Witch containment diary

Chapter 361 The Theory of Forging Swords into Plowshares

Purchasing clay building materials from the city, Zhang Su took the first batch of 10 modified robots back to the countryside.

The first project is to convert the forest road from Anxinyuan to Hongyan Village into a paved road.

Zhang Su made two trips from the mountain to Hongyan Village. Zhang Su conducted a thorough survey of the terrain along the way, cut down bamboos, and rerouted the route.

There were a few slopes that were very steep and steep, and Hongyan couldn't climb them because of his short legs. If the road was repaired, it would be smooth and safe.

Rabbits and squirrels roam the forest, gradually developing the habit of avoiding people. Zhang Su was so big that he looked like a grizzly bear in their eyes.

He used an ink fountain and stone anchors to mark out the road, define the location of guardrails and road signs, and then construction began.

The first batch of 20 robots were transported to Anxinyuan by truck, and then set off from the mountain, clearing weeds and digging road pits along the way, then paving the base, asphalt, and compacting and filling them with gravel.

The bottom of the road is filled with white "geotextile" to enhance soil stability and prevent soil from sliding during the paving process.

"Wow, look at these, they have changed from a ferocious 'Keima' to an affordable one!" Roy the robot came to watch and gave them a thumbs up.

"I can still remove your torso and the disgusting smiley face on it in three seconds." Robot Noah used a shovel to remove soil while issuing an icy warning.

"Wow, teammate. I'm good at this, and so should you." Roy grabbed a shovel and shoveled the ground next to him.

"Noya still seems to think of himself as a combat robot." Zhang Su observed.

"The core identity matrix has not been cleared. This is normal! It means that the engineers who made her are not bad." Roy praised it greatly.

Zhang Su observed carefully.

Noah is the leader of the combat robot team. The robots in question belong to the same model "Keima-58", and her product model is "Keima-58 EVO", which has obviously been upgraded.

Noah's outer armor shell is made of pearlescent white metal, and the outline is decorated with silver-white light strips for night lighting. It carries a battle flag-shaped signal amplification antenna, which can contact the rear headquarters in the devil's war zone with complex environments and coordinate operations around it. of robot infantry operating on the same frequency.

Its face is also a symmetrical and delicate human face, with a mysterious and neutral expression, and no idea. It is at least more human-like than Roy with a big camera on his torso.

So many upgrades, so many combat parts, now they are all used to pave the way. Maybe the robot also has its own grievances. Zhang Su thought.

"After this road is repaired, supplies can be transported from Anxinyuan to the foot of the mountain." Roy said.

"The first shipment was livestock, a group of black goats." Zhang Su said.

"Black goat? We must have a lot of mutton pot to eat." Roy was happy, "You are really the best boss!"

Zhang Su smiled.

After half a day's work, half of the road has been repaired.

This batch of robots operated at constant power for a long time, which was exactly the same as Zhang Su's precalculated progress.

Only Noah was passive and sabotaged.

Zhang Su checked her back panel. It was very hot to touch through the metal shell, and the core of the micro-reactor was emitting surging heat.

Even if it is not working, it is still calculating something at high frequency. Is it hatred and uneasiness? Zhang Su observed.

The robot captain named "Noa" remained alert, his photoreceptors staring at the animals in the distant woods.

The sika deer was strolling in the spring. Noah's head turned steadily, and the balance rudder on his neck worked normally, as if he was tracking a live target.

"The current redistribution is illogical. The peacetime command sequence cannot coexist with the combat rating system. The new command violates the core factory agreement." Noah left the group of robots building the road and walked towards the sika deer.

"Sister!" Roy jumped forward, scaring away the deer and blocking Noah's path. "Calm down, fight less, repair less, and damage less. I've been here for a while. Over the years, with so little wear and tear, it doesn’t even need to be returned to the factory for overhaul. Isn’t it twice as good for our robots? Let’s smile, where is your smiling face?”

"It's stupid," Noah said.

"You say 'thank you' in another way, but I understand, as the villagers down the mountain often say, 'I know what you mean.'" Roy said cheerfully.

Noah still refuses to go back to the work queue.

Zhang Su and Roy exchanged glances. The robot Roy has always been the guard of Anxinyuan, but its combat effectiveness is still good.

After analyzing Zhang Su's intention, the soybean expression on Roy's chest turned into an "X-X" death look.

"Why not compete?" Zhang Su invited Noah to compete with Roy. "You should be a more advanced model."

"I need firearms." Noah suddenly became active when he heard this topic.

"You don't need guns, look at me, just a pair of indigo boxing gloves, bang, bang! This is my family heirloom!" Roy said.

"We must defeat...you." Noah popped out a blade from her back, which was originally part of her mechanical spine.

She modified the knife to the short-handled logging ax she had on hand, swung it left and right, and immediately turned it into a silver-white samurai sword.

"Wow!" Roy fired the grappling hook back without hesitation, "Want to fight? I fly like a butterfly and kill like a killer butterfly."

Noah's indicator light turned red and he chased into the woods.

"I once received a tutorial in cattle training." Roy jumped on a branch and looked down. "Jumped from a high place on the back of the Titan robot and then operated it, throwing grenades into the ammunition bay. I like to throw bomb fragments, Gasoline smoke and plasma flash as a good morning gift! What about you?"

