Witch containment diary

Chapter 389 Why should I teach you?

Zhang Su took Chu Xiangyan to the martial arts field, which covers a vast area and is very impressive.

"Do breatharians use guns?" Zhang Su saw on the shelves a handheld railgun and a flying sword-type floating cannon produced by Pangu Industrial Company.

"Hey, if you can't feel the enemy's face being smashed with your fists, it's useless to kill millions of people." Chu Xiangyan disagreed.

"It is said that you all live on a larger fairy boat." Zhang Su thought of those beautiful ships in the photo. This Jade Cauldron is less than one-tenth the size of the largest ship.

"The first purpose of building a spaceship was to salvage those seniors who soared into outer space and died of suffocation during the day. After the first batch of Xianshui returned, everyone felt that the air in the sky was fresher and simply lived in the air, overlooking the small islands outside China. It’s a small country, it’s so comfortable.” Chu Xiangyan said.

"Aren't Chinese people sent to foster care centers as soon as they are born? How do you recognize your ancestors and return to your clan?" Zhang Su thought of this.

"Look at me, master!" Chu Xiangyan became excited. She suppressed her blush, and then light red war lines appeared on her face, like sharp knives pointed directly at the center of her eyebrows. "Everyone knew my origin at the first glance, so they sent me back."

"This method is still too advanced..." Zhang Su waved his hand, "Let's continue practicing. You seem to prefer kicking."

"The legs are longer than the arms, so they can hit people in the face faster and harder." Chu Xiangyan touched the ground with both hands and continued somersaulting.

She displayed a series of skills, with solid steps and concentrated breathing, striking quickly while keeping her breathing steady.

This is difficult for ordinary breatharians to do, but it seems to come easily to her. Finally, she unleashed a fatal phoenix kick that shattered the iron training pillar in the center of the training ground.

"How is it? Master, are you invincible?" Chu Xiangyan said proudly.

"Look at me." Zhang Su aimed at another iron pillar and stepped forward. His huge body was like a giant, but he could roll with extreme dexterity at the same time.

He leaned forward, changed his center of gravity, pressed his hands on the ground, stood upside down, and at the same time swept one leg horizontally and kicked it on the iron pillar.

——Calm, no sound at all.

"Master, I'm not strong enough." Chu Xiangyan was puzzled. Is the master not strong enough to kick a solid pillar into pieces?

"Come and take a look." Zhang Su returned to his normal standing posture and patted the pillar.

Chu Xiangyan went over to take a look doubtfully.

She opened her eyes wide, suddenly surprised.

"Master - where I was kicked, is there a round hole? The energy escaped from there! This is a screw post, why is it so smooth?" she said.

"That's what I kicked out just now." Zhang Su said with a smile.

"Oh??" Chu Xiangyan put her finger in and poked it. It felt particularly smooth. She put her eyes up and turned her eyes. Then she looked directly at the other side of the hole and found that there was also a black spot on the wall opposite the training ground.

She felt incredible and rushed over to check, only to find that the wall had also been blasted with a round dent.

The force is controlled with extreme precision. Chu Xiangyan was in awe.

"How can it be so accurate and precise? What's the use?" Chu Xiangyan is already used to Zhang Su's amazing skills, but she can learn more from him every day, and her heart is even more intense now.

"Come on, concentrate your energy on defense and exhale like armor." Zhang Su asked Chu Xiangyan to arm himself for defense.

"I'm ready!" Chu Xiangyan raised his arms to form a protective air wall similar to a shield.

Facing Chu Xiangyan, Zhang Su first imitated her own Chu family's "Phoenix Kick" and kicked her forward. There was a roar and the floor shook. Chu Xiangyan took two steps back before stopping, but she was unscathed.

Then he kicked again, this time a more precise and fast kick. Chu Xiangyan stood there without taking a step back, but her expression became extremely exciting.

She let go of her arm and looked at the red, swollen bruise on her arm.

The power completely penetrated Chu Xiangyan's initial entanglement armor, which shocked her. She thought that she was invincible on the defensive end after learning the preliminary entanglement armor. She also specially tested it, and it was fine even if the machine gun was fired by the machine gun. , but now it’s worn with just a poke.

"Put it through?" Chu Xiangyan opened her eyes wide.

"It's the same as the principle of bullets. Concentrate a little, the smaller the better. With the same force, the smaller the force-bearing area, the greater the pressure, and the stronger the penetration force. The same force, when scattered to a person, will feel like a collision. Go up a wall. If it penetrates a person, it will make a hole. Don't waste your energy, we are only talking about the killing move." Zhang Su said.

"But it's more cool to play in a big way." Chu Xiangyan said.

"I understand that sometimes I myself am rough and not precise enough. But I want to pass on all kinds of martial arts and experience to you, because in the future there is likely to be a larger-scale disaster outbreak, the invasion of demons, and the world order. Chaos, even human beings will betray each other. I hope you can learn all the skills, and then use the most appropriate ability at the most appropriate time to complete the right thing at the right time." Zhang Su said.

"Hmph, as long as I become invincible and powerful, I only want to have clear thoughts and kill everything, and I will ignore everything else." Chu Xiangyan said.

"It's very good to have such ambition. But can you really ignore everything? For example, can you kill the innocent people around you? The civilians around you, you feel guilty for killing them. For example, your father and Chu Other members of the family, will you give up their names, family inheritance and inheritance? When China is in trouble and needs your help, will you stay out of it? These thoughts in your heart must still cause some concerns. Even if it is The most powerful peerless Martial God also has something to protect, doesn’t he?" Zhang Su said.

