Witch containment diary

Chapter 351 All things depend on the sun

"But, everyone says my reasoning is awesome!" Hayho yelled.

"Because it's already night, let's go back to bed quickly." Mayumi revealed ruthlessly.

"Uh-huh..." Hayho felt like his heart was stabbed.

"Can you tell me your reasoning again?" Mayumi asked.

Hayao composed herself, and then told Mayumi what she understood about the "twins' trick".

Mayumi touched her chin and wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows.

She stood up and walked around the middle of the dormitory. The other children were still noisy and eating delicious noodles, but Mayumi was like a stone sculpture of a "thinker", focusing on her own analysis.

"'Twins' commit crimes by exchanging identities. This seems to have become a routine, and it is also the first thing that comes to mind." Mayumi turned to Saho.

"Yeah, it's very clever. I was shocked when I figured it out. If you said you didn't commit the crime this way, then my brain would have been wasted!" Hayho, withered...

"In fact, the methods of most crimes are not as complicated as in the novel, and the circumstances are not as clever. For example, according to your 'twins conspiracy', let me ask you, how did the twins agree on a time to meet?" Mayumi asked.

"Ah this..." Hayho really didn't expect it.

"Don't forget, the premise of your so-called twin exchange trick is that they 'meet at the right time'. If Haruka left the garden and passed through the corridor without meeting Xiao, wouldn't she be waiting there? Does it greatly increase the risk of exposure? How could they agree on a time to 'just meet' and then 'swap identities'?" Mayumi asked rhetorically.

"Not good..." Saho thought for a moment, and his heart was indeed pounding.

"The two time points for this matter, the starting time was 2 o'clock, and the finishing time was 5 o'clock. Teacher Dasu was looking at his watch outside. But to the people in Dragon Palace City, Dragon Palace is a They don’t have a clock or a watch, and they don’t know how to set a time to commit the crime. Therefore, the core argument of your twins’ conspiracy, ‘meeting in time’, was not established from the beginning.”

"What if they calculate mentally and count the clock in their mind every second? Is that okay?" Shi Hua listened for a long time and then said.

"How can anyone be so patient?" Hayho was the first to retort.

"I can. Since the East Ward was disbanded, 850 heartbeats have passed." Shi Hua said.

"Ahhh...but they can't be as sophisticated as they can be." Hayho shook his head.

"Wrong, even if you know the time, it's impossible. Because Xiao, who works in the toilet, "received an order to take out the garbage at the gate." This is a completely random event. No one knows when she will be called to take out the garbage. She didn’t know when she would pass the big corridor, and she didn’t know if Yang Kui would let her throw out the trash! "Mayumi said.

Yes, Yang Kui regretted it later. Maybe it was a thought that made Xiao, who had a criminal record, out of sight. Hayao thought silently.

"So it's impossible for Xiao to inform Haruka and ask her to go through the L-shaped corridor to the basalt corridor to meet at a fixed time..." Hayho now fully understands.

"Yes, because the time is uncertain, the event is uncertain, and there is no communication tool, it cannot be matched. Don't forget that the witches only have the 'insect swarm' channel for telepathy. These factors add up, resulting in twins that seem extremely reasonable. The trick actually didn't work from the beginning." Mayumi explained.

Her wisdom is endless, and Saho's brain is shrinking!

"So I've been talking nonsense just now, and I thought I was smart!!" Hayho was desperate.

"Haha, it's true." Mayumi thought it was humorous.

"Then Teacher Dasu gave me a golden armband!" Hayho picked up the witch supervisor's armband.

"Because Dasu is good to you." Mayumi took the gold armband and played with it, "He believes in your vision, your justice, and your path."

"Then Shuili play music for me!" Zaohui said sadly.

"Because ninjas are very humorous." Mayumi said.

"I'm not humorous." Shui Li said suddenly.

"Ah?!" They were all startled, and turned to look at Shui Li who suddenly made a sound, squatting in the corner.

"As an investigator, I should have full authority to investigate this case. Ren..." Shuili said, "Now, I have ideas for restarting the investigation."

Having said that, Hayao was exhausted, leaned back, fell to the floor, and disappeared.

"Haaho, don't die without permission again!" Yuanzhi knelt on the ground and pushed Haoho worriedly.

"I already...don't have the courage to continue fighting." Saiho said in despair. "I thought I became smart and could solve the problem, but in the end I was still a fool. I thought my brain would grow, but in the end I still didn't have a brain. If it weren't for everyone's Wisdom, we have not wronged innocent people again, my ridiculous reasoning is worthless..."

"You have grown up a lot compared to before, and everyone can see it." Yuanzhi said softly, "A good child can't get discouraged when encountering a little setback! Are you my good baby?"

Hayao whined, but was already deflated.

"You don't have to fight alone, we all support you." Murohua stretched out his hand to pull Saho up, but he didn't pull.

