Witch containment diary

Chapter 340 She sleeps again and again

Zhang Su was surprised when he heard the woman behind him coming step by step.

"Memory "Hasegawa Yokoi": A witch who specializes in the power of dreams and can create lucid dreams, precognitive dreams or different nightmares. The power is very unique. She is the illegitimate daughter of a local tycoon in Sakagawa. She is famous in Nanyang and Gialongpo areas. I have business dealings. I like men with strong muscles and often watch bodybuilding competitions in my spare time."

Zhang Su remembered that she was engaged in club activities in New Tokyo and often fought with the Fujikawa group. She was eventually arrested in the third year and joined Anxinyuan. Unexpectedly, they met in the second year.

Probably because of two "changes", Zhang Su thought secretly.

The first is that the Fujikawa group is now controlled by the "orthodox" Fujikawa Chiyo, who has strong cohesion. She is a lightning witch, has strong individual combat power, and cooperates with Shadow Street, so if there is a conflict, Yang Kui will lose faster.

The second is that thanks to the actual combat data of wearing the "Black Beast", advanced power armor technology has been developed, and the quality of human soldiers and security forces is also very strong, making it more efficient to fight against evil.

As a result, Yang Kui was arrested a year early.

She has good abilities and is suitable for managing business, operating business, and training talents. She also has business acumen. There should be a position for her to work in Anxin Hospital.

Zhang Su was now in a calmer mood than before. He led Yang Kui up the slope of the mountain. Cherry blossoms were falling on both sides, falling at a speed of 5 centimeters per second. The scenery was pleasing to the eye.

"Kacha kacha." The children took photos of the cherry blossoms at the top of the ramp, headed by Saho.

"Welcome to Anxinyuan~" Yuanzhi waved to Yang Kui.

"?" Xia Xi stuck his head out to observe.

"??" Zhazhao hid behind Xia Xi.

"There are so many children here!" Yang Kui was surprised.

She thought that An'an Hospital was a dark and depressing place, where the witches lived under the terrifying iron fist of the evil Zhang Su.

But judging from their living conditions, they seem to be living quite well.

"This is a witch who is good at dream power, Miss Hasegawa Yangoi. I hope that everyone can live in harmony in the future." Zhang Su said.

"Please give me more advice." Yuanzhi bowed obediently to Yang Kui, and Yang Kui also smiled softly. There are such good children in this place.

"Dream." Hayho thought thoughtfully, put down his hand taking pictures, and ran away in a hurry.

"Hush, shush!" Natsuki waved her hands, pretending to scare or drive away Yang Kui, because the sun can't dream, so in Natsuki's eyes, the dream witch Yang Kui is equivalent to a foreign object.

"Shh, shh!" Zhazhuo followed suit.

Yang Kui's eyes fell on Zhazhao, and his eyes immediately changed, and his eyes became complicated.

That child...

Before Yang Kui could recognize it, Zhazhao and Natsuki jumped to the side of the cherry blossom tree to avoid Yang Kui.

Yang Kui followed Zhang Su silently.

If she saw it correctly, in that glance just now, she saw the kidnapped daughter of the leader of the "Blood Shark", the largest arms group in Southeast Asia!

Originally, he was supposed to be locked in an iron cage with his arms nailed with nails. He was eating, drinking and peeing together, like a dirty bird.

Now he is wearing a comfortable and warm black school uniform and a little yellow hat, and he is living full of energy. If Yang Kui had not always had a good memory, she would have questioned her own judgment.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's nothing." Yang Kui needed to deny.

That child needs to be confirmed again. If you could take a look at her arm, you might still be able to see traces of being pierced by a half-meter-long iron nail.

Zhang Su took Yang Kui to the office in the prison building and gave her a brief paperwork.

"Before you wash off and change clothes, there are some events that need to be confirmed. Will the court hold you responsible for large-scale mental manipulation? Is the process formal?" Zhang Su checked the file.

Yang Kui was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses.

"Why do you ask these questions? The verdict has been handed down." Hope arose in her heart.

"The Witch Countermeasures Bureau also has close contact with the Spirit World Witch Council to protect the basic rights of witches. Even suspects have the opportunity to seek justice." Zhang Su said, "Are you satisfied with the series of procedures of the New Tokyo Court?"

"Not satisfied." Yang Kui said coldly, "They recruited the True Witch as interrogator and forced my members to testify in court. I don't think they meant to identify me."

