Witch containment diary

Chapter 390 The Endless God of War Comes Out

From today on, I am no longer the witch supervisor. Zhang Su listened to the sound of the communication being hung up.

Freer? Zhang Su thought about the people around him, and the lack of this status did not prevent him from taking care of them.

He walked to the well-ventilated rooftop, looked at the bustling street scene below, and stared north. The shore was under martial law, and there was smoke at the end of the skyline. Many military shuttles had already taken off. Mihashi Yu was probably thinking of ways to mobilize what he could do. He may be sleeping while he can command the troops, while his men are busy.

"Master. It's time for breakfast." Chu Xiangyan went to the restaurant to bring a large plate, including barbecued pork buns, crystal shrimp dumplings, pork siomai, chicken feet, durian cakes, glutinous rice chicken and oolong tea.

"Thank you. Did you do it?" Zhang Su ate.

"I've done part of it." After Chu Xiangyan put down the plate, she ran out and went to the martial arts training ground to train.

Zhang Su was also hungry. He ate the Shaomai first. He could pick up four of them with two fingers. They were steamed beautifully and contained salty and umami-flavored minced pork. He could eat them all in one bite.

The glutinous rice chicken is very rich. After tearing off the lotus leaves on the outside, the chicken lies in the beautiful glutinous rice, exuding a light aroma. The Crystal Shrimp Dumplings are the most lovable because they look translucent on the outside and you can see the pink shrimp meat through the skin. They taste even fresher with no seasonings and you can only taste the firmness and sweetness of the shrimp meat.

He saw that the skin of the barbecued pork buns was broken, and he felt that this was the part made by Chu Xiangyan. He picked it up and took a bite. It was very soft, but the filling of the barbecued pork buns was too salty and the sauce was not fully soaked. It seems that Chu Xiangyan's cooking skills still have room for improvement.

After eating, Zhang Su drank tea again, drowning out the last bit of salty and bacon taste in his mouth, and at the same time felt a slight, pleasant refreshing feeling.

Leisurely, he slowly walked to the martial arts arena.

"Tianba Collapse Phoenix Kick!" Chu Xiangyan launched a more powerful move and kicked the iron pillar continuously. Each kick shattered part of the iron pillar, instead of violently kicking it to pieces like yesterday. He must have deliberately Controlled the leakage of energy. The iron block that was knocked away flew like an arrow and hit the wall more than 200 meters away, but it was still lethal.

He saw that Chu Xiangyan was wearing a tight white training uniform. She was all white, the same color as the floor and chandelier of the martial arts arena. From the placket, he could see the bandage used to wrap around her upper body, which was also pale. The white color helps people focus. Her hair is tied into a short ponytail and she jumps with her movements.

"Have all the non-combatants on the ship left?" Zhang Su said.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have to make barbecued pork buns. The chef only has a few machine tools left." Chu Xiangyan did not turn her head and focused on regulating her energy.

"It doesn't matter, just practice martial arts here." Zhang Su said.

"Master, don't you want to go down and participate in the New Tokyo Brawl?" Chu Xiangyan turned around.

"Let them fight." Zhang Su also adjusted his breathing luck, preparing to practice to a thousand levels of strength, "Don't let the outside world disrupt your rhythm."

After a while, they heard the sound of a bell.

Chu Xiangyan stopped, took three steps in succession and jumped out, her body as light as a swallow.

"Master, a visitor is here." She rushed out.

Zhang Su followed. On the lower bridge of the Yuding, a group of special soldiers wearing black military armor had assembled. They came by boat, and four heavy shuttles were hovering 1.5 kilometers away as a response.

The Shenzhou soldiers picked up their weapons and aimed at the troops, while Chu Xiangyan frowned and walked up.

"What are you here for?" she asked.

"According to the order of Chief Kazama Yihuai, we came to arrest Zhang Su. This person gave up his position and rights to the human defense plan and has been included in the key control list." The special operations captain said calmly.

Zhang Su stepped forward, and before he could say anything, Chu Xiangyan let out a loud shout.

"You dare?" Chu Xiangyan stepped forward, shaking his feet and creating a shock wave, causing the special soldiers to retreat.

These black-armored special forces belonged to New Tokyo's garrison and were well-trained, but they were still shocked by Chu Xiangyan.

They felt a surge of madness coming from this girl!