"Dead." Zhazhuo sat next to him and poked Haohui. Seeing that she didn't respond, he avoided her in fear.

Natsuki staggered over to Hayao.

She lowered her head and looked at her with big blue eyes. When the magic power was activated, her eyes turned into pale gold.

She reached out and touched Haohui, and an unprecedented warmth lit up the room.

Saho's body trembled.

She relaxed with great happiness, as if all the flesh in her body had been beaten into paste by Natsuki's small hands. Even the weight of her bones and muscles had disappeared, and her body sank softly among the clouds.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that her spirit was illuminated, like a large light bulb of tens of thousands of watts lighting up in the middle of her brain, instantly illuminating hundreds of millions of nerve cells, and precious courage bloomed in her heart. Come, the dark and negative thoughts evaporate like water stains under the scorching sun.

There is an infinite, huge and indescribable emotion in the light conveyed by Natsuki. Compared with this emotion, everything else is so worthless.

Hayho instantly resurrected on the spot.

She stood up with one hand raised upwards and the other hand hooked in front of her lower abdomen. One leg was upright and the other leg was bent up, forming a wonderful statue of a saint.

"I'm back——!!" There was light in Saho's eyes.

"See if there is anything added!" Shihua said nervously.

"No." Saho opened his pants pocket, "What a pity!"

"Now you can regain the courage to investigate the case!" Mayumi praised, "Sure enough, Natsuki is still awesome!"

Natsuki didn't seem to care at all about what she had just done. She staggered around the dormitory, as if she had come to this place for the first time in her life, and everyone around her was unfamiliar with her.

"Eat noodles quickly. When you are full, you will have strength." Mayumi said, "The inventor of instant noodles also went through a lot of trouble to design such an amazing thing."

"So how is it made?" Hayho ate the noodles.

"It seems to be a 'flash steaming' process. It is steamed first, quickly fried, and then dried." Mayumi was knowledgeable, "And the reason why it is wavy is because it saves transportation space than the traditional shape."

"I'm talking about the case!" Haoho ate. She rolled up the noodles with a fork. It had been soaked in the delicious seafood soup. Every bite was filled with thick noodles, carrots, corn kernels and shrimp pieces. The small eggs were mixed together to continue to restore her strength, "Such a fragrant instant noodles, as long as it tastes good, who cares where it comes from."

"Ninja believes that it is better to return to the basic deduction method." Shui Li pondered, "Since the suspicion of the Fukada sisters has been greatly reduced in the previous analysis, then we should start investigating other suspected perpetrators. We need to clarify those who are suspicious people."

"What do you mean by a person who is questionable?" Yuanzhi was worried, "Will he start investigating everyone in Anxin Hospital again and make everyone very suspicious?"

"No, just consider a few factors: who is greedy for money; who has a criminal record; who has conflicts with Ryugu Castle or Princess Otohime. Speaking of criminal records. Although 20 witches went to Ryugu Castle this time, there were no People are imprisoned for theft." Shuili thought.

"Aren't the Fukada sisters big thieves?" asked Hayho.

"In terms of rank, they are more like Berserkers. They were imprisoned because they carried out a large robbery on a gold store. They prefer big scenes when doing things." Shui Li said.

Hayao's heart moved.

"Yumei." She said, "Eto Yumei, she had some conflicts with Princess Otohime in Ryugu Castle."

"Oh? We haven't heard of it." Mayumi asked.

"Privately, Mengmei wants to turn the Dragon Palace into a base for skeleton soldiers. I am closer to those 'bad witches', but they are indeed bad. Ah... I should have suspected Mengmei from the beginning." Hayao scratched his head.

"Bad suspicions will only aggravate conflicts, and evidence must be used to judge." Mayumi said.

"Ninja, did you just say there was a breakthrough?" Hayho asked.

"A vague fingerprint was captured on the pearl necklace. It does not belong to the two sisters, so Mayumi is right. They are not twins. Someone else should have committed the crime." Shui Li said.

Yuan Zhi hesitated. Only Shui Li could see this subtle change in expression with her mechanical eyes.

"...What do you know?" Shui Li asked.

"When I first entered the treasure house, I actually felt a cold feeling." Yuori whispered, "Looking back now, this 'cold feeling' is very similar to the cold feeling on Eto Yumei's body."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Hayho questioned, "Isn't this not like not reporting what you know?"

"I told you! But you didn't pay attention!" Yuanzhi's body trembled, as if he was not used to such an intense occasion, "Yes...I'm sorry..."

"Ahhh...! There is a reason for all this!" Hayho suddenly figured it out, "You just want to close the case quickly! No wonder you are always worried about this and that! In order to end these chaos as soon as possible, you I would rather miss the details..."

"Oh..." Yuanzhi cried.

"Tears are of no use." Zaho thought about what Zhang Su would do, "...let me end this."

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