Witch containment diary

Chapter 381 The first kiss with Lian Wu


The general election is about to begin, involving the direction of Dongming's national politics in the next three years, and relevant publicity is overwhelming.

Zhang Su achieved success in his practice in An'an Academy and paid less and less attention to outside voices.

After gaining Qi Zhou, Zhang Su became much more relaxed. After being summoned out of the body, it can go everywhere to get things, take out the trash, etc.

"What a powerful incarnation..." Zhang Su stretched out his hand, and a huge phantom appeared behind him at the same time, forming a giant-like shadow. He needed to be extremely careful, otherwise he could collapse the entire mountain with his hand.

From this, Zhang Su named him "God of War".

Theoretically speaking, the first stage of Zhang Su's practice is to turn luck into strength, and the second stage is to refine the body and transform into armor. This is the limit of human beings.

The third stage of "Qi Zhou" is to continue to radiate the experience and energy accumulated in the first two stages outwards, trying to mobilize the power of the external world, heaven and earth.

Or to put it exaggeratedly, try to drive the energy of the entire universe, control things with the heart, control reality with the imaginary, and mobilize all phenomena in the world with one's own thoughts.

Now, Zhang Su can indeed feel the rhythm of the surrounding mountains, rivers and vegetation after summoning the God of War.

The sky and the earth are long, the sun and the moon are drifting, the wind is swift, and the rivers are gurgling. People move around inside and outside An An's courtyard, plants multiply in the garden, and insects deep in the soil go out to look for food when summer comes... Countless things are happening in this corner of the earth, and Zhang Su can sense them all, as if he is completely integrated into them.

From this, Zhang Su even developed the real beauty of Guanshi Pagoda. It itself contains a huge amount of Qi, and if it is absorbed by the God of War, once engaged in battle, both its size and power will increase hundreds of times.

"Don't let the Qi Zhou scare people at will." Zhang Su summoned the Martial God again, but this time he further weakened the appearance of the Martial God, making it almost invisible. In this way, others could not see the Martial God at all, and even if he was attacked by the Martial God, they would not be affected. No awareness.

Even a witch who is proficient in spiritual vision can only see the unusually large energy field on Zhang Su's body and cannot normally observe the existence of the Martial God.

In his previous life, Zhang Suqiang passed the thirteen trials provided by Edith, and finally won with his "pure flesh". Now it is about developing the skill of luck to the extreme.

As if it was some kind of karmic call, as soon as I thought of Edith, her call arrived immediately.

Zhang Su was so angry that he picked up his phone.

As soon as he saw Edith's name and number on the phone, Zhang Su felt a strange feeling. Her voice was beautiful, like invisible lipstick that would leave a sweet mark on the ears. It was perfect at first, but it would appear again later. The burning pain that penetrates the bone marrow is like a cup full of poison.

"Hello." Zhang Su came in.

"If I don't contact you, won't you contact me?" Edith's tone was a little sad.

"Of course I want to appear next to you." Zhang Su said.

These words are not nonsense, Zhang Su thought to himself. It's been a long time since I smelled the scent of Edith. That delicate scent is intoxicating just by fantasizing about it. From the first taste to deep swallowing, every stage has its own beauty.

"I also want to let go of all this and go find you, but it's too difficult now." As soon as Edith opened her mouth, Zhang Su felt a lingering aura surrounding him, like blooming roses.

"I have done a lot of great things again." Zhang Su said.

He thought of the flames covering the entire world, and how many people had become dead souls under the sword.

Considering the series of contradictions behind this incident, he did not regard it as a military exploit and should not be proud of it. But yes, it's a big deal.

"You will always be a hero in my heart." Addie did not hide her emotions at all, "You are deeper, calmer, and more confident. So, hero, would you mind helping me go to New Tokyo to see it?"

"What happened to New Tokyo? I heard that there is a campaign for prime minister there." Zhang Su said.

There was originally a royal ruling family in Dongming Kingdom. After Edith took over, they took a special plane to Europe, but were shot down on the way and were all turned into charred bones.

Maybe it was made by Edith to clear away the resistance.

Now that she has taken up her duties in the Pacific, a large power vacuum has appeared in the upper echelons of the Dongming Kingdom, and everyone is scrambling to grab it to determine the fate of this large island.

Zhang Su doesn't have any special feelings. Today, he has An'an Hospital, Dragon Palace City, Flame Bottle Seven and the Insect Swarm World to explore. The earth is no longer the only place he needs to worry about.

"China has sent an inspection team to New Tokyo. They are members of Chu Boyao, the Heavenly General of China. It will be of no harm to you to communicate with them. What you cultivate comes from the same source." Edith said .

"Memory of "Chu Boyao": the defender of China, the war commander of Beichen, who killed millions of demons and lived to be three hundred years old."

The Chinese people have been practicing Qi and Qi since they were young, and all the people practice it. The strong ones among them all work under the generals to defend the border and fight against the Gate of Hell in the shape of the Great Rift Valley in the chaotic wasteland in the north.

