Witch containment diary

Chapter 367 The Forerunner of the Strategy

After the meeting of the Ring of Peace was dissolved, Yang Kui reported her results to Reio the next day.

"I joined the Ring of Peace of Mind and made an oath." Hasegawa Yangkui said, "In fact, I can feel that our hearts are connected and we will no longer betray each other, just like real blood brothers."

"It's so slow." Lian Yang said in a displeased tone, "I thought it would only take two or three days, but it's actually almost a month. Are you locked up?"

"Nothing." Yang Kui focused on completing the deal, "We have the basis for cooperation. Can you contact my surviving men?"

"Very good," Lian Yang said. "They stayed in the prison on Shadow Street for a long time, almost going crazy. How should I gain their trust?"

"Just say my name. My men trust me. I want to save them." Yang Kui said briefly.

Lian Yang understood.

"How does it feel to be in An'an Hospital?" she said casually.

"Isolated from the world, it was difficult at first, but I learned to explore inward." Yang Kui said, "The world in the mind is as vast as the outside. I have seen it."

"Where are the children?" Lian Yang asked.

Yang Kui was even more impressed when she thought about their personalities. If you don't come to An'an Hospital, it's hard to imagine that this place has cultivated so many unique witches! The scent of Jiaguo potion is still lingering in my mind, and the oath of the Ring of Peace is still ringing passionately in my ears.

"It's an honor for me to be with so many witches. It's hard for the outside world to come into contact with so many witches," Yang Kui said.

"That's why we shouldn't live in the order arranged by humans." Lian Yang said, "But you have already entered, so I won't disturb you."

"Goodbye." Yang Kui sighed.

She originally wanted to guide Reio to talk about Saho so that she wouldn't have to lie later.

Thinking of the drop of magic medicine that Hayao Haruka offered to New Tokyo, maybe it would be better to feed it to the little god Hongyan.

On the other side, the New Tokyo office.

Reio went to Shadow Street through the underground station, escorted by members of the Fujikawa group along the way.

There are many large warehouses in Shadow Street that store smuggled materials from home and abroad, and underground networks extend in all directions. Even if you live here for decades, it is impossible to know everything about them. You need to be careful when walking here.

In one of the warehouses, Fujikawa Chiyo detained the prisoners of war of the Sakajo group.

They also broke into New Tokyo from the outside, and in the end the Fujikawa group defeated the Sakajo group... Reio thought to herself.

She walked into the warehouse, and two hit men in black suits opened the way for her.

The two of them were very respectful to Lian Yang.

Chiyo Hikaru Fujikawa executed four traitors and spies in the gang this month, all of whom were detected by Reio.

Neither of them wanted to be accused of guilt by Lian Yang, so they were cautious.

"Are they all here? The remnants of Hasegawa Yokoi?" Reio stood on the iron railing.

Below is a larger space. The originally stacked goods have been cleared away, and about fifty people are stranded here. The sanitary conditions are very poor, the stench is overwhelming, and they are unable to resist.

"Ah... Master Yangkui..."

"The precognitive dream failed at the most critical moment..."

"As long as Master Yang Kui is alive, there is hope..." When the surviving members and thugs heard Reiyang mentioning Yang Kui's name, they couldn't help but rekindle their hope for life, and whispered with their hoarse throats.

"Yes! They are all here, fifty people." The professional killer of the Fujikawa group returned to life.

"You will be under my control from now on. Hasegawa Yangkui asked me to save you. As the price of saving your lives, you will obey my orders for a while from now on." Reio said calmly.


"how come!"

"Always loyal to the Hasegawa clan!"

"Ah! You're a little girl...!" They were furious and refused to surrender easily.

The two Fujikawa group assassins also shook their heads secretly.

The Sakagi gang and the Fujikawa group had fought underground, and they knew the nature of these people.

The Hasegawa family has been kind to them for a long time, and they are all dead soldiers. They are more like brothers and sisters with Yang Kui, and they are considered brothers and sisters.

In comparison, Reiyo is just an insignificant little witch!

Even if she got Yang Kui's order, she wouldn't be able to control so many powerful gang members.

The worst outcome was that after leaving Shadow Street, he was caught, his throat cut, and his body dumped.

The two of them don't care about Lianyang's life or death, so now they are waiting to see Lianyang's jokes.

A witch wants to suppress so many men? They sneered.

Lian Yang leaned forward and glanced at them.

She soon felt ridicule, scorn and distrust coming from all sides.

"Let's clarify the stakes. The Fujikawa group will leave no one alive. The reason why you are alive today is because Hasegawa Yangkui and I made a deal. Now, I am just here to complete the deal. If you really respect Sister Yangkui, then Believe in her vision. Yang Kui cherishes the lives of her men, so don’t let down her efforts." Lian Yang said.



"Hey..." Some of them were a little shaken.

This may be able to dispel some people's doubts, but it is still impossible to suppress them.

The two Fujikawa-gumi killers looked at each other, both waiting for Reio to continue taking action.

Lian Yang took a deep breath.

"You two, please come down with me." Lian Yang led them down.

She raised her hand, unfolded her true magic, and then walked through the warehouse step by step.

They all felt something strange, as if their souls were being seen through.

Reio patrolled the warehouse with two captives from the Sakajo gang, almost draining his magic power, before stopping next to one of the strong men.

