Witch containment diary

Chapter 382 New acquaintance with Chu Xiangyan

New Tokyo.

Exactly what Lian Wu said. After Zhang Su and Shang Shuqin finished their work, they looked at the moon on the balcony and really thought of her.

On the bed, Shang Shuqin was lying lazily.

She was sweating all over and placed a hand across her forehead, marveling at the thrilling experience just now.

"You are such a monster. I don't even know what I should do? Should I train like a breatharian? You almost broke it. This thing will still be useful in the future!" Shang Shuqin complained. stop.

She stroked her bloated belly, trying to push it down.

"Are there children between us?" Zhang Su asked

"Yes, she was born a few months ago. But she has already been sent to the foster care center. She didn't even have a name. She was too lazy to care." Shang Shuqin said.

Shenzhou's society is extremely prosperous, and all new-born children are managed uniformly, so people don't need to worry about them.

Individuals only reproduce for fun or to fulfill some kind of spiritual sustenance. Since most of the population are people who live forever, the population update iteration is also very slow.

"It will thrive in the future." Zhang Su raised his head.

"Of course. - Ah, the Tianzhous are here." Shang Shuqin noticed the sound of the engine.

They looked out the window.

The visiting fleet from China slowly passed by, and the flagship "Jade Cauldron" from China opened the way. It was large and noble. The moonlight shone on the slender hull, reflecting the tones of emerald and rose gold, as if in New Tokyo. A leaping dragon appeared at the top of the skyline.

As the fleet arrived, there was a brief moment of consternation and silence in the noisy and flashy city below. The marketing content of commercial buildings and billboards were replaced with relevant welcome prompts. The leaders of New Tokyo have gathered at the Dongming Capitol Building, waiting for diplomatic discussions with the visiting Shenzhou team.

The majesty of the fleet was undeniable, and Zhang Su's eyes were also attracted by the magnificence of the Tianzhou.

"I suspect that you came to me just to inquire about China's movements." Shang Shuqin originally wanted to have a cup of tea, but found that she was still too tired to sit down, so she simply gave up. The wet sheets gave her a cold feeling.

"I want to congratulate the new prime minister. It's a normal diplomatic activity, obviously." Zhang Su said.

"The new prime minister must be Yu Mihashi. Many of Nagai Hikoshiro's actions are too conservative. He can maintain the calm of the country, but he cannot take everyone further."

"Is Mihashi Yu okay?" Zhang Su asked back.

"The premise is that there is a candidate who is more likable and famous than him." Shang Shuqin said.

"I don't know if Kazama Yihuai is interested in entering politics." Zhang Su said.

"Maybe he is more famous, but he is not likable, and he is not used to speaking in public." Shang Shuqin bent a long leg, which was equally bright under the ambient light of the room, just like the fleet outside. Attractive.

After the fleet sailed across the sky and docked in the harbor, Zhang Su returned to Shang Shuqin and gave her a kiss.

"I'm here for security. June 6 will be in 6 days. The power of demons is particularly powerful. If they don't take action this time this year, they won't do it at other times," Zhang Su said.

"I guess so. It is said that there are several particularly powerful demons near New Tokyo. Kazama Yihuai played with his reality anchors and inserted them in the most important strategic locations of New Tokyo." Shang Shuqin said.

The reality stabilizing anchor is fragile and cannot be placed on the battlefield, but its defense is excellent and can weaken the intensity of the demon's influence.

Even if the devil destroys and strips off the entire New Tokyo, the few areas where the anchors are fixed will remain intact. Zhang Su thought silently. Human beings still have their own trump cards.

"I didn't pay attention to the campaign, but there was a TV in our cafeteria. During the meal, most channels played Yu Mihashi's election manifesto. He has the momentum to win a big victory, with 77% support in the polls. Young congressmen They all hope that he can reorganize the cabinet and bring many people into Vanity Fair. Nagai Hikoshiro cannot compete with Mihashi Yu for the support of young people, and the old politicians are already planning to jump ship in advance and stand on the side of the winner..." Zhang Su said .

