Witch containment diary

Chapter 354 The Trial of the Witch

On the playground, everyone was lying like sunflower seeds in the sun, which was very hot.

Zhang Su passed by with a few packages and tools and saw Zaosui rolling around on the ground.

"Zao Sui, are you going to Dragon Palace City?" Zhang Su asked.

Hayao rolled around on the ground, fried herself until both sides were golden brown, and then got up again.

"What are you doing?" asked Hayho.

"Install a lock on the Dragon Palace's treasure house to protect against villains but not gentlemen." Zhang Su said, "This is a smart lock with a surface-mounted design. It will not penetrate into the stone wall and does not require additional drilling. There is a shell on the outside. , looks similar to the various aquatic decorations in the Dragon Palace. We will also install signage and install some real surveillance cameras, a big project."

"Then I feel more at ease. We also caught a big fish and caught the real bad witch among us." Hayho followed, "It's all my credit."

"It is these key choices that define what kind of people we are. The important thing is not to let yourself regret it." Zhang Su went to install the lock and camera, and watched Princess Otohime's final trial of Eto Yumei.

Saho turned around and saw the Fukada sisters following behind, with strange expressions on their faces. She was so frightened that she grabbed Zhang Su's clothes.

"Hey! The sisters have been released!" said Saho.

"It's okay. If you feel too worried, just scare them and scare them away." Zhang Su said.

"I am King Saho! Don't follow me all the time!" Saho raised his fists at them.

The Fukada sisters followed closer, with expressions on their faces that looked like a smile but not a smile.

"Uh, run..." Hayho quickened his pace and walked in front of Zhang Su, recalling the wonderful detective experience before, "Speaking of which, when I first interrogated Fukada Haruka, she said that she was working in the garden. If it's consistent with the facts, wouldn't it mean that...they don't mean so much? They do tell the truth occasionally."

"What if it was Xiao who started working in the garden instead of Haruka? Your twin trick is actually correct, but the identities were exchanged too early. They had already exchanged their identities before they started working." Zhang Su said.

"Ah, it's so hard to understand." Saho hit his unsatisfied head with his fist, "Then why is there their smell in the corridor?"

"It shows that they did 'step in' and walked through the entire corridor, but they did not commit theft." Zhang Su said.

"Where's the time?" Hayho asked.

"About when Princess Otohime went back to inspect the treasure house, one of the Fukada sisters followed her and became inseparable from her. When Princess Otohime saw that the necklace was stolen, they..." Zhang Su said.

"What two scary guys!" Hayao felt anxious and quickened his pace, "It seems they are the big villains!"

Dragon Palace City.

Zhang Su added a lock to the treasury so that from then on, only Princess Otohime's voice, fingerprints and iris could be opened.

"How cool." Princess Otohime inspected the lock.

Tiny sensors record details of her fingers and can scan and verify them in a tenth of a second.

She opened her eyes wide and checked the iris scanner, which used infrared light to examine Princess Otohime's eye sockets, recording the appearance of her eyes and being able to test whether the eye was dead or alive.

"It's safe now. Don't worry no matter what." Zhang Su said, "Let's complete the next thing and deal with Wei Teng Yumei."

"That's right." Princess Otohime set off quickly, "You have to be prepared."

Princess Otohime detained Eto Yumei for a while, and then held a trial in the circular court of Ryugu Castle.

Zhang Su, Zaosui, Fukada sisters and Yang Kui were all in place to observe.

Princess Otohime changed into a serious pale dress, her face was also painted with white makeup that symbolized fairness, and she wore a hexagonal crown made of pearls, diamonds, shells and coral inlays on her head.

A decisive verdict is about to be made on Yume Eto, who is guilty of felony theft.

There was a torture instrument placed in the middle of the circular court. Princess Otohime dragged it from the execution ground in the hope that Yume Eto would be sentenced in full view of the public.

The instrument of torture was a huge groove, made of basalt left after the eruption of an undersea volcano. It was completely black and immersed in three meters of seawater. Next to it was a huge original frame of coral pillars, similar to a gallows and a crane.

Yume Eto stood in front of Princess Otohime with a cold expression, but not as arrogant as before.

