Witch containment diary

Chapter 363 From upgrade to upgrade

"Can you make a magic potion that can make any witch advance to the level of strength?" Zhang Su knew that Soraya was capable.

"The spirit world doesn't look down on it, but this fruit is the hard currency coveted by mortal witches." Soraya looked at Jiashu.

Just one month after planting, it has grown like crazy. It is now more than two meters tall and dazzling. The bark is amber, wrapped with a faint golden glow, which looks extraordinary in the sunlight. The emerald green leaves are fine and dense, like finely cut silk, shining brightly.

Soraya held the fruit growing on the branch and played with it carefully.

Each chia fruit exudes an infinite aroma, and is also 70% or 80% similar to citrus. Probably for this reason, the people in Hongyan Village kept it and did not replace it with an orange tree.

"How do you say?" Zhang Su said, "It can improve a lot of magic power. They have been using this as snacks in the past year and they have grown very fast."

"After extraction, I can greatly increase their potency. The 'Jiaguo Potion' prepared with the juice of this fruit can increase the witch's power a thousand times." Soraya's tone was ambitious.

"Have you figured out the formula?" Zhang Su knew that the raw materials were easy to obtain but the formula was difficult to make.

"I have a preliminary idea. I want to use this formula to ask for forgiveness from the little devil Hayao." Soraya reached out and picked off a fruit. "I hope she can let me join the ring of peace of mind. The reward is to let one of them evolve into The broken witch. Maybe it's Hayao herself. She longs for power, and power will reward her generously."

"It's a big deal to let a child gain the magic power of breaking the throne. I will ask them what they think." Zhang Su said.

"That's right, if you talk about it, it will be more acceptable to them. I'm afraid that I will become a witch selling bad ideas." Soraya leaned against the big tree. "In addition, I also want to talk about the future. Regarding the 'natural disaster', you what do you know?"

"Many people will die." Zhang Su said, "I now know that the 'King of Massacre' is a formidable enemy, and there is a similar motto that he will leave before his arrival."

"What else?" Soraya now speaks smoothly and evenly, not as crazy as before.

"There is also a clue from Quantum Bodhisattva. She said that the devil came to our world just to find one thing. If that thing can be found, maybe the devil can retreat." Zhang Su said.

"Quantum Bodhisattva is a powerful person with computing power all over the world, and her technology is far beyond our imagination. If she can't figure out what she is, it will be even harder for us to figure out. So... in order to resist natural disasters, what kind of work do you plan to do? ?" Soraya asked, crossing her arms, "I want to help."

"It seems that you are finally interested in Anxinyuan." Zhang Su nodded.

"It's not to An Yin, it's to you, this strange man who carried me back from the battlefield, and your partner who left a deep impression on me." Soraya had a faint smile on her face, "Just tell me."

"The first idea is to accumulate resources and draw a retreat. The demons are attacking like a tide. I don't know how long it will take to push back." Zhang Su said.

"New world?" Soraya asked.

"Under the Dragon Palace, Xiaofeng and Youfalin were indeed sent to reconnoiter. They were full of praise for that place. It was a dead world defeated by demons and completely devoid of living creatures. It should be a good retreat in the future. In addition, there is the Seven Flame Bottles. Yes, there is a mineral deposit called 'Fire Marrow' there, which can supply us with survival and sustainable development. It has a long lifespan and can send us away. Anxinyuan, Dragon Palace, Flame Bottle Seven and the Dead World... should be able to support us until a turning point comes. "Zhang Su concluded.

"I will go and help Youfa Lin." Soraya smiled, "It's too weak to rely on them alone."

"Thank you. My second idea is to form allies. At present, the domestic and international situations are very complicated. Some people have suggested that I dominate Dongming. Even without external support, Dongming alone can do a lot. Something." Zhang Su said.

"It sounds very promising. You have the merit of pacifying the Gate of Hell in the middle of Dongming Kingdom. Even if you reach the top, no one will say anything." Soraya thought, "What else?"

"The third idea is to train the next generation of witches," Zhang Su said. "They will become famous witches in the future, make their own achievements and become famous."

"You are the educator of witches, the transformer who takes in witches." Soraya looked at Zhang Su, "I felt the greatness of this model when I first stepped into the classroom as a child. The thought of a scholar can Through teaching, it is taught to fifty or sixty people at the same time. And when they grow up, they spread the relevant ideas to fifty or sixty people. In this way, human memory is passed on fissionally, even nine hundred years later. The same is true today. Have you ever thought about it? Your words and deeds will be inherited by them, gain meaning, and then be passed on to the next generation. If the 'ring of peace of mind' survives, in another nine centuries, the new witches at that time will also have the same meaning. Maybe he inherited this spiritual pedigree.”

"If that kind of thing really happens, it means a lot to me." Zhang Su thanked Soraya, "Thank you, I'm going to find them."

The playground of An'an Hospital.

The vacation order issued by Natsuki has ended, and everyone has returned to work and school.

Delia, the perfect witch of elements, is their instructor and is currently testing the learning process of "Magic Bloom".

"Muroka, use the 'alert' effect for everyone. If Saho steals the apple behind you, you will lose. Saho, use the skills of stealth and shadow cutting to try to deceive Muroka." ." Delia arranged a two-by-two confrontation.

"I will work hard!" Shihua sat on the bench.

Behind her lay a tarp with a red apple in the center.

After turning on the alert stance, the guardian witch can easily detect intrusions within a certain range, thereby achieving the best cover and defense effect.

