Witch containment diary

Chapter 365 She later turned into light

"That's great." Zhang Su concluded Qing Xiao's words.

Even just listening to their nonsense will make you feel relaxed, and the underage witches give people a pleasant feeling.

They are very confident in their abilities, and Zhang Su knows this very well. In the future, they will encounter many strange things and become all kinds of people.

Adults always treat teenagers with boredom and envy, hating their ignorance and envying their unfulfilled potential. The path of adults becomes more and more stereotyped with age, but they still have endless possibilities.

"Do my thoughts really make you feel good? Then you are also a good person. Touch my head." Qing Xiao said bluntly

She was always straightforward in expressing her affection. She will like people loudly, or express hate.

Zhang Su could hear strong affection from her words now.

Qing Xiao stretched her head over and asked Zhang Su to comb the fruits and vegetables in her hair.

Various fruits grow in her long hair. If you look carefully, you can see many roots undulating on her scalp. Zhang Su tried not to think about the structure of her brain.

His fingers passed through Qingxiao's hair, like caressing a bunch of wheat ears, and finally picked out something that looked like a cherry.

"What is this?" Zhang Su checked the Qingxiao fruit on his finger.

"Eat." Qing Xiao said, "Please eat. This is my blood."

"? I can't eat your blood." Zhang Su wanted to put the cherry back, but Qing Xiao laughed.

"How can you put the fruit back after you pick it? Please eat it. This is my blood and my flesh. You can taste the whole nature and Qingxiao's world in it." Qingxiao said.

"This is very important." Zhang Su felt that Qing Xiao didn't understand. To show respect, he sat on the ground and explained to Qing Xiao, "We can't share our blood and flesh casually because we cherish our bodies."

"Yes, I understand, you are an important person to me." Qing Xiao said, "You are very important. You are the most important person here." She emphasized repeatedly, as if she wanted to poke Zhang Su with her hand, " This fruit like Qingxiao is prepared for you. You are like picking a fruit from a tree. This tree did not leave the fruit for you randomly. You are very important. So it was specially left for you. of."

"Thank you, Qingxiao." Zhang Su ate the cherry-like fruit and now knew that Qingxiao tasted sour. "...It seems it still needs time to mature."

"Do you think it's immature because the fruit is sour?" Qing Xiao asked.


"Do you know what ripeness tastes like?" Qing Xiao asked, "Maybe the taste of ripeness is so sour. All the children will say it is sour after eating my fruits, but now I am the best and most mature me. Who knows? In the future, my flesh and blood will become sweet and greasy, and you will like the taste. But maybe I will not be as mature as I am now."

"You are right." Zhang Su nodded, "It's very good to have such an insight. I find that you are naturally thoughtful in your words."

"Speculative?" Qingxiao blinked her green eyes.

"Thinking, and looking at problems dialectically." Zhang Su said, "The word dialectics is easy to understand. For example, if I tell you now that I say that 'things in the world are either black or white,' what would you think?"

"Nonsense." Qing Xiao immediately retorted, "There are so many things in the world that are colorful, green, and red. There are also many things that are between black and white and gray. If you abstract Said, that is, things are good and bad, but also good and not bad.”

After a pause, Qing Xiao said again.

"However, there is some truth to what you say, because there are many things that can be divided by this simple dichotomy. It is difficult to say that there is no black side or white side to things."

"I don't even need to explain dialectics to you, because you are so smart and are born with this method." Zhang Su praised, "'Thinking', you can think about what you say and debate from multiple angles. , understand different aspects of things, so that you can think about things thoroughly and comprehensively. You will express your opinions freely and make your ideas perfect."

"Thank you for the compliment, but you never praise me without blaming me. I think there is something wrong with your teaching methods. You can't encourage me blindly, as this will only make me develop strange ideas. You should also criticize me in time. ." Qing Xiao countered.

"I don't criticize people."


"Qing Xiao, I once wanted to be a painter when I was a child. I really wanted to. I drew a series of cartoons when I was a child." Zhang Su said happily.

"I've never seen you draw anything now!" Qing Xiao said. She wanted to know more about Zhang Su, so her expression became more curious.

"Hear me out. When I was in middle school art class, I had a magnificent painting. I used crayons and oil pastels. I spent a lot of time doing it when I went home and during recess. I ended up painting a It’s a big painting, at least I put all my effort into it and have a clear conscience.”

"At that time, my painting was submitted together with other people's, and I fully expected to wait for comments or awards. But the teacher's eyes were focused on another person. He painted very well, certainly better than me, I admit it. etc. After the art teacher ran out of words of praise for that person, all he left me with were mediocre comments and even ridicule of my use of colors. I have never painted a painting since then. And I am not willing to criticize. Or make fun of any teenager, I will never do that," Zhang Su said.

