Witch containment diary

Chapter 364 The kid also loses his position

"Ouch -" Saho woke up and found himself lying on Yuori's soft fur, taking a deep breath, "The milky scent of a big cat?!"

Yuori turned over quickly and shook Haohui off.

"I'm back!" Yuanzhi was so worried that he didn't take the fall to his heart, "Is there enough time?"

"It's already ten seconds for one trip. Your test is absolutely excellent. With a little bit of guidance, you can awaken the full power of the beast's magic... You just have to ask the supervisor to repair the railing." Delia nodded.

"Sorry..." Yuanzhi apologized.

"We have rewards for kids who do well on tests. What do you want?" Delia asked.

"I...I want to touch your head!" Yuanzhi opened his eyes wide.

"Ah?" Delia never thought that such a thing would happen. Is this considered a reward? "Then try it."

Yuanzhi crawled behind Delia, then stretched out his claws to hold Delia's head, and then combed her silver hair down.

"Be good...be good...our good tutor Delia..." Yuanzhi comforted.

"??" Delia felt a bit creepy, "Have you ever done this to Zhang Su?"

"Not yet." Yuanzhi put down his paws, "I'm not old enough now, but one day, I will hold the teacher in my arms!"

"...Okay, the next project is Natsuki's lighting experiment. Natsuki come with me to the school building." Delia put on a pair of goggles, "No one else is allowed to enter."

They could only wait outside and watch Delia lower all the curtains.

After a while, they saw a bright light coming from inside the curtains!

The force was so strong that the gaps in the curtains turned red.

The bright light lasted for two or three seconds before stopping.

Not long after, Delia brought Natsuki out, and Natsuki looked like she was doing nothing.

"Natsuki's grades are excellent, and she shouldn't have to go to class in the future." Delia took off her goggles, looking frightened, "... When you are with her, be ready to block your eyes or turn around at any time. Don’t look directly at her when she starts to glow.”

"We forgot to tell our mentor that Natsuki has recently become a mature witch." Yuanzhi suddenly thought.

"Tell Zhang Su and ask him to buy you a big watermelon as a reward." Delia swatted Xia Xi away, then looked at the Fukada sisters who had just come in, "You two."


"Well..." Fukada Haruka and Fukada Shino walked towards Delia.

"I am everyone's witch instructor, aiming to inspire you to release your magic power. Zhang Su lets you move freely, and I am very happy that you can come to my class. I think you are a pair of mature witches. You can probably master it. Basic Chaos Bloom. What do you know?" Delia asked.

She saw the Fukada sisters showing strange expressions.

"Chaos production is based on our ability and our strengths are not the best." Shino Fukada said with a chuckle.

"It's no wonder that Limo abuses the situation, so you can't do it to me." Delia was startled, "Don't you even follow your teachings?"

It took a while for Delia to deal with the sisters before they were able to clear up the chaos they had created.

"I know the most powerful chaos magic technique. If you listen to me, you can master it in the next one or two years." Delia waved her hand to tell them not to mess around, and then introduced:

"Reality distortion can tamper with reality. Probability manipulation allows you to affect the probability of anything, making things that are 100% likely to fail."

"You can also induce slight time and space anomalies, and even return to time a few seconds ago. Of course, there is also the mental aspect, which can make others confused. I guess you are already good at it, otherwise you will not be able to complete a series of crimes. Finally. It’s the most direct way to use magic power: sending waves. Chaos waves are a particularly powerful one.”

After listening to Delia's introduction, Fukada Haruka and Fukada Shino looked at each other, whispered for a while, and then came back to complete their configuration.

"I am my older sister Haruka." Haruka Fukada said, "I want to learn to distort reality and chaos waves."

"Chaos wave is very strong! It uses magic power to create a torrent of chaotic matter. I have seen relevant videos. Because it is the magic power of chaos source, almost no witch can defeat the chaos witch in the wave battle." Leah was happy, "Where's the other one?"

"Don't use such a frivolous word as 'another' to describe me. I am the younger one among the sisters, and my name is 'Xiao'. Please give me your advice." Fukada Xiao bowed, "I want to learn how to use magic to change Space and time.”

"That's not difficult for the Chaos Witch. Although the magic power is very high, you can briefly disrupt the structure of time and space, causing individuals to complete time and space travel. After breaking the position, you can briefly go back for more than ten seconds or even half a minute, or Move a certain distance instantly and become invincible." Delia said.

"Thank you." The sisters nodded to Delia.

"...I have to teach you more etiquette." Delia looked at the children, "By the way, you must pay attention to those girls. Making friends with them will be harmless. Although they are still young, their magic power is not enough. , but they are very talented. If they are assisted by enough magic potions, they may be able to break their position in the future."

"Go make friends, sister." Fukada Shino smiled sweetly.

