Witch containment diary

Chapter 357 Everyone understands what you mean

"Grass." Hong Yan's foot stepped on the threshold, and his whole body leaned forward, bumping forward. Zhang Su reached out to hold him.

"It's alive, no problem." Zhang Su pulled her out of the door, Hongyan's feet fluttered in the air for a while, and then put them down until they were weak.

She held Zhang Su with both hands, buried her head in his thigh, closed her eyes and breathed for a while, then opened one eye and looked around, then the other.

"Hey, Bodhisattva has won!" Hong Yan took two steps out, surprised, "What's going on? Why doesn't Bodhisattva look like him anymore?"

"Because the scope of Anxinyuan has expanded," Zhang Su said, "We can wander outside this gate for the time being. Our zoning has covered the entire top of Kagura Mountain."

"It's true." Hongyan patted his chest, adapting to the distant landscape. The top of Kagura Mountain no longer had blood clouds swirling around the sky and magma burned the top, but instead was green, vast and peaceful.

She gently breathed in the fresh air and nodded to Zhang Su, "...you have done a lot of good things for the Bodhisattva. You guy."

"Now it's Bodhisattva's turn to interact with people in society. Let's go. Is this enough?" Zhang Su picked up Hong Yan with both hands.

Hong Yan tried her feet, but they were too short and couldn't reach the ground, so she jumped down and followed.

"What are the people below doing?" Hongyan adjusted her clothes and hair and quickly followed. Zhang Su's one step was equal to Hongyan's four steps.

"As the ascended witch, you have given out many miracles, and now they have come to repay the favor." Zhang Su said.

"Oh! The incense is booming, but the ascended witch has no miracles in other places?" Hongyan asked.

"Only the ascended witches who have broken the throne can perform miracles, but they have already gone to the spirit world." Zhang Su said.

Hongyan's face turned red. If this continues, the identity of the world's most dishonest god will be exposed.

"Then, did they bring any money?" Hong Yan changed the subject, "I'm going back to get the money box to collect the money."

"I'm sorry, they think that Hongyan worship is a mundane belief. They all came here after abandoning their children and property, and they are penniless." Zhang Sudao.

"If there is no rice, the Bodhisattva will not receive you." Hongyan put her hands on her hips, "The Bodhisattva will lie down on the golden mountain and play video games."

"If such an image of Bodhisattva is known to them, I'm afraid everyone will break up." Zhang Su said, "They believe that you have great wisdom and can help them clear up the sufferings in life. Do you have great wisdom?"

"Why do you need great wisdom?" Hong Yan felt it was unnecessary.

"As far as I can see, the original meaning of the word Bodhisattva is 'Bodhisattva'. Bodhi refers to Buddhist principles, and Sattva refers to living beings. Bodhisattva means 'pursuing Buddhist principles' and 'transforming all living beings'. If Everyone calls you Bodhisattva, so you should help all sentient beings," Zhang Su said.

Hongyan touched his chin in distress.

"The Bodhisattva used to eat incense at Mount Hiei. Later, a beyond burned Mount Hiei. The Bodhisattva then instigated his younger brother to burn him. Then he went to Ryugu Castle to work as a cook of orange rice cakes, and then went to the spirit world, and then because they were tired of eating Orange threw the Bodhisattva down again to guard Yuehua Ji. Because he was afraid of the devil, he dug a tunnel and hid. Until now, he has not read a book for three to four hundred years. You may know better when you ask the Bodhisattva how to open the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow. ." Hong Yan said.

"You said Tathagata, has he come?" Zhang Su asked.

"Not coming." Hongyan said subconsciously, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, it's coming, it's coming! It's coming! It's coming. It's coming."

She thought for a while and suddenly clapped her hands, "Oh! Not coming, not coming, not coming, come on, not coming."

Finally, she looked at Zhang Su hesitantly, "...are you here?"

"Forget it, we can just create the Red Flame Bodhisattva system from scratch." Zhang Su was helpless.

