Witch containment diary

Chapter 368 The tunnel comes to the other side

One witch Reion is enough to frighten so many people, and they are frightened.

"What use are they alive to you?" Another more experienced killer still dared to talk to Lian Yang.

"Don't use a general word like 'them'. I've seen their hearts. Here are the good guys from the Sakagawa gang, fighting, shooting, driving, blasting... They are professionals. Just like you, you are also good. ." Lian Yang said sincerely.

The two Fujikawa-gumi killers were both incapable of being dealt with by Reio.

I don’t know where this little witch received the education, but she can actually control people’s hearts like this.

"Why did you do that?" The experienced killer looked at Yoshiro's remains below, "Did he really betray the Sakajo gang? Even we didn't know he was a spy."

"It's true. Maybe you will see the decrypted news when you look through the Fujikawa-gumi files decades later." Reio crossed his fingers.

"Chiyo Fujikawa is aboveboard and doesn't know how to use spies, let alone leave spies here. Who can believe this?" Another young killer retorted.

"This also means that even if she really does this, outsiders will not believe it. Because she has established a very good personality for herself, and you will complete the details yourself and use it as her motivation." Lianyang Youyou said.

"But the more than 40 people who survived still won't trust you." The experienced killer said.

"I know." Lian Yang sneered, "Then can they trust each other from now on?"

The killers were shocked.

If they stab their brother with a knife, Yoshiro's incident will become an eternal grudge in their hearts. From now on, these people will never be able to treat each other as brothers and sisters.

And there must be some among them who believe that Yongzhiro is innocent, while another group of people believe that Yongzhiro is a traitor, and this kind of thing will exhaust their energy.

"...You do have skills. Finally, how are you going to support those people? At your age, will your family provide you with expenses?" the experienced killer asked.

"It's okay." Lian Yang thought of the box that An Yin Long Yi had given her that could be filled with unlimited gold, and it was now in use.

She didn't care where Long Yi got it, as long as it was useful.

The killers dared not ask any more questions.

They went down with samurai swords and executed the remaining six members of the Sakajo Gang who were the toughest and refused to surrender even after this.

"It's over." The killers of the Fujikawa group looked up, "Let's go."

"Give me a little more time, I like to see corpses." Lian Yang looked at the corpses one after another below, "It's so exquisite."

"..." The killers now feel that Reiyo is more terrifying than the devil.

As expected, the witch should not be underestimated.

"Don't think my methods are so evil." Lian Yang watched their corpses separated one by one, his eyes gradually lost, "More importantly, I will create great deeds that will amaze everyone."

Peace of mind.

"Senior, did you say anything about me? Did you say anything about me?" Hayho jumped up and down.

"Yes!" Yang Kui hung up the phone, "Lianyang is thinking of you! I said you are invincible, very powerful."

"That's good!" Saho was very satisfied, "Senior is the best!"

"Huh..." Yang Kui breathed a sigh of relief. Just like this, Lian Yang would keep her promise and ensure the safety of her men. As long as they have a breath left, there will always be a time to meet again in the future. "When I am released from prison, or when I can call on my friends outside, my brothers and I will return to Sakai, to the Hasegawa family! At that time, I will Here to entertain you, Mr. Hayho."

"It doesn't matter. And I'm not an 'adult', I'm still a child." Saiho said.

"Yes. Boy Saho." Yang Kui was confused by Saho's out-of-the-box thinking, "Let's go."

Three days later.

Dongmei came back with a cart of burned stardust bricks. Even Zhang Su found it difficult to carry so many stardust bricks because their density was so high.

"I want to build something for you. But the order for the stardust bricks needs to be settled first." Dongmei got off the big truck.

Zhang Su carried them inside.

"What can you give us, create a magical costume?" Hayho asked Dongmei.

"Strike Witches' armor." Dongmei said, "Our technology is not enough. It is said that there will be very powerful armor in the future that will allow the witches to spread their wings and become flying strike witch special attack troops. We are also studying it. Try it out. Maybe when you grow up, the coolest flying witch armor will be made, which will take you thousands of meters into the air!"

"If you want me to die, just say so," Hayho said.

After the Stardust Bricks were delivered to Yuehuayuan, Hongyan came over to prepare a tunnel.