"It's great to have you. Now it's time for you to give me a hug. I like hugs." Qing Xiao came over and hugged Zhang Su, waiting for three seconds like a mechanical clock, and then separated, "Thank you You come to us.”

"Thank you too, I like chatting with you too." Zhang Su and Qing Xiao nodded, turning around to see Xia Xi and Zhazhao rolling far away, "Let's go find them."

"Zhao Zha?" Zhang Su called Zha Zhao to a stop.

Fangzhang turned around and turned his head to look at Zhang Su. He deliberately refused to get up and flattened his limbs, as if to attract attention.

Zhang Su followed her thoughts: "Why are you lying on the ground? Get up quickly."

"Dad!" Zhazhuo stood up, "What's wrong?" She deliberately couldn't pronounce it correctly.

"What will you do if one day you become a super witch? She's super powerful. Now you can make small dumplings with your hands. What if the dumplings are ten times bigger? Even bigger." Zhang Su sat next to her. .

"Blow it up, blow it up." Zhao Bang hugged his nervous arms.

"If it was just blown up, everyone would be sad. Have you ever thought about building something in the place after the bombing? Building blocks?" Zhang Su asked.

"No." Zhazhu said honestly, "Even I will blow up."

"Why? The world would be very boring if it didn't explode." Zhang Su said, "Don't the children here like you very much?"

"I don't want to hurt others." He pressed his head against Zhang Su's arm.

"Because you don't want to hurt others, do you want to eliminate yourself? This is not a good idea. I often fight with people, but I will eliminate those who stand in my way, and then use this power to protect the people I care about. Who do you care about?" Zhang Su asked.

"Care about dad." Zhazhuang raised his head and said.

"So as I said before, blow up all my enemies?" Zhang Su asked.

"Blow them up, blow them up." Although Zhizhi was still unclear, he felt that he had some direction, "Dad, I will learn."

"I heard that Delia won't let you go to class because you are too young."

"I'm not young." Zhazhang felt aggrieved.

"It doesn't matter, dad will take you to practice when the time comes." Zhang Su rubbed his hair.

She closed her eyes and felt peaceful in Zhang Su's arms.

"I want to grow up quickly..." Zhafang closed his eyes.

"Take your time." Zhang Su walked forward.

Finally, there was Natsuki. She had already rolled half a circle in Anxinyuan. Zhang Su realized that the trajectory she had rolled was a semicircle, which would eventually traverse the entire Anxinyuan, and the time was the same as the flow of the entire day.

"Xia Xi?" Zhang Su stopped her, "If you were turned into a real sun with endless magic power, what would you do?"

"There." Natsuki turned on her back and pointed to the sky.

"Are you going to fly to the sky without us?" Zhang Su raised his head, "We will miss you."

"At that time, you can see me when you look up every day. You don't have to think about me." Natsuki spread out her words in big letters.

After Natsuki becomes stronger, he will turn into a ray of light and go to the sun, complete this one-way journey at the speed of light, and never come back.

"I heard that many Sun Witches later flew into the sky and never came back." Zhang Su sat next to Natsuki, "If you leave us when you grow up, everyone will be sad."

"Don't go..." Zhibo stretched out his hand and pulled Natsuki's clothes.

Natsuki's eyes are bright and she can look directly at the sun without getting burned.

"The sun is so great." Natsuki raised her hand as if to touch the sun, "I really hope that one day I can become the sun, huge and full of heat..."

Zhang Su raised his head, and the sun covered the world. It was vast and boundless. Even modern people would feel frightened by the light and heat of this scale.

He thought that one day in the future, Natsuki would fly into the sky and join the sun! Sun Witches often choose to leave the world soon after breaking their throne, which is like a natural inspiration to them.

Zhang Su felt sad just thinking about this situation. This was the saddest separation for them. However, calling is like destiny, and the Sun Witches are unable to resist the urge to join the stars unless there are enough bonds to keep them on the ground.

"The sun is too far away from us, Natsuki, but you can warm us by staying here." Zhang Su persuaded Natsuki, "The sun provides power to the entire planet, but you can also make a difference on the ground and protect us."

"It's okay." Natsuki stretched out her hand, as if she was going to the sky in the next second, "When we reach such a high place... we will still shine on everyone... that day is coming."

Biaobo left Zhang Su's arms, and because he was worried about Natsuki walking away, he ran down in fear and shook Natsuki from the side.

Qing Xiao also felt reluctant to give up.

"We can't let her bask in the sun! If the result of her doing this is to leave us, I don't want it!" Qingxiao dragged Xia Xi outside, but Xia Xi didn't resist and dragged her to the shade of the tree in a daze. Once out of the sunlight, Natsuki closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Xia Xi can't leave!" Zhazhang begged holding Zhang Su's thigh.

"There will be a way." Zhang Su comforted, "We still have time. If Xia Xi feels that staying on earth is better than heaven, she will not leave."

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