Witch containment diary

Chapter 346 The two sisters share the same heart

The next day, a large armored transport vehicle arrived at the gate of Anxinyuan.

Zhang Su handed over to the soldiers and accepted 30 witch prisoners into An'an Hospital.

The process was very tedious, and he worked patiently with Roy and Lescoline to ensure that the work was completed meticulously.

They were all transported from nearby districts, towns, and large cities, as well as many witches who were diverted from New Tokyo.

The witch prisoners looked at Anxinyuan with curiosity, and they were crowded and waiting in line.

Their performances varied, some bowed their heads and remained silent, some were actively negotiating with their future inmates, and some were carefully observing their surroundings.

Now the number of "residents" in An'an Hospital has doubled. Zhang Su thought silently.

It seems that An'an Hospital has finally returned to its rightful place: the oldest and oldest witch asylum in Dongming Kingdom!

Anxinyuan is located deep in the mountains, isolated from the world, and its geographical location is very suitable for being a shelter. Previously, the authorities did not dare to invest more because of its awkward location at the foot of the Gate of Hell on Mount Kagura.

Now that Zhang Su is in charge, he has an extraordinary status and will become a very famous organization in the future!

Zhang Su will have a large number of witches under his command.

On the one hand, they can all be sent to work, but on the other hand, managing them is also a challenge. Zhang Su did not hesitate at all.

the other side.

"Hoho, it's so lively." Hayho sat on the path up the mountain and watched.

She saw Teacher Da Su leading a large group of witches into Anxin Hospital in a very serious manner.

Half of the children were awarded "official positions" and were distinguished by colorful armbands.

Saho is a clerk and is a first-class errand and purchaser. Shihua is a security guard. She likes to stand guard and guard the warehouse door regularly. Yuan Zhi is a little nurse who is responsible for checking everyone's physical health care.

In comparison, Natsuki lay motionless on the steps next to her, looking at the clouds with a silly, lost smile on her face. Qingxiao hid her feet in the soil and stretched out her arms like a tree. Zhafang stared blankly at the crowd going up the mountain.

Saho was very disdainful of the three of them.

"You don't have colorful armbands, you're just a brat." Hayho accused.

"..." Xia Xi looked up at the sky, her eyes lost in thought, and she had no idea what she was thinking.

"You just got yourself a title that was called back and forth, and you never thought that anyone would be happy to do this kind of uncreative, one-stop job. The armband represents a kind of servitude that you surrender to. It is said that there is also a supervisory officer with an armband who is specially designed to be a mole." Qing Xiao accused mercilessly.

"Shh, look, I'm dazzled! There are two people who look exactly the same!" Saho was surprised.

Their eyes were all on the queue going up the mountain.

Among the people going up the mountain were two witches side by side. They were young and cute, inseparable. They both had black twin tails. They were medium to short in height and looked to be a few years older than Saho and the others.

The most amazing thing was that their expressions were both smiling but not smiling, and they were in sync with each other. Their eyes were faint, as if they didn't take An Yin seriously.

"Why!" Hayho was shocked, "Why do you two look the same?"

The twin sisters gave Saho a meaningful look.

One of them raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a strange smile. His eyes alone made Saho feel his mind swaying.

"Oh~" Saho took two steps back and blushed, "Ladies and sisters! And double the happiness! One person becomes two!"

"They are twins." Qing Xiao said, "There are no two identical leaves in the world. They must have subtle differences."

"Why don't I have twins?" Hayho followed, "Aren't we witches born from eggs? Do they mean two eggs are born from one egg? Are they fighting inside the eggshell?"

The other witch prisoners were also curious. There were actually little ones here, and there was more than one, a whole litter of children! It eased their tension a little.

They spent half an hour cleaning together, and there was a loud splash in the large bathroom.

Hayho and the others were watching nearby.

Since the Dragon Palace Bathhouse was built, they haven't used the cement bathroom that came with Anxin Hospital for a long time. It was too crude.

Les Colin organized them to come out and line up on the playground, and Zhang Su gave a speech.

He was wearing a big trench coat and was tall and big. Hayho felt that Dasu was very cool, especially with his broad shoulders that held up his clothes.

But now her attention is completely focused on the twins. There is a strange thing in the world about two chickens hatching from one egg. No wonder they are so short. They must have had half of their nutrition before birth! Hayho couldn't help but think wildly.

"Welcome to Anxinyuan. My name is Zhang Su. I am the director here and supervise the mobile witch. In the foreseeable future, this place will become your new home. Here, you must abide by all rules and regulations without exception. Regulations. Anxin Hospital has strict timetables and management procedures, and no violations are allowed. Any violation will be dealt with quickly and severely."

"What needs to be reminded is that apart from the basic rights and interests stipulated by myself and the Countermeasures Bureau, you no longer have any other rights or privileges. No matter what your identity or relationship was before being imprisoned, you will be treated as equals here and will be subject to control."

"The days will be long and hard: work, three meals, and regular sleep, very regular. Anxinyuan will provide free daily necessities. As for additional rewards, commodities, and entertainment and leisure facilities, you need to exchange for your labor."

"The purpose of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau is to coordinate the relationship between witches and humans. The existence of the asylum is also to balance the extraordinary power of witches, reaffirm the value of the law, and emphasize the commensurate punishment. If someone still breaks the rules after being imprisoned, I will ensure that they Learned a lesson that will last a lifetime.”