"Misuhashi Yu said that he would launch many ambitious reforms, sell everything, dissolve local institutions, and have full freedom. There will be no public schools, no health insurance, etc., but there will be no taxes. No one knows what will happen. Anyway, I I don't like this becoming a place for him to experiment with crazy ideas. If the situation is too chaotic, I will go back to China." Shang Shuqin likes his current life.

"I can't see Nagai Hikoshiro's campaign philosophy in the TV media." Zhang Su said.

"He is a legal practitioner and has been a judge for several years, so now he plans to follow the idea of ​​re-legislating to improve national institutions. However, now young men and women like something a little crazy, and witches like us want something transcendent. Status." Shang Shuqin said.

"What kind of transcendent status?" Zhang Su was puzzled.

"It's the human race that takes care of us witches' affairs, and we can make small mistakes without being punished." Shang Shuqin said with a smile.

"Then you are the privileged ones." Zhang Su disagreed.

"If you have special power, you should have special rights." Shang Shuqin said.

"If I have the chance, I will let the witches study hard and work hard. The best state is when the witches and human cultures are completely integrated, and there is no difference at all." Zhang Sudao.

"It doesn't matter, just give me a lot of money." Shang Shuqin didn't care, "It's good for you here. Do you want to go to Dongming Convention and Exhibition Center tomorrow? Meet Chu Boyao's grandchildren Chu Xiangyan. Love Tisi's subordinate Li Yixin is also there. Chu Xiangyan is on a training trip to find a qualified opponent. Maybe you can go over and give her a good beating to show her what a real man is!"

"I will let her know how powerful men are, and you." Zhang Su said, picking up Shang Shuqin again, feeling the intertwining of heat and water.

Shang Shuqin supported the wall and came to Dongming Convention and Exhibition Center with Zhang Su. The place had been booked by Chu Xiangyan and his entourage.

The gorgeous dome-shaped building is said to have been a stage for bloody duels in the past. Now it has been cleared of business facilities and restored to the style of a fighting arena.

"It is said that Miss Chu Xiangyan is working hard to become the strongest immortal in the world."

"She is the proud daughter of the younger generation, a distinguished guest of Xinghui Pavilion, and has been practicing in Suhua Mountain for ten years."

"It must be very powerful."

"Sure enough, he is a big shot from China, and he is very impressive..." People were very interested in this.

When Zhang Su arrived, it triggered a new round of discussion among them.

"Who is that guy?"


"So tall..."

"It's Zhang Su! The hero who pacified the Hell Gate of Mount Kagura last year?!" People were very surprised when they recognized Zhang Su.

"You walk like a giant." Shang Shuqin wore sunglasses and a mask. "No one here recognizes me, but you are too scary."

"It's okay." Zhang Su waved to everyone and then headed to the exhibition center stage. He hadn't seen Li Yixin for a long time.

After walking through the corridor, Zhang Su noticed many Chinese soldiers.

Their armors have pictures of dragons and tigers, and they are quite elite. Each of them has strengthened flocculation energy. This energy is used by them to strengthen their muscle strength, enhance cell vitality and longevity, making them the top elite among mortals.

When they arrived at the entrance of the venue, a lieutenant among the soldiers stepped forward.

He checked Zhang Su's ID and stretched out his hand, wanting to shake Zhang Su's hand.

Obviously, this was also a secret comparison of strength. After all, when he saw a giant like Zhang Su, he couldn't help but feel tempted.

Zhang Su didn't give in. This seemed to be the practice of some reckless breath-arians in China. He stretched out his big hand and shook it.

The lieutenant tried to use his own strength, trying to move Zhang Su——

After just a moment, he was surprised to find that Zhang Su's energy was extremely unfathomable.

Although the other party was wearing a fabric mask, Zhang Su could still detect the shocked look in his eyes.

When an ordinary breath-eater comes into contact with Zhang Su, they will immediately feel the boundless and unmeasurable majestic air flow.

The wise thing to do is to let go quickly.

The lieutenant was still frightened, feeling as shocked as meeting a general on the battlefield. Under the armor was an infinite sea of ​​energy.