"Wow, the Jade Cauldron is equivalent to the overseas enclave of Shenzhou. You Japanese people dare to enter this ship with weapons and claim to arrest my master? Our Shenzhou is so noble and powerful, how can it be you? Can you provoke me?" Chu Xiangyan scolded.


"Uh..." They were all startled by Chu Xiangyan's tone.

"You have already subjugated your country and your species, and you have only managed to survive by relying on the support of my great state of China. Now that civilization and equality are popular outside, you are allowed to arrogantly call yourself a country. But what if you come on the ship today and make a clown show! I really don't know what it means. ! If you make me angry, I will let my grandpa and grandpa sink your island with one punch. I don’t know how you can resist it!" Chu Xiangyan walked forward, and with every step he took, these special forces retreated in shame, not daring to Confront it.

"Disrespect, disrespect...!"

"Ahhh..." They lost all courage in an instant and turned around to leave.

"As long as our Chu family is still here, our Chu family will never let our master be provoked by you guys. Do you understand? You have already been defeated, at the hands of me, Chu Xiangyan!" She stepped forward. A wave of hands.

She had no intention of doing anything, but she felt a wave of air suddenly burst out from her hand, instantly blowing away the dozen armored soldiers, and blasting them into the connection cabin at the end of the passage like a volcanic eruption. Their bodies passed through the protective The door hit the iron wall in the docking cabin hard, with a clanging collision and screams! The docking cabin itself was shaken by the impact and quickly decoupled.

"Miss Xiangyan is so powerful!"

"Just push your hand?"

"It's so exciting!" The soldiers were excited about Chu Xiangyan's strength.

Only Chu Xiangyan knew that she didn't use any force just now. She paused, turned her head suddenly, and saw Zhang Su not far behind her.

Chu Xiangyan's heart moved. It is the invisible energy of the master. The master humiliates the enemy. The master is invincible in the world!

"Master! I just want to continue to practice with you until I have that level of strength." Chu Xiangyan said happily.

"I thanked you just now." Zhang Su walked out, "I still want to reason with them, but you have already finished speaking for me, just in a more intense way, and we achieve the same goal through different paths."

"Master, you are so kind-hearted. We are just humiliating New Tokyo. Who in the world can stop us, and who the hell can stop us?" Chu Xiangyan shouted.

"I originally didn't want to get involved in the conflict between them, but when these soldiers came to my door, I felt that something was wrong. I just wanted to live a peaceful life. Since there are troubles now, let's talk about those things about my mother-in-law. Let's wipe them all out and reunite this country. Are you willing to help?" Zhang Su said.

"What the master said is that I will try my best to help!" Chu Xiangyan waved her fist.

"Well, I will lend you my energy. As long as you summon the Martial God and have a firm mind, you can drive the Martial God to fight." Zhang Su raised his hand and summoned the large qi armor "Martial God".

"Endless God of War, come out!" Chu Xiangyan was overjoyed and rushed to the end of the bridge.

She raised her hand to control the God of War. This sea of ​​energy was so huge that her face turned red and she had to hold it in until war marks appeared before she could pull it.

The docking cabin was fleeing in the air. When Chu Xiangyan chased him to the hatch, the pilot was frightened to death.

"...Don't say that we Chinese people are rude, I'll give you a ride!" Chu Xiangyan tried hard to urge the God of War, used it to grab the docking cabin, and pushed hard!

The docking cabin flew out like a baseball and crashed into the four responding armed shuttles. They were so frightened that they quickly dispersed and fled, and were even more shocked by Chu Xiangyan's miraculous power.

"Is that possible for a human to do?"

"It's so far away——"

"Are all Chinese people so powerful?"

Chu Xiangyan felt that he had inadvertently driven a super giant force that could level the city.

"Hey, this is called domineering!" Chu Xiangyan said cheerfully.

"Let's go teach them how to behave together." Zhang Su and Chu Xiangyan jumped from the hatch into the air three thousand meters high.

In the Prime Minister's Office, it was already morning when Mihashi Yu woke up. He had entertained Mrs. Rosaville and his campaign team in the past few days. He also held a banquet and invited many senior officials in the red letter. Everyone was drunk. He also slept like a mess until his men desperately broke the door lock and found a way to contact him.

