Witch containment diary

Chapter 384 Efforts to educate Lian Yang

Although they made the acquaintance by accident, Li Yixin was very glad that she met Zhang Su.

After eating, Zhang Su and Li Yixin left Huangniu Garden and came to the airport pick-up platform. This place is 145 floors above the ground and they basically use aerial vehicles to move quickly.

"Thank you." Li Yixin turned around, "It's been a long time since we chatted like this. Thank you, so I know that at least I still have a friend in this world."

"Thank you too." Zhang Su understood, "Everyone has many problems that cannot be digested alone."

"After all the things around me are done, maybe I will have the opportunity to live my own life, maybe sail a big ship out to sea, only docking once every three or four years, and try what real wandering is." Li Yixin said .

"That's great." Just as Zhang Sugu wanted to continue, he received a call from Shang Shuqin, "...Wait a moment."

Zhang Su and Shang Shuqin chatted for a few words and soon ended the correspondence.

"...She asked me to go back quickly. It seems that Chu Xiangyan wants me to teach her martial arts, and Shang Shuqin won't let me run around at night." Zhang Su said.

"Oh." Li Yixin did not hide the disappointment on her face, "She can get whatever she wants. With someone like you as a teacher, she will make rapid progress..."

"I have no reason to refuse her. Even for the sake of General Chu Boyao protecting the common people, I have to teach her a thing or two." Zhang Su smiled and said, "I'll ask you out next time."

"Yeah." Li Yixin nodded, "Then I'm looking forward to it."

"Are you going back to rest?" Zhang Su still had something to tell her before leaving.

"No." Li Yixin didn't rely much on sleep. "The night is long."

"I can't get away for the time being, so I'd like to trouble you to go to the Sixth Witch Office of New Tokyo, where a child from the Ansin Institute, Reio, works. I hope you can take a look at her condition without disturbing her." Zhang Su said.

"Okay. I will go find her." Li Yixin nodded.

"Let me take a taxi for you." Zhang Su said.

"My speed is faster than the car." Li Yixin turned and left, jumped off the building, and quickly disappeared into the shadows.

Li Yixin has been to Anxinyuan, so she knows what Lianyang's soul looks like.

When she opens her demonic vision, life becomes as fragile and tempting as prey that needs to be hunted down.

It took me an hour to find her in the vast crowd of New Tokyo. Reio Sasahara was drinking with a man in a bar. really weird

"Let's have another drink. That's it for today." Sitting next to the counter was a gentle-looking man in a suit. His hair was handsomely combed and his face was friendly but also a little tired.

"Thank you." Lian Yang held up a glass of wine and took a sip, "You are so generous."

"It's too late. Do you want me to take you back?" the man asked.

Li Yixin let the demon skin cover herself, escaped into the subspace partition wall, and observed the movement through a hole. She promised Zhang Su to check the situation here, so at least she wouldn't let Lian Yang get hurt tonight.

She identified that the person drinking with Reiyo was Ansin Ryuichi, the eldest son of the famous Ansin family. Due to the scandals of Ansin Hideyuki and Dongzhou Industry, the family had fallen apart. Ryuu Yi also joined the rival company Shengyang Group and was willing to work for them. Serve in exchange for a place in New Tokyo.

"Thank you, I can do it on my own." Lian Yang looked at Long Yi sincerely, "It's great that you can bring me to a place like this."

"Yeah." Long nodded.

"Ah... here are the French fries and chicken nuggets..." Sayuri took a plate of snacks from the snack bar and placed it on the counter, like a servant.

The clothes she wore were also very simple, just a gray short-sleeved coat. Reiyo wore a carefully customized short champagne-colored dress.

"Thank you." Lian Yang said reservedly.

"Thank you." Long Yi nodded with Sayuri, looking a little melancholy, "Although we only dated a few times, you gave me a very special feeling."

"Men will say that." Lian Yang said.

"You mean, have you seen other men?" Long Yi asked.

"Even if I have met them, you are the most special one among them. But to be honest, you can get a rough idea just by hearsay. If a man's tricks are not so classic, they will not be performed repeatedly." Reio responded accurately. .

"It seems you are not as naive as you appear." Long Yi said.

"If you think I look innocent, then you can look again and look more carefully." Lian Yang responded softly.

"If you can give me a favor..." Long Yi said slowly, with a bit of nervousness in his expression.

"Ha... don't be so hasty." Lian Yang said in a long tone, "Save the best for last. Just like our cup of Johnnie Walker, it was always the most delicious in 1993."

With Ryuichi here, Kyouji and Renwu seem to have left New Tokyo. Li Yixin silently observed and summarized the situation. It seems that the three siblings have not contacted each other for a long time.

Are they in love? Is this a love affair? Li Yixin searched for the emotions in her memory fragments. She had eaten many human souls, most of them scum. The way they gained their favor was either with money or with drugs. She captures the subtle emotions and wonders why people are so eager for a night of revelry.

Just like Zhang Su, would he want Li Yixin? She wondered if she could be any better than her hands. It should be noted that only a big hand can match a big product, and both scale in the same proportion. And Li Yixin only has one keyhole, can it really match the Millennium Fir?

