Witch containment diary

Chapter 369: I am an exterminator

Flame bottle seven.

"Look at this, how beautiful it is! The things left by that indigenous girl may be very good!" The sentry named Anta ran down the sandy slope and quickly found a slender mining pick.

It used primary telekinesis to pick up the pickaxe from the air, and then took out the scanner for inspection.

[Category: Pickaxe (Digging Tool)

Material: Iron, a common metal in the C-type universe, mixed with 24% copper-tin alloy. The core matrix is ​​embedded with a crystal nucleus-like structure, showing a wave-shaped energy resonance, indicating rare power characteristics.

Warning: Potential space disturbance, with the ability to break through space barriers.

Recommendation: The wielder lacks alien physical skills. Handed over to recyclers for control in exchange for large contributions]

nice one! Anta's photoreceptor suddenly lit up.

I never thought that indigenous people could share such good things.

"It's a pity that we didn't keep that girl." Senior sentry Qiu Ke floated on the sand dunes and turned to check the tunnel leading to Flame Bottle Seven.

The girl just now was naive and had rare power fluctuations in her body. She was a very precious specimen. If recovered, it would help their great plan.

"Set a trap, and someone will definitely come back. The indigenous people are always like this, like cockroach-like insects that live in their nests." Anta raised his head.

"You lured the indigenous girl down from the tunnel entrance before. Maybe Elder Crohn will question it, but I think it's good." Senior Sentinel Qiu Ke recognized Anta's efforts, "Take the pickaxe back to the Constellation Fleet, and by the way Search and contain those burning energy bodies as soon as possible, we must not stay in this dimension for too long."

"As the great plan dictates." Antar was ordered.

Anta fired a shot at the pickaxe with the scanner, and the vacuum coating naturally reflected it, completely wrapping and locking it.

Then, Anta stretched out polymer lines from the white biological armor on his body to hook it, and then left from the sand dunes and retreated towards the large fleet in the sky.

Senior sentry Qiu Ke continued to lead other white mecha sentry riders to set up an ambush, turning on the invisible position, waiting to capture any natives who subsequently entered Flame Bottle Seven.

There must be natives coming for the injured girl, Qiu Ke knew it very well.

Flame Bottle Seven's project cannot be disturbed by intruding alien natives.

Qiu Ke has killed many time walkers, time travelers and the like, and is very good at this.

Flame Bottle Seven is a small dimension after the demon army has withdrawn.

It is said that it was used as a springboard to invade a certain native "human" civilization, but that civilization was very resilient and thwarted the attack of the vanguard army and blocked the space path in one direction.

The demons were burning themselves every moment. They couldn't wait to pry open the passage, so they gave up on Flame Bottle Seven and immediately retreated to other anchor points that could be attacked.

After the demons left, they spent some time detecting and controlling Flame Bottle Seven, but not long after, they discovered this strange "tunnel" in the peripheral sand dunes in front of them.

No matter what kind of civilization is connected to the other end of the tunnel, Qiu Ke is confident that it can be suppressed.

It retrieves friendly units on the dunes.

Seven Sisrian Sentry Riders, equipped with energy-infused armor and armed with the vector weapon "Gravity Line Release Device".

A technological civilization that fails to unify the entire planetary system, a cultivator civilization that has exhausted its aura and no real immortals, a magical civilization that does not have great divine power...

They will all be annihilated by these eight people!

Their equipment is really too advanced.

"Something is approaching!" Sentinel Yukel reported.

""Humanity"? "Jiu Ke asked.

"It is not--"

Juke opened the eight photoreceptors under its armor.

[Conscious damage detected, function recovery unit activated.

This device automatically reads details that the wearer's consciousness cannot capture:

0000 pulse seconds: Powerful longitudinal energy waves are emitted from the tunnel, covering a range of 240 standard feet.

0014 Pulse seconds: Sentinel Yukel loses life response. Cause of death: cut in half.

0014 Pulse seconds: Sentinel Cavalry Double Shell loses life response. Cause of death: shock wave.

0015 Pulse Seconds: Sentry Rider Albath loses life response. Cause of death: Crushed body.

0015 pulse seconds: Sentinel Knight loses life response. Cause of death: cardiac destruction.

0015 pulse seconds: Sentry Qilier loses life response. Cause of death: cut in half.

0015 pulse seconds: Sentinel Enka loses life response. Cause of death: Explosion.

0015 Pulse Seconds: Sentinel Yemas loses life response. Cause of death: Crushed body.

0020 pulse seconds: Your team has been wiped out.

1049 pulse seconds: Unknown armored entity appears. ]

Jack came to his senses.

The dunes have been cut into pieces.

The gravel flows and coalesces again.

But seven of its companions were killed on the spot.

The scorching heat burned Qiu Ke's flesh and blood. He lowered his head and found that he had also been cut in half. He only managed to survive because his life support system was more advanced than ordinary sentinels.

That is - what is that!

It looked at the monster in front of it in fear!

