Witch containment diary

Chapter 359 The method of healing emotions

Thank you. Lian Wu muttered in her heart. Can you understand this?

"In the past few weeks, we have done a lot of great things! For example, we have opened up new fields and recruited many followers of Hong Yan. The Red Flame Bodhisattva has been clamoring for you to come back. What is a shrine without a shrine maiden?" Zhang Sudao.

"..." Lian Wu listened silently.

"More and more witches are pouring into Anxin Hospital, making it even more lively. At this time last year, Anxin Hospital was still in need of renovation, but now it has become a place with complete facilities. You have no worries about food and clothing, and don't have to worry about cold and disease, and other places The relationship has also deepened. Everyone is happy, and everyone is either learning and growing, or gradually developing their own potential." Zhang Su kept talking.

"..." Lianwu thought.

"However, if Anxinyuan does not have Lianwu, it will be like losing a spiritual support! Just seeing Miss Lianwu here will make everyone happy, because after all, Miss Lianwu has lived well with all of us for a whole year. All our laughter, sorrow and anger, Miss Lianwu saw it and felt it with us. We built a safe home from the ruins, but when we look back on the past, we find that there is one missing figure. This feeling is really frustrating. .So Miss Lianwu, are you willing to come back?" Zhang Su asked.

Lianwu leaned back, her thoughts jumping around like pebbles flying on the hillside.

She is usually not like this. Her brain can always process everything clearly, neatly and smoothly. But now I can't make up my mind about my relationship with Zhang Su.


Lianwu suddenly figured it out.

Zhang Su probably had similar thoughts.

Emotions are balanced, and Zhang Su also values ​​the connection between people.

He probably didn't want to give it up, but Zhang Su was more worried and couldn't talk about so many things.

Listen to what he said just now. He said everything about An Yuan, everyone, and Hong Yan, but he didn't talk about himself. What is he doing? How many things are on your mind? Lianwu felt sympathy, and felt that both she and him were quite unfortunate.

Zhang Su loves to talk but has no one to talk to, Lian Wu has people to talk to but doesn't talk.

"It happened, something happened, you..." Lian Wu said.

"That's right. Regarding the robots, I want to entrust Anxin Industrial to receive a large number of used robots from the front line. I want to transform them. However, these goods are produced by Shengyang. If I accept them rashly, there may be conflicts in public opinion. For example, Said, we want to steal core technology or something. So I want the frontline to treat this batch of goods as ordinary 'military waste' by sea to Niigata City, and then the transformation will not be public." Zhang Su said.

Lian Wu's thoughts captured a faster method that could help Zhang Su.

"...Special scientific research plan..." she said softly, "I applied to the Human Defense Plan to provide a special order to Anxin Industry. This way, it will not be intercepted by the media or Shengyang."

Zhang Su was stunned.

Once a year, companies have the opportunity to apply to the Human Defense Program Proposal for a special scientific research project aimed at developing corporate capabilities.

If it is used as a "special scientific research project", then these scrapped robots on the front line can be reprocessed as test materials, with military-level confidentiality and without interference.

However, this opportunity is very precious!

Anxin Industrial's reputation and strength are not big enough, and its opportunities are limited. Once the project is approved once a year, it will be gone.

Lian Wu was willing to give this opportunity to Zhang Su's "test", which deeply moved him.

"Thank you." Zhang Su sighed.

"~" Lianwu whispered, "Talk to me~"

"What are you talking about? Haven't you been talking now? Miss Lianwu's voice is so beautiful, I really want to listen to it forever..." Zhang Su calmed down and listened slowly to Lianwu's voice, like a nimble finger. Scratch your ears.

Lian Wu hummed softly in her heart. Bad Zhang Su, there are one, two, three, or four of them, and they are still trying to seduce her.


Lian Wu heard the sounds of things being smashed and doors slamming outside.

There was probably another quarrel with Kyoji-nii.

"Speak later~" Lian Wu whispered, silently saying goodbye to Zhang Su, and then hung up the communication.

Zhang Su is a person who can handle things. Sometimes when you are used to his ability to handle things, you will feel that others are a bit fragile.

Lianwu walked to the door and looked outside.

The second brother Kyoji and his fiancée Anri got into a fight, smashing various glasses on the table at each other and yelling angrily.

Kyoji was mumbling something, while Anri was having an explosive tirade in a high-pitched female voice.

"——What if you just help me?" Anri ended with an explosive roar, "Aren't I going to marry you? Aren't you willing to do your wife a favor?"

"That's nonsense. They are all respectable people, and my sister is also a decent person. How could I help you solve such a nasty thing? I won't embarrass myself." Kyoji said in as calm a tone as possible.

"What do you know! Don't pretend to be like a gentleman like you. How have you committed so many crimes?" Anri screamed frantically.

"I haven't spent a day short of what I should have to do," Kyoji said restrainedly.

