Witch containment diary

Chapter 355 The sun blesses with all its strength

Eto Yumei's skin was pale and moist, similar to the description of the drowned person, and she was also trembling at the moment. There were clouds of smoke coming out from under her skin, and the necromantic magic blossomed in death, like a blue shroud that restrained the movement of the body.

She grabbed the collar around her neck with both hands and screamed hoarsely. Finally, unable to do anything, she fell to the ground and turned over on her back, as if she was half dead and half alive.

"What's wrong with her!" Zaho opened his eyes wide and reached out to pull Zhang Su, "Help!"

Zhang Su obtained Princess Otohime's consent, stepped forward, leaned over and untied the collar from Yumei Eto's neck, and the undead magic power returned to its original state. Princess Otohime watched intently and pursed her lips.

"Huh...huh..." Weito Yumei's eyes widened, and Saho stepped forward and touched her hands without saying a word.

She wasn't used to dead people yet. Zhang Su stood up and used half of his body to protect her. Haosui remained silent but hid behind him gratefully. Zhang Su had killed many people throughout his life and was not alarmed by this.

"It seems that the magic power of the dead saved her life at the last moment." Zhang Su and Princess Otohime said, "Is this considered a successful execution?"

The complete form of the Necromancer is very difficult to kill. It is said that as long as she breaks her position once, she can be reborn endlessly and the cycle repeats. But that kind of ceremony requires a new cemetery on the scale of a mass grave. Modern society can no longer tolerate the desecration of the corpses of so many citizens. Zhang Su crossed his arms and waited for Princess Otohime's reply.

"The Stone Book told me to keep a distance from the resurrected filth." Princess Otohime clasped her hands and turned her gaze, "You were neither drowned nor resurrected as a sea creature, but you used magic to preserve your life. You deserve to die, but I won't be the one who kills you." She was very generous.

Hayho breathed a sigh of relief, at least she didn't have to watch people die.

Weito Yumei got up and stood still. Even her breathing slowed down, and she couldn't say anything.

"I don't want to see you in Ryugu Castle, nor do I want to see you in Ansinin." Princess Otohime said.

"I will avoid you and avoid this place." Wei Teng Yumei glanced around sadly, her eyes sad. Does she feel ashamed? Zhang Su thought.

"And I'm going to punch you." Princess Otohime swung her fist and accumulated energy on her arm, but Yumei Eto did not dodge.


The swift whale-killing fist hit Yumei Eto's chest. She flew back and fell ten meters away. Yumei Eto's prison clothes were stained with blood. She leaned on her elbows and raised her head. Princess Otohime wanted to punch her again, but she thought that the first punch was indignation, and the second punch was personal grudges. The Stone Book clearly defined the two emotions.

Although her chest and abdomen were severely injured, Yumei Eto still crawled over. She knelt on the ground, and the expanding pool of blood on her clothes was like an expanding shadow. She kowtowed deeply to Princess Otohime, three times in total, and then stepped away on her knees. She walked first, then quickly, leaving blood stains along the way.

"She doesn't dare to cause trouble anymore," Zhang Su said.

"She is the worst example among us, what do you think? Saho, if you were thrown into a treasure house with the door wide open, would you steal something?" Princess Otohime picked up Saho with both hands.

"What's yours is mine. If I take what's mine, is it still considered stealing?" said Saho.

"Then I can eat and drink for free at your canteen." Princess Otohime pinched Hayho's face.

"Buy whatever you want for zero yuan!" said Saho. She wanted to make her friends live a good life.

"Where is Yang Kui?" Zhang Su asked, "Do you also want to be tried?"

Princess Otohime's eyes turned to Yang Kui, and Yang Kui's expression suddenly became wonderful. She thought about the consequences of being drowned or punched, but she didn't expect Princess Otohime to bring up this topic to her.

"You have heard the trial, and you are equally guilty. But the accomplice can have other choices. Do you want to be punched by me or drowned?" Princess Otohime asked.

Yang Kui thought about the tragic situation of Yume Eto being drowned, and thought that without the magic power of the undead to save the remaining soul, today's bloody scene was enough to top the list of nightmare materials.

"Punch me." Yang Kui puffed up his chest, and the next second the shadow of the punch came quickly. Princess Otohime fired a shot from 10 meters away. Yang Kui flew back and hit the basalt bench with her shoulder. Bursting apart, the body bent like a ball of mud.

"Everyone can still come to Ryugu Castle to play." Princess Otohime left, "And those who do bad things have to taste my fist, that's all."

"Copy that." Zaohui was sweating.

Zhang Su walked to Yang Kui and squatted down. Luck treated her and saved her life. Yang Kui's whole body felt cold and hot. The cold areas were bursting wounds and broken bones, while the hot areas were constantly pouring in. Flowing air. When it was cold, she wanted to die, but the heat stubbornly held on to her hope of living.

"I'm still alive." Yang Kui said with difficulty.

“It’s natural to take responsibility for the decisions you make,” Zhang Su said.

"I still want to hang out with the children." Yang Kui prayed, "Guarantee for me, I have repented."

