Witch containment diary

Chapter 345 Armbands on Clothes

Zhang Su checks the files of the next batch of witch prisoners. The most notable of these are the Fukada sisters, who are both witches of the Chaos Path and are adorable.

The remaining criminals include smugglers and a group of stamp collectors. They are all witches who belong to gangs. They were arrested during the special operation to eradicate gangs and evil, and came to Anxin Hospital to cure their stamp addiction.

In addition to stealing and sucking stamps, the most common crimes among the remaining witches are "abuse of magic against humans for no reason", "robbery", "intentional injury" and "traffic accidents".

Half of the witches are entering the palace for the second time, and they are already naive and thick-skinned. Zhang Su must strike hard and purify them.

He put the files aside and began to study the structure of the hospital.

"Renren. Are you going to expand Anxinyuan?" Shuili saw Zhang Su making plans.

"The Ansin Witch Asylum has basically completed its revival. It can be said to be the most 'regular' asylum in the Chubu and Echigo regions. Next, three batches of witches will be transferred, each batch containing about 40 people, and the total will increase. 120 witches." Zhang Su checked the plan.

"There are so many people." Shui Li looked around. It would be even more troublesome to hide in the dark in the future.

"We have to recruit everyone to work. We were just a grassroots team before, but now we have to manage so many people, so we have to be more serious." Zhang Su made top-level design for the future of Anxinyuan.

First of all, the top person in charge of Anxin Hospital, himself! Zhang Su drew a big star for himself on the top. Reward for this year's efforts.

As we all know, the most efficient structure of human society is the hierarchy. Under the director, Zhang Su established three departments:

The first is the General Affairs Department, which is responsible for public relations, general affairs, accounting, prison maintenance and prison supplies. The minister is Les Collin. The department also has a senior researcher, Priscilla, who is responsible for research. The vacant position is that of "Investigating Officer".

The second is the Ministry of Labor. Responsible for the work output of the witch criminals, and also supervises the witch criminals to work. The minister is Kati. The battle situation on the front line is now tense, and the battle report shows that Kati's military achievements are shining brightly, and he is expected to receive many awards from the headquarters. When Katie comes back, she will beat the prisoners with a stick until they run all over the place.

The third is the management department. Responsible for the evaluation, parole and rehabilitation of witch criminals. Zhang Su works part-time by himself. Educating the little witch is the main job of this department, which also includes Zhang Su's usual mental assessment of prisoners. Mrs. Rena Kobayashi is qualified for the job of "teacher". The vacant position in this department is "Medical Supervisor".

In addition, the vacant positions include "Director of Foreign Affairs", which is related to the international exchanges of the Anxin Institute and exchanges with human defense plans.

"Technical cadre", responsible for repairing equipment.

"Skills Instructor" trains witches.

"Clerks" are those who run various errands.

If we were serious about it, we could indeed hire more people. Zhang Su pondered.

"Shui Li, you should also take up the post. Anxin Hospital needs an investigator who will be responsible for investigating and handling unresolved suspicious incidents inside and outside the asylum." Zhang Su appointed him.

"Forbearance." Shui Li thought it was okay, "There are still many vacant positions."

"Maybe it's time to let children work as clerks, and prisoners can also work as temporary workers to strengthen their self-management spirit." Zhang Su studied, "I plan to set up a position called 'Supervisor Officers', who will be responsible for managing other prisoners of the same level. , if you see other witches causing trouble, report it to me and investigate and correct yourself."

"Who should be responsible for it?" Shui Li asked, "Sounds like it's important to endure."

"I don't know. But I have to tell them and let them decide who will be the supervisor. The supervisor has great power and can take care of this and that." Zhang Su said.

"Children don't like working." Shui Li questioned.

"It's okay, I have a solution." Zhang Su used his brain.

The next day.

"Look, how beautiful it is." Hayao swaggered into the sewing workshop and interacted with the dream witch Hasegawa Haroi.

Yang Kui saw a blue armband on the sleeve of Saho's school uniform. It was made of silk and was very light. The word "clerk" was sewn on it.

She turned her head and glanced at the prisoners who were working hard on the sewing machines, and felt that they were the ones who sewed the armbands.

"Are you a clerk?" Yang Kui was surprised.

"Clerk! Great job." Saho announced, "My duty is to help Dasu run errands and then do other things when I have nothing to do. Send some materials, go out for shopping, it's all serious work. And the most important thing is! Look, this Colorful armbands, you don’t have them!”

"I don't. But I feel like I'm just being ordered around..." Yang Kui was wearing a black and white striped prison uniform, highlighting her identity as a prisoner.

"What, this is a promotion. Prisoners without armbands are just unlucky guys. Now I am really a step above others." Saho loved her blue armband. She caught a glimpse of Yang Kui looking tired, "You are tired. ?”

The air is filled with the rhythmic "click-click" sound of sewing machines, and occasionally the sound of scissors cutting fabric can be heard.

Yang Kui looked away from Hayao and focused on her work.

Her feet pressed the pedal repeatedly, and her hands slowly slid the fabric through the sewing machine.

Its stitches go up and down, and the rotating crochet method is used to embroider flat seam interlocking cotton threads on the fabric.

The fabric is officially provided, carefully pre-measured and cut, the spools arranged by color, and ready to go right out of the box.

