Witch containment diary

Chapter 383 Li Yixin’s treat

Chu Xiangyan was blasted away before she could see what was happening. At that moment, the fist she felt was huge.

She was stunned and rolled several times on the street outside before stopping.

"Someone flew out of the venue!"

"who is it?"

"Huh?" The crowd on the street was extremely surprised.

A big hole was directly blasted into the wall, and a person seemed to be blown out by a cannonball. This is not something you see every day!

They immediately wanted to film it and upload it.

Chu Xiangyan got up and patted the dust on her body, feeling amazed in her heart.

She didn't care about the eyes of others, but was very concerned about how she was blown away!

She quickly took a deep breath, stabilized the flow of energy throughout her body, and then took off with a lunge, jumping back to the hole in the wall along the trajectory of being blown away, and returned to the main venue through the stands two or three times.

Zhang Su was still where he was, and the armored soldiers behind him were extremely anxious.

"Miss Chu Xiangyan——"

"What's up with her?"

"Just one moment?" What happened just now happened so fast that they had no time to react. It felt like a bomb exploded in the middle, and their beloved daughter Chu Xiangyan was instantly blasted three streets away!

Is this a human being? ? Shang Shuqin, who was watching in the stands, was stunned. No wonder he was so aggressive towards her yesterday. If the firepower was fully unleashed, she would probably be shot through.

What kind of trick is this? Li Yixin also felt his heart skip a beat. Zhang Su became so strong.

At this time, they heard several leaps and bounds, and everyone felt happy and worried when they saw Chu Xiangyan coming back in disgrace.

"What was that just now?" Chu Xiangyan pulled the joint of her arm to straighten it, then shook her arm without changing her expression.

"I don't know the etiquette of martial arts, and I don't know whether to continue fighting." Zhang Su said.

"Hmph, I started it, and I won't stop." Chu Xiangyan resumed her fighting posture, took up her stance, and sprinted forward.

Like a towering mountain. Chu Xiangyan tensed up and observed Zhang Su carefully. What's dangerous about this person is not the height of the mountain, but the fact that it's cloudy and foggy, making it difficult to see his true face.

After going to sea to practice and challenge myself for so long, it’s time to meet an expert.

"Are you an expert?!" Chu Xiangyan charged forward with a fighting spirit in her heart, her eyes and spirit fully focused, trying to capture the invisible energy on Zhang Su's body.

Zhang Su raised his hand.


Chu Xiangyan felt happy that she had indeed captured that air wave with her fighting talent.

The master said that he is a master, and he is indeed good.

"Break this little trick!" Chu Xiangyan shouted.

She mobilized all her energy with her backhand and kicked sideways. This blow was twenty times of energy, a phoenix kick!

Two forces collide——!

She instantly felt her body lose balance, as if there was a bizarre and huge vortex that completely sucked her feet in?

Chu Xiangyan's whole foot was caught, and her body spun in the air several times like a windmill, shaking her unconscious!

The energy she had summoned shattered like glass in the collision, causing her to lose all strength and become dizzy. She spun around for more than ten times before being thrown to the ground with a crash.

Zhang Su used the minimum strength to prevent her from being seriously injured.

"Ah——" Chu Xiangyan rolled on the ground, completely deflated. The meridians in her body fell into a state of malaise due to the loss of energy, and it would take a long time to recover again.

She looked up and found that Zhang Su was standing where he was without moving! "how did you do it?"

"The end of Wu is more than this. Keep climbing." Zhang Su clenched his fists, then turned and left.

Chu Xiangyan stared at the direction Zhang Su left, filled with disbelief.

It's not on the same level at all. She really wants to know everything about him!

But Zhang Su has gone far.

"Do you know that person?" Chu Xiangyan hurriedly asked the maids and soldiers around him.

"He is Zhang Su!"

"The witch overseer...such a strong human being guards the witch."

"He was the one who presided over the sealing of the Gate of Hell in Mount Kagura. After a great battle, he defeated it in one fell swoop."

"I'm afraid ordinary demons are no match for him." They also had an impression of Zhang Su. He was a very famous figure last year, but he was low-key and quickly faded away from fame and fortune.

It's amazing that such a person has power and doesn't seek fame. Chu Xiangyan thought silently.

Zhang Su's performance greatly subverted her yearning and understanding of "qi".

I really want to practice with him and learn all his skills! This will make you stronger!

"I want his contact information!" Chu Xiangyan was very enthusiastic, "Hey, it would be great if he would give me a chance!"

Li Yixin took Zhang Su to eat steak at the Imperial Niu Garden in New Tokyo.

"My treat." Li Yixin took her seat and sighed softly in front of Zhang Su, "Thank you for standing up for me."

"It's okay, we are friends." Zhang Su understood, "Always have been."

Zhang Su's words seemed to make her feel a lot better. Li Yixin glanced at Zhang Su and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

"I have very few friends." Li Yixin said, "Thank you for making me feel that I am not alone."