"Why?" Zhang Su asked.

"There are many sworn brothers and sisters in my club, who are usually called relatives and treated well. But each of the four of them betrayed me and even testified in court." Yang Kui said.

"It doesn't mean anything. They will also consider their own future." Zhang Su said, "Obviously law enforcement officers will declare their interests and interests to them, and they also know that testifying can reduce the punishment."

"Impossible." Yang Kui sneered.


"Although I was arrested, my men are still outside. Their agreement in advance is that if these people dare to act as 'rats' who betray the organization, their families will die. Now they have probably carried out the order to clean them up and establish A model. And these four sworn brothers and sisters, they also know it." Yang Kui said evilly.

"It is indeed the club's style. But don't forget, maybe the Metropolitan Police Department has protected the witness's family, so they identified me without any worries. In the final analysis, you don't know the operating rules of the magic power of the heart." Zhang Su said.

Yang Kui wanted to say something else, but suddenly she heard a knock on the door.

"Here comes the black tea~" Zaho came in with tea. She was taking a break to sort and pour tea.

Yang Kui glanced at Saho and then turned back.

"Children also work? I know the witch in prison has to work." Yang Kui said.

"It's just a courtesy." Zaohui came over with a tea cup and gave Yang Kui and Zhang Su a cup each.

"The Human Defense Plan must have established contact with the True Witches." Yang Kui still couldn't forget the betrayal. "They turned my most loyal subordinates into traitors who were willing to identify their boss in court."

"You have failed in the competition and are no longer relevant to the entire organization. The remaining forces will also be wiped out." Zhang Su said, "Face reality, there are no subordinates of yours in Anxinyuan."

"So, what position will I hold in An'an Hospital?" Yang Kui picked up the cup and took a sip. The tea was particularly delicious and sweet.

"It's mainly about economics and management." Zhang Su said, "Is it time to start working? Our big bathroom is outside..."

late at night.

Back in the single cell, the nightmare witch Yang Kui lay down.

An An's first day in the hospital was very peaceful. She closed her eyes, took the initiative to enter a deep sleep, and fell into a dream. In the dream, she was even more powerful.

And she can observe other people's dreams. She likes closed places like Anyuan the most, because all the dreams are connected together.

Different dreams stick to each other to form a huge "Anxinyuan Dreamland".

I can freely travel through these dreams and implant ideas. Yang Kui secretly said. You can do it even if you are wearing a collar, because this is an inherent ability of the Nightmare Path, related to the physiological basis of the witch.

Unless there is a way to keep Yang Kui from sleeping forever.

She began to invade An Yin's dream.

The difficulty of the first dream that breaks into is very low, and the dreamer is defenseless. In front of him was a beautiful, boundless desert, or wasteland. Yang Kui walked on the land, feeling that his whole body was scorched by the sun, and he was sweating profusely.

She looked up and saw a golden-haired "little angel" flying in the sky that Yang Kui had seen during the day, holding a big watermelon in her hand.

"It's too hot." Yang Kui transformed into Zhang Su in her dream and warned Xia Xi.

"Huhu..." When Xia Xi saw Zhang Su, she turned around and flew away, because she didn't know how to make the earth colder. She just wanted to hang at an altitude of three thousand meters.

Yang Kui chased the sun, spreading her legs to chase Natsuki, but Natsuki became more and more afraid and flew higher and higher, gradually heading to where she should be.

150 million kilometers!

This is where the sun should be from the ground!

"Goodbye... Teacher Dasu..." Xia Xi flew away sadly, "I don't know what to do..."

Yang Kui scratched her head.

Forget it, forget it, you can't use your precious dream manipulation on this stupid kid. Yang Kui looked up and saw Natsuki flying further and further away, feeling helpless.

Yang Kui broke into the second dream of An Yuan's dream. She couldn't tell the owners of these dreams yet, so she could only try one by one.

"What is this?" Yang Kui felt that part of herself was "disintegrated" after entering this dream. The world she saw became flat and perspective, like a large geometric square.

"Lord, our territory has expanded ten times as much as before!" A familiar figure knelt on the ground.

Fujikawa Chiyo!

Yang Kui had fought with him in the underground world of New Tokyo and hated him to the bone. Unexpectedly, he met Yume here again.

In the dream, Fujikawa Chiyo is wearing a ninja uniform, with serious eyes and a surrendered posture.