He stepped aside and saluted Zhang Su: "Please."

"Yes." Zhang Su nodded and walked into the venue.

In the open space, Li Yixin was wearing a black tights and competing with another pretty girl.

"That's Chu Xiangyan, she's very beautiful." Shang Shuqin stood next to Zhang Su and looked at the girl who was fighting with Li Yixin.

Zhang Su observed attentively that Chu Xiangyan was immature in appearance, very young, lively and cute, with great energy. She was running with the sound of dragons and horses roaring, and there was a lot of movement. She had at least 20 levels of energy, which was very good for her age. rare. .

Zhang Su always benefited a lot from seeing Shenzhou people using their Qi Jin, because Shenzhou had developed many techniques. Zhang Su also relied on Li Yixin's resources to learn how to use Qi Jin to heal and maintain health.

Li Yixin now looked both agile and fast, and his temperament was much more serious and cold. He kept punching and trying to hit Chu Xiangyan, but he repeatedly missed.

"If you can't hit me, I'll give in!" When Chu Xiangyan saw a new visitor coming, she immediately punched out, and her energy roared out, forming a fan-shaped wave of air.

Zhang Su noticed that Li Yixin frowned, as if he had murderous intent.

But Li Yixin quickly restrained this murderous intention, and instead stepped back and rolled on the ground several times in an exaggerated manner, as if he had been beaten badly!

"Ha——" Chu Xiangyan couldn't help but ridiculed. After a moment, she felt rude and covered her mouth, "Are you okay?"

"..." Li Yixin stood up and dusted himself off.

She glanced at Zhang Su with a complicated expression.

"Sister Shuqin!" Chu Xiangyan ignored Li Yixin and waved to Shang Shuqin, "Who is the uncle next to you?"

"This is the witch supervisor Zhang Su. He is responsible for looking after witches like me. I usually rely on him to take care of me." Shang Shuqin leaned closer to Zhang Su to express his intimacy.

"Sorry, it's our first time meeting you, Miss Chu. I'm Zhang Su." Zhang Su nodded to her, then waved to Li Yixin, "Miss Yixin, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Li Yixin gave Zhang Su a look for help, and then looked at Chu Xiangyan.

Do you want me to teach Chu Xiangyan a lesson? Well...it depends on whether she is willing to take on the challenge.

Zhang Su turned to Chu Xiangyan.

"You're such a big guy, you must be good at fighting." Chu Xiangyan moved her fists, and before Zhang Su could speak, she took the initiative to come to the door, "Do you know how powerful we breatharians are? We are all cultivating immortals."

"I know." Zhang Suyue entered the arena and landed heavily.

Chu Xiangyan's eyes lit up. Only by using energy can such a big and heavy person jump so far.

When Li Yixin saw Zhang Su's willingness to fight, a rare expression of relaxation appeared on his tense face, and she nodded gratefully to Zhang Su.

She walked towards the stage, passed Zhang Su on the way, and patted his arm.

"Help me beat her up." Li Yixin lowered her voice and said, "Go back and repay you."

"I know." Zhang Su also replied silently.

"Are you familiar with each other before?" Chu Xiangyan looked at them, "How strong is your energy?"

"Quite a lot." Zhang Su said.

"Actually, no matter how much you have, you can only do that." Chu Xiangyan was about to spar with Zhang Su, "My master Tian Yuzi is a real strong man. He has reached the flawless state of forty levels of energy at the age of only 60! He will soon After building the foundation, I also have twenty layers."

She continued to push forward.

Zhang Su found that Chu Xiangyan could use her energy to create colorful brilliance, and the sound effects, light and shadow were very interesting. He didn't know if it was a side skill she learned herself or something.

"Come on." Zhang Su stood where he was.

"Ha! Look at me!" Chu Xiangyan stepped on the ground hard, flew up high, and quickly kicked Zhang Su in the heart. The whole body was filled with light, it was really beautiful, and the attack was also well-organized.


The Martial God took action, and a huge invisible fist exploded, instantly sending Chu Xiangyan flying and knocking him out of the stadium.

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