Witch containment diary

Chapter 343 The little one’s background

"What kind of big shot is that little kid?" Saho was surprised and couldn't wait to know more.

"Immediately, if she can be transported out of Anxinyuan, half of Nanyang will be searching for her whereabouts. I didn't expect to be transported to such a deep mountain." Yang Kui thought thoughtfully.

"What is she going to do? What will happen if she leaves Anxinyuan?" Hayho was curious.

"Have you seen the world outside An'an Hospital? The human world is very big, with many countries and ethnic groups." Yang Kui asked.

"No." Saho didn't know anything.

"Okay, close your eyes and start imagining." Yang Kui guided.

"Come on!" Hayho closed his eyes.

"In an extremely far away place, near the Southern Ocean, there is a prosperous and fertile country that controls the trade routes between the east and west world and has countless rich resources, including rubber, jade, and agricultural products."

"Never heard of it." Hayho didn't know.

"Okay, let's talk about the food. There are lotus leaf rice and rice, delicious chicken nuggets, invincible satay noodles, Vietnamese rice noodles and spring rolls, and Nyonya curry crab..." Yang Kui said vividly.

"I'm going to starve to death if I think about it any more." Saho opened his eyes, "The name sounds delicious!"

"Well, let's not talk about food for now. The people there all believe in Bodhisattvas, those ancient witches who have ascended to the spiritual world, so they are calm-tempered, accepting and simple," Yang Kui said.

"The country of honest people." Hayho was very happy.

"Now as long as she takes that child named Zhizhang back and puts her on the throne, this country will be hers." Yang Kui described vividly.

Hayao became more energetic and quickened his pace.

"Bang bang!" she shouted in An An's courtyard, "bang bang! We are going to get rich!"

Zhazhang was wearing a black cotton-padded jacket with a row of vertical red buttons and a wide-brimmed yellow hat that is standard for primary school students. He held the swing chain in both hands and sat alone on the edge of the playground, shaking it by himself.

"That's her." Zaho led the way, "Is it worth selling Zhazhao?"

"I can buy a whole mountain. I'm a businessman. This is a huge profit and a rare commodity." Yang Kui strode forward. The reason why he came to An'an Hospital was because he still thought that the kid Zhazhe looked familiar. Now it seems more true. She is indeed a little princess living overseas.

Zhafang remained silent, raised his head and opened his big black eyes, confused.

"My name is Hasegawa Yang Kui." Yang Kui announced her family name. "I am the leader of the Sakagawa Gang Alliance. I have had business dealings with Nanyang for a long time. Do you remember those big cities in Nanyang? You should have been there, like Kuala Lumpur, as well as Medan, Gialongpur, Sumatra, Cam Ranh Bay, Chiang Mai...have you heard of it?”

Frozen's eyes twitched when he heard a few of the nouns.

"I knew it." Yang Kui caught the slightest expression on Zhazha's face, "Everyone is looking for you."

"Me?" Zhazhu didn't understand, "Looking for me?"

"Do you still remember your parents?" Yang Kui asked.

Bakubo shook his head uneasily.

"Your father is a prince!" Yang Kui tried to remind Zhazhao of something.

"..." Zhazhang shook his head.

"Prince?" Saho was surprised, "So Zhazhao is also a princess!"

"This is natural." Yang Kui crossed her arms and followed the instructions, "And your mother is the largest arms dealer in Southeast Asia and the female tyrant who dominates Southeast Asia."

Blast let out a weak whimper, his eyes filled with fear.

"Don't worry!" Yang Kui explained immediately, "I really didn't expect to meet you here. I would like to express my respect to you. I hope that when you ascend to the throne in the future, you will remember the friendship of guests in this foreign land."

"Hey!" Saho jumped over and fawningly pushed Bakubo on the swing from behind, "I'm here to play with you! Let me push it."

Bakubo grabbed the swing and was pushed back and forth by Hayho. She remained silent, as if she didn't understand what Yang Kui was talking about.

"Gun, right? Ta-ta-ta-ta." Yang Kui tried hard to remind Zhizhang of the past, "My biggest partner in Nanyang is your mother's 'Blood Shark' organization. We are almost on the same page, and I'm very happy too." I can meet you here.”

Zhafang's expression changed again, and Yang Kui understood that she had indeed said something.

"'Blood Shark', do you remember? The sea, the blue sky, and your mother, the powerful Witch of Annihilation, the great pirate, even the HDP (Human Defense Plan) can't do anything to her, the witch who has been in power for more than ten years and has been defeated. .You are her daughter." Yang Kui said.

Fangfang's expression became even more frightened, and she immediately jumped off the swing and ran away quickly. Both Yang Kui and Hayao tried to catch up, but failed to catch up.

"You scared her away!" Hayho was shocked, "She obviously doesn't like it!"

Yang Kui smiled.

"It's easier to control when you're afraid." Yang Kui watched Bakubo run away.

"Aren't you afraid?" Hayho asked.

"Yes, but I won't tell you." Yang Kui said.

"So Zhizhang is really a great princess?" Hayho asked, beginning to reflect on whether she had ever offended Zhizhang in her life.

"The 'Blood Shark' Witch Anissa, the overlord of the South Seas, kidnapped Prince Pulin while the prince of Yudian Kingdom was out at sea. There was quite a big fuss. At that time, the news in the streets and alleys reported this matter. But now the chaos in South Seas is uncertain. , the leader of the Yudian Kingdom, Anissa and the prince are all dead. It seems that the heir of the 'Blood Shark' organization and the Yudian Kingdom will be the little girl, but we have to hurry up." Yang Kui pondered.

