Witch containment diary

Chapter 380 Three people create an insect swarm

Zhang Su passed through the secret passage of the Dragon Palace and headed to the new world.

"We have transformed this dead world into a paradise for bugs. Maybe it will be officially named the Bug Hive City." Youfa Lin said in the pit.

"I remember that Dragon Palace City poured seawater into this pit before, forming a lake. Why is it gone?" Zhang Su looked around.

"The little bee drank it up," Soraya said at the edge of the hole.

"Little Bee is very energetic." Zhang Su climbed to the top of the pit, and Princess Otohime also followed. Because she saw Zhang Su walking through the palace, she also came to see what the new world looked like.

As the new name suggests, the insect nests have been "eroded" into a huge insect colony ecology, with carpet-like crops spreading everywhere. The soil, trees, and rocks have been eaten and decomposed into new purple Black sticky substances, when Zhang Su stepped on them, he felt like he was stepping on the back of some giant beast.

"The mission of the insect swarm is to optimize and perfect itself." Youfalin stretched the appendages on her back and used her huge sickle legs to lift herself up, "So the wasp must be better than me. There are countless others behind it. Little Bee, little Little Bee is waiting for iterative upgrades, and I need you to work hard as soon as possible.”

"No problem." Zhang Su looked around and started from the initial point. The surrounding area of ​​more than ten square kilometers has been completely eroded, leaving a large number of insect nests, tunnels and warehouses.

Although this world was slaughtered by demons and not even a single intelligent creature was left behind, there were still normal woodlands, grasslands, and some animals and plants.

The insect swarm digests them all and extracts minerals and nutrients to build the insect colony's carpet and build itself. The rich nutrients from the earth continue to flow into the large and small carpets, nourishing them and cultivating the vibrant ones. Insect home.

Hearing that Zhang Su was coming, the little bee flew back with its insect wings.

Now Bee has evolved her own armor, and her figure has also evolved. It is obvious that in the process of devouring the world, she has eaten much more than Youfa Lin.

"Insect King." Little Bee condensed her deep love into one word, "Are you here to witness my work?"

"I feel that you have grown up enough." Zhang Su picked up Xiaofeng, "You are already a complete witch."

"My throne-breaking ceremony requires your labor." Xiaofeng felt satisfied with Zhang Su's actions. It was this feeling that Zhang Su could give her everything, and even more.

"It's unimaginable that you get such an honor..." You Falin was still a little jealous when she thought of this. "Excellent genes can double the material of future generations. The little wasps must be strangely tough, stronger and faster, and can be in all kinds of situations." Survive under the conditions, you will create the next generation of insect swarms, really large insect swarms that can take over the world. There is such a world for you to develop, such a fresh and powerful gene pool..."

"You Falin, you are coming too." Zhang Su interrupted You Falin's mutterings, holding Xiaofeng in his left hand and pulling You Falin in with his right hand.

"Ah?" You Falin was startled, but immediately felt excited about the news, "...that's great."

"Where's Xiaofeng?" Zhang Su looked at her.

"I don't hate mom." Xiaofeng can now see clearly.

"This is a good idea. Anyway, you are actually me, just a slightly different version of me. We are all essentially a bug." You Falin put her fingers on Zhang Su's throat.

"...let our descendants spread all over the world, in every dimension, and I will become the most glorious queen in history." Xiaofeng was intoxicated with her career, and was very happy that Zhang Su was finally willing to help the lost swarm. Regain productivity. The bugs that were once annihilated by humans, with unparalleled tenacity, are now reborn in this world, and the scale is larger than ever before in history.

"I can teach you how to modify the genes of the little bees. What you have learned from Zhang Su is too rich. With a little modification, you can make the little bees stronger. Just imagine, not so big, very flexible, and able to fly, Something with strong endurance..." You Falin is also looking forward to it.

The size of this world is about the same as that of the earth. If it is completely eaten by the insect swarm, plus the super strength, endurance genes and even the basis of "Qi Jin" obtained from Zhang Su, they will evolve into a world that can survive in the universe. The great sailing civilization, the little bee conquers the world!

"Don't forget me. The sky is most realistic only when you are happiest." Soraya followed Zhang Su. Thinking of the many things Zhang Su could accomplish, she already felt bursts of happiness in advance.

Watching them hugging each other into the forest, Princess Otohime felt her face burning up.

"Are you coming?" Zhang Su turned to look at Princess Otohime, who was looking around in the distance.

"I think it's too...excessive." Princess Otohime blushed, "But when you return to An-in-in, you can come to my bedroom."

From this, good things come in fours.

One month later.

Zhang Su practiced martial arts in the open field, and based on the clues provided by Quantum Bodhisattva, he gradually extended his energy.

Once he enters the training state, he can quickly immerse himself in the flow and continue to improve his strength by leaps and bounds.

This is because through frequent communication, Zhang Su can consume many boring thoughts. Negative thoughts and negative distractions are washed away by pure happiness. No one will be too negative once they have such a rich life. , they are also very satisfied.