"How?" Hong Yan was curious.

"Isn't this what I should ask you?" Zhang Su was also laughed at by Hong Yan.

"Hurry up." Hongyan clapped his hands, "That's all it is. Design a system, frame everyone in it, and then send the Bodhisattva crazy incense money and the energy of faith and vows."

"It's very pragmatic. Doesn't that turn into a labor cult? How many hours do you have to work a day?" Zhang Su asked.

"I get up to work at dawn (referring to 5 o'clock) and get off work at sunset (referring to 18 o'clock). Doing 13 o'clock a day is not too much. Followers have to give me popcorn, so they can't be lazy." Hongyan said.

"Do you have a worldview? What contribution has Lord Hongyan made to building this world?" Zhang Su asked.

"I invented orange rice cake. From now on, orange rice cake has become everyone's holy object and holy meal." Hong Yan said.

"The holy land is Mount Kagurura and Ansin-in Temple, okay?"

"Okay. There are still tunnels. Everyone should be proud to live in the tunnels." Hongyan said.

"What about the daily work content? Is there anything that fits the capabilities of Lord Hongyan? Farming and construction?" Zhang Su studied.

"Yes, if you want to see land, plant it, if you see a place where you can build a house, build a house, build a lot of construction, build wonders, transform the landscape, hollow out the Kagura Mountain. Greatly promote my reputation." Hongyan happily said explain.

"It's so hard to be a follower of Lord Hongyan... You build a house but you can't live in it. You have to sleep in the tunnel. They will escape." Zhang Su said.

"How do other religions do it?" Hongyan asked.

"Basically, they say that after you die, you can go to a better place, which is the spirit world. Different places are different. The ascended witches in Northern Europe said that they can bring someone with them who can eat unlimited barbecue, fight, and drink wine. Others say that There are seventy-two beautiful girls." Zhang Su said.

"Huh, what's so good about the spiritual world? The current world is more comfortable. If they accumulate contribution points in exchange for divine favor, the Bodhisattva will give them rewards. They can get whatever they want. Don't they also come here because they see the benefits?" Hongyan said .

"Okay. However, this whole form is too pre-modern, too ancient, and not trendy enough. Does Bodhisattva have any better tricks? Is it in line with people's basic pursuits?" Zhang Su asked.

"That's it. As long as human beings in Kagura Mountain are willing to believe in the Red Flame Bodhisattva, they will not get sick or die of old age, and they can even be resurrected if they die unexpectedly. If we work together to build Kagura Mountain Fantasyland, the treatment will be good enough!" Hong Homura clapped his hands.

"Very good! But it seems it's not trendy enough. Are there any more post-modern tricks?" Zhang Su asked.

"Ah... Bodhisattva's little head is about to burst." Hongyan pressed her head, "Then all those who are willing to believe in me will have their hearts transparent from now on, and they will be able to understand each other's love and hatred. There is no need to fight every day to understand each other. Their consciousnesses are woven into a big network. There is no clear boundary between body and spirit, there is no huge difference between individual and collective, there is no annoying distinction between human and extraordinary, and there is no longer a huge difference between existence and metaphysics. The difference. That’s it.”

"It seems to work, please let Bodhisattva use it." Zhang Su said.

Hongyan waved her little hand and it was done.

Hong Yan hid behind Zhang Su and moved forward.

There are two roads starting from Ansin-in, one is the winding mountain road leading to Yamashita Gozen Town, and the other is a winding path through the forest. You can go around to the back mountain, Mt. Kagura and other areas. Now you also follow this road. Arrive at Hongyan Village in the river.

It was already afternoon, and the clouds and mist filtered the sunlight into a light orange color, shining on the wooden houses built by the followers of Hongyan Village. The dozens of steps closest to the village had been paved with gravel, making walking very smooth.

Zhang Su crossed his arms and looked out.

After a week of adapting, there is a deep and peaceful atmosphere here, and I feel open-minded just looking at the village.

