Witch containment diary

Chapter 356 The red flames follow more and more

"Hmph. All the good things have been taken away by you, and the Bodhisattva has been suffering." Hongyan put his hands on his hips.

"Bodhisattva is the patron saint of Anxin Academy. With Anxin Academy prospering, Bodhisattva's power is also increasing. By this time next year, Bodhisattva will have broken the throne five times and become a peerless master." Zhang Su checked the witch containment log and found that the accumulated points have accumulated over time. It will soon help Hongyan become taller and stronger.

"Oh?" Hongyan looked down at his short legs, "I'm going to change back to the big Hongyan."

"Is Da Hongyan a beautiful girl?" Zhang Su asked.

"Peerless beauty, hum." Hongyan was very confident in her true appearance, "At that time, the Bodhisattva was 1.8 meters tall, and everyone could only admire and praise her."

"——Just asking, has Bodhisattva ever had a boyfriend?" Zhang Su asked.

"No, what are you doing?" Hongyan didn't understand.

"It's okay - by the way, in order to strengthen our faith, we also have to go and see the believers who visit Anxinyuan. They all want to see the Bodhisattva. They usually support the Bodhisattva with real money and silver." Zhang Su said.

"I really can't help it. I'll just go take a look at that Bodhisattva." Hong Yan walked forward, Zhang Su followed behind, "Don't forget to bring Lian Wu back. The Bodhisattva will point at you and Lian Wu in this life." The mist feeds me, but your fate with her is not over yet."

"I hope." Zhang Su knew many things, but Lian Wu was still a mystery.

At the door, Hong Yan was startled because there were about dozens of people sitting in meditation outside. They were all restrained from taking ordination, sitting or kneeling, wearing Chinese clothes, monk robes, monk clothes or naked, both men and women. Young and old alike practice here.

"All, all mine?" Hong Yan was so frightened that she hid behind Zhang Su and looked out from between his calves.

"Bodhisattva should know this better than me." Zhang Su said.

Hong Yan quietly felt it, and she realized the bond between believers and gods, and most of them had been blessed by her during her previous live broadcast, and her wishes were fulfilled at will. Unexpectedly, they left everything and ran to the mountains. Come to fulfill your wish.

"Bodhisattva is a threat to society." Hongyan looked around, "That's why Lianwu is asked to help Bodhisattva deal with them!"

"Lianwu is ten times more fearful than your society!" Zhang Su was shocked. "If the 'Hongyan Sect' is only run by you two, it will only be you two for a hundred years."

"Pull you." Hongyan pulled out Zhang Su's leg hair, "Then hurry up."

"We need to talk about it. For example, I am the protector of the Hongyan Sect?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's almost the same, the Bodhisattva will grant you the title of Vajra." Hongyan raised his hands to give Zhang Su some buffs.

"Where's the doctrine?" Zhang Su asked.

"I haven't thought about this yet." Hong Yan pondered.

"They are all waiting impatiently. The first ones to come have been waiting for several days, and many more people will come later, all because Bodhisattva has not started broadcasting. How about going back to start broadcasting?" Zhang Su said.

"Bodhisattva Electronics is ED." Hong Yan said, "You go and help maintain it first. Bodhisattva, I will fully support you."

She gave Zhang Su a thumbs up and then fled back to the tunnel.

Zhang Su went to the warehouse to get two large boxes of grain, picked up the Guanshi Pagoda, lifted them up like poles, acted as the protector of the Hongyan Shrine, and went out.

"Praise to the Hongyan Sky. With a single thought and a pure mind, there are beautiful flowers everywhere. The flowers bloom and fall, and the weather is smooth. The mind is calm and calm, and I can be at ease with the situation." Zhang Su went out, "Dear benefactors, I am the protector of the Hongyan Seat. Jian'an Academy guards Zhang Su."

Hongyan's admirers stood up one after another and bowed in the direction behind Zhang Su.

"Lord Hongyan!"

"Red Flame Immortal!"


"That's great!"

"Let us meet Lord Hongyan!"

They all know Hongyan's magical power. Many people just found Hongyan playing games while watching live broadcasts online, and sought help by leaving messages and praying silently. They found out that Hongyan really gave out miracles and was genuine.

Now they also sincerely go to Anxinyuan to further seek Hongyan's wisdom.

"The Red Flame Bodhisattva is not fake on the outside, but in the heart. Come with me." Zhang Su led them away from the gate of Anxinyuan. He carried the Guanshi Pagoda on his shoulders, and two boxes of coarse grains were hung on sticks one after the other. It's stable and weighs about five hundred pounds.

As Hongyan's admirers, they could really observe the aura left by Hongyan on Zhang Su's body, and sensed an extraordinary aura similar to Hongyan's, so they did not doubt his presence and followed closely behind him. What's more, Zhang Su carried such a heavy material on his shoulders and still walked as fast as flying. They were even more shocked and in awe.

There is a river between Ansin-in and Kagura Mountain. The land on both sides of the river is flat and open. Before the Hell Gate appeared, it was a prosperous village, even larger than the Gozen Town at the foot of the mountain. It was only abandoned due to the war.

Now that the Gate of Hell is peaceful, Zhang Su led these hundreds of people to the river bank. They saw beautiful scenery, fresh and natural, wilderness and simplicity, and the nameless mountains were also strange in the spring glow. They are used to the bustle and hustle and bustle of the city. Now they are back to nature. Even though they are ragged and hungry, they don't feel weak. Instead, they feel refreshed. They can't help but look around and let the spring breeze flow quietly in their field of vision.

