Witch containment diary

Chapter 347 Major Renovation of Dragon Palace City

Shuili hid in the corner, thinking she was a potted plant.

Zhang Su sat upright in front of her, facing a pair of unruly twin witches.

How would he treat such a scheming witch? Shui Li thought to herself. The Fukada sisters are a pair of thieves.

Well-trained ninjas can also steal property from secret rooms, but Shui Li knows that if he compares with their stealing skills, he will definitely lose.

Modern ninja dojos also have compulsory courses on ideology, law and politics, and Shuili doesn't want to cry behind bars at all. But they dare to take risks and spend the rest of their lives working at sewing machines.

"You are the most despicable and shameless pair of witches I have ever seen. It makes me sick to see you. You are empty-handed but have no kindness at all. You despise the law and are unrepentant. It is impossible for a fool to be virtuous. In the same way, no one can be virtuous. Liang's witch can't be smart either." Zhang Suhan said.

Shui Li listened with interest.

Da Su can actually curse! And show no mercy. What a rare sight.

Since Shui Li came to work at Zhang Su's office on her first day, she had only heard his sincere praise and praise, but she never thought that "scold" would also come from this person.

His expression was cold, and his words were like hammers, echoing in the office for a long time.

Zhang Su's voice has always been penetrating, and maybe people downstairs also heard it. Shui Li presumed that if she was the one being scolded, she would be ashamed of herself.

The expressions of sisters Fukada Haruka and Fukada Shino changed slightly. They squinted their eyes and looked at Zhang Su coldly. Or the scolding touches the core of the heart, making it no longer as calm and calm as before.

They sat quietly and took deep breaths.

"Can't you hold your head up? For people like you, this is indeed the case, because you don't deserve to live in this world." Zhang Su said evilly.

"Just wait for me." Fukada Haruka said, like some kind of threat.

"Your lives hang in my hands. As long as you live in Anxinyuan for one day, you will have to suffer for one day. You can try your best to escape from Anxinyuan." Zhang Su said coldly.

They exchanged glances and synchronized their movements. They stood up together and left the office without giving Zhang Su any face.

Shui Li was a little worried.

After being scolded like this, they might become depraved, start to hate An Yin from the bottom of their hearts, and might even do evil things.

"...Are they okay? Do you want me to follow and monitor them?" Shui Li said.

"No need." Zhang Su leaned back and leaned on the seat.

"Be patient. Then, we should let these two brats get a good scolding to let them know that we are not easy to bully." Shui Li said.

"I must scold them every time I see them in the future." Zhang Su agreed, "I will try my best to drive them out of Anxinyuan every day. This way... we can prevent them from escaping without permission."

He opened the witch containment log and checked the latest entry.

[The favorability of Haruka Fukada and Shino Fukada has increased significantly, and the containment points +50]

outside the office.

The two sisters walked down together, their bodies trembling slightly and unable to walk in a straight line. Their hearts were beating fast, restless, full of excitement, their cheeks were reddish, and they seemed to be connected when they exchanged glances.

"The feeling of being scolded." Fukada Shino murmured, "I'm so happy."

Every vicious criticism Zhang Su made before sounded to them like every nerve was filled with joy and their hearts were filled with excitement.

"Being scolded so harshly by a strict person... There is nothing better than this..." Haruka Fukada longed for the scene to happen again, and she almost had tears in her eyes.

"It seems like something interesting will happen if you stay here." Shino Fukada said.

"What should we do next?" Fukada Haruka's eyes were bright.

"Let's do things that will get us scolded and beaten until we are crushed and damaged. I want to hear more and worse comments!" Shino Fukada sounded excited.

"As long as we find one thing that will make him unable to forgive us." They linked hands in tacit understanding and left the prison building, feeling happy inside.

Halfway there, they switched places again so that no one could tell the two sisters apart. No matter what they do, they will do it together and it will gradually become a habit.

A week later.

