Witch containment diary

Chapter 344 Twin Sisters

"You are still very young." Zhang Su took Zhazhuo away. "You haven't been able to understand the consequences of what you did."

"I'm afraid." He leaned his head against Zhang Su.

"I know that your power has caused trouble, and some people have even died because of it. But Bafang, listen to me, you haven't had the malice to cause harm. So the responsibility should be your mother's. They should be responsible. They should have been responsible." From the beginning, I should be responsible for helping you, guiding you, making you understand all this and avoiding tragedies," Zhang Su said.

"Help me." Zhazhang repeated. She looked up at Zhang Su, "Just like dad."

"You need guidance. What could you understand at that time? You felt an impulse in your body, you released it, and saw the people around you turned into pieces. Explosive, how did you feel?" Zhang Su asked.

"Afraid." Zhazhang lowered his head.

"Do you still want to turn other people into pieces? Turn me, or Saho, Natsuki and the others into pieces?" Zhang Su asked gently.

"No." Zhazhi took a deep breath, "No..."

"That's good." Zhang Su stood up, "Study hard and you can use this power to protect the things you love."

He took her hand and took Baku to the top of Kagura Mountain.

Zhang Su then took out the gray knife and continued to grasp the infinite potential of this knife, with Guanshi Futu on his back.

Zhang Su waved twice lightly, and the shadow of the knife cut the surrounding land into pieces.

Being strong and powerful, this is the "edge that renews the world", not an incompetent person who is limping around. Zhang Su secretly said.

Bufang looked at the cut knife shadow from the side. She raised her hand and tried to touch the air, and instantly "caught" a gray light.

"What's that?" Zhang Su looked at Bafang.

"Take off!" Zhazhuang threw it out.

Zhang Su's eyes were fixed on the direction in which the sword light flew out, and he immediately saw it pass through a distance of about 10 miles, hit a tree at the foot of a distant hillside, cut it off, and rumbled to the ground.

Seeing the power of this thing, Zhazhang was obviously frightened. He jumped back and almost sat on the ground.

"Is it the resonance of the 'Annihilation' magic power? Zhazhao would like this powerful weapon very much." Zhang Su held the gray knife.

Zhazhang was very happy, she felt that this knife was exactly what she needed.

"It's unimaginable. If your 'Annihilation' magic power multiplies the destructive power of this knife, who else in the world can stop you, Blast. When you grow up, you will become an amazing good boy and be willing to help everyone. If you can bravely protect the world, dad will lend you this knife." Zhang Su said.

"Yeah!" Zhibang laughed.

After training for about an hour, Zhazhua played easily nearby. After all, he was a child and didn't have to go to school.

"We're going back, bomb." Zhang Su called her.

"Go back." Zhazhuo jumped back to Zhang Su.

"Release your strength on the mountain." Zhang Su patted himself, "Come towards me, I'm very strong."

"Hmm..." Zhazhu hesitated.

"Don't worry. Just like before, you have to clearly know how your power blooms so that you can control it." Zhang Su encouraged.

He made up his mind.

She summoned all the magic power in her body and rolled it into a spiral pill-like thing in her hands, which was black, trembling and collapsible.

She jumped forward and quickly punched Zhang Su with the destructive bomb.


Open your eyes wide.

A powerful and mighty white energy swept through her arm.

The infinitely powerful Destruction Pill in her hand was spinning rapidly, still possessing terrifying destructive power. But wrapped in this energy, its rotation speed was reversely offset, becoming slower and slower, and even disappeared!

Got it!

Zhang Su stood motionless.

He withstood the blow with the help of his "Tang Armor" and completely digested it, motionless as a mountain.

Bangbang stared at this scene in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"Five levels of energy have been consumed." Zhang Su raised his hand, "If the bomb grows bigger, even I will be bombarded with gold coins."

Zhibo laughed happily and took back his hand. This time, the destructive power accumulated in the body was emptied again.

"Let's go, it's time to go back." Zhang Su squatted very low, "Come, I will carry you back."

Zhazhao jumped hard and jumped onto Zhang Su's back.

"The explosive skills are so flexible." Zhang Su felt that he had underestimated her and walked down the mountain.

"Zhangzhang is a little soldier." Zhazhang said in Zhang Su's ear, "Mom wants Zhazhang to destroy the enemy when he grows up."

The witch named "Blood Shark", Baku's mother, should be gone now. Although the reports on the conflict are vague, her sphere of influence overlaps with that of Edith... Zhang Su thought silently.

"There will be a lot of bad guys waiting to be destroyed by bombs in the future, don't worry." Zhang Su said.

Zhazhao lay on Zhang Su's body, feeling tired.

"Dad, let me tell you a secret." Zhazhao whispered in Zhang Su's ear.

"Say it."

"I know I can blow them up." Zhazhu said, "I did it on purpose."

"...You were so young at that time, what could you understand?" Zhang Su said.

"Dad, don't be afraid of me like this." Zhazhao sat on Zhang Su's back.

"I'm not afraid." Zhang Su said.

"That's good!" Zhafang closed his eyes, "Dad, if anyone dares to mess with you in the future, I will kill them all."

"Little one, come and blow bubbles." Natsuki sat on the slope going up the mountain, holding soapy water and a bubble circle in her hand. Qingxiao was also nearby, sitting one step lower than Natsuki.

Zhang Su put down the bomb.

"Hufu..." Biaobo blew out a series of small bubbles.