"I'm going to Yan Ping Qi. With so many bricks, it's finally enough." Hong Yan looked at the stardust bricks all over the room and was very satisfied.

"It's all raw ore brought from Dragon Palace City. It's like this after it's burned in the furnace of creation." Zhang Su came in with another five pieces on his back and slowly put them down, "We have two hundred stardust bricks now, and we will probably be able to use them later." Smelting another three hundred yuan will be enough to complete the containment of Flame Vase Seven."

"Start working hard!" Hongyan picked up her ultimate pickaxe and started digging a tunnel.

"Why is Bodhisattva so diligent today?" Zhang Su asked.

"Oh, go ahead." Hong Yan said embarrassedly.

"Okay! I'm leaving first. Come on!" Zhang Su said goodbye to Hong Yan.

Hongyan dug the tunnel alone.

She was still thinking about the ceremony some time ago, when Haoho poured the last drop of the Kaguo potion on the ground rather than give it to Hongyan.

For Bodhisattva, this matter broke her heart. She just didn't want to break the defense with Zaho on the spot and had to maintain her dignity. After listening to the villagers of Hongyan Village praising Hongyan a hundred times, she felt relieved. She understood what they meant. Then I felt better.

The Bodhisattva is so miserable, the witch has also run away, but there is Zhang Su protecting the Dharma, there are believers at the foot of the mountain, and there are many people giving rewards, don't be afraid, be brave and brave, dig the tunnel! Hongyan encouraged herself in her heart, and then slowly tapped the space structure.

The "pickaxe" in her hand is her natal treasure, specially used to dig and polish space structures.

Hong Yan hummed a little tune and then got into the crack. The most powerful thing about this pickaxe is that it can even destroy stardust bricks. She can break the stardust bricks into pieces and then put them into the wall herself, turning them into small bricks.

Hongyan wanted to do something to prove her strength in front of the children. She is everyone's patron saint, the god of An'an Institute, and the creator of "Witch Containment Diary". She is amazing.

But they rarely go to play with Hong Yan, and basically their relationship with her is not very good, which gradually makes Hong Yan feel frustrated.

Once the tunnel is dug, everyone will see the work of the Bodhisattva and make friends with the Bodhisattva. Hong Yan thought to himself, slowly advancing the work at hand, using stardust bricks to consolidate the tunnel structure.

I don't know how long it took, but Hongyan didn't leave the tunnel for about two or three days, and had dug the tunnel in one go.

The excavation went smoothly, but Hongyan kept feeling like there was someone behind him, as if there was a shadow following him. He didn't know who it was, and every time he turned around, the other person would hide.

She didn't take it seriously and swung the mining pick hard.

A narrow gap had been dug out before, but now it was completely dug into a gap that could allow people to pass through, and the two sides were reinforced with stardust bricks, so that walking back and forth would not fall into the subspace.

It’s done.

Hong Yan felt the hot wind blowing against his face, burning his skin until it almost dried out.

As she walked outside, the power of the oath binding became weaker and weaker, gradually disappearing.

Because Hong Yan came to another world, he was no longer bound by the oath of the ascended witch Gotith in the spiritual world and could move freely. She smiled slightly, her pressure suddenly relieved.

But because he left the world of "Anxinyuan", the power of the Bodhisattva also disappeared. Hong Yan looked down at her hands, they were so weak.

But outside was the scorching flame bottle seven. Hong Yan walked outside and reached the crack. She poked her head out. She measured the opening of the crack and found that it was on a cone-shaped mountain. It was very hot outside and she didn't dare to go out.

She heard sounds beyond the crack.

There's someone outside! Hong Yan was startled and hid immediately.

"% # !" After a while of chirping, he turned on the device, like a translator, "Hello!"

Hongyan heard a pleasant sound and saw a thin and beautiful creature walking on the sand dunes outside the tunnel, wearing silver-white velvet-like clothes, which trembled slightly like living armor.

Aboriginal people of Flame Bottle Seven? Never seen it before! Isn't it a ball of fire? Hongyan scratched his head.

"Hello." Hongyan sat on the edge of the crack.

