Witch containment diary

Chapter 360 Machine Upgrading and Transformation

"Did Zhang Su agree?" Xingli couldn't hold it in anymore and asked, "It would be easy if he helps."

"..." Lianwu picked up a piece of beef with a fork, looked at it carefully for a while, fanned it to smell it, and then ate it, showing a happy expression.

"Don't be like that!" Anri was so anxious that she wanted to punch Lianwu twice.

How could there be such a rude and arrogant young lady in the world!

Anri wished she could teach her how to behave!

"..." Lianwu looked at the side dishes on the beef plate.

The chef cuts broccoli and lobster into pieces according to the concept of molecular gastronomy, and then picks up the aromatic substances and reassembles them.

Anri endured it for a while.

All around, diners are enjoying the best quality beef in New Tokyo

The sofa booths are assembled into a four-in-one shape. The square area in the center is a specially cultivated potted space, growing a large tree. Countless red lanterns hang from the branches, revealing a warm light.

This kind of decoration is unique. However, the more leisurely the diners are, the more delicious the beef is, and the better the environment, the more anxious Anri becomes.

If Zhengdang is imprisoned, she will not be able to enjoy all the luxuries here!

"So really, really please! Please! Just stretch out your hand. For big shots like you, one word can decide our fate. Do you also enjoy this moment?" Anri begged, "Think about it. I, I am a sister-in-law after all! Just tell Zhang Su for me, and if he says hello again, won’t the matter be solved? "

"..." Lian Wu used a knife to cut another piece.

The bright blood mixed with the beef juice is dripping, and the pink cross-section is wrapped in a carefully cooked crispy shell. Eating such high-quality beef is truly one of the highest pleasures in the world.

Anri's eyelids twitched twice.

"Answer me!" Anri asked suppressing her anger, "Has the matter been resolved? Otherwise, why did you call me here?"

"..." Lianwu shook her head and looked at Xingli, "No."

"What's not there?"

"I didn't say anything." Lian Wu lowered his head again, "I didn't tell you, Zhang Su said."

"Then why did you bring me here?" Anri's voice gradually increased.

The surrounding diners cast displeased glances at this place.

Lian Wu patted her face with both hands, once, twice and three times.

"Because you are shallow, snobbish, ignorant, greedy, short-sighted, cruel, and selfish." Lianwu lowered her head and said, "So please taste the food, just like accumulating virtue."

Anri gritted her teeth and stood up. She immediately rushed over, grabbed Lianwu's collar, and pulled her up from her seat.

"Who do you think you are?" Anri yelled angrily, "The eldest lady of An Yuan's family? Doing whatever you want? Treating us like fools!"

She scolded Lianwu and vented her hatred.

Lian Wu closed her eyes and experienced the curse, not taking it seriously, and just counting down in her heart.

Within five seconds, she felt Xingli's hand loosen, and the security guards of "Emperor Niuyuan" rushed over and dragged Xingli away, regardless of how she kicked, hit and scolded her!

"How dare you touch me! You're finished!" Anri shouted.

The security guards have all signed insurance, and they don't care about life and death, yet they dare to attack Anri and take her down!

Lianwu restrainedly picked up a tissue and wiped her face, keeping calm.

"Are you satisfied with your meal?" the manager on duty asked politely.

"..." Lian Wu nodded and straightened the scratched collar, "Notify the Metropolitan Police Department for me."

Kyoji looked at the news in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Anri would be arrested for attacking Renwu!

There is no chance for her to work now, and we can only meet in prison in the future.

Kyoji was filled with emotions.

My sister is really capable! It's just unfortunate for Anri, so many ideas were in vain.

No one will give her a helping hand in the matter of drunk driving. I hope that the legal sanctions can make her correct a little bit, so that she will not continue to harm society, and this matter can be settled.

"...I will also go to the hospital to visit the person who was hit and crippled by her floating car, give some fruits and flowers, and cover the cost of follow-up treatment. I wonder if Anri will hate me for this." Kyoji scratched his hair. .

"Break up." Lian Wu said.

"No. She has to scold me personally one day and tell me to go away. Until that happens, I have a strong heart." Kyoji was stubborn, "I respect her, you and Zhang Su . Now I also hope that one day she will learn to respect herself, stop messing around, live in peace and contentment, and stop doing these things. Five years should be enough."

"Humph." Lian Wu was unhappy, "Second brother, stupid..."

"Speaking of which, you can actually make her take action!" Kyoji sighed.

"She is emotional." Lian Wu said, "Psychology."

She knew that her behavior would definitely anger Anri, and the pace of life was as clear as expected.

"You too. But you didn't say anything when you were angry." Kyoji smiled.

Lian Wu closed her eyes and thought for a while, then opened them again.

She felt lost.

"I'm annoying," Lianwu said. "I don't speak, I put on airs, I don't express myself."

"No way!" Kyoji was shocked, "This is also a kind of character. Brother, I am also a loser. I spent the first half of my life eating, drinking and having fun. Now I can't live a good life. It's not illegal to not talk anyway. Sister, you You have a brilliant mind and your ability to make money is a hundred times that of mine, you little rich woman! I’m still alive and well, why can’t my sister live a happy life!”

Lianwu showed a tired smile.

If An Yuan's family had a smarter daughter, wouldn't any of those tragic things happen?

"There is such a thing, sister, thank you for your hard work..." Lianwu sighed.