Xingli was still about to scold her, but suddenly she noticed Lian Wu peeking secretly between the cracks in the door. She immediately changed her tone and adjusted her expression into a fake smile: "Lian Wu, come and talk to your brother. With the people on your side, With the power, it’s not difficult to help my sister-in-law solve some small things in New Tokyo, right? It’s easy with a little effort.”

"..." Lianwu remained silent, earning an eye roll from Xingli.

Xingli is fashionably dressed and has a wild temperament.

"You handle your own affairs. Sister Lianwu comes back only once a year, so what are you talking about?" Kyoji said with a displeased face.

"This is really delaying my business!" Anri said angrily, "Have you ever considered my affairs to be our own An-yuan family's business? I will give birth to children for your An-yuan family in the future. Without me, you will become extinct." ! Otherwise, do you expect your brother or your sister to continue the family line?"

"..." Lianwu touched her belly.

"Go to hell, go to hell." Kyoji pushed Anri, "My sister and brother-in-law are both big shots, how could they accompany you to do evil?"

"How dare you touch me! I sacrificed everything to date you! You can only live here because I helped you with the money!" Anri slapped Kyoji, then angrily put on her high heels and went downstairs.

"Come back when you calm down!" Kyoji shouted, then closed the door.

He took two deep breaths, then turned around and waved to Lian Wu: "It's okay!"

"...Why..." Lianwu asked.

"She drove a modified float car and injured people, and she was also drunk. She has to be imprisoned for 5 years. Now it's hard to bear it." Kyoji sighed.

"Oh..." Lian Wu suddenly figured it out.

Zhang Su is a big shot, a hero who fights demons, and not many people are willing to fight against him.

So this matter can be solved as long as he says hello in New Tokyo.

I think Anri also found out about Lian Wu and Zhang Su from Brother Kyoji...

"I swear, I didn't exaggerate with her or say anything messy. It's just that she was overly arrogant." Kyoji emphasized, and then absentmindedly went to the bathroom to clean up the red slap marks on his face.

Lianwu thought for a while.

"Anri is bad." She said, "Change."

"That's not possible." Kyoji's voice sounded muffled through the glass door, "We met while doing racing, and she did quit her job as a speed driver to come to my company to help. Yes, she is a little bit epileptic, but I He’s not a perfect person either.”

"Five years." Lian Wu said.

"Then wait five years." Kyoji said, "Damn it, it's not like I can't wait. Our dad will be released in fifty years, if he can live longer."

"You love her." Lian Wu said.

"Yes." Kyoji said, "Love means giving to each other! How can we call it love without giving to each other! For example, you and brother Zhang Su should have given to each other. What he gave you, what you gave him, carefully look at it. Think about it, it’s all there!”

Lian Wu blushed, thinking that Zhang Su gave her a ring, but she took it off and threw it away.

Now I want to go back and look for it but I can't find it. It feels like there is always a small hole in my heart that can never be filled.

She thought that Zhang Su had always tolerated her silence, was used to her living with maximum silence, and had to bear the ups and downs for her. It would be good for her to build the ancestral property of Anxin's family into a beautiful and exquisite one.

"He likes others..." Lian Wu said.

"Think about it carefully, brother, I have to say something for my male compatriots here. Maybe you talk too little, sister! There is too little love that can be conveyed by just relying on eyes and gestures. Maybe he doesn't get many signals, so It's smooth. Who can be patient with the progress bar spinning in circles?" Kyoji said.

"Then what should we do..." Lian Wu didn't understand.

"Sending gifts, going out to dinner, watching movies, women chasing men. Forget it, don't talk about it, I will take you to your favorite library." Kyoji used the slap mark on his face to Ice it and come out.

"No, he's a kid...!" Lianwu snorted. You can buy books online, "...Now we have to solve it ~ Xingli..."

"How to solve it? She is like that, she will probably escape from Dongming." Kyoji said.

"Arrest her...!" Lianwu said, "...I'll do it!"

"Royal Cow Garden" steak restaurant.

Renwu and Anri are enjoying a steak dinner at the high-rise VIP open-air restaurant. The surroundings are very good and the treatment is excellent. There is a giant screen in the center, showing an electronic effect, showing beach landscapes, tropical rainforest waterfalls or artistic geometric shapes in a loop.

Security is strong, and the diners are all respectable business elites.

After the carefully cooked wagyu beef was served, Renwu tasted it slowly, while Anri, who was sitting opposite, was very interested.

"Is there a way? I know it! It's too easy for a person like Zhang Su to solve a trivial matter like mine. Did he send a message and my lawsuit was settled?" Xingli asked.

"..." Lian Wu tasted it slowly.

"Very patient, um, very patient." Anri took a deep breath.

In fact, she only had a few days' window before being arrested, so she had no choice but to hesitate.

She has a perfect plan to escape from Dongming. Once executed, she can completely escape legal sanctions, go to the west coast of North America, and continue to live a free life!

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