"You're so pretty, do you want to come down and play?" the silver-white creature asked. Hongyan saw that it was sending messages through a translation device on its belt.

"You can't play with strangers." Hong Yan said.

"My name is Anta, is that okay?" the silver-white creature said, "How did you come to this world?"

"I won't tell you." Hong Yan felt that the other party was very friendly, and maybe he could join the children's package, just like everyone else, but he had to keep it a secret.

"It's very hot and beautiful here. You are welcome to come." Anta bypassed Hongyan's sight and disappeared.

Hong Yan waited until the other party was far away before cautiously testing the outside.

It feels good to leave Anxinyuan without being bound by an oath. Hongyan also wants to know the new world and make new friends.

brave! The red flame jumped out and landed on the hot sand.

My name is Hong Yan, and this warm world is called Yan Ping Qi. What a perfect match.

Hongyan sat on the sand and looked around curiously.

It’s almost the same as the previous observation, but... there seem to be many new celestial bodies, with silvery lights and red flames rising up.

They fell like a sheet of silver needles.

Previously, the sky in Flame Ping Seven was scarlet red, reflected by the scorching sun. It was really strange to see so many light spots in the daytime.

But those light spots are so special, evenly spaced, like a chessboard array.

Would normal stars be arranged neatly like this? Hongyan raised his head.

She came to her senses after a moment.

This isn't a star... it's... a plane? Aircraft?

They were angular, and the flames of the engines even competed with the celestial illumination of the Seven of Pyrophores.

Hongyan had a premonition that she was being locked. Her heart was beating wildly. She immediately stood up, grabbed the mining pick, and retreated.

Flame Bottle Seven... Flame Bottle Seven has been captured by the army.

It's not the devil, it's another force. Are they treating this as a trap?

Hongyan looked up at the tunnel he had finally dug and had to go back quickly to inform everyone! Gotta hide! Otherwise, it will be invaded...

She crawled back, Hong Yan was covered in sweat, and the temperature of Yan Ping Qi was like hell itself.

She heard a cry from above. Several life forms wearing slender white armor were coming from the other side of the ridge, as if they were crossing a burning red line.

They all held special equipment with shining silver light in their hands. Hongyan didn't dare to bet on whether it was a weapon, so he could only move faster.

"We are here to pick you up." The white creature "Anta" squirmed over quickly, with a cheerful tone and extremely fast movements, leading its kind to chase after it, as if it regarded the red flame as a rare and exotic beast, "Don't be afraid! Follow us Let’s go!”

The leader among them activated the translator-like equipment on his waist and quickly shouted at Hongyan: "Stop! Put down the weapon!"

arms? Is it a pickaxe? Hongyan looked up and was horrified to see them approaching dozens of meters closer, moving very fast.

I have to go back and tell everyone what happened to Yan Ping Qi. No way, someone else is watching.

Hong Yan climbed up in fear. Fortunately, she has grown taller and can reach it.

Just go back, go back to Anxinyuan——


With a muffled sound, Hongyan felt part of his body disappear.

She saw a black line piercing through her at the edge of her vision, and her hand lost her grip on the pick as it fell, sliding down the dry sand dune.

The Bodhisattva's pickaxe, Hong Yan, lay at the mouth of the crack, stretched out his damaged fingers, and listened to the pickaxe rolling down along with the gravel, disappearing somewhere in Flame Ping Seven.

"That's a good thing!" "Anta" said, and it said a few words in other languages ​​to encourage the soldiers to take action.

boom! boom!

A few more black lines hit Hong Yan, and she looked up at the tunnel.

Anxinyuan... became so far away... Anxinyuan was so peaceful that she forgot about the bloody nature of the outside world.


A powerful mechanical arm stretched out and pulled Hong Yan up the tunnel and back into the pit.

Shuili covered Hongyan with one hand and took her to An'an Hospital.

The journey was fast and bumpy, and the red flames shed blood like amber.

"Oh..." Hong Yan cried. Her consciousness was hazy, "...save me...pickaxe..."

Shui Li sent Hong Yan to the infirmary.

Then she quickly reported to Zhang Su, who stood up without saying a word.

Shui Li realized that the war had begun and many people would die.

Flame Bottle Seven will be cooled by a sea of ​​blood.

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