Zhang Su could detect a trace of fear from her trembling micro-expression. Death penalty, death penalty, death penalty. This term echoed in Zhang Su's mind. Princess Otohime wants to kill someone.

Seeing that the familiar Princess Otohime had become so cold and serious, Hayho shrank uneasily on the bench made of cold rock.

She stepped back and saw the Fukada sisters behind her, looking at her intently, and she suddenly lost half of her soul.

"In the name of Princess Otohime of Ryugu Castle, I am now trying Yume Eto for the crime of stealing the pastel pearl necklace, breaking into the treasure house, and plundering privately." Princess Otohime said loudly, "According to the words in the stone book It is taught that if the value of theft is less than 100 shells, the compensation will be 10 times. If the value of the theft is between 101 and 1000 shells, the punishment will be 70. If the value of theft exceeds 1000 shells, the eyes or equivalent photoreceptors will be gouged out to prevent them from continuing to be stolen. Seduced. Anyone who steals more than 10,000 shells will be banished to a dry shore by the sea people and punished by drowning by the land people."

"How much is the value of what I stole?" Yume Mei asked.

"Looking up the records in the stone book, the total is 9.6 million shells." Princess Otohime said, her tone of confidence made people unable to refute, "Therefore, land people, you must soak in the sea water, unless you have the appearance of a sea tribe. Be born again, or your sins will never be cleansed."

Eto Yumei was silent, her fear turning into enlarging shadows in her pupils.

All the previous confidence, arrogance and strategies could not save her life now. The torture device in front of her was big enough to soak her whole body.

"What do you mean? What does it mean to be reborn in the appearance of the Hai Clan?" Weito Yumei asked.

"You will know. Or you will never know." Princess Otohime replied disdainfully. She turned to Zhang Su, "What about you? Do you have any suggestions?"

"Based on the attitude of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, I suggest that Yume Eto's sentence be doubled to 198 years and transferred to the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo." Zhang Su nodded to Princess Otohime, then turned to Yume Eto, " Ansin adopts a way of life of mutual trust and cooperation. It is not an exaggeration to regard this as a test of human nature, and the same is true for the open treasure door. If you fail the test, you can only spend the rest of your life in the dark prison of New Tokyo. But it’s better than drowning.”

Eto Yumei was shaking violently, and she looked like she wanted to vomit.

She blinked and looked around in fear, as if she was looking for a way out, as if she was looking for a place to hide and hide, or as if she was trying to turn back time and go back to a few days ago to change her mind.

But it doesn't work anymore. All possibilities in life have been narrowed, forming two narrow dead ends. This is the price paid for that kind of choice. Zhang Su watched silently.

Saho also came back to her senses and sat upright. Everything in front of her scared her and made her feel heavy, like a memory that could never be forgotten.

"I - would rather - drown me." Weito Yumei trembled and walked forward.

"Then do this." Princess Otohime said.

Her long dragon tail swam and came to Yumei Eto.

She used her strong arms to knock the undead witch down and pin her to the ground. Then she pulled a long rope made of seaweed from the torture device, tied Yume Eito's feet, tied them in a tight knot, and then tied her hands with her hands. . During this period, Princess Otohime returned to the high platform to read two pages of the stone book, and then came down to complete the entire binding process.

Finally, she returned to the coral rock frame next to the torture device and pulled hard on the mechanism. Yumei Eto dragged herself along the ground like a corpse, her hair hanging on the ground.

Hasegawa Yangkui watched all this with a surprised and trembling expression, because she was also an accomplice. She desperately hoped that she could have a better ending than this.

Princess Otohime turned the handle.

In the first round, Yume Eto was hoisted into the air, in the second round, she was hoisted to the top of the torture cauldron, and in the third round, she was dipped headfirst into the sea water.

As her head, face and especially her nose got closer and closer to the water, Yume Eto struggled with her survival instinct. "If the rope is broken, I can't pull you up." Princess Otohime said, and soon she was satisfied to see that she no longer struggled.

Eto Yumei breathed quickly and desperately, her hair hanging down and getting wet with the sea water.

She took a deep breath, and then, Princess Otohime turned the handle for the fourth time, and Yume Eto was soaked in three meters of sea water.