"Aye." Chu Xiangyan felt that something was indeed wrong, "Things have arisen. If you continue to struggle like this, you will become a mother-in-law."

"No, it is precisely because people have not thought about these things in advance that they will be hesitant and hesitant when making a decision. If you think about it in advance, you will act resolutely when you encounter this kind of thing in the future." Zhang Su said.

"What other questions are there?" Chu Xiangyan thought it made sense, "I want to figure it out in advance before we fight."

"How much price do you have to pay before you are willing to betray your family? Or, no matter how much the price is, I can't buy you?" Zhang Su asked.

"..." Chu Xiangyan thought for the first time that it was impossible for her to betray the family, but then she thought about it, if the price was high enough, for example, if she could get the power of exploding stars with one punch, what would a Chu family mean?

"Don't run away. This is the inherent contradiction in our hearts. Once you figure it out, overcome these contradictions, and have your own answer to every question, you can well-deservedly call yourself a strong person and become one of the most powerful people on earth. Become a master among a group of people." Zhang Su encouraged.

Chu Xiangyan looked up at Zhang Su. To be honest, she had had many teachers and learned martial arts from many masters. However, the relationship between them and her was very monotonous, even rigid. No teacher would ever talk to her. Saying these words is just a matter of training your body and practicing your moves.

She also did somersaults in front of other teachers, but they thought it was gross and ridiculous. But Zhang Su didn't even care that she broke the lamp by kicking it. No matter what she did, Zhang Su tolerated her with the utmost patience and told her a lot of reasonable words.

All this gave her an unprecedented hazy feeling.

She rolled over and stood on her head, raising one foot high to stretch and relax.

"I will become a master! I want to do big things, big things! But master, why are you willing to take me with you all the time?"

Zhang Su looked at her raised foot. The muscles on the toes were well-defined, the arches were strong, the arcs were graceful, and there were some tiny scratches and calluses. It is undoubtedly very dexterous and can be turned and bent at will. Five thousand years of martial arts experience are condensed in it, exuding charming energy and vitality.

"Just take good care of it."

Get a good night's sleep and regain your strength.

Zhang Su checked the news. All media outlets showed great restraint and tried their best to avoid alarming the citizens, but the gossip spread like wildfire. He sent a message to Lescolin who was stationed at An'an Hospital, asking her to close the door tightly and not let outsiders break in. Things might become more complicated in the future.

"Master, I'm here!" Chu Xiangyan kicked open the door and rushed over, first punching to the left and then kicking to the right. Zhang Su first parried his left fist, then blocked the kick, interrupting Chu Xiangyan's offensive.

Chu Xiangyan jumped back and then returned to high height to kick, which was similar to the Phoenix kick, but with more concentrated energy. Like a needle prick, like a bullet shot. Chu Xiangyan recalled what Zhang Su taught last night.

Zhang Su lowered his arm to intercept Chu Xiangyan's kick. Her energy was interrupted before she could even unleash her energy, causing her breathing to become disordered. Zhang Su counterattacked with punches and forced her back. Chu Xiangyan fought back hard, but Zhang Su felt that her attack was not painful, so he pushed and shocked again, and used a faster speed to knock Chu Xiangyan into the next room.

Her back hit the wall, but she laughed happily.

"I can compete with the master." Chu Xiangyan said proudly.

"Let's practice." Zhang Su looked at the phone. There were more than a dozen missed calls and countless text messages on the glass-like screen.

He opened it and saw that all the forces in New Tokyo wanted to find out the inside story from him. Mihashi Yu hopes to have a meal with Zhang Su, Kazama Yoshihuai demands Zhang Su to give a clear reply immediately, the owner of the Sky Tree also invites Zhang Su to dinner, the witch supervisor Dailan, the warden of the first witch prison Helena... Everyone wants to know how Zhang Su will face this rebel army going south.

There were especially many calls from Kazama Yihuai, and Zhang Su responded first.

"Hey." Zhang Su said.

"Yoshiyo Akazawa was sent to the Hokkaido front line under your guarantee. You are also responsible for her rebellion." Kazama Yoshihuai said in a stern tone. He wasn't tall enough, so he made up for it with a harsh, almost scolding tone.

"I don't know." Zhang Su told the truth.

"I sent a special envoy last night, hoping to persuade the witches to turn back, but Akazawa Yoshio detained the people I sent, ignored the order, and led the army to approach New Tokyo, causing many firefights along the way. You dote on the witches too much, I saw early on that it was your attitude that made the witches become shameless, start a rebellion, and endanger safety. They need the most severe means to suppress them, and I guarantee that they will not be able to enter New Tokyo." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"Peaceful diplomacy is meaningful. Just talk to them. You must know that the army is not united and can easily divide. Maybe it can be resolved peacefully. If you insist on going your own way and fight back behind closed doors, Yu Mihashi will not be the only one to die." Zhang Su said.

"Misashi Yu is the Prime Minister of Dongming Kingdom elected through legal procedures. Are you saying that the laws of human society are not enough to protect his term of office?" Kazama Yihuai retorted.

There was a tense silence between them. Kazama Yihuai waited for Zhang Su to give a compromising answer, but Zhang Su was as firm as him.

"You didn't expect me to talk." Zhang Su said, "I will never stop Akasawa Yoshiyo."

"Are you sure?" Kazama Yihuai confirmed.

"I have stated all my positions on this matter and will decide my next move myself. You can only rely on yourself, Kazama. I wish you good luck." Zhang Su said.

"From now on, I am removing you from your position as Witch Supervisor. You have betrayed the human defense plan." Kazama Yihuai said, as if he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

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