"Well, friend." Haruka Fukada thought thoughtfully, "At least we have to break into their internal organization called the 'Ring of Peace of Mind'."

In order to study the reference objects of "Jiaguo Magic Potion", Zhang Su returned from the mountain and asked them what they would do after becoming a witch.

At this time, they all dispersed after class, and Zhang Su could pick them up in various places in An'an Hospital.

In the "nursery" of Anxinyuan, Zhang Su found Yuanzhi, Leimi and Zaizai.

"Are you sewing?" Zhang Su saw Yuan Zhi kneeling on the ground sewing.

"Make clothes for Lemi." Yuan Zhi's hands went up and down, knitting a beautiful black goat wool vest, ready to put on Lemi.

Remi crawled around, pushing the blocks on the ground, and sometimes suddenly flapped her wings and flew to other places. A slimy cub chases around on the ground, and if it is lucky enough to catch Remi, it will tickle Remi. Now seeing Zhang Su, Zaizai also shook hands with Zhang Su, passing on some funny pheromones.

"Yuanzhi, if you become a very powerful witch, such as a broken witch, and it's not the first time you break the throne, but a witch who has broken six or seven times, and you become a peerless witch that is one in a million, what will you do? What?" Zhang Su asked.

"A powerful witch?" Yuanzhi thought for a while, "...want to protect everyone."

"At that time, we can protect many people." Zhang Su said.

"I know, teacher." Yuanzhi looked at the silk thread in his hand, "At that time, one of my paws was touching the North Pole and the other hand was touching the South Pole. People all over the world relied on my fur to keep warm. People all over the world They all rely on my nourishment to survive, and everyone can see me when they look up, and they will never leave me. This feeling is like, this feeling is like..."

"What?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's like there is an umbilical cord on my belly, and at that time, the other end of the umbilical cord was connected to eight billion humans." Yuanzhi said with a smile, "No matter what they do or how far they go, I can pass through the umbilical cord." Vibrations to feel their every move."

"What about their free life? They don't want to be monitored." Zhang Su said.

"That would be a bad boy." Yuanzhi sighed, "You need to be disciplined, teacher, you can't be a bad boy."

"...I understand." Zhang Su admired Yuan's sweater weaving skills and then said goodbye to her.

On the grass, Natsuki rolled around carefree, and Bakubo followed suit. Qingxiao was checking their rolling trajectories.

"Xia Xi, Zhao Zhao and Qing Xiao." Zhang Su followed beside him, "If one day you become a powerful witch who breaks the throne, and you are the most powerful kind, able to do everything you want, then you have to what to do?"

"Uh-huh..." Natsuki didn't think about anything.

"Ababa." Zhafang closed his eyes.

"Use a gust of wind to blow the world back to the Green Age, and then if humans want to create chaos in this infinite green ecology, I will blow another wild wind and blow everything they have into blue again." Qing Xiao should speak first.

"Human beings have also built many amazing civilizations, such as televisions. When you were drinking water in the canteen, didn't you also watch TV?" Zhang Su asked.

"Then keep the people from the TV station." Qing Xiao said.

"When you drink water, you use a plastic bottle. You can drink a lot of water in one breath. You don't have to wait for rain or dew, you don't have to put your feet in the soil and wait for several hours, and you don't have to walk to the river at the bottom of the mountain. How wonderful. Huh? But such convenient plastic bottles are also made by humans." Zhang Su explained.

"Well..." Qing Xiao thought for a moment, and then asked, "Then humans have cut down countless trees, how can I seek justice for them?"

"What's interesting is that human beings' transformation of the natural ecology is so shallow now that it's not worth Qingxiao's big fight." Zhang Su said, "The entire human civilization is like the tip of the skin to the huge earth, even if it's eight billion People’s crazy logging, crazy pollution, and crazy emission of greenhouse gases are very small compared to the size of the planet, not to mention that if we do this, human civilization will die before the planet!”

"Hmm..." Qingxiao thought.

"When the deteriorating environment kills all humans, and humans are choked to death by smog, suffocated by depleted natural resources, and poisoned by sewage, it will only take a while for the earth itself to become lush again. So humans will have to protect the environment."

"That's it!" Qing Xiao suddenly realized.

"In addition, even if human civilization is trampled by demons, the earth will still exist. The demons are not interested in big trees, so they will keep them. Just like the dead world connected to the Dragon Palace, it is full of life." Zhang Su said.

"Then instead of fighting with human civilization, I might as well rely on my invincible power to blackmail humans and ask humans to provide me with good services. Then I can enjoy life freely and let the annoying guy get out of sight." Qing Xiao realized. .

"It sounds like a god." Zhang Su said.

"That's right! The God of the Wilderness, the God of Nature, the Primitive God...the Primitive God!" Qing Xiao was enlightened, "Thank you, Teacher, now I know the purpose of my life - to become the Original God!"

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