In his wild thoughts, Li Yixin saw that they had almost finished having fun.

Lian Yang once again resisted Long Yi's invitation to drive her back, and instead left the bar by herself, preparing to take the light rail back.

Light rail, the public’s choice, the guardian of monthly passes.

By traveling through subspace, Li Yixin can quickly move from one place to another. It's a good thing she doesn't have to spend money on a car and waterway access.

Long Yi watched Lian Yang go away and took another sip from the whiskey on the bar, the last ice cubes clinking against the glass.

Li Yixin was about to cut another hole to follow Lian Yang, when she suddenly noticed Long Yi walking towards Sayuri.

"The monthly pass is the most important thing, don't throw it away..." Sayuri took out the joint monthly pass for the light rail station and the subway from her bag, checked it before stuffing it back, sorted her backpack and tried to keep up with Reio. Reio's sundries were basically all left to Sayuri. Carrying.

"I'm sorry." Long Yi walked towards Sayuri, "Do you mind having a drink together?"

Sayuri didn't believe that anyone would call her and was still walking forward. Long Yi had to take two steps forward and pat Sayuri on the back.

"Huh? Ah——!" Sayuri turned her head, "Mr. Ansinin, did Reiyo leave something here?"

"No." Long Yi continued to invite. When talking to Sayuri, Long Yi's melancholy or nervous temperament disappeared, replaced by a more peaceful and sincere attitude, "I have been observing you all night."

"Huh?" Sayuri didn't expect this at all.

She looked out nervously, and saw that Sayuri had not followed and was standing there, looking back at the bar with a frown.

"It's true." Long Yi insisted, "I think you are very sincere. You didn't show off or say anything against your will. You were yelled at by Lian Ye throughout the night, but you didn't even complain. And You are still very happy, happy from the bottom of your heart! I think you have enviable qualities, which are far better than pretentiousness."

"Me? I think it's pretty cool to be in such a high-end place." Sayuri said helplessly, "You are a rich person, right? You should chat more with Miss Reio. She is a noble person and a good person. She has helped me a lot. busy."

"But why did you sell yourself to her? You should pursue your own life. There are many other ways to repay your kindness." Long Yi said firmly.

"Don't, don't say that." Sayuri quickly avoided Long Yi.

"Just think of me as a person who is suffering from a terminal illness and will die soon. This is my last advice. Find someone who is willing to treat you well and find a place where you can live happily. Not here, not in pity. You are all from Anxinyuan, so you must know Lianwu, at least Lianwu will be easier to get along with than Lianyang." Anxinyuan Long Yi said eagerly.

"I don't know! Don't tell me!" Sayuri was so scared that she ran away.

Li Yixin followed me all the way.

She spent the whole night monitoring how Sayuri met up with Reio, took the monthly bus back to the office, and was constantly scolded by Reio in a low voice.

In the office.

"Don't ruin our big deal, why do you talk so much to him?" Lian Yang kept repeating, "Do you think this will make you more glamorous?"

"I'm sorry..." Sayuri kept apologizing.

"I saved you from such a desperate situation, I gave you a job, I arranged for you to receive plasma bags, and I also found a way to convince the Countermeasures Bureau to provide regular supplies to your family. Without me, you would either be hungry now. Die, or have been reduced to a state of non-human form. Find out your position and don't have any expectations." Lian Ye gritted her teeth.

Li Yixin couldn't bear to see people being bullied. This scene reminded her of the hardships she had suffered when practicing Qi Jin.

She stopped peeking and went back directly, preparing to tell Zhang Su about it.

The next day, Reiyo still treated Sayuri with an angry tone. In her dreams, Sayuri was happily chatting with Ansin Ryuichi, which was very annoying.

"Hurry and tidy up the office. Someone may visit you sometime, and you don't want people to see it in a mess." Lian Yang said.

"Yes, yes." Sayuri said kindly. She also wanted to live freely in the past. It was also a good time to go back to the courtyard to feed the chickens. At least she could play with the children. I wonder if they have grown taller after so long. .

But Reio really saved her life, Sayuri couldn't give up on her easily, at least she had to accompany Reio and help as much as she could. Since leaving Ansin, Sayuri, even if she is slow, has discovered that Reio's repressed nature is growing unscrupulously...

"Don't prevaricate me." Lian Yang walked up and pinched Sayuri with her nails. "I see your sincerity. All you think about is perfunctory."

"I didn't." Sayuri glanced at the marks on the back of her hand aggrievedly. She stepped back and heard footsteps coming from outside, "The client is here. I don't know what he does. It seems like he is dragging heavy objects."

"No matter who you are, please behave well." Lian Yang whispered, "Otherwise, see how I deal with you."

The door was pushed open and Zhang Su stepped in.

"Ah!" Sayuri was overwhelmed by the surprise, "Zhang Su!!! You are finally here!"

"Old...teacher...?" Lian Yang was stunned.

"It's time to teach you a lesson." Zhang Su picked up Lian Yang and took her to the back room.

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