"The most reliable witch will receive a shining golden armband and become the supervisor of the witches." Hayho took the trouble to tell everyone about this, "I am definitely the most reliable."

"Not necessarily. Adults are more reliable. No one would give a child like you." Mayumi disagreed.

"It's the day of general cleaning of the Dragon Palace. There are no classes today, but we have to work." Yuan Zhi came over to inform them.

On the playground, Zhang Su asked two older witches, Eto Yumei and Hasegawa Haruki, to lead the team. He divided the witches into two teams, bringing buckets, rags, sponges, brooms, mops and other items.

He counted the number of people. Some of the witch prisoners also had to maintain work in the breeding farms, farmlands and workshops. There were 16 people participating in the cleaning work. Including the Fukada sisters.

"Most of the palace is historical relics, so be sure to clean it carefully. Follow the sign arrows on the ground and go to the designated area for cleaning. It is normal to feel some discomfort when walking through the tunnel. There is an important witch on the other side of the tunnel. Relics." Zhang Su said. Since there are too many magical and mysterious things in this world, they are not surprised that they can reach Dragon Palace City through the portal, and they also know that this is not what they should care about.

"Ah, I have to work..."

"worn out……"

"Mopping the floor..." The newly arrived witch prisoners are deeply tired of the hard work of Anshen Home, especially since this place is isolated from civilization and can only rely on Saho's canteen to supply supplies. Without the fresh excitement they like, life is quite dull. .

"Teacher, we are here." Yuanzhi brought the children to participate, with a sweet and gentle smile on her face.

"Come back when you're almost done, don't force it." Zhang Su asked them to participate in the work, knowing that their physical fitness was not as strong as that of the big witches.

They gathered and went to Ryugu Castle to do some work. Princess Otohime's dusty underwater palace had not undergone large-scale cleaning for a long time. As soon as Zhang Su saw her, he knew that she was both expecting and worried. When she saw the children and Zhang Su arriving, Princess Otohime's expression turned into a comfortable smile.

"I'm sorry, Princess Otohime." Zhang Su greeted her.

"I originally thought this kind of thing was bad, but now it seems not bad?" Princess Otohime's dragon tail rolled up like a spring, and then bounced hard on the corridor, bouncing herself high.

She didn't care that she looked like a giant dragon tail and walked by rubbing her belly against the ground. As long as Princess Otohime is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed. They all had to give way to Princess Otohime to avoid accidentally tripping over her tail.

"Your Highness, your number one younger brother, Hayao, is reporting." Hayao saluted Princess Otohime.

"I'm happy to see you. Let's go. Let's go see how everyone works." Princess Otohime smiled.

"Okay!" Hayao handed the broom to Muroka next to him, and then ran to play with Princess Otohime.

"Haohui! Don't be lazy!" Yuanzhi followed.

"The teacher also said not to force it! I just walked in and lost my energy." Hayao sat on Princess Otohime's tail and swam deeper into Ryugu Castle.

Princess Otohime looked around.

The cleaning plan formulated by Zhang Su is very standardized. He has pre-demarcated the Dragon Palace ruins protection zone. Basically, 60% of the area is off-limits. On the one hand, it is kept confidential, and on the other hand, it also avoids the loss of property, especially those ancient buildings. and palaces. Only 40% of the area, including the large baths, water gardens and corridors leading to the underground world, needs extensive renovations and cleaning.

"It seems that this is better. I also think that I can't maintain such a big palace by myself." Princess Otohime curiously watched a witch prisoner cleaning the toilet of Ryugu Castle, where Princess Otohime has been for decades. She was too embarrassed to look at the residue left behind, but they frowned and cleared it out.

"I thought beautiful girls didn't know how to go to the toilet!" Hayho was shocked.

"I'm quite big, so of course I need a big pit!!" Princess Otohime's tail stood upright and jumped on the ground. Hayao had to hold her tail tightly with both hands to avoid being thrown away.

