Witch containment diary

Chapter 352 The New Supervisor

"I'm sorry!" Yuanzhi was still sad, "I'm sorry..."

Natsuki walked over, opened her arms and hugged Yuori, put her face on her shoulder, and then looked sideways at Saho.

Yuanzhi felt the warmth from Natsuki's body and calmed down.

"Okay, okay, there's no need for this." Mayumi smoothed things over, "Haaho, do you want to continue the investigation?"

"Of course." Hayho put down the bowl of instant noodles and set off, "I have to start and finish everything I do!"

"Then let me remind you one last thing. Although we are used to thinking that many cases use clever techniques, according to statistics, the principles used in most crimes are very simple, and many crimes are even improvised and inspired. It's just those who Cases with clever tactics are just more famous. In fact, if you ask the prisoners who have just been imprisoned, many of them have very crude criminal tactics," Mayumi said.

"I got it. Ninja, let's go handle the case together." Hayho couldn't hear the content of more than eight sentences in a paragraph and left quickly.

At the door, Saho turned around and found that Yuori was still a little sad.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say a few words to her, but thinking of the years of friendship, she still didn't say anything.

Kitty. It is shameful to escape, and it is impossible to take chances. Hayao thought.

We must solve the problem completely so that we can sleep until tomorrow without any regrets.

Hayao led the team to interrogate Yumei Eto, and this time her expression was even more bored.

"It's already midnight. If you have anything to say, let's talk tomorrow." She said coldly.

Hayao looked up at Yume Eto, and she pinched her fingers.

After discarding the mystery of the "twins conspiracy", she reorganized the entire process of the case and continued to think.

"Many of them have very crude criminal methods."

Saho remembered Mayumi's instructions before leaving, and gradually, the last piece of the puzzle was put together.

Her eyes clear.

"If you surrender, everything will be resolved easily," said Saho. "I have already figured out how you stole something from the treasure house and then took it to the toilet with your accomplices."

Accomplice? !

Eto Yumei narrowed her eyes and looked at Hayho. Shui Li next to him was also a little surprised.

"Call Hasegawa Haroi, too." Hayho said.

Yang Kui was also woken up from her dream. She was wandering in her dream. The consequences of being interrupted were very bad, and she looked a little panicked.

"...What happened?" Yang Kui took a deep breath, "My dream power cannot be cut off like this."

"Huh, you can't be kind to the bad guys." Hayho said, "Now let me restore the true situation of the case: The key to solving this case is to know that the prisoners who are working are being watched by the two supervisors. But at the same time, no one can keep an eye on you two guys! So this is a serious case of self-inflicted theft.”

"Mumei, you noticed that Fukada Haruka was often sneaking around in the garden, so you took advantage of the situation and followed her in the garden to hide and seek. Finally, you drove her to the Tiankaiba Bridge in the south, and you made arrangements for everyone. After work, go to the treasure house to complete the theft. After that, you closely monitor Fukada Haruka on the Tenkaiba Bridge again, send her away or wait for her to leave, making sure that she will not come back for a while, and you quickly cross the bridge and cross In the basalt corridor, go to Yang Kui and give her the necklace, so Yang Kui can hide the necklace in the royal toilet."

"So the twins didn't exchange identities, but you two supervisors were messing around outside! This way there would be no time and communication conflicts, because no one would have the opportunity to supervise you all the time."

"Nonsense reasoning." Yumei Weito shook her head, "Even if I really committed a crime, I wouldn't be able to use such low-level tricks. It's too simple and too unexpected."

"It's very simple. Just find a few people to verify. For example, ask the prisoners if they saw you and your movements in the garden. Ask the prisoners working in the toilet if they saw Yang Kui leave..." Hayho Observation Guard Teng Mengmei's expression was still cold.

No, maybe she really found the perfect time. No prisoner witnessed her leaving Falling Water Gardens, and no prisoner witnessed her dealing with Yang Kui. Hayao muttered inwardly.

"Yangkui, it's time to testify." Hayao looked at Yangkui.

Yang Kui was stunned for a moment, and both Yume Eto and Saho looked at her.

"Testify..." Yang Kui took a deep breath.

"Why do you have to admit to something you didn't do?" Yumei Weito said impatiently, "Don't forget, if what she said comes true and I am framed without telling you, you will also be an accomplice."

"Come on, say it!" Zaho encouraged, "Don't forget, senior sister also knows you and knows me. We are the same."