"...Eh?" Lian Yang narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you looking at! I will never give in to you! Unless Sister Yangkui comes in person, I would rather die!" he yelled.

"This is Wakatou from the Sakajo gang, his name is Yushiro Hirata. He is very good at fighting. We only caught him when his team was ambushed." The Fujikawa-gumi killer sneered.

"Kill or behead, you can do whatever you want! Who knows if you have lied to Sister Yangkui!! I only listen to her!" Yongzhiro yelled.


"Where is Sunflower!" they screamed.

Many people stared angrily, eager to see the leader, the dream witch Yang Kui, again.

Lian Yang pressed his forehead.

"You seem to be very loyal, but the 'sincerity' I see is different." Reio poked Yushiro's chest with her finger, and then walked out, "This guy turned out to be a spy of the Fujikawa Group, no wonder he led You are ambushed."

Yoshiro opened his eyes wide and roared angrily: "I'm not! I'm not a traitor!"

"You took dirty money and killed the entire team. The Sakagawa gang's defeat was as fast as an avalanche." Reio said, "I have seen it all. No one can hide it in front of the true witch."

"She's talking nonsense! I'm not a traitor!" Yoshiro yelled, "If I was a traitor, why didn't the Fujikawa group let me go?"

"Because you are no longer of use, the Sakajo gang has been destroyed. Wouldn't it be more in line with the Fujikawa group's style to leave you and this secret to be annihilated in this warehouse? Anyway, they have achieved the leading position in New Tokyo. You It's really your own fault. It's a pity for those people in Sakagawa who were killed by you." Reiyang opened his eyes wide.

"Yuushiro is our good brother!"

"You bastard!"

"What's sincere? You're not just talking nonsense!"

"How could he be hanging out with the Fujikawa group?" Some members of the gang also roared angrily, while the rest looked at each other and remained silent.

Lian Yang picked up her phone and played Yang Kui's recording.

"...cooperate...save their lives..."

After Yang Kui's voice came, they couldn't help but fell silent.

Even the most violent ones in the lead did not dare to shout.

"Now, it's time to come to an end." Reio asked the killer to give her a knife. She put the knife on the ground in front of Yushiro, and then asked the killers to untie the Sakagami gang. "One by one, kill the traitors. Yoshiro stabs you, then come with me, I will bring you back to the light."

Their faces were horrified, and they all stared at Yuzhiro.

Yongzhiro took a deep breath, looked at Lian Yang, and suddenly smiled sadly.

"Okay, brothers." He sat down cross-legged, put his hands on his knees, and looked calm and confident, "You can use my blood to exchange for your future!"

He thought he was magnanimous and could die in exchange for innocence, but they calmed down immediately. Lian Yang smiled knowingly, while Yong Zhirou was stunned for a moment.

"Are you really a traitor? You would rather die to pay for it."

"Then you can die!" they said.

Reiyo left the warehouse floor and walked to the iron railing, waiting for them to join her.

"Yongzhiro! I have long been unhappy with you, and I know you are a traitor." A gang member who seemed to have a personal grudge against him quickly stood up, untied his restraints, picked up a knife and slashed Yuzhiro's stomach, and then raised it Let's go and come to Lian Yang.

Yongzhirou gritted his teeth and his abdomen was bleeding, but he was like a glaring King Kong, gritting his teeth unyieldingly.

"Really taking action..."

"That way you can be free..."

"Is Yoshiro really a traitor..." The remaining gang members were nervous.

The two Fujikawa-gumi killers looked at all this, and even they felt chills running down their spines. They were indeed the ones designated by Fujikawa Chiyo to cooperate with. It was so cruel.

Where there is the first, there will be the second, and more and more people are taking action.

They took turns walking past Yujiro, picking up their knives and stabbing him.

At the beginning, people’s strength was very shallow and their movements were very conservative. But the people behind him simply resorted to harsh measures, either to vent their hatred or to make Yongzhiro seek relief early.

Soon, Yoshiro was stabbed thirty-three times.

He was no longer able to maintain his sitting position, but he still struggled to support himself with his arms. He was covered in blood and kept mumbling:

"...Three thousand great thousand worlds, all the mountains, forests, rivers and seas inside and outside, from the Abi Hell to the top, we can also see all living beings in them, as well as the places where the causes and consequences of their karma are reborn..."

"Yongzhiro, I'll send you away." A member of the gang came forward crying, wiped Yongzhiro's neck with a knife, then walked up the stairs and stood next to the other gang members.

The others looked at him meaningfully, their eyes looked more like suspicion than respect.

"There are still 16 people who haven't moved." Lian Yang said, "You stabbing the traitor's body counts."

After waiting for a while, seven more people got up one after another, took turns stabbing Yuzhiro's body, and then walked up.

Reio nodded to the killers of the Fujikawa group: "Dispose of the remaining nine." His tone and expression were no different from those of disposing of garbage.

"Yes." The killer of the Fujikawa group did not dare to express his anger, for fear of being targeted by Reio.

"You go and wait outside, you won't die. My name is Lian Yang, please give me some advice." Lianyang smiled and bowed to them.

And these warriors who have seen life and death can't hold their heads up in front of Lian Yang! Instead, he left uneasily, like a group of castrated pigs.

The Fujikawa-gumi killers looked at Reio in awe. The originally huge disparity in power was now completely reversed!

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