If you have endless energy, you can form a giant image like an incarnation outside your body, standing tall against the sky and the earth. Zhang Su thought silently.

He calmed down and started another round of attempts.

Breathing is the most important thing. He closed his eyes and let his mind follow the flow of energy until it reached an agreement with the cycle of life and the resonance with heaven and earth. He could feel his soul radiant, like the dawn rising from a mountain top, calling him into a state of absolute balance.

All other thoughts dissolved and dissipated, and only this endless vitality surged through Zhang Su's pure body and mind.

He spread his arms and imagined that a huge air current was surrounding him. All the overflowing energy would have dissipated into nothingness, but Quantum Bodhisattva's magnetic disk revealed part of the truth, which was also the practice she deduced herself.

The key is to control reality with your heart.

Along Zhang Su's outstretched arm, he saw a void air shadow appear out of thin air, as if he had punched Zhang Su, and the air vibrated.

He took a deep breath, took a step forward, and let his body integrate deeper into the Qi Jin frame, allowing the concentrated power to flow outside his body, transforming his willpower into a powerful entity.

After a while, the air became silent, and Zhang Su felt something vague gradually take shape.

"It seems to be in good shape." Hongyan's injuries gradually healed during the past month of care. She sat on the bluestone and looked at Zhang Su.

"I seem to have caught something just now." Zhang Sumo thought about the supreme state of infinite concentration just now, as if that step was taken with another body, connected with his mind, "But there is still a little bit left."

"Bodhisattva also wants to fight with you." Hong Yan put one foot under the other leg and leaned forward.

The incident with Flame Ping Qi had a great impact on Hong Yan. She now takes things happening everywhere seriously, and her body is also developing over time, gradually regaining her peak strength.

"That would be the best." Zhang Su said.

He didn't expect that Hongyan would actually leave Daqingshi and come to Zhang Su.

"Try again." Hongyan raised his fist, trying to synchronize with Zhang Su.

Zhang Su understood.

He closed his eyes, held his breath, and took deep breaths until his body was completely swollen, and the energy circulated in the meridians to a perfect state, and finally dissipated, transcending the boundaries of the armor, trying to form a larger frame.

Human beings have limits, but because the Qi armor is made outside the "human body", it can be said that there is no upper limit. How much Qi strength can be controlled can make the Qi armor as large as possible.

Now Zhang Su concentrated his attention and let his will explode and shine like the sun, while the shadows around him became more solid.

He took a heavy step forward and waved his fist. Hong Yan also made a similar move, stepped forward and struck a blow.


The power of nothingness burst out, creating a hole in the ground, causing the ground to vibrate slightly.

Zhang Su looked at the pit silently, feeling incredible.

"My power resonates with you." Hong Yan said with his hands on his hips, proudly.

"Incredible." Zhang Su recalled the feeling just now. His spirit burst out like a colossus, but at its core was the blessing provided by the red flame.

"Bodhisattva found that he would be really weak when he left Anxinyuan, but Bodhisattva also wanted to help, so I placed my power on you in the form of blessing." Hongyan patted Zhang Su's waist, " The power you just exerted may be able to summon me, because it is an external incarnation formed by will. As long as you have me in your heart, you can make my projection appear."

"If I can fight with the Red Flame Bodhisattva, I feel really powerful." Zhang Su's spirit was lifted.

"And the Bodhisattva can also arrogantly say to the enemy: 'Humph, you actually came so close', or something like that." Hongyan was very happy, "Although the Bodhisattva cannot leave Anxinyuan, as long as you go outside, You can be considered as taking me outside to see new things."

It seems that Yan Ping Qi's incident has cast a shadow on Hong Yan, and she will not dare to leave Anxin Hospital for a while... Zhang Su thought to himself.

"Then I will spread the reputation of Red Flame Bodhisattva to all parts of the world." Zhang Su promised.

"This is great. It means that you can also use some of my powers outside, such as farming and building houses." Hongyan continued, "Do what you should do."

Thanks to the blessing provided by the red flame, it is like installing another engine. Zhang Su tried for several more rounds, and was able to summon the Qi Armor almost stably. It looked like a gaseous Zhang Su, even bigger than him.

The clever thing is that once the Qi Armor is formed, it can directly extract the Qi energy from the surrounding world and launch it. It can send out fist shadows infinitely to beat the enemy, but Zhang Su himself does not have to do anything, and it is truly fully automatic combat.

In the future, when the size of the Qibo increases, it will be able to drive the blade of the order, and its power will increase dramatically. By then, it will truly be unparalleled in the world.

"Thank you." Zhang Su greeted Hongyan.

"That's nothing." Hongyan sat back on the bluestone, a little tired, "... Bodhisattva believes in your justice and your path. Maybe one day, you will defeat the devil and find a way back to the spiritual world, and At that time, Bodhisattva can really have a good rest. At least, sleep for a hundred years! I really, really want to rest."

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