This is……

The opponent wears a terrifying, huge black armor that supports his body to more than 2.5 meters. It is surrounded by jagged edges and sharp protrusions. The sharp thorns decorate the back, like a pair of giant wings waiting to be unfolded at any time. The outline is full of aggression. Sex, completely black.

Like a black hole, like a devil!

The formidable form moved toward the torn body on the dune, and Jack was too frightened to move.

It looked at the strange long knife held in the opponent's hand in horror, and immeasurable terrifying power bloomed from it.

The opponent rummaged through the dead bodies and separated the Sislians from their biological armor with brute force, like peeling the shell off a lobster!

The Sithrian body is soft and slender, and its slender body can emit bioluminescence when alive, but it will quickly fade and darken once dead.

Their whole body is covered with a large number of undulating, branching tentacles. The center of the body is a node, and the heart and brain are located in the center of the body.


Qiu Ke knelt on the ground, extremely shocked. The scorching flame bottle seven is taking its life away.

Zhang Su checked the alien races on his hands.

"It's an amazing thing." Lidia, the armored ghost, released a reading on Zhang Su's helmet panel. "Don't take it lightly, and don't miss these advanced technologies."

"They seem to have evolved from the sea water." Zhang Su picked up the remains of the Sislians and walked towards the next dead sentinel.

He continued to tear apart their armor with his hands.

These form-fitting "biological armors" are a life unto themselves, protecting the fragile Sislians inside from evaporation.

The fit of the armor was flawless, like a natural extension of their flesh-and-blood bodies.

Qiu Ke watched in horror as Zhang Su tore apart and inspected the body of his fellow sentry rider in such a brutal manner.

It discovered that Zhang Su, like a cruel coroner or surgeon, carefully hollowed out the Sislian corpses, pulled out the organs, cartilage, and nerve tissue from them, and placed them piece by piece on the sand dunes. Display inspection.

Zhang Su gathered their corpses together for examination, which could save time and compare the body, organization and life forms, so as to learn and master the physiological characteristics of this race in the shortest time.

Devil... Devil...! Qiu Ke was speechless.

Most of its own organs and armor were destroyed in the first attack just now. What it is worried about now is the entire constellation fleet!

With the power of the knife in Zhang Su's hand, I am afraid that the fleet group can be completely destroyed with just one blow!

What kind of devil is this...! A smart, ruthless and cunning demon whose attack power is at least equal to those of a single-handed demon warlord or legion commander.

"Where is the pickaxe?" After Zhang Su checked the dead body, he walked to Qiu Ke, the only living person.

Senior sentry Qiu Ke's nerves were severely tugged.


It thought of the little girl who came down to hang out a moment ago.

This demon came for the injured girl and the mining pick!

As long as the pickaxe is returned, begging for mercy, and eager to repair the relationship, the fleet may survive... This guy is a demon, human? Devilman?

It is like a god, and Qiu Ke can only surrender.

When he thought of the pickaxe, he regretted it so much, how could he attract such a demon because of it.

Qiu Ke fumbled for the translator on the dune and pressed it several times.

"Let me live...I'll give you the pickaxe..." It raised its head and begged.

"Your torso has a circulatory system with water as its basic core. Water is more important to you than blood. In the scorching heat of Flame Bottle Seven, you must rely on biological armor to survive." Zhang Su opened the armor carrying tool and took it from Pour 400 ml of purified water out of it and pour it into Juke's armor.

This monster knew how much water could save a Sithrian, and in such a short period of time made such an accurate measurement...Jiu Ke felt that his life was being extended.

"I will, let the fleet... return the pickaxe to you..." Senior sentry Qiu Ke barely regained his nerves and concentration.

Zhang Su peeled off the biological armor of the dead sentry and threw it to Qiu Ke.

These armors themselves are extremely advanced and can automatically absorb each other and complete each other. Two or three pieces of armor merge with each other and protect Juke from dying of dehydration.

Jack retreated in terror, running away along the dunes.

Sentinel Antar returns to the fleet with the mining pickaxe.

The Alliance calls a complete fleet a "constellation" because it consists of a large number of cross-needle-shaped frigates that often spread across the sky when they sail across the sky, just like the galaxy itself.

The largest mothership is the anchorage for the other Cross Needle ships.

Anta entered a large frigate and reported to the commander of his unit, South.

"Salute to the big plan." Anta greeted the commander. "We encountered an indigenous population trying to infiltrate this dimension and seized a relic of research value from its hands. It seems to be used by this civilization to dig through time and space. Some kind of treasure 'pickaxe' for the structure."

"A civilization that is good at digging around? It should be absorbed into the alliance." Commander Shaos did not express any additional surprises. "Anta, after you came back, the entire Qiu Ke team lost response. Do you have a clue?"

"No." Anta didn't want to report the facts about how it hooked the girl down from the tunnel entrance, because it was suspected of violating alliance regulations. It was now eager to hand over the pickaxe in exchange for a huge reward, "I need to submit this Aboriginal artefacts to recycling.”

"Go ahead, then I'll send a team of knights to deal with it. The entire knight team is enough to solve the anomaly." South understood.

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