They should also have their own Qi training methods. Zhang Su thought about it in his heart. He believed that a top general of Chu Boyao's level was the best among mortals. It's just that they are very low-key and focus on their questions, aiming to cultivate their moral character and pursue immortality, so there are often many misunderstandings from the outside world.

China has a great influence on Dongming Kingdom. This visiting delegation is likely to play a decisive role in the future. Whoever wins their support will be able to secure the position of prime minister. Zhang Su thought silently, and felt that he really should go to New Tokyo to visit.

"But I have no contact with them." Zhang Su said.

"Don't you have contact with Shang Shuqin?" Edith said with a smile.

"That's true..." Zhang Su understood.

Shang Shuqin's family is the operator of the China Zishan Group and has great influence in China. They continue to operate industries, promote economic development, and create military fronts.

With the help of Shang Shuqin's relationship, Zhang Su was indeed able to contact them.

"...In addition, there is still the problem of the four demons in New Tokyo. They have been covering up their whereabouts, but I have heard some sounds of demonic energy leaking out and massacres happening. I need someone to prevent New Tokyo from suffering heavy casualties, at least in June. Not on the 6th," Edith said.

"I will go to New Tokyo for a week as a business visit." Zhang Su said. He hasn't been to New Tokyo for a long time, and he doesn't know what he will encounter again this year.

"Well, I hope you can maintain the stability there and don't let too many people die there. The maximum number of deaths is five million. This is the end of the public opinion that the human defense plan can withstand. If you say more, it will be a bit overwhelming." Ai Tisi said.

"...If a messenger-level demon shows up, how quickly can you get to New Tokyo?" Zhang Su wanted to confirm this final insurance.

"120 seconds." Edith said, "But they will sink New Tokyo before that, unless you can fight them with all your strength. Li Yixin is also there, don't forget to deal with Li Yixin, she has great prospects. "

"I know." Zhang Su said.

Edith was silent for a while, and Zhang Su thought she was going to wait for him to hang up the communication as before.

"One day we will meet again. Kiss me now." Edith said suddenly.


Zhang Su went to New Tokyo on a business trip. He went out at night. He didn't want others to miss him too much. The parting scene was always very sentimental.

However, Lianwu has been active at night recently in order to absorb the moonlight. When Zhang Su was walking down the steps, the two happened to meet him.

"Are you leaving?" Lian Wu asked, "I will miss you."

Lianwu now looks particularly mysterious and even a little evil. In this state, she speaks fluently and has increased courage. She is completely different from the timid girl in the daytime.

She was wearing a witch's robe, with a slender and beautiful figure, and her whole body was glowing as pale as the moonlight.

The most striking feature is the pair of long, curved horns. That smooth texture sticking out from between the white hair and curving upward. Like polished glass, silvery white and bright. Her eyes were equally beautiful and enchanting, as if Yue Hua Ji was reborn on the earth.

"You seem to be getting more and more accustomed to... this kind of moonlight's magic power." Zhang Su looked at her and couldn't help but say something.

Lianwu was troubled by this before. But now when Zhang Su looked at her and stared at the two horns, Lian Wu was already very calm, not surprised at all, and seemed to be proud of the two horns.

"I once thought about resisting this power, but since it tastes so wonderful, I should dig into it carefully." Lianwu said.

"I wish you success." Zhang Su saw Lian Wu walking towards him, "What's wrong? Miss Lian Wu?"

"This is for you." Lianwu took out a white silk scarf from her arms and unfolded it.

She wrapped the silk scarf around Zhang Su's neck with her own hands. Make him look very long. Like a frosty tie or ribbon that floats behind you.

"This is..." Zhang Su felt that this silk scarf was very delicate and was made by hand tailors.

"The second brother said that I shouldn't always be silent. I don't know if this kind of thing can express my feelings. It is a very good thing, the best material I can buy with money. And then it's me Sewn carefully every night. I certainly don't know how you would feel about something like this, but for me... for someone like me, it's the only way I can convey my thoughts. Thank you, thank you Are you willing to let me love you in my own way?" Lianwu said.

"I will take it with me. Yes, it is Miss Lianwu's wish. I will never take it off at any time. I will definitely treasure it carefully." Zhang Su said solemnly.

Lian Wu suddenly approached Zhang Su and asked him to bend down. Then they kissed for the first time under the moon. Lian Wu's lips were cold and softer than Zhang Su imagined.

Her breath injected a cold disturbance into Zhang Su's energy, cooling all the heat along the way, opening a path to Zhang Su's heart, making him overwhelmed by a strong emotion and desire, which felt both soft and soft. And full of power.

When they separated, Zhang Su still felt dizzy with satisfaction.

"From now on, whenever you look up at the moon, you will think of me." Lianwu left for a long time.

"Miss Lianwu, you have become so special." Zhang Su couldn't help but say.

"This is the result you want." Lianwu said, "This is also the result I want."

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