Murder, execution, this is human death. The death of the witch. Hayho became even more uneasy, her feet kept rubbing against each other, her body tensed, and her heart was beating fast.

She never thought that Yume Eto would want to die. She thought that Yume Eto would rather be thrown alive into the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo.

"She's dead!" Saho couldn't help but say. It was so shameful. She thought she would never tremble with fear in her life, but it was the case. Seeing Eto Yumei's body completely submerged under the water, she trembled in horror.

She trembled and ran to the sea cauldron and shouted in a crying voice: "Wait! No, Princess Otohime, you can't kill!"

"This is the rule of the stone book. Hayao, don't interfere." Princess Otohime said, "If you try to cut the rope, she will never be able to float."

"Then I'll spin the roulette wheel backwards!" Hayho said.

"You can't repeat your life, come back! Zaosui!" Zhang Su said.

Eto Yumei struggled violently under the water, all warnings were thrown away, she kicked desperately, arched her body and then arched back, swaying from side to side, splashing water, banging sound, and drowning. The sound of water bubbles sounded.

Zaohui ran away in fear. She wiped her eyes and returned to Zhang Su in fear.

At this time, Eto Yumei no longer struggled, vomited, or hit the water. The trial was then over and there was nothing left to think about.

"Am I the murderer?" Hayho asked. There was such a question in her mind. If she couldn't answer it, she would never be able to calm down in her life. "Did I kill her?"

"No, Saho, you solved the mystery and revealed the truth. This is what any good investigator would do. The verdict was made by the judicial system of Ryugu Castle, and it was Eto Yumei's choice. That's it. The consequences are the burden of the law, not yours." Zhang Su looked at the torture instruments.

"Then hug me." Zaohui stood on Zhang Su's knees worriedly and hugged Zhang Su's neck, "I dare not look at it."

She saw the Fukada sisters staring at her in the back seat, but Saho was not afraid now.

After a long time, Princess Otohime spun the roulette wheel for the fifth time, and Yume Eto was hung up by the rope. She turned the sixth circle, and Yumei Eto was lifted aside. She turned the seventh circle, and Yumei Eto was put down.

Princess Otohime tore the rope apart with brute force and laid Yume Eto flat on her back. She was all wet and soaked in the sea water. Princess Otohime folded her hands together and pressed Yume Eto's chest and abdomen hard.

"What are you doing?" Saho turned his head and looked at it in fear.

"If cardiopulmonary resuscitation can drain the seawater from the lungs, one life may still be saved." Zhang Su said.

Princess Otohime forgot what to do halfway through, so she returned to the high platform to turn over the stone book.

Hayao's face turned pale, and he immediately let go of Zhang Su, sprinted forward, ran to sit next to Yumei Weito, and straddled her, pressing her chest with both hands.

"Live! Live!" Hayho pressed, once, twice, three times, "I have been resurrected so many times, you... you too..."

The air was very cold, and Saho's hands gradually lost strength. Princess Otohime came late after reading what was written in the stone book.

I saw Hayao using all his strength to suppress Eto Yumei's cold body.

"That's enough, Hayao," Princess Otohime said.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu""Wu..." Hayao cried bitterly as he lay on the body of Eto Yumei, "Wu wah wah wah..."

Princess Otohime rolled up Haoho with her tail, and her tears kept falling to the ground. Until she put her back on the rock bench, Haoho was still head down, crying.

"People must be responsible for their own decisions." Zhang Su said.

"I don't know, I..." Hayho sniffed, "I... didn't want... it was different from what I thought... I thought it was all... a joke... all a game..."

She naively thought that everything could be made up for and everything could be solved. But death is death.

Everything was silent, and Princess Otohime looked at the body of Eto Yumei.

"It does feel strange to pronounce a death sentence and execute a person with your own hands." Princess Otohime thought, "Maybe he didn't kill enough."

Suddenly, she heard a sound of choking, and their eyes all focused on Weito Yumei.

Weito Yumei stretched out her hand, supported the ground, and stood up. Her skin was pale and her eyes were empty.

"The corpse has changed!" Zaho was shocked.

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