Witch containment diary

Chapter 342 Inviting Edith to join the team

A message...

Zhang Su looked at Yang Kui carefully and found that she had fallen into some kind of ecstasy.

Just talking about the words just now made her lose consciousness, and she was obviously extremely nervous, as if she was crazy.

He brought the Kanshi Pagoda and placed one end next to Yang Kui. At the same time, he personally blessed her and relieved her confusion a little.

Yang Kui felt warm in her body, but her brain felt cold and tingling.

"My head is about to split...I'm sorry..." Yang Kui felt something sticky on her face, "What is that?"

Zhang Su took a closer look and saw that Yang Kui was bleeding from all her orifices!

He immediately opened the first aid kit in the office, gave Yang Kui a dose of treatment, and then wiped away the blood

It took about ten minutes before Yang Kui regained her composure. She had indeed seen the witch in strong winds and waves, and she didn't look particularly flustered now.

"I dreamed about something I shouldn't have dreamed about..." Yang Kui smiled bitterly.

"Thank you for warning me." Zhang Su thanked her.

"I really want to forget everything that happened just now." Yang Kui sighed.

"Let's take a rest." Zhang Su asked her to sit down in the rest area and divert her attention with small talk. "The witch in the Dream Path must have dreamed of many mysterious things."

"Of course." Yang Kui understood, "What do you think dreams are?"

"Ancient civilizations regarded dreams as prophecies or messages from the gods, while modern theories believe that dreams are just a by-product of neural activity during sleep." Zhang Su said, "But dreams also have a history."

"It corresponds to real life. Most people think so." Yang Kui said, "Dreams all have symbolic content. For example, dreaming about losing teeth means losing money, and dreaming about monsters means everything will go wrong. "

"It's strange, almost no one has dreamed about mobile phones." Zhang Su said.

"Ah." Yang Kui recalled, "It seems true, I have never dreamed about something like a mobile phone. Logically speaking, the content of dreams is closely related to daily life. I think about it every day and dream about it at night."

"It is said that dreams actually integrate the things you have encountered recently into the deep areas of the brain, so there are many deformations on the way." Zhang Su said.

"Transformation... is a way." Yang Kui pondered, "Some people say that things in dreams are opposite to reality."

"What do you think? You are the expert on dreams." Zhang Su said.

"It is precisely because I have too many dreams and am more professional, so I dare not jump to conclusions. For example, I have dreamed about many things in Anxin Hospital, but I don't know which ones can match your daily life... However, I think I might You will like it here." Yang Kui nodded. At least there are free muscular men to watch. In New Tokyo, the price quoted by Zhang Su is more than 30,000 to 50,000 yen per hour.

"Here comes the tea." Hayho entered the room holding black tea.

"Skip." Yang Kui waved her hand.

"??" Hayho was startled, "What?"

"I don't want to sleep. There is a sleeping potion in the cup, right?" Yang Kui smiled, "I won't be fooled."

"What are you doing? Why did I drug you? Or the sleeping potion?" Hayho was shocked, "What are you talking about!"

"This is Miss Yang Kui. She has used her precognitive dream to dream about everything that will happen to us today." Zhang Su explained to Saho.

"And you will use a cup of magic potion to put me to sleep." Yang Kui explained, "I have already dreamed about it, and I won't fall for it this time."

"But I didn't make potions! Making potions takes a lot of energy, so I'm too lazy to do it. I just entertain guests and make tea. I want to be a useful person!" Hayho protested aggrievedly.

"...Well...dreams may be inaccurate." Yang Kui said. She calmed down and thought of the terrifying motto. The monster appeared in the form of words, representing some kind of terrible and terrifying concept.

"Then you can drink it, whether you like it or not." Hayho was angry.

"What's your name?" Yang Kui felt that she was too harsh on the child.

"My name is Saho."

Yang Kui was overjoyed. Isn't this the contact person for Lianyang's entrustment? I didn't expect it to be here.

"I know you." Yang Kui said.

"Have a cup of tea and speak slowly. I'm waiting to hear it." Hayao set up the tea set and poured Yang Kui a cup of black tea.

Yang Kui took a sip.

"It's not that my dream was wrong, this tea tastes exactly like the one in my dream." Yang Kui was satisfied with her dream power.

"Of course." said Saho, "didn't you dream about it all?"

Yang Kui was stunned for a moment.

The tea I drank was so sweet, it was like a ball of candy melting and rolling into my stomach. In an instant, every nerve began to disconnect and shut down.

Yang Kui felt dizzy and immediately fell back.

Fell asleep!