"By the way, your precognitive dream dreamed about my precognitive dream." Zhang Su said.

"Yes." Yang Kui felt the broken flesh slowly heal, "How did you do it?"

"If I tell others, they won't believe it, but if I borrow it from you, it will be fine. If I tell you that there will be a big earthquake in the future and you tell it in the form of a precognitive dream, they will believe it, because people believe in dreams. Witches can predict the future. They can save many people in this world and their merits are immeasurable," Zhang Su said.

"Okay." Yang Kui believed.

"In the future, I have to convince everyone that this world will fall into a sea of ​​blood, and you can also be of great help. Get up, apologize to Princess Otohime, and have a heart-to-heart meeting with the other prisoners. Who said Ansin Institute will not reform the witch?" Zhang Sufu She gets up.

The next day, Zhang Su woke up, and Soraya beside him also got up early.

"What are your plans for today?" Zhang Su sat up and Shuili put on a white shirt for him.

"Change your hairstyle, prepare some potions, and plant some raw materials." Soraya has been receiving the flow of righteousness during this period, purifying her body and mind. Her whole person has become more energetic, and she is almost not as nagging and crazy as before. She kissed Zhang Su, put on her clothes and left.

"Ingredients for the magic potion?" Zhang Su asked.

"A lot, mulch roots, elderberries, aisen vines, Philopeia flowers, tarragon leaves, mandrakes. I have a lot of seeds, just like you can sow." Soraya stood at the door, "But Anxinyuan Bigger fields are needed.”

"Wait for us to expand." Zhang Su said, "There just happened to be strange messages online during this period."

"I just want to buy a long-tube focusing accessory for my telescope during the June 18th Shopping Festival," Soraya said.

"It's about Hongyan. They are Hongyan's believers. Hongyan hasn't been broadcasting for a long time." Zhang Su said, "The believers followed the map and found Anxinyuan."

"Hong Yan should be a sunflower seed in the playground now, and I'm going to lie down for a while." Soraya walked out.

"Haven't you been lying down for eight hours?" Zhang Su followed.

"That's different, that's Natsuki, our baby." Soraya also became Natsuki's crush.

Natsuki had been lying in the middle of the large open space of Anshin Institute for some time, and the witch prisoners also lay down with her. Zhang Su walked over and saw Hongyan lying on the edge, sleeping soundly. Because the other witches were tall, the little Hongyan couldn't squeeze in.

"Bodhisattva, there are people looking for you outside." Zhang Su was dealing with Hong Yan.

Hongyan opened one eye, put his hands behind his head, and put his fat foot on the other leg.

"Let's find Lianwu again." Hongyan turned over and became angry, "Bodhisattva only listens to Lianwu's words."

"Lian Wu and I will need some time to restore our relationship." Zhang Su sat next to Hong Yan.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Hongyan wiped away tears when she thought of Lianwu, "I just miss her!!"

"Then let's wait together." Zhang Su sat next to him, leaned back and put his hands on the ground, "Look at the blue sky and white clouds, nothing happened anyway."

After sitting for about half an hour, when the sun rose to eight or nine o'clock, slanting on the earth, and the weather got warmer, they all felt a strange movement.

Natsuki, who was sitting in the middle of the large flat circle of Anxinyuan, suddenly sat up straight. She seemed to have no idea what she was doing, and she didn't know what everyone was doing around here. She just flashed her body, emitting boundless golden light, and left. The witches closest to her were awakened by the high temperature and rolled around to avoid them. Immediately afterwards, Natsuki returned to normal.

She looked around and saw everyone standing up, touching her blond hair. She didn't know what happened, but walked out, separated the people blocking the road with her hands, and started walking again.

"Natsuki!" Hong Yan felt that the warm and carefree feeling disappeared, and she suddenly felt depressed, "Ahhhh...! The Bodhisattva is finished!"

"Xia Xi...your magic power has evolved!" Zhang Su felt the change in Xia Xi's aura.

"??" Xia Xi still had some reaction to Zhang Su's voice. She turned her head. At this time, Xia Xi was walking with a faint light, leaving faint golden footprints wherever she walked. Her whole person's temperament was even more ethereal. extraordinary.

"Other children still have the magic power of the growth period, but you are the only one who has evolved to the maturity stage!" Zhang Su found it very strange. In his previous life, Natsuki also kept lying down and basking in the sun to reach his complete body.

"Boohoo!" Xia Xi fired the sun's rays towards Zhang Su.

Powerful sunlight was injected into Zhang Su and bloomed from his body. He felt a strong "yang" lingering around him, making him energetic, as if he had a built-in nuclear power furnace, giving him endless strength.

"Thank you!" Zhang Su felt that this was Xia Xi's blessing.

It has happened in the past life, and it can only be effective for one person. As long as there is sunshine during this period, you can obtain good health and abundant energy, perceive the world with vigor, glow with optimism, and develop the will to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

"Walking around." Natsuki strolled away. Qing Xiao and Zhazhu followed behind.

"Even I feel different." Zhang Su looked at his hands and felt that Xia Xi's endless sunshine power turned him into a sunny and cheerful boy.

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