"Sounds amazing! But Zhizhang is just a little kid. Who will look at her seriously? How about giving her money?" Saho didn't understand.

"Of course. Taking over the arms trade network of the entire country and Southeast Asia is definitely an illusion, but don't forget, it is too easy to become rich and powerful with such an identity. Even if you tour around as a royal family every year, you can collect money and have your legs broken. . That child is called Zhazhao, right? You guys have a lot of names. Her original name should be 'Yingga'. What a rare place to live. Do you have any idiom classes?" Yang Kui pondered.

"Haha!" Zaho scratched his head, "Then the explosive parents died like this, suddenly died?!"

"Yes, we have been leaderless since November last year. No one knows what will happen. The human defense plan only focuses on fighting demons. The locals only need to sign up to join the army. Huh, if the people of the Fujikawa group hadn't been too pressing, I would be here now You should have made a lot of money by taking advantage of the local situation!" Yang Kui said.

"Wait a minute, who did it? Who killed these local bosses? Fang Zhi's parents must be capable people after all!" said Saho.

"Edith," Yang Kui said, "killed them all on the first day she was transferred to the Pacific Theater."

Zhazhuang circled around An'an's courtyard, running very fast. Zhang Su went down the mountain and was about to go out. When he saw him, he ran over and hugged him.

"Dad!" She raised her head in despair.

"Go out." Zhang Su carried the training equipment on his back, "Just be good in Anxinyuan, okay?"

Bakubo shook his head violently, his eyes still open, looking pitiful.

"Then, come out with me." Zhang Su hugged Zhazhao's hands and walked up the mountain.

It was as easy as hitchhiking. She grabbed Zhang Su's collar with one hand, put her other hand around Zhang Su's arm, and rested her head on his shoulder.

Zhang Su's steps were steady. For his strength, the weight of Zhazhang was like a feather, but he did not ignore it at all. Instead, he cared about Zhazhang attentively and ensured that she sat securely.

She has something on her mind. Zhang Su thought. What happened again?

"Who told you what?" Zhang Su walked towards Kagura Mountain, "Where's Natsuki? Haven't you been playing with Sister Natsuki?"

It was quiet all around, and the woods grew wildly without being disturbed, forming a green field that looked lively and lovely in the early spring. Fangbang's eyes looked at Lin Mu from time to time, but only for a few seconds, and then turned back to Zhang Su. He did not dare to look more, and was very shy.

Zhizhang grabbed Zhang Su, his movements were light, aggrieved and weak. Children of this age should be in kindergarten and carefully cared for by their parents. Zhang Su thought silently. All he wants right now is peace and happiness.

"Yesterday," Zhibang said, "Teacher Reina asked everyone to talk about their dreams."

"Dream? What do you want to be when you grow up? A very good topic." Zhang Su said. Reina does know how to take care of children.

"Yuanzhi wants to be a nurse, and Shihua wants to be a security guard. Qingxiao wants to be a tree, and sister Xia Xi, she wants to fly into the sky and hang." Zangzhang gestured.

"Well... we all have a great future. We will all become great when we grow up. What about you? Fangbang?" Zhang Su said.

"Nothing, it won't work." She was frustrated for a moment, and her voice sounded a little crying.

"Why can't it work! Who told you?" Zhang Su lifted the bomb and raised it high.

Bafang was lifted high by Zhang Su's big hand. She first looked around in surprise. so high! How novel! She looked around and moved her little hands and feet. Everything on the ground seemed so far away.

"Want to spin in circles~" Zhazhang requested, "Just like on the TV!"

"Then let's spin in circles!" Zhang Su held up the bomb and started spinning on the spot.

Any child who is lucky enough to have played such a game in his childhood will never forget it when he grows up, and will be happy every time he thinks of it.

Bakubo became happy, she whined in the air, spinning around and around in the air, up and down, like a merry-go-round, but faster and warmer, instead of sitting on a cold cushion.

After playing around for a while, Zhang Fei felt a little dizzy, so Zhang Su took her back and held her in his arms.

"Are you happy now?" Zhang Su continued to the top of the mountain.

"Well!" Zhazhang sat on Zhang Su's big hand. Zhang Su really looked like a giant to her.

"I haven't finished what I just said. Why does Zhaobang say that he can't do anything when he grows up?" Zhang Su asked.

"I killed someone," said Zhibang.

She thought Zhang Su would be afraid and put her down, but no, Zhang Su still hugged her, even tighter, close to his heart. As long as the magic power blooms, Zhang Su's heart can be broken.

"When?" Zhang Su asked.

Zhafang was a little melancholy, and Zhang Su felt that she was much smarter than she looked.

He knew that the explosion was accidentally discovered by the Nanyang Army when they destroyed the "Blood Shark" den, and was later sent to Dongming Country for safety due to unspecified diplomatic reasons. After Edith moved to the South Pacific, local organizations such as Blood Shark were severely damaged by her.

"When I was a child." Zhazhuang couldn't remember clearly. "They came to give me a bath, but it exploded and everyone, including the servants, died. My mother was angry, and she nailed me to the cage."

"You didn't mean it." Zhang Su said, "You are still young."

"Then who should be blamed for their deaths?" Zhazhang raised his head and asked Zhang Su seriously, grabbing his collar, "Dad, don't you blame me, is it because they were cheap?"

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