Yang Kui pressed her painful temples.

"I am willing to surrender." Yang Kui sighed, "It is the crime that Meng Mei wants me to commit."

Weito Yumei's expression became extremely exciting. Her hand grabbed a corner of the prison uniform and almost crushed it.

What happened at this moment today seemed to have left some traces on her body forever, which could not be removed in this life.

"You...you..." Weito Yumei gritted her teeth.

"Sorry, I do have an unfinished agreement with that 'senpai', and I must stand together with the children." Yang Kui walked to Saho.

"Hoo ho, big reversal." Saho said proudly.

"...Haoho, your reasoning is completely correct. Yumei Eto intends to win over me. We intend to establish an independent faction in the prison, and I can also benefit. The matter of stealing the necklace is my 'warrant of surrender'." Yang Kui said.

"It's nonsense..." Yumei Eto looked tense, but finally recovered her steady breathing, "It's beautiful to say. But there is no evidence. Without any physical evidence or any other form of substantive evidence, it is impossible to convict. . Yang Kui claimed that I had a problem, but sorry, there is no surveillance video, no witnesses, no materials or information, so you have no way to prosecute me. Yang Kui’s confession is unreliable.”

She pointed at Yang Kui.

"Look carefully at how she looks now. She was awakened from a deep sleep, looking exhausted and panicked. The confession she provided in this state is simply untenable. It is probably something she just dreamed of casually. You, Saho, you can’t prove my guilt.”

"Objection!" said Hayho.

"Huh?" They turned to Hayho.

"Fingerprints." Hayho said loudly, "The ninja said that a fingerprint was finally found on the necklace!"

"Ah! That's right! Her fingerprints are on the necklace, that's enough." Yang Kui said.

"Nin. There should be only a few faint fingerprints on the necklace..." Shui Li said.

"Check it." Mengmei stretched out her hand.

Shui Li inspected it carefully and frowned.

"What?" Hayho asked anxiously.

"It's not hers." Shui Li said.

"...That might be what I left behind." Yang Kui reacted.

Mengmei was not stupid enough to take the necklace empty-handed. Hayho felt like her head was going to explode again.

The culprit is clearly in front of us, but there is insufficient evidence to fix it.

"I have to slow down." Saho backed down.

Shuili left Mengmei alone in the interrogation room. She sat in her position and sneered to herself.

Zaoho, Yang Kui and Shui Li are outside.

"The most helpless episode!" Hayho sighed.

"You must find ways to find evidence, otherwise if Mengmei is acquitted, I will suffer a loss in the Anxin Hospital from now on." Yang Kui said hurriedly, "There are many prisoners here who are willing to listen to her. Mengmei is very capable."

"Sisters Xiao and Haruka might have seen some details." Hayho pondered.

"But they are from a chaotic background, and the testimonies they gave are hard to believe. They are basically nonsense." Shui Li said.

Hayho couldn't help but yawn.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Yang Kui was anxious, "Isn't it enough to have me as my witness?"

"Maybe everything is true and false, and you just framed her, Yang Kui. After all, your fingerprints seem to be on the pearl necklace." Saho said.

"I'm so arrogant!" Yang Kui was unhappy.

"There is no evidence! I can't produce any evidence!" Hayho said, "And the kitten noticed the scent of the sisters in the corridor. Maybe the sisters were also involved in the case, but we don't know!"

"It would be great if there were cameras in Dragon Palace City! You can capture it in one go." Yang Kui sighed.

"There is indeed no surveillance in Dragon Palace..." Shuili admitted.

"What is surveillance?" Hayho asked ignorantly.

"It is usually installed on the roof of the room, or at the entrance and exit. In short, it can take pictures, record and play back. No matter what case the police solves, they can know it by checking the surveillance." Yang Kui said.

Hayao was stunned for a moment.

A brand new idea appeared in her mind, and it instantly made her blood boil, and blood flowed into her brain.

"Ahhhh, Dragon Palace..." She was dumbfounded, "Dragon Palace... does have "monitoring"... and... they are everywhere..."

Run through the portal and return to Dragon Palace City.

Hayao rushed to the side hall of Ryugu Castle's main hall and shook the sleeping Princess Otohime up.

"Hoo, ho, ho, ho, ho... wake up..." Hayao ran out of breath.

"Huh?" Princess Otohime woke up, "What's wrong? It looks so hard!"

"Big bluestone...! Echo wall!" Zaho shouted, "Find...the bluestone walls closest to the treasure house, garden, and corridor! We can find...the prisoner!"