Work deeply. Zhang Su's ingenuity and carefulness came into play. The prisoners installed a rectifying valve in the ancient waterway where seawater flows across. There is a filter inside, which can clean and soften the seawater flowing into the palace, and block the rock fragments to reduce their impact on the palace's water-soaked part. damage.

At the same time, they had to sweep the floor, flush the dirty corridors with water hoses, use small soft-bristled brushes to slowly scrub away the grit on the sea animal reliefs, and use rubber and sponges to gently remove dirt from the bluestone engravings in the corridor.

Zhang Su measured the large statues that had been cut in half in the Flowing Water Garden, took photos of them, and studied how to restore them. Some statues could be solved with adhesives, but more needed to be rebuilt by contacting factories outside. If his restoration plan comes to fruition, the Aquaman and Oceanus sculptures will return to the garden.

"I was dazzled by the sight." Princess Otohime was looking forward to it. "So many people are working together to repair my Ryugu Castle. I have to find a way to repay everyone."

"Repay the favor? Do you also have to sacrifice the fish's tail, and then use medicine to silence your voice, and then you can gain legs and become a beautiful girl?" Saho was curious.

"It shouldn't be so hard. It seems that it can be changed, but the stone book doesn't say it. This form seems to be the best, and Zhang Su doesn't mind." Princess Otohime looked at the blue-scaled dragon tail below her belly button, and every time Every dragon scale shines like a rare sapphire.

"Take me to see interesting places." Saiho said.

"I practiced the Whale Killing Fist at the Echo Wall, and I also watched the ancient dragon warriors perform." Princess Otohime took Hayho to the practice ground of the Echo Wall.

The big cyan echo stone records the "dragon chant" of the ancient dragon-blooded warriors:

"Have you ever seen the front of our Xuanjia Army? I would like to ask if you have any such front."

"It's really easy to torture you rotten fish and shrimps!"

"It doesn't matter, just give him one."

"So what if I send him away? Isn't this a casual reversal?"

Hayao was startled when he heard the ancient dragon roar.

"Princess, is this what you grew up listening to? You are really doing nothing and accomplishing nothing!" said Saho.

"I've learned a lot." Princess Otohime was gearing up. "I'll show you the Whale Killing Fist when I have time. That's the real thing about me."

After three hours of cleaning at Ryugu Castle, the witch prisoners returned to the team exhausted. Yang Kui and Eto Yumei each returned with a team of witches and lined up to leave.

"Everyone needs to be searched to make sure there is no debris." Leskolin stood at the teleportation door. Every witch prisoner who passed by had to be scanned by a metal detector before they could go back to eat.

They were impatient, but Lescolin was serious, especially about the Fukada sisters. With an elusive smile on their face, they grudgingly accepted the test and let it go.

"It is said that the twins are thieves by nature." Princess Otohime was alert, "Could they steal things from Ryugu Castle?"

"I think they are kind-hearted from the bottom of their hearts." Hayho raised a hand to his forehead, "Twins are amazing, everything is interchangeable."

"No, I have to check the treasure house of Ryugu Castle." Princess Otohime turned around to check.

Hayao sat on the ground and waited for a while, scratching her butt and watching the huge sperm whale slowly sail through the deep black sea outside the barrier of Ryugu Castle. Its slender tail was like a pure black spurge. It lightly rubbed against the top of the barrier, causing a wave of harmless ripples. It opened its mouth to suck in a huge amount of sea water, swallowing countless lives from it. Hayho raised his head, feeling that his life so far had been wonderful.

"Something is lost." Princess Otohime crawled back in panic.

"What?" Hayao asked.

"A necklace of pearls," Princess Otohime said. Hayao looked at her fearful eyes, and suddenly he had a vague idea that Otohime was not afraid of losing her property, but that she was afraid that she would never be able to trust An-in again.

"We will fight the criminal to the end." Hayho stood up.

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