"You all have come a long way, so you are inevitably hungry. I am here to prepare a meal for the guests." Zhang Su put down the Guanshi Pagoda and opened the zip ties of two large boxes of food. There were dry food, canned food, pickled fish, bacon, and hard noodles. cake.

They were extremely hungry. When they saw the food, they couldn't help but reach out for it. The situation was a bit confusing.

"How can you be so impudent in front of the divine envoy!" a bearded man suddenly said angrily, shocking them.

With this order, they gradually felt more awe in their hearts, thinking that Hongyan lived on the mountain and observed their every move, and Zhang Su was a messenger with extraordinary power, so he really shouldn't be so presumptuous.

So they lined up spontaneously, with the old and the weak at the front, the young and the strong at the back, and shared the dry food.


"I didn't expect it to be so delicious..."

After waiting at the door for so many days, they had basically finished the food they had brought with them. They helped each other and ate very sparingly. Now that there is free food, they can eat well and feel grateful. And the food tastes even better after a long period of starvation.

When they were thirsty, they went to the river to drink water. The clear and cold wild water had a unique taste.

"Who is your Excellency?" Zhang Su asked the bearded man who had shocked everyone with his words before.

"I am from Yoshida Street." The bearded man said.

Yoshida gives off a quiet and confident look, with regular facial features and a messy beard that probably hasn't been trimmed since it grew like crazy. The black hair falls neatly above the shoulders, and the temperament is almost savage, returning to nature.

"Why do you believe in Hongyan?" Zhang Su asked.

"I have worked for a long time in a large economy now known as the 'Rising Sun', where there is constant filth, extraordinary depravity, and vicious hearts. I am afraid of becoming as evil as them, so I run away." Yoshida said.

"If your heart is not brave, you will not seek God's blessing." Zhang Su said.

"My wife passed away in childbirth, and I didn't have the chance to leave the company to visit. This matter made me brood, and it was also the reason why I gave up on myself. Hongyan's live broadcast gave me a glimmer of hope. I prayed to Hongyan that I could see my wife again, and sure enough, When my wife returned home, she cooked and washed the food for me, and everything was as usual. But after 12 o'clock in the evening, I never saw her again, and I could only wash my face with tears. Now even to repay my kindness, I have to come to see Mr. Hongyan." Yoshida explain.

"It's useless to pray to God if you don't have anything to rely on," Zhang Su said.

Yoshida opened his mouth and looked around. People were chatting on the river bank, sitting or standing, it was clear and refreshing. Look at the sky again, it's cloudless and as blue as a mirror.

"My past has disappeared like a flowing river. I just want to start over at this moment and after this. Isn't this also okay?" Yoshida said.

"If you have a goal in your heart, you will be blessed if you pray to God." Zhang Su said, "Since you, as a member of the Far Travelers, left many things behind and came to the mountains to visit Hongyan, you should also be prepared to be born and be completely pure. You have a strong temperament, I should be able to convince everyone to ask you to be their leader."

"I don't have enough virtue, but I hope to work hard." Yoshida saluted Zhang Su.

"I have brought building materials. You can camp here, build houses, and open fields. There are many grass seeds in the medicinal garden of Hongyan Bodhisattva. Please sow and plant them. The crops can be made into medicines, or they can be used by people in the world. They are full of benefits and spiritual progress. Cultivation." Zhang Su said.

"If you were born, why would you want to benefit the world?" Yoshida asked.

"You are born just to enter the world in a better way. In the future, there will be a great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the world will change. You can live and practice here peacefully, and you will not be afraid of the threats of evil spirits. At that time, you will be born again and travel far, do good to the world, and spread the red flames of kindness." Zhang Sudao.

"Yes." Yoshida remembered.

Plant fields, build houses, worship gods, and benefit the world.

Zhang Su often carried materials to the foot of the mountain for these followers of Hongyan to build buildings. They were agile and built spacious dormitories in time to protect them from wind and rain.

Under the coordination of Zhang Su, their organizational system is basically a primitive monastic republic model. Everyone has 1 vote, and the leader Yoshida counts 1.5 votes. He is responsible for managing most things.

People's materials are shared, and at this stage, due to the high enthusiasm, they have no partiality.

On the first day, they built a house. The next day they plowed the fields. On the third day, many surrounding trees were cut down, further clearing the clearing. On the fourth day, they raised chickens and ducks. On the fifth day, they cultivated many crops in the herbal garden, all of which were spiritual plants that were helpful in making potions.

This is also the reason why Hongyan's miracles have expanded. Hongyan is already good at construction and farming. Now Zhang Su can see them building houses and planting crops quickly when he goes down the mountain every day, relying on Hongyan's divine grace.

Those houses are as if they can dig pile foundations and balance gravity by themselves. They lack construction experience, but the buildings that were crooked one night will become beautiful the next day. The fields that were barren last night were growing wildly with crops the next day, making them look green and vigorous.

"Bodhisattva, it's time to go down the mountain and see the careers of your followers." Zhang Su was at the door.

"No." Hongyan grabbed Zhang Su's big hand, "The Bodhisattva will turn into water as soon as he goes out."

"Try it." Zhang Su stood outside the threshold.

"Bodhisattva is afraid!" Hong Yan stretched out his feet nervously. If she lands, it means she can leave Anxin Hospital.

Zhang Su watched intently, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

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