"Does Chu Xiangyan bother you?" Zhang Su asked.

"Like all people from well-known families, with a bit of indifference in their bones, we seem to be passers-by accompanying them with rich backgrounds, treating us as consumables and numbers." Li Yixin said.

"I punished her, and she will know that there is someone else outside." Zhang Su nodded.

The waiter brought the huge steak, and the air was immediately immersed in the aroma. The fat pattern of the steak was very beautiful, making the steak itself look like a work of art.

Zhang Su tasted it. The crispy outer layer was grilled just right, locking the juice firmly in the steak, and forming a perfect match with the soft inner layer that melted in your mouth.

After one bite, the freshness of the beef bursts out, revealing its unique taste, followed by the greasy aroma of oil, which is sweet and thick.

Li Yixin also tasted it. She ate very restrainedly, but Zhang Su had already swallowed a plate of beef. Seeing the momentum of his swallowing, her tense face rarely showed a smile.

It was this smile that made Zhang Su believe that she was still the same Li Yixin.

"I want two more sets. It's okay. It will be credited to Anxin Industrial's account." Zhang Su said in a calm and relaxed tone.

"I forgot that people like you must eat more than ordinary people." Li Yixin said.

"Just like pushing a train requires more electricity, my appetite is also increasing day by day. Maybe I should become a gourmet part-time." Zhang Su felt like the chairs in the restaurant were about to explode.

"That's great. The people I talk to recently are either criminals or colleagues, and I have nothing to say to them. But you are different. It feels like I can say anything to you." Li Yixin smiled.

"It's okay. Let's talk about that delegation from China. Is Chu Xiangyan one of them?" Zhang Su asked.

"Almost, the aristocratic families have all sent their own talents or peripheral personnel. It is good for them to go to the outside world to broaden their horizons, and it also prevents them from staying in China and causing trouble. Before Chu Xiangyan came to Dongming Kingdom, he played more than a dozen games in the north and south of China. In a sect, it is not easy to have twenty levels of energy at such a young age. I am only at the sixteenth level now," Li Yixin said.

"So you went to be her sparring partner when I just arrived at the exhibition center." Zhang Su said.

"She has better resources." Li Yixin shrugged, "What's more, my parents are on duty in her father's army, and I don't want to cause them any trouble with my affairs."

"How are they?" Zhang Su said, "I thought parents in China didn't care about their children."

"They really don't care about me, but I traced my origins from the data center to them when I became an adult. They were surprised that I would go back to find them... and they didn't care about my life or death. But I didn't want to give up my biological parents, otherwise, why would I stand on it? What about the human world? Where did I come from and where am I going..." Li Yixin's expression was a little complicated.

"It seems that you are still working for Edith now." Zhang Su said.

"Edith can provide me with various resources and help. I don't think I can have the same development opportunities elsewhere. Are you familiar with Edith?" Li Yixin said.

"Very familiar." Zhang Su nodded, "I couldn't be more familiar."

"Then you know that she will let you kill people. Sometimes when I look back at the road I have traveled, I have killed more people than I have saved. This feeling makes me feel very scared." Li Yixin seemed a little depressed.

"Me too." Zhang Su nodded, "What if I told you that I just killed hundreds of thousands of people?"

"Hundreds of thousands? Hundreds of millions of people, maybe." Li Yixin thought Zhang Su had glued him at some point, "—No, are you serious? Killing people?"

"Yes." Zhang Su told her, "It's not a joke."

"Slaughter... Then how can you persevere? That kind of karmic debt of conscience is too painful. I think it is best for me to walk in a dark and deserted place one day, and a bullet hits me between the eyebrows from behind, killing me. , for a person like me, this is the most merciful thing." Li Yixin smiled bitterly.

"Do you want to hear my thoughts?" Zhang Su told her.

"If it's what you said, I can listen." Li Yixin sat upright.

"From the most utilitarian theory, we must protect our lives. After all, death will take away everything. So the first principle is, don't kill yourself. This is why we have the right to self-defense. You shouldn't think that there are One day someone will kill you. Who has the right to judge you? Who has the power to defeat you? You are much stronger than you think, and there is no need to seek death unless you succumb to the temptation of death yourself. From this On a personal level, the best way is: don’t be your own enemy..." Zhang Su said.

"I...I understand." Li Yixin firmed up his thoughts a little.

"As far as I'm concerned, I saw those people harming innocent people, plundering people, and plundering resources, so I defeated them and saved many people. It may also have saved our world from malicious interference. Now there is no cloth in our sky. The reason why they are full of flying saucers may be because I killed their soldiers in time. This is much better than being soft-hearted and causing endless troubles." Zhang Su said slowly.

"Maybe I will still be confused. I dare not say that I can make the same judgment as you." Li Yixin sighed.

"If we both make the same judgment every time," Zhang Su said with a smile, "that means one of us doesn't have to exist."

Li Yixin stared into Zhang Su's eyes and gradually felt relieved.

"I think I understand," she said.

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