Witch containment diary

Chapter 385 This should work

"You betrayed my trust and violated my teachings. I'm very disappointed!" Zhang Su threw Lian Yang into the back room and spanked her. "I didn't ask you to come to New Tokyo for free!"


The huge pain made Reio twitch for a moment.

Her face suddenly turned red, like thick rouge spreading in the water. The deep blush was not only blazing, but also hot.

"O-Teacher! I..." Lian Yang curled up on the bed in the back room, feeling embarrassed, as if she was drowning in a wave of shame. The nerves from her limbs to her brain were beating, making her tremble involuntarily.

Lian Yang looked ashamed. The most terrifying thing in her life was being caught by Zhang Su. The slap just now was the most humiliating moment in her life, and it was still replayed over and over in her mind!

She felt that all her cover had been destroyed by Zhang Su. This feeling was enough to tear her into pieces and throw her to the ground, falling from his big hands like quicksand.

The slap just now made Lianyang super sensitive, and she would collapse if she moved even a little bit. She was in embarrassment, shivering, and was in so much pain that she couldn't walk. She could only grab a corner of the sofa and stick her head out, feeling ashamed of herself.

Zhang Su threw Lian Yang into the house and packed Sayuri's things outside.

He banned Reio from opening an office in New Tokyo, permanently revoked her title, and could no longer do evil or misbehave in his name.

"We are disbanded here." Zhang Su waved his hand, as if crushing an unpleasant object from the air, "Sayuri, if you travel, where do you want to go?"

"Ah..." Sayuri couldn't adapt to such a drastic change, and still stood there blankly.

"There are no more tricks like this," Zhang Su said.

His majestic figure seemed to fill the small office. Sayuri was confused, but she trusted Zhang Su.

"Shall we go?" Sayuri asked.

"Let's go now. I will give you the money for her." Zhang Su asked Sayuri to quickly take away everything that belonged to her in the office.

Sayuri took everything with her.

She picked up her phone, put on a red coat, and took out her previous jewelry to put on. Two earrings, some bracelets, and rings were all left over from her rebellious period. Lian Yang didn't let her dress up. It's so pretty, now Sayuri wants to dye her hair or something.

The world seems to have gotten bigger.

In the back room, Lian Yang couldn't stop trembling. There was a formidable power in Zhang Su. She didn't dare to step forward. She couldn't pray to Sayuri to stay or ask the teacher to forgive her. Her eyes were filled with fear, and she would never dare to look into the eyes of Zhang Su or Sayuri.

Sayuri glanced at Reio in frustration, then put her things away.

"I...are leaving." Sayuri said simply, then turned and walked towards Zhang Su.

Zhang Su had already walked outside the door, as if he didn't want to stay here for a second.

As they walked far away, they seemed to hear Reio's sobs coming from afar.

"I heard about the cause and effect, and I apologize to you on her behalf. She has been in contact with gangs and treated you harshly." Zhang Su said.

"It's nothing." Sayuri said shyly, "She saved me. I should repay her."

"Yes, I asked her to go to New Tokyo to contact you in the first place. I hope she can help you." Zhang Su asked.

"I didn't have a good life at the Witch College and I didn't have any money." Sayuri said, "Hey, if it weren't for Reio, I would have jumped a long time ago. She helped me a lot, a lot!"

"But Lian Yang is developing a terrible trait." Zhang Su took Sayuri to the subway station. "She draws strength by hurting others. If this trait develops, she will become a demon. I must stop her in time, at least not Let her hurt you again. Let's go, the train will be here soon, do you want to go back to the hospital?"

"I want to." Sayuri missed the chicken farm.

The little safe house is also very cute.

"Take you back." Zhang Su said.

They stood on the platform waiting for the bus.

Sayuri held the monthly pass in her heart. The monthly pass is the greatest invention in the world. A monthly pass can pass through New Tokyo's light rail and subway stations. It can be used 100 times a month. The price is equivalent to six cents of the normal fare. One, you can’t survive here without a monthly pass.

"Passengers please don't die on the tracks."

Following the voice announcement, Sayuri saw a light rail train approaching.

The transparent safety curtain unlatches, allowing passengers to flow onto the platform like the ebb and flow of the tide. She and Zhang Su took a step forward and took a deep breath.

Come back - I will do anything... Lianyoung was crawling on the ground, small and fragile, tears flowing uncontrollably along her cheeks.

She whimpered and dropped to her knees.

Don't...don't leave me...Sayuri...teacher...everyone...

Now she has lost everything in New Tokyo and severed all ties. Sayuri's voice, the footsteps of office staff, the laughter in An's courtyard... these were once important colors in Reiyang's life, but now they are all gone, replaced by regret and deafening silence.

The broken heart is melting, and Lian Yang is in despair.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Hey." A voice suddenly sounded.

Lian Yang raised her head and saw a tall, thin figure with a silly smile.

Sayuri? !