"If you abide by the rules, you will spend your sentence with minimal pain. During this period, your life and rights will belong to me. In a word, live in peace with the rules, and Anxinyuan will let you change your face and spend your time. An unforgettable life. If you question this, you may have a tragic end. Now, Ms. Lescolin will take you into a single cell. Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock." Zhang Su looked grim.

He made a sign and Lescolin led them away.

Hayao was scared after hearing this.

"No, Da Su turns out to be a bad guy!" She felt scared.

Zhang Su has always been kind, but in front of these new prisoners, he became obviously serious.

"Uncle Zhang is the one who manages the witches. Do you want to persuade them nicely? Before they were imprisoned, they might have been bastards, the kind of pervert who wanted to pick a flower when they passed by." Qing Xiao said.

"So many people!" A panicked voice sounded, and they turned around to see that it was Princess Otohime.

"There will be new prisoners every year in Anxin Yin." Hayho went over to console him.

"I thought we would never add more people, why don't we just stay together? There will always be more and more new people, and I can't even remember them!" Princess Otohime was a little at a loss.

"You are also a new character to us. We haven't deleted you yet." Saho disagreed.

"Will they enter Ryugu Castle?" Princess Otohime asked.

"I guess so." Hayho scratched his head, "There will be more people in the future, there are endless prisoners!"

"Ryugu Castle will become smoky." Princess Otohime was worried.

"It's okay, it's okay." Yuanzhi walked up to comfort her. Princess Otohime bent down and gave Yuanzhi a hug. "Teacher will manage this place in an orderly manner. No one will do bad things."

"So, am I a prisoner too?" Princess Otohime asked pitifully.

"You are a distinguished guest. You can eat whatever you want and drink whatever you want. No one can be more leisurely than you." Hayho felt that Princess Otohime was talking nonsense and was very angry. "Besides, if you want to go to class, you can come to class. If you don't want to, you can come to class." Come back to the Dragon Palace and take a nap, you will be much happier than us!"

"That's true." Princess Otohime calmed down, "But I still need time to adapt to a large wave of new people. Before I met you, Ryugu Castle was empty! Now I have finally accepted the fact. Knowing that there are living people like you, I didn't expect that there are living people outside. There are more living people..."

"It's over! Princess Otohime will definitely be scared to death when she goes to New Tokyo." Hayho shook his head helplessly, "There are so many people there that they look like garbage."

"Haruka Fukada, Shino Fukada." Zhang Su interviewed them alone in the office.

The two beautiful girls looked so identical that it was difficult to tell them apart. There was a slight smile on their faces, as if they didn't care about the situation.

Zhang Su is very serious.

They are the only twin witches in the previous life's containment plan who have "successfully escaped" from An Yin!

Two months after being imprisoned, they left the high wall of Anxin Hospital and disappeared without a trace since then, becoming the biggest stain on Zhang Su's past life history.

It is a big no-no for a witch to escape from the asylum! This accident caused a lot of trouble in the previous life. Now that Zhang Su has been promoted rapidly, there are many eyes watching from both inside and outside, and there is no room for mistakes.

Moreover, Zhang Su never figured out how they escaped from Anxinyuan, and all traces came to nothing.

No matter what, the Fukada sisters needed him to examine them carefully.

This time, we can't let them slip away again.

It must have been the particularly stern speech on the playground that had an effect. Zhang Su noticed that there was a little vigilance hidden under their seemingly contemptuous expressions, and they were probably afraid that Zhang Su would punish them with an iron fist.

"My sister Haruka Fukada, whose origin is unknown, serves as a senior cadre in the New Tokyo underground society "Nangsinger". In February this year, she participated in the robbery of a gold store in Shibuya, Old Tokyo, and the amount involved amounted to 20 million yen. I believe that the whole process of participating in the crime will involve a large amount of money. The funds were donated to the Fukada family who were kind and nurturing. The Fukada family abided by the law. After careful consideration, they chose to report the case and assisted the Metropolitan Police Department in arresting them." Zhang Su studied the file, "And Fukada Shino, you were arrested three times after your sister. The diva surrendered and was an accomplice in assisting the theft. During the day, she worked as a violinist in an orchestra."

The two sisters had gentle smiles on their faces.

"Can you tell us apart?" one of them asked.

"Of course I can." Zhang Su relied on the witch's containment diary. There was a slight difference in their destiny lines. "The one speaking now is Fukada Shino, the more cheerful sister. The other one is Haruka, the more serious one. Sister. Am I right?"

After hearing Zhang Su's clear words, they were obviously a little shaken.

Shino Fukada is still smiling, while her sister Haruka Fukada's expression is colder.

"You seem to have done a lot of homework." Haruka Fukada said, "Ordinary people can't tell us sisters apart at all."

"New Tokyo also asked me to find a large amount of assets hidden by the two of them. After years of committing crimes, the two of them have accumulated a huge amount of wealth, but even the official witch and veritaserum cannot verify the facts." Zhang Su observed their expressions. .

"Because we are the 'Chaos' channel." They said in unison, "There is nothing you can do against us."

Facing Zhang Su, they stretched out their hands and intertwined their fingers, as if no matter what Zhang Su did to them, they would face it together.

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