"There is such a thing..." Mihashi Yu read it several times before he understood the situation of the newly submitted battle report. It turned out that when he was fast asleep, the situation had deteriorated a lot. Akasawa Yoshiyo led the army south, and the Hokkaido defense line was eroded. , no one is watching, the devil may follow at any time, and the entire Dongming Kingdom is in chaos.

Mrs. Rosaville was still wearing the fine robe, and she was very satisfied with Mihashi Yu's choice.

"Don't worry, since you have joined Red Letter and paid a large amount of money, we will provide after-sales service." Mrs. Rosaville's red lips parted lightly.

"Say." Mihashi Yu thought deeply.

"We in the Unbounded Alliance have a fleet wandering in the nearby dimension, the Silver Corona Fleet, a star fleet with a huge anchorage main ship and hundreds of Needle frigates. The firepower of any of their frigates can instantly Destroying most of the defenses on the earth, we are completely from a higher civilization that is superior to you. Now that you have become friends with a civilization like ours, what else do you have to worry about?" Mrs. Rosaville smiled.

"...So powerful?" Mihashi Yu was surprised, "It must also be very expensive."

"In euro terms, I need 44 trillion euros as a witness to your sincerity." Mrs. Rosaville said.

"You can't even get it together even if you sell the entire Dongming Kingdom." Mihashi Yu shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, we still need to establish many experimental bases in Dongming, capture some populations for specific tests, and recruit some of your scientific researchers to join our think tank. There are many alternative means. All resources, all industries, all mining rights, I can collect the title of all high-quality assets,” Mrs. Rosaville said.

"I know. But I haven't seen any of your high technology." Mihashi Yu frowned.

"Indeed." Mrs. Rosaville picked up her gun, "This is a gravity line release device, a weapon that shoots gravity lines. It can fire one shot from here and directly level New Tokyo to the ground."

She aimed at Mihashi Yu and pulled the trigger.

Mihashi Yu's body trembled, but nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" Mihashi Yu asked.

"Reality Anchors." Mrs. Rosaville said, "There are these devices you call 'Reality Anchors' all over New Tokyo, including Dongming Country. It blocks many forces. As long as they are removed, not only the gravity line device can If you use it, I can also activate a warp engine to summon the Silver Crown fleet to your dimension and act according to your wishes."

"...Can I conquer the world?" Mihashi Yu's eyes lit up.

"Okay, it's time for our Unbounded Alliance to completely take over this dimension. We have to take everything away before it is completely devoured by demons." Mrs. Rosaville nodded.

"But I don't know where the anchor of reality is. Only one person knows." Mihashi Yu mused.


"His name is Kazama Yoshihuai. After Edith left, he took over the defense of many human defense plans, including the location of each reality anchor." Mihashi Yu explained.

"Call him." Mrs. Rosaville nodded, "I know him. He has no ability to defend himself."

"He seems to be on his way here. There are many requests for visits. Such a coincidence has happened to us. It seems that destiny is mine." Mihashi Yu hurriedly received him.

Twenty minutes later, Kazama Yoshihuai entered the Prime Minister's residence with a straight face.

"Prime Minister, I need to inform you about a rebellion." Kazama Yoshihuai looked at Mihashi Yu behind the desk.

"Please tell me." Yu Mihashi said calmly.

"It's about Zhang Su. He was the one who sent Yoshio Akazawa to rebel on the front line. I suspected there was a conspiracy behind it, so I proposed an arrest. However, the troops who went to arrest him were repulsed by the defense personnel on the Yuding ship." Kazama Yihuai explained, "I need you to ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs to negotiate with China so that we can send more personnel to arrest Zhang Su. In addition, we must issue a wanted order and impose martial law on the city to prevent war."

"No, I trust Zhang Su, Zhang Su is my brother." Mihashi Yu shook his head.

"Zhang Su fully had the energy to ask Yoshio Akazawa to retreat, but he didn't. This is treason." Kazama Yoshihuai said calmly.

"I think I can definitely take Zhang Su with me. As long as he sees the situation clearly, we can enjoy life together and go somewhere else." Mihashi Yu feels very good, "The two of us can go anywhere. I am smart and he is strong. .”

"Going somewhere else? What are you talking about?" Fengjian Yihuai frowned.

"It's time to say good night." Mrs. Rosaville, who was hiding behind the door, appeared and wrapped her cold fingers around Kazama Yihuai's neck.

Before losing consciousness, Kazama Yihuai thought that it would be great if Zhang Su was here.

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