"How can it be possible! What a waste of hard work! I'm so happy!" Kyoji said loudly, "Isn't the biggest treasure in our family your sister! Dad, me and my eldest brother all have some bad luck. If we are the only ones in Anxinyuan's family, A man is such a bastard. Catching them all and killing them will be considered a benefit to mankind. But with you, sister, God will let us work hard, at least not to cause you trouble. Sister, you are unlucky, you didn't see us Mom, you look exactly like her. You are the witch bloodline inherited from our Anyuan family! Only with you can we have a career and a family. Lianwu, don’t be afraid, there must be someone in this world who is willing to like you like this! "

The second brother's heartfelt shouting made Lianwu a little shaken.

There must be someone in the world who likes me like this, not just my family. Lianwu touched her face. Is it true that I have found it but let it go again...

"Zhang Su, bad..." Lian Wu thought that Zhang Su had done it to everyone.

"That man loves to play, isn't he? The worst you can do is control him and kick other women away. You are good at dealing with Anri." Kyoji disagreed.

Lianwu clenched her little fists, maybe it would work, and she could expel all the other bad women.

"I want to sew something." Lianwu went to prepare some sewing work. She was not good at words on how to get him back, so she could only rely on gifts to express her friendship, "Give it to him."

"Then come on." Kyoji sighed, "The world has changed, the racing cars are gone, the company is operating normally, and Anri has killed someone again and is going to jail. I feel like I have nothing to pursue. But I recently found a new project that seems suitable. Someone like me."

"?" Lian Wu asked.

"I just discovered a live broadcast called the Red Flame Fantasyland Project! You can join the membership by donating 200,000 yen to the host, and you will be a free person in a very peaceful place, with lifelong benefits, including food and accommodation. It seems that many people have signed up, bro Go try it now and just experience life." Kyoji set off.

Three days later.

Anxin Industrial Company, Experimental Building.

A large number of defective robots retired from the front line were transported here for redesign and modification.

Zhang Su was checking the on-site conditions in the workshop. The work area was arched and there were semi-assembled machines everywhere.

Dongmei held an acetylene torch and diligently burned metal and welded parts, while Priscilla pointed at the side. The nearby glass workbench is filled with bold schematics and advanced tools.

"It seems like it's done!" Dongmei stepped back and started the machine.

The advanced robot stood up. It originally looked as exquisite as lead-gray porcelain, but it was transported as garbage, and its body was inevitably covered with dust and solder residue.

"What have I become?" The robot looked down at something strange about itself. It was designed to have an almost feminine appearance, but it was bald, giving it a Happy Valley effect.

"Farming robot. What's your name?" Zhang Su walked towards it.

"Noa." The robot spun around in place.

"This series of robots has a very good sensor array and is suitable for running on the front line and crossing complex terrain." Priscilla nodded. "We made some modifications and now it is suitable for being active in the mountains and fields and roaming in the deep mountains."

"Why did my hand become like this?" Noah lowered his head.

Its manipulator is no longer suitable for mounting firearms or under-mounted grenades. It is replaced by a series of clamps, scissors, sickles and measuring instruments, suitable for precision agriculture. The saber on the arm has been transformed into a harpoon, and the rocket launcher on the shoulder has been transformed into a harpoon. Come and carry the baskets for crops!

Zhang Su was very satisfied. Not long ago, these machines were defective goods that were full of ugliness and scars on the front line.

After being transformed by the Forging Witch, they were reconfigured and turned into smooth-running production and construction robots, which must be suitable for the large-scale construction of Hongyan Village.

"It's amazing." Zhang Su was full of praise.

"It's endless fun to transform them!" Dongmei walked down excitedly, while her apprentice Yuli lazily examined the drawings around her.

"By the way, do you have any idea about the defectiveness of these robots? Why did they perform so badly in the battle sequence?" Zhang Su asked.

"The chip uses a very old process, at least the process level of five years ago. It is no longer suitable for precision frontline combat. We simply dismantled all the combat chips, and found that the operating efficiency was 20% higher than before." Priscilla said.

"What's the reason?" Zhang Su asked carefully.

"Saving costs." Priscilla judged, "This is the only effect I can think of."

"It's about saving money again..." Zhang Su frowned, "To what extent do these big companies want to cut back on expenditures?"

"Perhaps a huge expenditure suddenly cut off their cash flow, forcing them to collectively shrink their business." Priscilla shook her head, "Not only here, but there are similar reports all over the world, but they are very vague. After all, the media industry He is also colluding with them."

An unexpected major expense disrupts the giant economies and causes them to invest in a huge new project? Zhang Su thought.

"...Anyway, thank you." Zhang Su thanked Priscilla.

"No need." Priscilla smiled, "Do you still remember the first battle of Mount Kagurura? A group of us broke camp and headed north, entering the wilderness that we haven't penetrated in ten years, and fought fiercely with the devil to win."

She pointed at the rebuilt robots, their indicator lights blinking like countless distant stars.

"... Whenever I complete these tasks, I still think of the scarlet sky, the boundless wilderness, and the final victory that day." Priscilla said, "The war turned me from a cautious researcher to a true A scholar, I am not afraid to challenge the unknown. Nothing is more dangerous than that day. And your help has been crucial."

"It should be." Zhang Su smiled. This feels good.

"Why did you turn me into this?" Robot Noah protested, "I heard your conversation. Am I an incompetent and defective product?"

"Let's go, Noah, you may have some problems on the battlefield, but you will join a greater cause." Zhang Su invited, "You will be respected there."

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