"Really?" Princess Otohime rubbed her eyes.

"Can it record things all the time? Reflect the content?" Hayho asked anxiously, "Can't it also keep playing the groove formula, with sound and pictures!"

"Yes! The stone book says that these echo walls will reflect our body shape. Except for those blue stone walls specially left for teaching, the others are always reflecting and always new, and can reflect yesterday's content." Princess Otohime pondered.

"Hurry up, time is running out! I don't know what it says in the stone book, but in fact it is like this... just like surveillance in human society! I only understand it now." Hayho gasped, and Princess Otohime picked her up and carried her away. .

"I have no experience in losing things, but after hearing what you said, I think it's okay!" She nodded resolutely and led them to find the sound wall.

On the two large bluestone walls in the Flowing Water Garden, Princess Otohime hit them twice with her fists, and the illusion recorded on the bluestone walls in the afternoon was quickly played back.

Hayao, Princess Otohime, Mizuri, and Yang Kui all looked at it intently.

There is a picture——

The witches passed by one after another, and the prisoners were constantly working, scrubbing, cleaning, and giving the garden a makeover. During this period, Yume Eto was also photographed.

She walked back and forth, passing the large bluestone wall several times.

Hayao opened his eyes wide.

"Do you remember when she gave you the necklace?" Hayao asked Yang Kui.

"Are you the thief?" Princess Otohime turned to Yang Kui.

"I plead guilty and accept the punishment, but now we have to catch the main culprit. Yumei Eto probably gave it to me halfway through the work," Yang Kui said hurriedly, "I had my back against the toilet entrance, and she handed it over, very hidden."

"Can you play it faster?" Hayho said anxiously.

"Long press the screen to accelerate." Princess Otohime pressed her hand hard on the bluestone wall.

The reflected illusion became faster and faster, and finally reached the middle section, where Yumei Eto once again walked through the bluestone wall.

They couldn't help but hold their breath and concentrate.

Eto Yumei walked through the bluestone wall, completely unaware of the purpose of this thing. She had no idea that they had reflected and recorded everything about the Dragon Palace civilization for decades, and everything she did was included in it.

I saw.

A pastel pearl necklace was hidden in her sleeve, with a corner showing through.

The evidence is now solid.

The next day, Wei Teng Mengmei was arrested.

In accordance with the principle of territorial jurisdiction in criminal cases, he was sent to Ryugu Castle to repay Princess Otohime. Saho heard that she was going to use Ryugu's unique method to deal with this guy. Yang Kui was also unlucky. After all, she went astray.

Zhang Su felt very good and met with Zaho and the others in the office.

"Although there were twists and turns, the case was finally solved, which is amazing!" Zhang Su was very happy.

"I tried my best." Hayho leaned on the table.

This is the first time that Hayho has completed such a big thing, and it is really rare to solve it from beginning to end. Zhang Su thought. Our Xiaosui has finally grown up.

"Then, you can wear the gold armband without any shame and be active as a supervisor." Zhang Su looked at the gold armband in Saho's hand.

Hayho thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I can't be a supervisor," she said. "I just wear a blue armband and run errands. I have to let someone who truly does things fairly."

"Who?" Zhang Su was curious.

"Give a person who is fair and just, treats everyone equally, and doesn't care about what he has done, whether he does good things or bad things. When such a person becomes a supervisor, everyone will be convinced by his actions without selfishness. ." Saho picked up the gold armband and turned to the children.

"Who is it?" Mayumi was curious, "Hey, I must have contributed too."

Hayao walked towards Muroka.

"Thank you!" Shihua was surprised and happy.

Hayao crossed Muroka.

She solemnly put the gold armband on Natsuki's arm.

"Natsuki!" Hayho said, "The great cause of supervisory officer will be left to you!"

"?" Natsuki tilted her head and looked at the armband on her arm. Bakubo jumped up and down beside him. Natsuki was like a big brother to Bakubo.

"Supervise everyone's behavior and ask everyone to behave well, report and correct anything." Zhang Su said to Xia Xi, "You can also issue decrees."

"Decree?" Natsuki asked.

"It can affect everyone. If you give an order, we will all obey it. I will also respect your opinion." Zhang Su explained.

Natsuki touched her head.

"Starting today, Anyuan has a holiday!" Natsuki promulgated the greatest decree in history. Hayho felt that she had chosen the right person.

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