"Hello, Supervisor of Anxin Home." Qing Xiao looked at Zhang Su, "Thank you for taking the little one out to play. She has been unable to understand herself well due to some problems recently. For example, she doesn't know what to do when she grows up. It turns out that there are no suitable jobs for the magic of annihilation. Apart from demolishing buildings and opening up mines, I can't think of any job that requires such destructive magic."

"Battle the Witch." Zhang Su said, "Zhao Zhao will help everyone eliminate monsters in the future. If there are enemies, let Zhazhao deal with them."

Zhazhao was very happy, she felt very powerful when she heard it.

"Blast!" Blast slapped Natsuki with his hand.

"It was blown to death." Natsuki lay on the steps, looking at the blue sky carefree, and continued to blow thumb-sized bubbles. The smell of soap was in the air.

"Cheap soapy water? Just add corn starch, syrup and dish soap, and you can blow extra-large bubbles." Zhang Su advised.

"How big is it?" Natsuki stood up.

"As big as a watermelon." Zhang Su gestured.

"Let's go, Zhazhao." Xia Xi took Zhazhao on a big adventure, with Zhazhao and Qingxiao following behind, forming a new trio.

They should be able to get along well with each other, Zhazhuo... Zhang Su doesn't particularly want to train Zhazhuo to be like. She is still too young and has plenty of time to think about what kind of person she wants to be.

Look at Hayho! Ever since Saho said that great "I can't be a pussy anymore", her behavior has improved a lot.

"Don't look at me like this. In fact, my true identity is the Potion Master King. Let's smuggle the fairy delicacies to the outside world and sell them. It will become popular in the streets and alleys. We can also make a lot of money." Hayho and Yang Kui studied.

"Do you know about stamps?" Yang Kui asked, "The delicious food must be more charming than the stamps."

"Speaking of which, do you know me from my senior? Did the senior say anything?" Saho thought about it.

"She asked me to join the Ring of Peace of Mind." Yang Kui said.

"That has to be a very complicated process." Saho sat on the ground with one leg folded under the other. "I have to make sure you are reliable."

"Lianyang! The child named Lianyang said that you will agree as long as she mentions her name. You are the contact person." Yang Kui took a chance.

"I have sealed my heart and love, and I believe some people don't have to wait long." Kuku said.

Yang Kui thought for a moment.

"Lianyang is still thinking of you!" Yang Kui said hypocritically.

"How much does she want?" Hayho asked.

"She misses you. She said that you, Hayao, are the best child in An'an Home. She really wants to go back to An'an to see you." Yang Kui lied.

"Senior...Senior!" Saho was a little shaken.

"And she said that she hopes that I will convey this care to her when I return. You, you have a lot of weight in your senior sister's heart." Yang Kui said.

Hayao was so ambitious that she felt like an inflated balloon, getting bigger and bigger. And every word Yang Kui said was pressed twice more on the pump.

"Senior sister really does care about me." Saho nodded vigorously, almost crying, "It seems that everything I do is meaningful."

"Then, let me join the Ring of Peace of Mind?" Yang Kui asked.

"...Although I am happy to have more younger brothers, you have to prove your worth." Saho looked at her.

"How to do it?" Yang Kui asked.

Hayao stood up, raised a hand to his forehead and looked into the distance.

"Did you see Teacher Da Su coming over there? He is the most difficult one in Anxin Academy. He can talk better than Senior Sister Lianyang now. If you can get a high evaluation from him, I will let you into Anxin Academy. Ring." Hayho said.

"Can't we be exempted from the test?" Yang Kui asked, "I also have magic power, dream magic power. I can enter your dream tonight."

"No." Saho was not happy, "My dreams are all about fun things and great ideas."

"Then I will burn your dreams." Yang Kui said.

"What are we talking about?" Zhang Su came over, "Some things were delayed before, but Hasegawa Yangkui, your life in Anshu Hospital has officially begun. Now please report to the big bathroom."

Twenty minutes later, Yang Kui had changed out of her black uniform and jacket, and put on the white striped long-sleeved containment suit provided by Anxin Hospital. Her hair was washed and scattered, and fell behind her back.

"Prison..." Yang Kui felt that everything was not cute after putting on the prison uniform. After all, this was a place to restrict the activities of witches.

"You can apply to work in different places, such as sewing workshops, laundry rooms, restaurants, farmland..." Zhang Su said.

"Physical work is not my strong point." Yang Kui declared in advance.

"Then what do you want to do?" Zhang Su was curious.

"Management. Some kind of... position to assist management?" Yang Kui said.

"Tomorrow there will be 30 witches transferred to Anxinyuan." Zhang Su said, "It's a mess and we really need someone to coordinate and manage it. Let's see if you can make them be honest tomorrow."

"...Yes." Yang Kui nodded.

"Also, only use dream magic at the time permitted by me, otherwise you will be severely punished." Zhang Su said.

"Oh! Punishment!" Yang Kui was pleasantly surprised. She felt that she would like it very much.

In the director's office, Zhang Su studied the list of witch prisoners to be transported tomorrow.

"Forbearance. There are so many people." Shuili saw many files scrolling on the screen.

"Most people stay for a few weeks or a few months and then leave." Zhang Su inspected.

His eyes fell on a pair of names.

"Haruka Fukada" and "Shino Fukada". Zhang Su thought to himself. Cute twin sisters, you have been arrested too! So this time, don't even think about leaving.

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