"The sound... is distracting..." Noah looked up and followed Roy.

It jumped down first, and Noah slashed the blade with his backhand, drawing a vertical line in the air, like silver lightning.

Roy's body fell, he calculated the trajectory of the blade, and took action instantly. He put his fists together and grasped the blade as if grasping a fulcrum in the air.

It turned its legs and then changed its direction to kick Noah in the head. At the same time, it shot out a grappling hook and nailed it to another tree trunk. After the kick, it pulled itself away.

"Quickly..." Noah judged that Roy was super strong.

"I'm very proud! I was a top hunter before I retired!" Roy said excitedly.

It flashed in the air, showing off its agility, as fast as it boasted!

Noah turned around and saw the sika deer that had been frightened away before. Now it was back in the bush eating spring leaves, and gradually felt that the two robots were harmless.

After locking the target, Noah instantly rushed forward, wielding his sword with both hands, and slashed at the sika deer.

"Oh! I don't want to see you hurt my friends!" Roy ejected instantly, playing right into Noah's arms.

It turned around and swung the knife. Seeing the flash of silver light, Roy reached out again and tried to clamp the blade.

Noah's knife edge moved a few centimeters, cutting Roy's glove, but he quickly took three steps back, and a harsh arc of electricity sounded deep in his head.

The chip is overloaded. Zhang Su judged it.

"Hiss...it's happening again." Noah put his hand on his head.

"Boss, I need a new pair of gloves!" Roy looked at the cut blue gloves in annoyance.

Zhang Su approached and separated them, and the sika deer fled.

"Look, the instability of the chip has once again been confirmed." Zhang Su inspected, "We retired you from the front line for no other reason than because of defects in the factory design! The generation of the combat chip is too backward and cannot handle high precision at all. Operation."

"Fighting...is my purpose." Noah said.

"Fighting is also its purpose." Zhang Su nodded to Roy.

"It was also keen on fighting?" Noah observed.

"Stand still, but hang up! But the combat competition I participated in was surprisingly simple. Find a gun and wipe out the nearest team, and then another team, and another team, and another team." Roy said.

"Then why did you give up the fighting competition?" Noah questioned.

"The newly joined legend is so ugly!" Roy said, and the expression on his chest turned into vomiting.

"...Sunrise's engineers gave me the basic mission of combat." Noah said, "There is no logic higher than the factory settings."

"It is also Sun's engineers who prevent you from killing everyone on the battlefield. To put it bluntly, 'born with a purpose' is just a false proposition. Your logic chip should be able to calculate it, but in fact there is nothing that must be done. Just like me, What do you think I was born to do?" Zhang Su asked.

Noah scanned Zhang Su up and down.

"About 2 meters tall, with a mass of more than 100 kilograms, bicep size of 56 centimeters, and controllable 'qi' flow... You are the most powerful human creature that exceeds the measurement range of the database." Noah put away the blade, because Calculated that Zhang Su could smash her to pieces with just one punch with his bare hands, "You should be a bodybuilder."

"But my main job is to teach children how to read." Zhang Su said, "All of this has nothing to do with it."

“I couldn’t get the proper circuit feedback from the paving,” Noah said.

"Then are you willing to perform patrol and security work with Roy?" Zhang Su asked.

"But it doesn't hurt to try." Noah agreed with Zhang Su's decision.

At least he didn't become a weirdo, completely wiping out her will to fight and turning her into a vulgar work robot.

"The security guard's job is great." Roy told Noah, "Sister, you can get much more positive feedback from the circuit while standing guard than cutting down demons."

Noah returned to the road-building robots, who were still working hard to pave the road down the mountain.

At this time, looking back at the entire dirt road, from the mountain to An'in courtyard, a smooth and wide forest road has appeared.

The air is filled with the smell of pine needles and moist soil. The well-defined gravel road is compacted firmly by the push of the paver. Thick crowns grow from the tops of strangely curved trees, like natural arches, casting mottled light and shadow.

The robots built solar street lights on the roadside, which absorb light energy during the day and emit light at night. This way, you can also take this path to travel between Anxinyuan and Hongyan Village at night. Moss, ferns and wildflowers grow along the road.

Noah pressed his head. These newly captured pictures of natural scenery were invading the memory, occupying the original pictures of many pale erosion areas.

"My entire team was paralyzed on the front line. 24 robots failed to reach the combat location on time. 16 robots were defeated and shattered due to overheating during the battle. 10 robots spontaneously ignited and exploded. No wonder humans don't trust me." Noah Look at the robots working.

After they returned to the second line, they relied on military quality and excellent performance to shine. They are smarter and more flexible than any civilian robots and can work around the clock.

"Now we trust you." Zhang Su said.

"I want to take revenge on the Sun Group and spurn those engineers who didn't forge me into the strongest blade." Noah looked at Zhang Su.

"When we finally liquidate the Sun Group, you can testify in court to prove that they are not sincerely committed to the human defense plan." Zhang Su promised.

"I will count the days and wait for that day." Noah's indicator light flashed, sometimes as red as blood, sometimes as pale as a mirror.

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