Reio crawled over on the ground and grabbed Sayuri's legs in a panic. She was wearing thick cotton socks and was almost deformed by Reio's hands.

"Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" Lian Yang whined in frustration, "Please, I will do anything... Just bully me as you like, I won't resist! Sayuri! You will be the master here from now on! I’m Sayuri’s dog!”

"Ah this..." Sayuri was a little embarrassed.

Lian Yang also felt a little strange. She looked past Sayuri and saw Zhang Su behind her. She was even more embarrassed! He slowly let go of his hand.

"I don't know if that's true." Zhang Su said.

"I really repented." Lian Yang sighed.

Sayuri blinked.

I have been bullied for a long time and it is impossible not to hate me.

But looking at Lianyang, seeing Lianyang looking so sad, the once proud Lianyang now turned red from crying and felt depressed. Sayuri felt her trace of resentment towards Reio slowly fading away.

"We were on the platform just now, and I felt it was too shameful to leave like this without looking back." Sayuri said, "You saved my life! Reio, you don't know how much your help means to me! You You saved me from the most unlucky situation. This thing alone is enough to convince me to stay. I really think you have the potential to do great things. You are the oldest child in An’s Home and everyone’s senior sister. You You can make everyone proud of you or something, just stand up."

"Sayuri..." Reio stood up weakly.

She secretly looked at Zhang Su. Lian Yang knew that Sayuri would forgive her, but she knew that Zhang Su would not forgive her easily.

"Sayuri is willing to come back to help you, even if you have deeply hurt her. This kind of kindness is very valuable, but I think you still can't accept it." Zhang Su said.

"I'm sorry." Reio apologized to Sayuri.

"It's okay, I believe you! Reio, let's work together from now on and work hard together. This is all the apology I need." Sayuri said easily.

"Hmm..." Lian Yang had many thoughts in her mind.

She cannot be driven away yet before completing her final and greatest mission in Neo-Tokyo.

Zhang Su noticed some unknown feelings in Lian Yang. In order to prevent Lian Yang from continuing to lie and commit crimes in the future, he decided to make today's lesson more profound.

"Lian Yang." Zhang Su sat down on the sofa, "come over here."

Lian Yang blushed.

But for some reason, she felt an impulse in her heart, urging her to go over, as if she herself wanted to get punishment that matched her evil deeds, so she nodded and limped over.

A few hours later.

Zhang Su left the office and went to the "Boxing Fighter" fitness center in New Tokyo. This fitness center was also booked by the Shenzhou inspection team, and was specially used for Chu Xiangyan to train and vent his strength.

"Fight!" Chu Xiangyan was aggressive, confronting a muscle trainer twice her size.

She wore tight white exercise pants that showed off the strong outlines of her thighs. She had a good figure, and her upper body was tightly wrapped with a bandage, making it as flat as an iron plate.

The muscular man was panting and sparring with Chu Xiangyan with boxing. It was obvious that he had some strength in him, but every time he was attacked by Chu Xiangyan, he would get a large bruise on his body.

Chu Xiangyan launched a series of brutal kicks, his body was stuck in the air, and he kicked hard with his feet. He blocked a few blows with his arms. Soon his arms were swollen and ugly, and he ended up bleeding.

The man gritted his teeth and persisted, enduring Chu Xiangyan's heavy blows like raindrops of fists and kicks. She beat him like a punching bag, and she beat him more and more vigorously, never getting tired of it.

"That's enough." Zhang Su walked forward.

"Ah! You are finally here! Teach me more powerful martial arts!" Chu Xiangyan was very excited.

Her attention suddenly left the man and shifted to the more powerful Zhang Su.

The male trainer, as if he had been granted amnesty, staggered off the stage with his limp arms hanging loose.

When passing Zhang Su, the trainer couldn't help but say thank you to him, "It's really hard to earn this money..."

Zhang Su nodded and became her opponent, watching Chu Xiangyan put up a posture.

"Teach me your secret skills!" Chu Xiangyan was very happy.

"Attack me with all your strength, so that I can know how capable you are." Zhang Su said.

"Look at me!" Chu Xiangyan mobilized her energy, and colorful light emitted from her body. Then, she kicked the ground with her right foot, spun around and kicked Zhang Su hard.

Zhang Su didn't use the Martial God. This time he stretched out his hand to activate the armor defense. Chu Xiangyan suddenly felt a pain in his foot, as if he had kicked a high mountain!

"Incredible..." Chu Xiangyan admired Zhang Su even more now.

With that kick just now, she was sure that it could even knock out an active maglev tank.

But Zhang Su ate it steadily!

The strength of that defense was already better than most people she knew. She realized that the man in front of her might be able to compete with her grandfather, Chu Boyao.

"Want to learn? Cultivation is very long." Zhang Su turned his hand and flicked Chu Xiangyan's feet away. She liked kicking, "Be my apprentice and join Anxinyuan."

"No problem! As long as you teach me kung fu, I can do anything." Chu Xiangyan was very happy. She finally had a master who was strong enough!

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