, two privates in power armor escorted the witch to the Sixth Office, where Reio and Sayuri were responsible for the reception.

"Is this the dangerous witch who agreed to be sent to Anxin Hospital for shelter?" Lian Yang watched.

The soldier in power armor came to the door of the office carrying a glass container.

The servos buzzed as they walked. The fully enclosed helmets were equipped with air filter valves. Thick alloy armor plates protected vital parts. The joints and joints were flexible and the color was pure black, which greatly enhanced the protection and physical fitness of human beings.

Sayuri gave a scared look.

These newly released power armors draw on certain armor technologies. It is said that someone wore advanced armor and fought bravely on the battlefield, recording a large amount of reliable front-line combat data. Then the Human Defense Plan approved the project and designed a mass-produced armor, which was also equipped in New Tokyo.

Codenamed "P01 Flint", Sayuri vaguely remembered what the promotional release said. The built-in combat AI can record and calculate combat conditions, and will become a powerful war equipment for humans to fight against demons.

"Delivered." The power armor soldier put the box down.

Sayuri saw a beautiful witch sleeping inside, and the name tag recorded the name "Hasegawa Yangoi" and the code name of "Nightmare Path-Complete Body".

"Hasegawa Yokoi, related to many organized crimes, a former underground leader, recently failed in the battle with the violent gangs 'Shadow Street' and 'Fujikawa Group', tried to escape from Tokyo, and was eventually killed by Li Yixin, a senior agent of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau Arrested..." Lianyang looked through the report received.

"Hmm..." In the box, Hasegawa Yangkui showed faint signs of waking up.

Reiyo observed carefully. The look was like a shark staring at its prey. Sayuri thought. I saw a lot in the aquarium.

"It's very scary. Can you help me give her a sedative? Brothers?" Lian Yang said obediently.

The power armor soldiers looked at each other, opened the box, and gave the semi-conscious Yang Kui an injection.

"Come on, Sayuri, it's much safer this way. Let's drag her to the back room to talk in detail." Reio and Sayuri worked together to take out the former crime boss Hasegawa Yokoi and send her to the office.

"Confirm her intention to choose a shelter at the office, and then we will send her to the designated unit to complete the shelter." The power armor soldier ordered, "Before that, we will wait outside until the paperwork is completed."

"Yes. Believe in our professionalism." Reio took Hasegawa Yanggui to sit down on the sofa, and then began to ask questions.

Hasegawa Haroi has long violet hair. Even though she is in the desperate situation of being detained, she still has a mysterious aura. Her face is sharp and her facial features are not soft, giving Sayuri a fierce look. Her eyebrows are perfectly trimmed and her lips are very thin. Sayuri heard that women with thin lips have a hard time speaking.

"The clothes you wear are really tasteful, a pure black one-piece formal suit." Reio pulled the black leather jacket on Yang Kui's body, "I was a gang leader in the underground world but failed, and now I have become a human prisoner."

"We're just doing business, just confirm her intention." Sayuri said coyly.

"Confirm her intention, I will find out what her sincerity is, and I also want to test it." Reio put his hand on Yang Kui, and his eyes fell on Sayuri, "You should also be prepared."

Sayuri looked outside guiltily, and there were two human soldiers outside. She fearfully matched up with Reiyo's rhythm, like two uncoordinated dance partners. She took out her phone from her pocket, opened the pink APP and aimed at Yang Kui.

Yang Kui woke up a few minutes later.

"Hiss..." Yang Kui felt dizzy.

"Hello. My name is Sasahara Reio, a member of the Sixth Office of the New Tokyo Witch Countermeasures Bureau." Reio tilted her head and introduced herself to Yang Kui, "Now that you have fallen into the law, according to the human court The verdict is that you will be detained in a designated holding unit for 4 years. You now have three choices. The first is Ansinin in Niigata City, Echigo. You can tell from the location that it is a small isolated place; the second is New Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison. , the place with the strictest control over the detention of witches in the North Pacific; the third is the navy's witch detention mobile battleship, locked in a mothership 200 nautical miles offshore. Where do you want to go?"

"Anxinyuan, the name sounds very reassuring." Yang Kui said without thinking, and then pressed her sleepy forehead, "What will happen if I go to Anxinyuan?..."

Yang Kui was taken out by the power armor soldiers and put on the armored vehicle heading for Anxin Hospital.

The entire journey was silent, and she spent most of it in her sleep.

As a complete "nightmare" pathway, Yang Kui can manipulate dreams at will and make dreams real. She can have lucid dreams, precognitive dreams, invade other people's dreams, or implant hints from dreams. All abilities related to dreams are at Yang Kui's fingertips.

The truck stopped at the entrance of An'an Hospital, and Yang Kui was dragged out.

This is An Yin.

She looked up and saw a majestic and towering iron gate, with railings separating the inside and outside. The sloping path wound up the mountain, and cherry blossom trees were planted on both sides. It was the cherry blossom season in early spring, and the scenery was beautiful. There are many ancient buildings on the top of the mountain. From a distance, you can see beautiful bird-style buildings, as well as towers, shrines, Zen forests, treasure courtyards and patches of woods.

"That's it..." The escorting soldier and the happy robot at the door handed over the procedures.

"You! I need you! Welcome to Anxinyuan!" The robot greeted Yang Kui, and a smiling soybean expression appeared in the box on the chest. "You will enjoy a long-term regular life here, which will be the perfect way to rebuild your life. Chance!"

It jumped forward and took off the handcuffs of Yang Kui.

"..." Yang Kui pressed her wrist displeasedly to relieve the pain caused by the handcuffs.

She suddenly saw an almost giant figure approaching. The figure as strong as a stone wall instantly interrupted Yang Kui's other thoughts. She raised her head slightly and could only see the other person's broad shoulders and chin. When she raised her head again, she could see The other party's serious and determined face.

When the soldiers escorting him saw Zhang Su, they were also in awe. Zhang Su's temperament is calm and intimidating, and his body shape is even stronger. He seems to have a steady stream of strength. He is clean, strong, and robust. He is obviously a man of high energy and high spirits.

Only with good physical fitness can you have strong ambition, firm will, and endless vitality... Yang Kui thought silently. She took a step forward, and the closer she got to Zhang Su, the more she felt a powerful aura suppressing her.

It even made her unable to lift her head! ?

"What's wrong?" Zhang Su looked at Yang Kui, "I am the director here, Zhang Su."

"Nothing." Yang Kui looked up at Zhang Su again, her eyes full of greed, her eyes falling on his muscles, imagining the limits they could reach.

She felt that a normal woman would never let go of such a respectable and formidable body, and the fact that the other party was a serious public official made it even more exciting.

"The Sixth Office introduced you here?" Zhang Su took Yang Kui into An'an Hospital.

"She also asked me to choose here, the New Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison or the Mobile Prison Battleship. But I already know that this is the best place." Yang Kui followed Zhang Su.

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