Witch containment diary

Chapter 350 Twins’ Skills

"I don't." Fukada Haruka deflected his gaze, "You are not qualified to question me."

"I'm a clerk." Hayho pointed to the blue armband on her shoulder.

"Although I'm new here, I also know that only the 'Witch Supervisor' represented by the golden armband has the privilege to discipline other witches. And you are just an errand boy." Haruka Fukada said.

"Ninja, she's not cooperating!" Hayho turned around.

"Be patient. I am the plenipotentiary investigator assigned by Supervisor Zhang Su to reveal the truth. I have the right to conduct necessary questioning on you. You must report the facts to me." Shui Li pretended to be fierce.

"I will definitely tell lies to this child." Fukada Haruka avoided Shui Li and turned to Hayao, "In the afternoon, I have been working in the Flowing Water Garden, cleaning gravel on the bridge, and I work very diligently. I don't slack off at all. After all, I like An Yuan very much, so I should do something for you. I understand that if you commit a crime, you will be punished. "

Hayao watched Yuori Mao sniff Fukada Haruka, nodded, and asked her to wait outside, and then interrogated her sister Fukada Shino.

"You should also explain to me honestly." Hayho said to Fukada Shino.

"Then I can only tell her irresponsibly." Xiao Fukada showed a cute smile, and then looked at Shui Li, "In the afternoon, I have been working in the toilet and worked very hard. During this period, I only threw it at the gate once. Trash, I don’t do anything extraordinary, I just do what others do.”

Zaho touched his head.

"Then you tell me everything about this matter in a lie." Hayho said.

"Okay, I will tell you all the irrelevant things honestly." Shino Fukada blinked, "I am 1.65 meters tall and weigh 54 kilograms. I am a complete witch with chaotic magic. I have been preparing to cause a terrible chaos. , has completed the throne-breaking ceremony."

Hayao was so angry that he scratched his hair.

"Then please do this: lie to me about everything that has nothing to do with today's cleaning." Hayho said.

"I don't." Fukada Shino said.

"It's stuck..." Shui Li also felt like her brain was burning.

Hayao waved her hand, letting Enori smell Fukada Shino, and then let her go out.

"What about the smell issue?" Hayho asked.

"Confirmed, the breath in the corridor belongs to them." Yuanzhi reported.

"Them? Two of them together?" Hayho didn't understand.

"Their breath is exactly the same. Maybe they often exchange body odors with each other in private. There is no difference..." Yuanzhi said regretfully.

Hayao continued to study the topographic map of Ryugu Castle.

Clue 1: "It takes 3 minutes to go back and forth from the Flowing Water Garden to the Treasure House. The large basalt corridor in the south connects the toilets, the south gate of the Dragon Palace, and the entrance to the garden. It takes 20 minutes to go back and forth to the Treasure House."

Clue 2: "Haruka, who works in the garden, lacks sufficient alibi and is probably the culprit. But he did not have time to throw the pearl necklace into the toilet. Xiao, who works in the toilet, had the opportunity to transfer the stolen goods, but he only had 5 minutes of alibi and did not have time to arrive. The treasure house has completed a round trip."

Clue 3: "The twins' scent runs through the entire L-shaped corridor and leads to the garden."

Hayho closed her eyes and slowly pieced together these facts in her mind. Thousands of secrets gradually formed a vague chain of evidence to help her restore the truth of the case.

She pressed her head with both hands, and her eyes gradually became wise.

It turns out...that's it! !

"Call everyone here, I know how they committed the crime!" Saho immediately stood up, excited.

The suspects involved in the case at Anshin Institute were all gathered in the corridor. Zhang Su also came to accept the final results of the Hayao Detective case. Princess Otohime learned that there was a major breakthrough and also arrived to witness the criminals being brought to justice.

Sisters Haruka Fukada and Shino Fukada stood side by side with relaxed expressions.

"Haosui, it is said that you already understand the modus operandi." Zhang Su turned to Zaosui.

"Yes." Saho took a step forward with a calm expression and a confident demeanor, "During the cleaning work of Witch Ryugu Castle, the Fukada sisters used a trick to fool everyone and stole a super important pearl necklace from the treasure house. But None of this can escape the eyes of me, King Hayao!"

She pushed up her non-existent glasses and continued:

"Twin sisters Fukada Haruka and Fukada Shino, you look so similar that I can't tell who you are. This is also the core method of this case." Saho looked at them, but they showed no fear on their faces.

"I'm familiar with the topographic map of Ryugu Castle, so I roughly drew it!" Hayho opened her notepad, "In the center is the Flowing Water Garden, to the north is the Grand Palace, in the northwest corner is the treasure house, and to the south is the Grand Corridor. The corridor connects the toilets and the entrance to the south, which is the gateway to and from Anyuan."

"According to careful questioning, it can be learned that the sister Yao who works in the garden does not have a sufficient alibi. The supervisor Menmei cannot follow her all the time because the garden is very large. So Yao has the most time to commit the crime. On the other hand, working in the toilet My younger sister Shinoori only had about 5 minutes of free movement. In the end, the pearl necklace was found in the toilet," said Hayho.

"?" Princess Otohime immediately took off the necklace from her neck.

"Then this creates a contradiction: the time from the garden to the treasure house is short, but Haruka has no chance to hide the necklace in the toilet, because everyone queues up to leave after work. If she goes against the crowd to the toilet, she will be discovered immediately. Xiao had the opportunity to go to the toilet to hide stolen goods, but she only had 5 minutes of free time. To get to the treasure house from her, she had to walk through a long corridor, which took 20 minutes. It was impossible to steal! Everyone would think, then, they How did you do it? Now, let me reveal the tricks of the sisters!" Hayho shook his head.

