Witch containment diary

Chapter 370 The flawless ship-killing sword light

Zhang Su stood on the sand dune.

He continued to analyze and study this alien civilization from the raw materials at hand.

"There are several basic atoms with very different physical properties. This armor is probably a fusion of technology from several different dimensions. It shows that this civilization, like demons, can move in many dimensions." Lydia, the armor ghost, checked.

"The "Delia" whose name is very similar to yours, her family is a businessman in the devil world. In the past, when Delia and I discussed communication in other worlds, she told me that the only rule of communication in other worlds is to use violence to control Violent and pre-emptive. That's why they injured Hong Yan. "Zhang Su said.

"Cruel. Then we let them suffer." Lydia said coldly.

Zhang Su looked up at Yan Ping Qi.

This world is unique and beautiful, with amber-colored clouds and a glowing ball bound by seven chains hanging high in the sky.

This light ball is actually not far from the ground, more like a "big hot ball". It is not a star itself, and it is not 150 million kilometers away from the earth like the "sun".

Under the light of the chain celestial sphere, the ground was baked dry and unfamiliar. The composition of the atmosphere was 61% carbon dioxide, 7% oxygen, 12% sulfur dioxide, 6% mercury vapor, and trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide.

The yellow ocher sand dunes spread from Zhang Su's feet, leading to the bright red dry wilderness, the lava lake and the dark rift valley in the distance.

The sky was filled with fleets, shining like stars.

While Zhang Su was waiting for their reply, there were still a large number of aircraft flying between the ground and the sky fleet.

Judging from the flight frequency, it is not like transporting supplies downwards, but more like packing supplies from the ground and transporting them to the sky.

Are they going to wipe out the world?

While waiting, he saw one of the Cross Needle ships sending a large number of aircraft flying in his direction.

Probably here to return the pickaxe and avoid any misunderstanding. Zhang Su didn't think about weapons either.

A large number of high-level individual soldiers wearing shiny advanced armor descended from the aircraft, followed by more than 600 drones and a variety of aerial guns. Its firepower density was enough to destroy a densely populated city in a few minutes.

Zhang Su has equipped them with translators and is now waiting for them to initiate communication.

The fleet knights surrounded Zhang Su.

The knight commander informed Zhang Su of his intention in different translated versions, one of which Zhang Su understood:

"Lay down your weapons, your atrocities are not sanctioned by the Alliance."

"Pickaxe." Zhang Su said briefly.

If Hongyan's pickaxe is returned, Zhang Su can still talk to them.

If not, Zhang Su does not object to using force to communicate.



"This unit knows no pickaxe." The knights whispered.

Zhang Su noticed many differences in their armor.

Two-thirds were Sithrians who had evolved from aquatic creatures. Their armor was pale and clung to their bodies, making them look thin and ethereal.

Others are all kinds of strange, and the largest life form is more than ten meters tall, like a petrified giant.

The Knight Commander looked at the remains of the sentinels scattered on the ground, and became more determined to take revenge. The other party did not attack first, which also made him feel that he had a chance to win.

"What's the situation?" Commander South sent a communication.

"The murderer who attacked Juke's team has been identified, and the calming procedures are now being implemented." The knight commander aimed at Zhang Su, "Assess the combat strength and then suppress it with force." It sent a message to other Sislian and Alliance knights.

The surveyor quickly reported and transmitted the data to other members of the Order:

"Protection reading: 7.5, common reinforced alloys and potential protective coatings."

"Destruction reading: 9999999999 + no upper limit. Unable to measure beyond the measurement range."

The surveyor was also shocked by the results he detected.

"Fire!" The knight was shocked, but he also realized the dangers. All he had to do was tear the opponent's armor into pieces.

The moment he detected that the opponent's interference frequency had increased, Zhang Su activated his armor and noble phantom at the same time!

The surveyor found in despair that the target's defense reading had increased by tens of millions of times in an instant!

Zhang Su raised his sword and killed him.

A long line stretched across the surrounding area.

Here, for the first time, he drove the blade to exceed 1% of its power. It tried its best to release its majesty. This power was enough to tear the eyes of many people.

Everything is prostrate in its world-destroying majesty.

The knight is too long to shoot.

It turned around and watched the "line" cut through the surroundings and shoot into the sky——

That "line"-like slash passed by, and all the alliance's war machines, drones, and fleets were exploding, overturning, and being destroyed!

It is completely unable to match the power of the blade, and is destroyed and divided at will by the huge force!

The flawless fleet, arranged like a constellation, was instantly cut into a long, straight gap, and countless ships and personnel were killed instantly.

A large number of ships fell straight down, like a shower of meteors and fire.

Strength is not on the same level. Only then did the knight commander understand how big the gap between the two sides was!

Numerous alarms came from the knight commander's communicator, as well as Commander South's hoarse roar:

"--what happened!!!"

Communication was interrupted, the aftermath exploded, and the knight commander was shattered.

This time Zhang Su left no one alive.

He walked towards the dust and machine debris on the ground to examine these advanced technologies.

Although this civilization is completely unable to fight against him.

But he also wanted to collect some souvenirs and technical blueprints.

The Constellation Fleet is in complete disarray.

"The fleet is destroyed!"

"Fat attack!"

"what happened!"

"Demon invasion?"

"The devil is back!"

"Unpredictable enemy?!" Captains everywhere were going crazy.

They watched in horror as the ships of their compatriots exploded like a string of firecrackers.

One second I was still collecting the resources of Flame Bottle Seven normally, and the next moment it became like this?

Commander South made a desperate effort to make his way to the "anchor," the Union mothership.

People in the anchorage are also panicked, and all the alliance races are panicking and asking about the current situation.