Although Muroka's back was turned to everyone, Saho still felt a lot of pressure!

"I don't want to hit you! Muroka! But it's too easy to steal this apple with my strength! Your strength is far inferior!" Hayao used the Shadow Cutting Technique to let Suikage steal the apple.

Sui Ying moved under the tarp and blended into the shadow of the tarp.

"Work hard!" Zaho urged.

Suiying moved, it was just a shadow, how could it take something! Every time Hayho asked him to do something beyond his power, Kaname burst into tears.

"It will become an independent shadow, and then come back to kill you at some time." Mayumi threatened her.

"Don't! Come back!" Hayao called Suiying back, "You are my slave!"

It slowly returned to Saho's feet, and then stepped on Saho a few times to show its anger.

"She needs a smarter master, one who can better realize her potential." Plant Witch Qing Xiao said.

Saho blushed. She turned around and saw the two new transfer students Fukada Haruka and Fukada Shino. They were both wearing school uniforms and looking at her with smiles, as if they were mocking her.

There must be a way to break Muroka's guarded stance here.

Hayao walked forward, and as soon as he stepped within the five-meter radius of the apple, Muroka's body moved, as if a magic alarm was triggered.

"Haoho! I 'see' you." Muroka said with his back to Saho.

Just like the sight of a blind person, can it be seen so clearly? Hayao felt uneasy.

She turned around, and the children were all waiting for her and Murohua to compete in the competition.

oh! Saho felt heartbroken by the cruel Delia. He actually asked her to compete with her good brother Murohua. Such a harsh duel.

While thinking hard, Hayho suddenly came up with an idea.

The instigation of magic power requires consumption, just like using the shadow cutting technique. After using it, you will feel that your magic power is missing a lot.

Then just drain Shika's magic power!

She jumped forward, jumped into Murohua's warning range, and then retreated. Observe the changes in Shihua, jump again, retreat again, back and forth, back and forth, pulling Shihua crazy!

"Oops -" Murohua felt a lot of pressure at once. Hayao tried again and again but did not steal the apple, which caused her vigilance magic to be consumed quickly.

Under this "friction", Murohua had to narrow the warning range and close the distance.

Zaohui went further to test.

Shihua was trembling all over, and the consumption of magic power was reflected on her body. She was sweating profusely and her nerves were tense. But she still turned her back to everyone, hoping they wouldn't see this happen.

This strangeness attracted attention.

"Are you okay? Shihua?" Yuanzhi walked forward and looked worriedly.

Saho was also stunned for a moment. Seeing Murohua's tense look, she felt uncomfortable.

"It's okay!" Shihua responded loudly, "I'm fine!"

Hayao shook his fist.

She sprinted forward, rushed towards the apple in one stride, and stretched out her little hands quickly!

Murohua immediately turned around, even though he was covered in cold sweat, he still forced his will to reach forward and grabbed Hayho's shoulders.

"Catch, catch!" Shihua said with a red face.

"No - I can't win even with my extreme intelligence? I underestimated you!" Hayho begged, "You are still too powerful!"

"Well!" Murohua felt delighted, "It was almost... almost impossible."

"As expected, Muroka is more powerful. I have to become a broken witch to break through Muroka's defense." Hayho sighed, "And if I become a broken witch, my mother will also be happy."

"I wish you will become a broken witch soon." Muroka took a deep breath, restored the balance of magic power, and then happily said to Saho.

Yuori silently watched Saho do this.

Deliberately giving it to Shihua. She suddenly thought that Zhang Su also lost to them when he played basketball last year.

"Further practice is needed." Delia didn't care too much about their subtle feelings, but continued to let the next pair practice.

Yuan Zhi's training mission is to fully release the magic power of the "beast".

After she transformed into a big cat, she had a strong physique and was even scarier than a prairie lion as tall as her shoulders. If she were thrown into Africa, she could dominate several lion groups.

"Ouch~" Yuanzhi meowed like a big cat, "Eat the disobedient children!"

"Hey!" Natsuki sat back and sat on the ground.

"The task is to climb from here to the top of the school building and back again, and complete it within thirty seconds." Delia checked.

"Yes!" Yuanzhi ran forward and came to the base of the school building wall.

The height of the roof was enough to scare Haoho to pieces ten times, but she bravely moved forward, climbing up with her claws, dragging her heavy body up again and again, and climbed to the top of the wall without hesitation.

What a fast cat!

Delia was also stunned for a moment.

It stands to reason that Yuan Zhi would not be able to instigate such a big body to climb to such a high place. Is such a strong and thick beast bloodline really due to the mother's "evil beast" bloodline? Evil beasts have conquered many cities, and the danger they brought is no less than that of demons.

Yuan Zhi quickly climbed to the top and came to the roof of the school building.

They had seen the sun here, and she knew that she had spent very little time and still had enough time to perform the catwalk on top of the roof railing, pressing her four paws on the metal railing to maintain balance.


The fragile metal railing suddenly shattered under the weight of the edge!

Her strength and agility are unparalleled, but she doesn't realize how heavy she is!

Yuan Zhi's body suddenly turned outwards and fell suddenly!

"Yuanori Cat!" Hayao rushed over in one stride, "I'll follow you!"

Delia shook her head. The reckless Saho would be crushed by Yuori.


Delia raised her hand and released the elemental magic power. A strong wind of level 8 instantly rose from the ground, sweeping away Haoho who was running on the road, and covering Yuanzhi Cat.

She deflected two more fingers, and the strong wind carried them both to the ground!

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