Witch containment diary

Chapter 341 The source of natural disasters is

Yang Kui's expression was solemn.

"Haven't you come to your senses yet?" Lian Yang sat behind the desk and deliberately looked at her with a sideways look, implying contempt.

Falling down in different dreams, passing through many levels, like opening boxes one after another.

No matter how sophisticated the brain is, it will be dizzy and confused after such operations. Yang Kui pressed her own beating nerves, and she was still amazed when she thought about it now.

An hospital...!

How could there be such a strange place in the world!

There are macho men and children, there are all kinds of interesting things, complete facilities, everyone has unique skills, and there are endless secrets waiting to be explored.

Yang Kui ingests a large amount of information in her dreams, which must be sorted out in order to maximize its use.

What does the girl in front of me call herself? Oh, by the way, my name is Reiyo.

Yang Kui recalled her name and then observed carefully.

Lian Yang had an incomprehensible smile on her face, her expression was calm, and she looked like she had the pearl of wisdom in her hand.

To those who are more timid, this style is obviously dignified.

But Yang Kui has been proficient in distinguishing true self-confidence from artificial arrogance through her hard work in the underground world of New Tokyo.

She felt that Lian Yang was like a cat lying on the ground with its belly exposed, waiting for passers-by to rub it.

Then play with her yourself.

"What...have you done?" Yang Kui clenched his fists on the sofa, took a deep breath, and his expression changed from suspicious to angry, "You are violating the law! You must surrender!"

"Don't be impatient." Lian Yang raised a finger in front of her lips, forming a charming silent gesture. She looked outside meaningfully, "You don't want to cause trouble again before going to jail, which will increase your sentence. Bar."

"You must have done something. My head is still..." Yang Kui felt uncomfortable.

"We tested your magic power." Sayuri couldn't see Yang Kui being so confused, so she took the initiative to speak, "Under the sincere guidance, you consciously fell into a dream, and it was a 'predictive dream' type. Like a prophecy, I heard Very accurate. No problem, you must have dreamed of a lot of good things."

Yang Kui glanced at Lian Yang imperceptibly, and saw Lian Yang frowning slightly.

Girl, you need a smarter assistant. Yang Kui thought.

"Predictive dreams! How amazing! I rarely have precognitive dreams, but you can take the initiative to trigger them?!" Yang Kui made a fuss.

"Yes, this is a small trick." Lianyo added, "It is intended to mark the prospects of cooperation between us and remind us that the magic power between us has a synergistic relationship. It is a gesture of goodwill."

"Cooperation?" Yang Kui asked.

"Yes, our magic power and your magic power can form complementary effects." Lian Yang advised, "You can fall asleep anytime and anywhere, and no longer need physiological factors or drug control. Our magic power is the strongest psychological suggestion. Together with each other, we can Dreams that predict the future will have a very bright future..."

prospect? Should she listen to what she was saying and look at her status as a public official under the Human Defense Project? She should not have any other thoughts except being loyal to the Witch Countermeasures Agency. Yang Kui secretly thought in her heart. Sister, if you want to die on your own, don't get involved with serious adults!

"...I'm sorry, but I'm just a prisoner waiting to be thrown into prison." Yang Kui said.

Lian Yang chuckled.

"Are you so willing that your career will be lost? Everything you have built over the years will be destroyed just because of one mistake or one arrest?" she asked.

Okay, this is a bit heartbreaking. Yang Kui secretly said.

It seems that the girl in front of me really knows her painful feet.

"The sin in this world is not my fault." Yang Kui said.

She never knew, against all calculations, that New Tokyo's public security forces were equipped with power armor, and that a few elite soldiers could eliminate underground gangs as easily as armored bulldozers.

"But you can collect something from this puddle of mud and preserve some essence." Lian Yang said with interest, "I have some connections underground and can protect your surviving men."

Many thoughts flashed through Yang Kui's mind. The first thought was to expose Reiyo to the soldiers outside, but this was of no benefit at all. Reiyo's "verbal excitement" could hardly be used as evidence.

If what Lianyang said is true, at least Yang Kui can retain some of his confidants and some of his underground assets, and there may be a chance for a comeback in the future.

"I can't trust you." Yang Kui said bluntly.

"Are you planning to go to An'an Hospital?" Lian Yang crossed his arms, "I can continue to cooperate with you and let you use precognitive dreams to reveal the other two answers."

"No need." Yang Kui thought of the great opportunity in Anxin Hospital and immediately objected, "I want to go to Anxin Hospital."

"Very good, the reason why I say this is because this way we have a basis for cooperation. Go to the Anxin Institute to find a witch named Hayho, and tell her that I introduced you there, and that you want to join the Anxin Ring Witch Assembly. She won’t refuse,” Lian Yang said.

...ring of peace of mind!

It sounds like a very mysterious and serious coven of witches. And that person named Saho, have you seen it in your dream? Yang Kui struggled to remember, but felt that all she saw in her dream were little kids.

This witch named "Haoho" seems to be a shrewd and capable character, acting as a node in the network of interests.

"I agree." Yang Kui nodded.

"In 10 minutes, you will be on the escort vehicle heading to Anshin-in. And once you join the Ring of Anshin, we will be bound to each other by our oaths. At that time, I will be operating in New Tokyo and be responsible for protecting the key personnel of the Sakajo gang. . Before you are released from prison, these people will be temporarily at my disposal, do you agree?" Lian Yang said neatly.

"It's better for them to fall into your hands than to be beaten to death by Fujikawa Chiyo." Yang Kui said helplessly.

Reio got up and walked across the linoleum tile floor, retrieving the necessary documents from the rows of file boxes on the metal shelves.