"We are under attack!" Commander South rushed into the large command room at the anchorage.

Elder Krohn was sitting in the hub, pressing his painful skin.

Its mind is connected to the entire "Constellation Fleet", and the terrorist attack just now is equivalent to cutting off a large number of its nerves.

"What's wrong?" the staff officer asked.

Commander South concentrated his attention and transmitted his thoughts to the staff officer and Elder Krone using a connector.

Other meditators in the room also received the relevant information, with surprised expressions.

"We must jump and escape as soon as possible! The opponent's strength is unimaginable!" South was surprised. "The entire Knights have been destroyed!"

"Who is he?"

"Is it the nearby civilization called humans or the devil?"

"Why did he attack us?" The other commanders on the anchorage entered a state of combat readiness, feeling uneasy.

It was like being punished by God.

A battle of this level requires the mobilization of many constellation fleets to be sure of victory.

They never imagined that they would encounter such a terrifying opponent in Yan Ping Qi.

How on earth did you get into trouble with such a monster!

Elder Crone closed his eyes and meditated, and other members did not dare to disturb him.

"Evaluate the intensity of the attack just now!" an elephant-headed commander urged.

"Warning: In a single attack, 9 frigates were destroyed, 14,000 alliance members were killed, and 6,365 combat units were annihilated." AI summary.

When the news came, the command room fell silent.

"That was a demon's attack. A single demon can have such destructive power, at least at the level of a legion commander..."

"Legion Commander..."

"A legion commander means there is a whole army behind him!" an observer couldn't help but subconsciously said, his tone almost crying.

The whole, whole army of demons!

Is that something they can stop?

Endless demons rushed over crazily and swallowed up the entire fleet!

When the commander on the anchorage thought of this, his head almost exploded!

Could it be that the demons who retreated before are coming back?

Are they all going to die here?

After finally taking advantage of the demon to leave, he came to Yan Ping Qi to collect resources, but he ran into the big demon again!

"It mentions 'pickaxe'!" Commander Sauth kept calm. The alliance is made up of many races, so it is not easy to maintain a balance. They often argue with each other. The Sislians are calmer. After all, the water used for cooling is A lot, "I remember the Knights getting similar words."

"What pickaxe?"

"Give it any pickaxe it wants!"

"New reports indicate that a sentinel named 'Anta' picked up an alien pickaxe. Is this what it was looking for?"

"Call Anta here immediately and prepare the pickaxe." They made arrangements quickly.

"Jiu Ke himself survived the previous attack! However, Yan Ping Qi almost evaporated it and is now replenishing water in the medical cabin!" Another message arrived.

The new news diluted the previous panic, and the commanders on the Constellation Fleet tensed their nerves.

Religious representatives of several major ethnic groups began to hold different blessing ceremonies.

"A demon army commander has arrived..."

"What a terrifying power... As expected, we cannot fight the devil. The Constellation Fleet must avoid fighting..."

"However, the commander of the demon army is not invincible." Commander South comforted the others. "Our alliance has defeated many demon legions. Our fleet alone has defeated at least three legions, right? Three wins in three battles. The other party did not continue. The attack is to give us a chance. When Elder Krohn concentrates the firepower of the fleet to counterattack, victory will still belong to the Alliance."

South's words comforted them.

Others stared at Elder Crohn who was meditating at the hub. It was powerful in person and had extremely rich experience with demons.

"...No..." Elder Crohn opened the photoreceptor and trembled the tentacles on his skin, "The power of the attack just now does not belong to any demon army leader."


"Really...that's great..."

"%%God's protection..."

"It should just be that the fleet formation is too poor." They breathed a sigh of relief.

Elder Crohn's will immediately drove the entire fleet to shrink and distance itself.

"That one blow—our fleet," it lamented, "was destroyed by the Order of the Blade!"

Blade Commander!

As soon as this concept came out, it instantly shattered many people’s psychological defenses!

"Commander of Blades?!" Commander South was shocked beyond measure.

Many people's hometowns were destroyed by it.

Now I actually encountered an extremely terrifying existence among demons head-on——!

Sure enough, it is the only one that can destroy one-tenth of the fleet with one swing of the sword!

At this moment, Sentinel Anta also arrived in the command room, terrified.

"Tell me! What did you do to trigger the Blade Order's attack?" Commander Sauth rushed over in despair.

"That can't be - it can't be the Blade Commander?" Anta's class still didn't understand what this kind of demon meant. It only read the report in a hurry. Its friends, comrades and relatives were all involved in the single attack just now. Destroyed in the chop, now filled with anger, "We should fight it!"

"Is the Order of Blades a match for us?" Commander Saus grabbed Anta's living armor with both hands. "We have only one way to die! What's going on with the pickaxe!"

"We must avenge our dead relatives!" Anta turned to Elder Krohn and shouted at the command center.

Elder Crohn thought for a long time.

It has to make decisions about the future of this constellation fleet.

Zhang Su carried a lot of mechanical parts and technological debris on his back and walked down the sand dune.

He saw that the ships falling from the sky were all on fire, and many strange burning balls jumped out of them.


"Puff puff~" The big flame dumplings were jumping around and seemed very happy.

Zhang Su switched several channels on the captured translator and translated their happy feelings.

Isn't this the "Fire Tuan Tuan", the native race of the Flame Bottle Seven, that we detected at the beginning? Zhang Su thought. Only now do I see familiar figures, they are the real aborigines.

"Were you captured by aliens?" Zhang Su walked over, "It's okay now."

The fireballs jumped up and down, came to Zhang Su and surrounded him.

"Now let's see what they are going to do." Zhang Su protected all the fire balls behind him.

The constellation fleet slowly gathered and seemed to be descending.

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