"...This is the first time in my life that I have used this kind of thing, a sewing machine!" Yang Kui said in an annoyed tone, "I have only seen it in my grandma's old house, and even my grandma has forgotten how to use it!"

"Our clothes are all made by you, which is a good thing." Saho touched the stitching on his school uniform and armbands.

"The hourly salary is only 20 yen. It's better not to pay!" Yang Kui said it and found it funny. "I can earn at least 1.6 million yen from each order in my outside business! It's equivalent to using a sewing machine for ten years!"

"But this is honest work. If you mess around outside, you will only be caught in it." Saho smiled.

"At least let us use that kind of automatic sewing machine, fully automatic. There must be one in the automatic factory in New Tokyo. It has 10,000 stitches per minute, which is faster than me. It has computer scanning and AI chips and so on... I am here We can't even make a few clothes in a day here, so why can't we modernize? Besides, we are witches, and our magic power is of great use! What's the point of selling your physical strength?" Yang Kui said bitterly.

"Yes and no." Saho shook his head, "Sister Ruizi was still a fat guy when she was in prison, but she became a pretty girl when she was released from prison. She also has a much more serious personality. So I think, this is the biggest problem. The purpose is to cultivate one’s moral character.”

"What do you know!" Yang Kui expressed her contempt for Saho, "Come on, I have to make 20 T-shirts today. I really love T-shirts. The process of making them is much simpler than other clothes. Wait. After I am released from prison, I will buy 100 T-shirts to reward all manufacturers in the world who love to make T-shirts."

"Let's go, let's study making milk tea." Saho wanted to inherit the eldest lady's legacy.

She looked in at the door and saw Yang Kui working with other prisoners. The maverick witches in society also had their temper tempered here, and they could only concentrate on sewing machines.

"...Sister Yangkui, Teacher Dasu said that labor will change us. Sooner or later you will feel this change. At least you have nothing to be ashamed of when you work here!" said Saho.

"Hmph..." Yang Kui didn't even raise her head.

After Saho left, her eyes fell on the unfinished T-shirt in front of her. Lost in thought.

As a witch and the daughter of a local tycoon, her starting point is not low. Yang Kui thought that she could become the overlord of the country and at least make a name for herself in Dongming Kingdom.

In a twist of fate, she was working on a sewing machine in An'an Hospital.

At least I learned how to make T-shirts. Yang Kui comforted herself.

She had never thought about how clothes were made before, but it turned out it was so simple.

It turns out that to make a T-shirt, you first cut two large T-shaped pieces from a large piece of fabric, then overlap the two pieces, match the shoulder seams, and sew the front and back together with a sewing machine. The side seams and waist seams are treated similarly.

She thought there was some magic, but she didn't expect the clothes to be made so plainly!

That's why picking out a T-shirt makes sense. Yang Kui touched the fabric in the basket.

No wonder she sometimes bought low-quality T-shirts with a lot of threads. She guessed that workers like her were sewing them and didn't pay attention to threads.

Also look closely at the neckline. If there is only one thread on the neckline and you pull it casually, it is a low-quality first-class needle. If you carefully turn it twice, it is a second-class needle. It is more durable and does not deform. You get what you pay for. Among fabrics, pure cotton is a good thing, and things made with chemical fiber blends are cheaper. All clothes are purely natural and more valuable...

"What are you thinking about?" A woman with high cheekbones and mean eyes approached Yang Kui.

She looks a bit old-fashioned, like a senior witch. She is also wearing prison uniform, with an indifferent look and a lack of desire.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Yang Kui raised her head and looked at the other person.

"Are you thinking about the T-shirt?" she asked, "or are you thinking about escaping from here?"

"..." Yang Kui instinctively warned, "I'm sorry. Are you?"

"The name is Yumei Eto. She is serving her sentence in Anxin Institution and has 98 years left in her sentence," she said.

"I'm sorry. I am Hasegawa Yang Kui, I don't know you." Yang Kui said.

"I know you, the Hasegawa clan of Sakajo is also considered one of the 'Fifth Chief'." Eto Yumeimei said.

Kuiwu, the five richest people in the city, all have assets worth tens of billions.

Thoughts flashed through Yang Kui's mind. When Tokyo was still occupied by demons, Sakajo was the temporary capital. That was also the period when the family was at its most prosperous, and all the interests of Dongming Kingdom passed through our hands.

"That's all the glory outside. Now, I still have clothes to sew." Yang Kui said.

Eto Yumei made a gesture, and a witch prisoner from behind came over and put the clothes she had sewn into Yang Kui's basket, as many as 10 pieces.

Then she returned to the big sewing machine and continued threading and overlocking the clothes. That machine was larger and much more efficient than Yang Kui's small sewing machine, so he was obviously very skilled at it. He must have been in An'an Hospital for a long time.

Yang Kui was startled and immediately realized that Eto Yumei had developed connections in prison at Ansin.

"Thank you." Yang Kui completed all the targets for today. She frowned, "If there is anyone who can use me, please speak up."

"You're welcome. You need friends in this prison. People who can help you." Yumei Eto said, "I am happy to be your friend."

"What exactly do you want?" Yang Kui hesitated.

Eto Yumei pointed to her sleeve.

"We have to get them," she said. "Golden armbands."

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