In addition, Zhang Su is also here! Also wearing a ninja uniform, carrying a powerful and deadly sword on his back, standing behind him.

"My Lord, two assassins approached last night, but I killed them both. Bear with me." Zhang Su reported.

The person being served by the two ninjas was a handsome girl, wearing comfortable clothes, with long and loose hair, a princess cut, clear eyes, and very wealthy.

"Yes, it's a big reward." The girl praised, "With ninja services like you, I really don't have to worry about anything!"

"Shinobu. This is what a subordinate should do. We are lifelong friends." Shinobu Fujikawa knelt down on one knee.

"Xin. Now it's time for my subordinates to prepare a bed for you." Zhang Ren also greeted.

"Huhuhaha~" The girl who was taken care of by the ninjas was very happy.

"Virus intrusion detected, anti-virus program started"

Yang Kui saw the eye-catching warning and felt that this dream was very dangerous, so she hurriedly evacuated!

She climbed out, terrified. And it felt like a part of my body stayed in that dream forever, as if it had become structural data.

Why are the dreams of An Yin people so strange!

After spending a few minutes to regroup her magic power, Yang Kui simply checked the largest dream. No matter what, judging from the size, it must be Zhang Su's dream.

She broke into Zhang Su's dream and saw him standing on the edge of a sea of ​​blood.

"What did you see?" Zhang Su looked forward, "I know you can travel in dreams, Yang Kui."

Things in dreams cannot be real. Yang Kui thought.

"It's just that you dreamed of me." Yang Kui said, "You really miss people. But, where is this place?"

"The sea of ​​blood in front of me is an immeasurable disaster." Zhang Su looked into the distance, "My vision stopped after three years, but you can see far in your dreams."

Yang Kui looked into the distance.

Zhang Su's dream is like a springboard through which she can see the distant future.

Yang Kui looked carefully into the distance.

Looking far away...

At the edge of this sea of ​​blood, at the end of the known world, that is...

Yang Kui was stunned.

How could such a thing exist?

Yang Kui suddenly woke up from her desk.

"Are you awake?" Zhang Su looked at her.

"Huh...huh..." Yang Kui patted her chest, shocked.

"You just fell asleep." Zhang Su said.

"How did I fall asleep?" Yang Kui thought of the cup of tea just now and was suddenly startled, "It's the sleeping potion!"

"Don't mind, it's just a test." Zhang Su said, "To check how deep your evil thoughts are."

"You shouldn't be too bad." Hayho was beside him, his hands on the table.

"How do you know?" Yang Kui shook her head, "I know people, faces but not hearts, and you can't see my dreams."

"Because my heart can distinguish between good and evil." Saho said, "When I saw your expression, I knew you still had a bottom line. You didn't do anything bad in that dream."

"I am the criminal witch of New Tokyo." Yang Aoi threatened Saho, "I am very bad."

"The adults and children in our safe home are not normal. If you know what my mother did, you will find that you are like a baby in the kindergarten. You still need to be taught how to do bad things." said Saho.

"..." Yang Kui was helpless.

"In your dream, it is said that everything went normally. Did you dream about me?" Zhang Su asked.

"Yes." Yang Kui calmed down, "Let me see the end of your dream and see the limit of what can be predicted."

Zhang Su understood.

The source of natural disasters and the real enemy.

If Yang Kui can be captured with "predictive dream", it should help prevent it.

After all, one must not die from the horror of a natural disaster.

"What did you see?" Zhang Su asked in a deep voice.

Yang Kui took a deep breath. Her thoughts tried to reconstruct the terrifying illusion, but the existence of that thing was too abnormal and involved the survival of human civilization.

"I was scared to wake up just now." Yang Kui reluctantly admitted, "I have to confirm who you are first."

"Try it." Zhang Su invited, "No matter how scary it is, we can solve it together."

"That was..." Yang Kui tried to remember, and it became clearer and clearer. She saw the eternal enemy of mankind, the devourer of civilization, in her dream, "Its appearance is like..."

Yang Kui suddenly woke up from the sofa.

She opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at Lian Yang in front of her. A powerful sense of fragmentation bombarded her brain, and her real thoughts were confused by the magic.

Reio was making a beautiful cup of coffee. When Yang Kui woke up, she took a sip. Sayuri stood by.

"Now, do you think it's okay to go to An'an Hospital?" Lian Yang asked, with a faint smile on his face.

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