Hongyan grabbed Zhang Su's trouser legs, stuck out half of his head, and looked furtively.

Her followers carried bundles of firewood and wild grass, built fences in the spacious open space, and raised chickens and goats.

The river runs through the village, and there are hundreds of acres of open space on both sides. The development potential is unlimited, making it suitable for this group of people to live.

"It seems very serious." Hong Yan said.

"The gods should be hiding." Zhang Su turned around and said, "I'm going to the village to have a look."

"Then you come back and tell me when the time comes." Hong Yan quickly retreated and hid in the bushes.

Zhang Su entered the village with the Guanshi Pagoda.

The bearded Yoshida street man came up. He had been chosen as the leader of this group of pioneers. He was now in good health and full of energy.

"I'm sorry, Lord Protector." He nodded to Zhang Su.

"This village has a feeling of returning to nature," Zhang Su said.

"This is the truth." Yoshida nodded, and he led Zhang Su to the river.

The river flowing down from Mount Kagura is fast and fresh, flowing through a field of smooth pebbles, and people walk barefoot in the river. Birds chirped from high above, and kingfishers, herons and falcons soared and competed in the warm breeze.

"'Time' anxiety is a major difference between modern society and pre-modern life." Zhang Su said, "People feel panic when they think of future dates. The start and end time of holidays, the time stipulated in bus tickets and air tickets, school attendance The time required to clock in and work, the time when stores and discounts expire, the time to sleep, the time to submit homework, work projects or papers... These times are exhausting. But in the village of Hongyan, time seems to slow down. .”

"What you are saying is that you can't remember the last time you looked at the sky leisurely like this. Probably not since you were a child." Yoshida raised his head and watched the white clouds relax and change, "It is really the best thing I have done in my life to drop everything and join Lord Hongyan's career. Great decision."

"How are people doing?" Zhang Su looked around. Some people were sitting cross-legged meditating, some were sleeping, and more were working, expanding Hongyan Village with vigor.

"We are all very smart and capable people." Yoshida said, he introduced Zhang Su to some outstanding people in Hongyan Village, "such as Dahui, the brain surgeon of New Tokyo. Mai, a singer who plays and sings by herself Takya, who spent 5 years meditating in the North Pole and now finds it better to join the holy land of the Red Flame Bodhisattva. And Kentaro, a professional investor who had a net worth of 160 million before this year's virtual currency plunge. Now we We all live together as equals, silently reciting the majesty of Hongyan."

Different people followed Hong Yan... Zhang Su thought silently. There will be more and more in the future.

"Is it difficult to manage them?" Zhang Su asked.

"I had it before, but just now, I seem to be able to fully understand everyone's feelings! I used to have quarrels and worries about them, but they are gone now," Yoshida explained.

Yoshida walked towards a boy who was washing his feet by the river and patted him on the shoulder.

"I understand what you mean." Yoshida said.

"I understand what you mean." The young man nodded and left the river.

"?" Zhang Su thought about their words silently.

At this time, because Yoshida came to the river, there were many residents on the other side of the river who had just returned from the forest. They all waved to Yoshida.

"I know what you mean!" they shouted.

"I understand what you mean." Yoshida nodded.

"?" Zhang Su looked around and people continued to communicate.

"I understand what you mean."

"I understand what you mean."

"I understand what you mean. The villagers in Hongyan Village have upgraded their brains, and now they no longer need any poor language to express the true meaning. Due to the blessing of Hongyan, they can see each other's souls like transparent glass, and they all It is the truest and most original intention and does not need to be expressed in words or rhetoric.

A boy gives a girl a gift and then proposes.

"I understand what you mean ≠ I understand what you mean." She refused.

"I understand what you mean." The young man left disappointed.

Yoshida looked at Zhang Su.

"I understand what you mean." Zhang Su spoke before him.

"I understand what you mean." Yoshida stroked his beard, nodded and left.

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