Sayuri sat where Reio was sitting before, inputting basic information with her pale hands and then printing it out.

"Happy cooperation." Reio finished processing and handed all the documents to Yang Kui. "Don't forget how our magic power is coordinated. If the witches who are scattered by human society can work together, they will be able to bring benefits to the entire world. Bigger variables.”

With sincere coordination and some kind of hypnosis from the witch assistant next to him, he can actively predict dreams at any time and dream about events that will happen in the future. It’s more convenient than taking medicine to help you sleep. Yang Kui nodded silently.

But collaboration? Witches can never unite because witches will always fight each other. In fact, human society has diluted the witches, which in turn has reduced many unnecessary civil wars and casualties. Yang Kui secretly said.

"Also, can you tell me why you chose to go to An'an Hospital so simply?" Lian Yang finally asked.

Yang Kui's mind flashed with Zhang Su's figure, the terrifying existence she saw in her dreams, and then thought of the little girl, the daughter of "Blood Shark". Did she know that there was a huge munitions weapon outside An'an Hospital? The empire is waiting for her to inherit?

"Anxinyuan is too big, and there are countless secrets waiting to be explored." Yang Kui couldn't help but summarize what he saw in his dream, and then left.

Sayuri nodded.

Yang Kui's forces were defeated, and Li Yang was able to help Yang Kui save the survivors. The price was that they temporarily listened to Li Yang's orders and helped Li Yang do things.

In this way, the evil Reiyo took another step toward establishing her power, and a little person like her could only follow her all the way to darkness!

I hope Teacher Da Su doesn’t discover this, otherwise Lian Yang will be taken back to Anyuan and spanked. Sayuri silently prayed for Reiyo's future. It is said that the most spiritual god now is the Red Flame Bodhisattva. Red Flame Bodhisattva, please protect Lian Yang from being captured by Teacher Da Su...

Lian Yang watched Yang Kui leave displeasedly.

"She seems to think that An Yuan is great." Lianyang said, "But I will prove that I will have greater achievements outside."

"Definitely." Sayuri said against her will.

"Do you think I'm rash?" Lian Yang turned around.

"No." Sayuri touched her hand.

"What I want is revenge," Reiyo returned to the table. "When all the damned people are dead, I can relax."

The next day.

Peace of mind.

"The sentence is 4 years, from March 21, 2058 to March 21, 2062." Zhang Su was reviewing the file of Hasegawa Haruki behind his desk, "the leader of the underground gang "Sakagawa Gang"."

"Huh...huh..." Yang Kui tried to suppress her excitement.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Su felt that the dream witch named Yang Kui was a little overly excited.

"Skip." Yang Kui said with all her strength.

"What to skip?" Zhang Su was confused.

"Skip the middle plot! It has already happened once in the dream, it can't be repeated again!" Yang Kui said.

"Huh?" Zhang Su looked curiously at the plump woman with violet hair in front of him. Her eyes were very sharp and wise, her facial features were very elegant and beautiful, and her temperament was mysterious. She didn't look like a nonsense person, "What's wrong? Why is it so? explain?"

"My 'Nightmare' pathway can create dreams, especially precognitive dreams, where I can see what will actually happen in the future. I have already dreamed about our dialogue today." Yang Kui is full of confidence.

"But the dream did not prevent you from defeat." Zhang Su said, "The dream revealed only a possibility."

“It works sometimes and sometimes doesn’t work, so you may not be able to make the most useful “prophetic dream”. "Yang Kui admitted.

After all, she is not a broken witch yet. In retrospect, the sincerely directed dreams provided by Reio were indeed very convenient. Yang Kui said silently.

"But you seem to be in a hurry to reveal something to me." Zhang Su said.

"A natural disaster!" Yang Kui said.

This word instantly made Zhang Su dare not take it lightly.

"Are you saying that you dreamed of me?" Zhang Su said.

"Yes!" Yang Kui nodded, "Now let's skip all the explanations of the dream plot and the causes and consequences...skip to the end. At the ending of the dream, you let me see the true nature of the natural disaster. I saw it, and was moved by it. Wake up. The first thing I came here to tell you was this."

"No wonder you were so anxious when you first came in." Zhang Su pondered, "I'd like you to explain it in detail. Needless to say, this is related to the safety of the world and our entire civilization."

"That kind of thing has nothing to do with me, it's nothing to do with saving the world." Yang Kui stated her position, "I just think you need to know. I can't live with this secret by myself."

"Understood." Zhang Su understood.

"...But when I think about that thing, I get a splitting headache." Yang Kui picked up the pen on the table and tried to describe it, but she couldn't.

"Maybe it would be easier to say, close your eyes." Zhang Su stood up.

"Come behind me." Yang Kui closed her eyes, "I...I'm so scared."

"It's okay." Zhang Su walked behind her.

Yang Kui took the opportunity to turn around and wipe the oil away, burying her face on Zhang Su's abdominal muscles, feeling the full strength.

She has a natural preference for strong men, and Zhang Su is simply a genius to her.

After taking a good breath of Yang Qi, she mustered up the courage to continue speaking.

"...the things I saw are incomprehensible and incomprehensible in dreams. I can only translate them in our language as follows. That is a description of it: "I am the first person who wants to kill people at the beginning of time. Impulse is prevalent in all intelligent creatures. The significance of violence is that it is more common in life experience than sex. Maybe yesterday, you had the intention to use violence on the people nearby to separate their bodies. Soon the sea of ​​​​blood spread In this world, as long as your race has a history book, you will understand: It is easier to kill than to love."

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