Shuili used her rhythm decoding chip to play exciting background music, and then hid, so that it was purely natural background music.

"There is only one answer!" Hayho pointed to the sisters, "On that L-shaped corridor, you 'switched identities'!"

Their expressions changed slightly, their brows furrowed.

"Haruka works in the garden," Hayho began her reasoning process. "With the cover of rockeries, statues, corridors and pavilions in the Water Garden, he often has the opportunity to escape the sight of the supervisor Yumei Eto. So Haruka quietly walked from the northwest corner of the garden. Set off, go to the treasure house, and quickly steal the pearl necklace. Then, instead of returning to the garden, she walked straight forward, passing through the entire L-shaped corridor, and came to the south corridor to meet her sister Xiao. This At that time, Haruka went directly to the toilet and continued to complete the work! Xiao was holding the garbage from the toilet at this time. She went to the gate to throw away the garbage, and finally quickly went to the garden, took over Haruka's image, and completed the work in the garden! In this way , the two sisters completed a truly perfect crime, stealing the necklace within a limited time, and then hiding it in the toilet!"


"So that's it...!"

"Is this the famous detective Hayao from Ansin?!" They were all shocked when they heard this.

This is really an extremely ingenious way of committing crimes by the twins. Hayao was able to use the distance, time, alibi and the location of the last stolen goods to reconstruct the true criminal strategy of the two of them, which made everyone admire this child!

"Where's the evidence?" Fukada Shino said with a smile, "Isn't that all just nonsense? You have no evidence to prove that our sisters did it."

"The answer is 'smell'!" Hayho asked Enori to walk forward.

"In the corridor, I smelled the same scent as the sisters, and it ran through the entire corridor, which is consistent with Hayao's previous reasoning." Yuori pointed out.

"I was collecting garbage at the south gate, and I did see one of them coming to take out the garbage, but I didn't notice where they were going back!" A witch prisoner provided evidence.

"This explains why I saw her several times, always on the southernmost bridge of the garden. The first and second times were to strengthen my inherent impression. The third time I saw her on the southern bridge By then, that was already her sister." Weito Yumei looked a little surprised.

"How is it?" Saho crossed his arms and looked at the Fukada sisters.

"Hehehe..." Fukada sisters showed secretive smiles.

"You really have some ideas, and you can come up with such complex crime-committing techniques in such a short period of time." Fukada Shino said with a smile.

"Anxinyuan will take even more stringent measures against crimes committed within the institution." Zhang Su escorted away the Fukada sisters and sent them to a torture cell to prepare for a wave of goodwill.

"Your reasoning is really brilliant," Haruka Fukada turned to Saho and nodded, expressionless, "We are indeed prisoners."

"Go quickly! Go aside!" Hayho sent them away.

"You are really a genius!" Princess Otohime was excited about Saho's amazing wisdom.

"You can have a good rest tonight!" Hayho was happy.

"I will reward you well tomorrow." Princess Otohime raised Haoho high, and when she saw her face turned pale, she quickly put it down.

Hayho sat on the ground and patted his chest. The children were joining in the fun.

"Smart baby?" Xia Xi looked around.

"As expected of Saho!" Murohua always believed in Saho's brain.

Hayao smiled, it felt so good. The other prisoners looked at Hayao with admiration. After all, he saved them a lot of troubles and a lot of subsequent troubles, and the case could be closed earlier.

"It's like a mystery novel..."

"It would be great if we really caught the culprit..."

"Did she also drink the potion that made her smaller?" They chatted and went back to sleep.

Zhang Su came back to see Zaosui.

"It seems you worked really hard to investigate the case." Zhang Su praised.

"Yes, yes!" Zaho nodded fiercely, Da Su's approval was also very important.

"This golden armband of the supervisory officer seems to belong to you." Zhang Su handed the armband that he had prepared in advance to Saho.

Hayho took over the shiny gold armband and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." She nodded to Zhang Su, "... without the support of the teacher, it would be impossible to do this kind of thing."

"Come on." Zhang Su said goodbye to her, "There is still a long way to go."

"Let's go back." Hayho put away the gold armband, "The supervisor said that I can teach you a lesson. The idiot Natsuki and the little one must listen to me!"

Natsuki made faces with Saho and walked away.

Back at the school building, Saho took some food from the canteen and treated everyone to delicious instant noodles. The fragrant noodles and condiments were softened in the hot water. They each drank a glass and tasted it.

Saho felt that she had finally become a little bit human, and she couldn't help bragging about herself to everyone.

"It turns out that Chaos Witches committed crimes. It's so common. They can't control themselves from doing bad things!" Mayumi was busy with her own affairs and didn't hear the whole story until now.

"They all talk strangely," said Hayho, "It seems like they are speaking the opposite way on purpose."

"Because it is chaos psychology, what they say is usually not true, and even what they think in their hearts is not right, so most of the meaning has to be understood in reverse. It is also difficult for our society to accept witches of the chaotic path." Mayumi Spin a large bundle of instant noodles with a plastic fork and eat it in one go.

Hayao stopped holding the fork.

She held her breath, recalling Sister Fukada's last words.

"If, Mayumi-senpai, a chaos witch says: 'Your reasoning is really brilliant, we are indeed criminals,' then what does she actually mean?" Hayho asked.

"That's not simple." Mayumi said with a smile, "The actual meaning is: 'Your reasoning is so stupid! We are not criminals at all!'"

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