"How do you use the sleeping potion?" Zhang Su said.

"How about testing her heart," said Saho, "not to mention she looks exhausted!"

"There will be no next time." Zhang Su warned, "This time it happens that she also needs a break. Magic potions are not for people to drink and play with. This is also a crime."

"I'm sorry, it's just for a peaceful sleep. She's probably more comfortable when sleeping." Saho sat down next to her, "I'll keep an eye on her. When she wakes up, I'll know whether it's a good dream or a bad dream by looking at her look. ”

"I'm going to make a call." Zhang Su knew who could probably help explain the prophetic prayer.

He came to the corridor and dialed Edith's number.

"Miss me?" Edith replied instantly.

"Do you believe there will be an end of the world in three years?" Zhang Su asked.

"As long as you say it, I will believe it. I know you will not lie to me." Edith said softly.

"Thank you for your trust." Zhang Su said.

“We don’t differentiate between each other, and sooner or later, we won’t differentiate between each other anymore.”

"So, I just intercepted a piece of information, which may match the great calamity: "I am the first impulse to kill people at the beginning of time, which is prevalent among all intelligent creatures..." Zhang Sugang was halfway through speaking. , not only did he feel a headache, as if his body was about to burst, but Edith's breathing was also messed up.

"Stop..." Edith's tone was almost pleading.

"What on earth is that?" Zhang Su asked.

"A piece of code used to summon one of the demon kings. Where did you get these words?" Edith said in a tired tone.

"Dream." Zhang Su said, "Premonition dream."

"I don't know how to answer, but such a clear and loud prayer represents a particularly terrible determination." Edith said, "When the world ends, I want you to be by my side."

Zhang Su thought for a while.

"Edith." He said, "If you are really so scared, you can come to Anxin Home when the time comes."

"Me? Go to An'an Hospital?" Edith's tone changed.

"I know that the current Anxinyuan is not big enough and perfect enough to accommodate you, but it still has the potential to expand in the future. When the time comes, you can go to Anxinyuan." Zhang Su said.

"No - I didn't mean that, I'm honored. My dear." Edith's tone gradually became faint, "It's just that if you want me to leave my post, my responsibilities, and my obligations, you still need to do More."

"What's restraining you?" Zhang Su reacted.

"I guess you are not determined to fight against the world for me, so don't think about cutting off my shackles and saving me from fire and water." Edith's voice was teasing, as if she was saying something ironic, but she actually expected Zhang Su to save her.

Zhang Su now really wants to know how Edith got trapped here, what her enemy was, and what kind of contract she signed.

"Then, we will have an unmentionable murderous ultimate demon to fight against in three years. You will not be able to live a carefree life due to a certain condition. And I will continue to take care of An Yin, as always." Zhang Su said.

"I know there is something that suits you very well. It may help you change your status quo faster and more quickly. And the inexplicable obstacles between us will be reduced a lot, and human society will not be able to prevent you from having close contact with me. To I will consider joining An An Hospital when the time comes." Edith said suddenly, as if she had found a satisfactory toy, and her words were brisk.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's simple," Edith said, "to become the supreme ruler of this country."

Twenty minutes later, Yang Kui woke up and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Sorry, I gave you a drink without permission." Saho leaned on the sofa, "I just heard that you are a dreaming witch."

"I swallowed the magic potion by mistake. I was going to be furious, but because I had already dreamed about all this, I wasn't in such a bad mood." Yang Kui just needed to take a nap to forget about the bloody horror in the previous prophecy dream.

Let's leave it to Zhang Su, Yang Kui thought. If this world is forced to confront such a cruel enemy, destruction may be the only outcome.

"This is my first time making this kind of sleeping potion." Hayho was a little proud.

"Then I've become a guinea pig. You have to compensate." Yang Kui said. She has no particular hostility towards children, because there are many children from various clans in her hometown.

"The canteen is offering a 20% discount," said Hayho.

"Let's not talk about this for now. In my dream, I dreamed of a little witch, very short, wearing a yellow hat and black clothes. I have something urgent to look for her." Yang Kui stood up in a hurry.

"Bangbang." Saho immediately knew who it was, "What is so important?"

"It involves a lot of things. Is her name Zhibang? She doesn't know her status yet." Yang Kui hurriedly left the office and walked downstairs.

"She is a sloppy little thing, pitiful." Hayao followed behind Yang Kui, "You should have something to say to me. I am King Hayao of Ansinin!"

"I know. I love you too." Yang Kui walked briskly, "But that kid named Zhao Zhao will be a big shot in half the world in the future. If we keep up now, we will all follow the dragon's head in the future."

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