Witch containment diary

Chapter 348 True Detective’s Actions


"We will catch the criminal." Zhang Su promised.

"Is the detective wearing a hat and smoking a pipe?" Hayao tried his best not to make a good friend like Princess Otohime cry.

"..." Princess Otohime frowned, feeling very sad.

"Go investigate the case, Shui Li." Zhang Su put Shui Li, the newly appointed investigator, in charge.

"Ninja." Shui Li began to study, "What was lost?"

"A pearl necklace, all made of pearl pink beads, very bright." Princess Otohime looked confused.

"Has the door to the treasure house been locked before?"

"I don't care, and Zhang Su has drawn a dividing line to prevent others from going over there, so it is semi-open." Princess Otohime murmured, "Should I be more careful?"

"Ninja, go to the scene to detect traces..." Shui Li disappeared in front of them.

"Wait for me!" Saho quickly followed.

By the time Haohui ran to the entrance of Ryugu Castle's treasure house, Shui Li was already checking the traces in front of him.

She studied the ground carefully, trying to find footprints or something.

"Why can you run so fast?" Hayho stood beside him and gasped.

"Ninja, move instantly when you blink..." Shui Li said seriously.

"Well, they are all stone floors, and there seems to be no footprints, unlike dirt and snow where there are footprints." Detective Hayho began to work, "There is gravel everywhere."

Shui Li walked into the treasure house, and so did Zaho.

It is magnificent and filled with rare treasures from the Dragon Palace. Corals, jade trees, gold carvings and silver ornaments, rare and exotic treasures, food ingredients and elixirs...it's all so dazzling that you'll be dazzled by it!

Hayao put her hands behind her back, not daring to make a mistake. She regarded Princess Otohime as a close friend, so she instinctively did not want to touch her babies.

"The empty box is very close to the door." Shui Li saw the box that originally contained pearls. "The prisoner probably sneaked in directly, but time was limited and he quickly took away the pearl necklace."

Hayao pondered.

"Prisoners shouldn't steal things for money," she said.

"Why did you say that?" Shui Li turned around.

"My canteen doesn't accept pearl necklaces," said Saho. "Even if she stole the treasure from the Dragon Palace, she wouldn't be able to get rid of the necklace."

"Ninja, we found out that Saho's body was taken away..." Shui Li was alert, "Who traveled through Saho's body? Did you fuse with the host? Is there a system?"

"Hmph, this is Princess Otohime's business! I will try my best to use my brain, and I'm not an idiot anymore." Hayho stressed.

"If it's not for money, what's the purpose of stealing the pearl necklace..." Shuili analyzed, "Protest to Ansin? Destroy the relationship between Princess Otohime and us? Show off your talents? Create tension?"

"Hmm..." Saho's wisdom was exhausted.

"What you said is not entirely correct." Shui Li took pictures with her mechanical eyes and walked out, "Don't forget that the witch is serving a short-term sentence. She can leave in three months or even a few weeks. Then there will be a chance to take the pearl outside. Take action.”

"It's scary!" said Hayho, "It's like selling the necklace to Shadow Street. People there will sell it."

"We must continue to search the witch inmates of An'an Hospital." Shui Li said, "Let all those who have participated in labor gather together for inspection immediately!"

"Arms raised!" Hayao checked Enori's pocket.

"How could I steal something?" Yuanzhi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Maybe it's to wear necklaces for the babies, who knows what you will do!" Saho said.

Yuanzhi looked at the playground worriedly.

The witches who had participated in the work of Ryugu Castle were carefully searched, and their single cells were also searched. Such troubles make people complain.

"This kind of thing is really terrible." Yuanzhi felt uneasy, "Anxin Hospital seems to have really become a place where evil breeds."

"You will be regarded as a criminal by others when you go outside." Saho said disapprovingly, "Grow up!"

"Ugh..." Yuanzhi felt very disappointed, "It's because I didn't take good care of everyone..."

"It would be great if senior was here." Hayho sighed, "If one person is sincere and sincere, everything will be solved. Senior! Senior!"

"Ninja. Nothing found..." Shui Li found nothing, so she had to let the witch prisoners leave to prevent them from further complaining.

"We have to interrogate the key suspicious characters." Hayho said, "It's just like in the TV series!"

"No!" Yuanzhi couldn't help but say, "We can't turn everyone's safe home into a place where everyone is in danger!"

"Does it mean that Princess Otohime's baby is not a baby? Just recognize it if it is lost? Because Ansinin is too precious and cannot withstand a little storm?" Hayao was unhappy.

"I want everyone in An Yin to live in harmony." Yuan Zhi said stubbornly.

Saho wanted to say something to teach the little cat a lesson. But she realized that what Yuan Zhi said was true. This implicit hostility and suspicion was spreading in Anxin Hospital, surrounding the case, and eventually everyone's relationship would become unprecedentedly bad.

"Then, I will find the prisoner." Saho imitated Teacher Dasu, patted Yuori's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Trust me."

"Yeah!" Yuori nodded vigorously at Hayho.

"Hoho, do I look exactly like Da Su just now?" Zaohui quickly turned to ask Shui Li.

"The height is different." Shui Li left immediately and continued to study the case.

Hayao borrowed a notebook and pen from Mayumi, then put on a blue jacket, red bow tie, watch and sneakers.

"Xiao Su, tell me what you think about the case." Saho took notes.

"The general cleaning is from 2 pm to 5 pm." Zhang Su said, "During this period, Dragon Palace City is divided into access areas and forbidden areas. The one closest to the treasure house is the Flowing Water Garden in the center of the Dragon Palace City. If you start from the northwest of the Flowing Water Garden, Leaving the corner, it only takes 3 minutes to travel between the treasure house and the garden. I think we can start from here."

"What are you going to do if the culprit is caught?" Hayho asked.

"Anxinyuan has prepared a solitary room. It will be painful to severely punish the inmates who violate the regulations in the institution. Worse, they will be kicked out of Anxinyuan and sent to New Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison." Zhang Su said.

Hayho swallowed, thinking of the dark, midwinter, bottomless abyss-like New Tokyo No. 1 Prison.

"Thank you for the news, Xiao Su." Zaohui put his hands in his pockets, "Wait until I bring back the good news."

"The prisoner will probably be caught after he sleeps." Zhang Su pondered.

"Why?" Hayao asked.

"When everyone left Longgong City, they were searched in advance. There were no pearl necklaces, and there was no search in Anxin Yard either. This means that the things are still in Longgong City and have not been taken away," Zhang Su said.

Hayao quickly ran away.

"Smell it, little kitten, you don't want everyone in the hospital to be alienated." Hayho took Yuanori Cat to Ryugu Castle.

"Sniff, sniff..." Yuanzhi Cat sniffed, "It's a messy smell, the smell of salted fish, no clues."

"Where is this place? Is it interesting?" Hayho entered the treasure house.

The Yuanwei cat opened its eyes wide, raised its ears, and moved its pink nose.

"I smell your breath." Yuanzhi Cat raised its paw.

"This is no time for joking!" Hayho said.

"Take me somewhere farther away." Yuanzhi Cat crawled forward.

Hayao and Princess Otohime had been around Ryugu Castle a lot before, so they knew the layout better.

She led Yuanzhi to climb far away from the treasure house, and Yuanzhi twitched his nose.

"The human smell is here again." Yuanzhi said, "Unfamiliar smell...new. No connection has been established yet."

The Yuanwei cat lowered its head and sniffed all the way.

"This direction? Impossible." Hayho felt incredible. "Isn't this going back again? Shouldn't the prisoner hide something deep in Ryugu City?"

"This is it!" Yuanzhi Cat quickened his pace, pursuing the breath and moving forward, and Haoho flew over.

Passing through an "L" shaped corridor, Hayho found that he had circled back from the treasure house to the south of Ryugu Castle and came to the designated work area for general cleaning.

They stopped in a long hallway and exchanged glances.

"This is back to the place where the prisoner witch works. It seems that the prisoner went back after getting the necklace and blended back into the work team." Yuanzhi Cat said.

"This long corridor connects the large bath, toilet, underground passage, water garden and entrance." Hayho looked around and reconstructed its location in his mind.

"It turns out that this corridor can also lead to the treasure house, so did the bad guys pass through here?" Yuanzhi Cat thought.

"Da Su said that the shortest way into the treasure house is from the northwest corner of Flowing Water Garden. It takes about three minutes for a round trip. But if you go through this corridor, it will take at least twenty minutes for a round trip." Hayho gestured with his feet, recalling his own journey. , "I'm exhausted from walking. A prisoner who is eager to steal something will not do that. She must have entered the treasure house first, then left, and then passed the place we just left, without returning the same way."

"The smell went over there, it smells like the same person." Yuanzhi Cat ran stubbornly.

Hayho and her came to the royal toilet of Ryugu Castle.

"Uh, why is this!" Hayho felt uncomfortable.

"The stench is going to kill me..." Yuanzhi Cat stepped back and raised its paws, "The person who went to the treasure house came here again."

Hayho looked at the old pile of debris, which the prisoners had cleared out in the afternoon, and she was silent for a long time.

Then, Hayao activated the Shadow Cutting Technique.

"Suying, go dig that puddle out quickly." Hayao ordered.

"??" Suiying refused.

"Yuanori Cat?" Hayho turned around, "Come on! I won't tell anyone!"

Yuan Zhi shook his head helplessly.

"Robot Roy will definitely not mind." Hayho started.

"Don't trouble others, do it yourself." Yuanzhi Cat said, "Good boy, you have to work hard on your own!"

Hayho looked around, picked up a shovel, and walked towards the debris pile.

Fortunately, Princess Otohime eats lightly.

"Will Princess Otohime know how many sacrifices I have made?" Hayho said, "However, now is not the time to retreat. If Dasu were here, he would push forward, and I should become a big shot again."

She shoveled it down.

Childhood is gone and a killer is born.

At night, Princess Otohime was sitting in Yuehua Garden, and Rena and others were comforting her.

"It's okay, I will definitely find the treasure." Rena Kobayashi comforted her, "Sooner or later, where will it go? It must be somewhere in Anshin Institute."

"But, but this is all too bad... I should follow what the stone book says and not let any outsiders break into Ryugu Castle..." Princess Otohime was sad.

A sound of brisk footsteps approached.

They turned their heads and looked at the entrance of Yuehua Garden, their expressions changing involuntarily.

Hayao walked in.

In her hand, she held a pastel pearl necklace.

"Is this something you threw away?" Hayho said calmly, then turned to ask Yuan Zhimao, "How much does he look like Da Su now?"

"One hundred percent!" Yuanzhi said happily, "But...who stole it?"

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