Witch containment diary

Chapter 391 Technical Luck

After taking care of Kazama Yihua, Mrs. Rosaville extracted the code and reality anchor information from his brain.

Mihashi Yunori took the opportunity to encourage the citizens of New Tokyo to rise up and protect the city.

"Compatriots, citizens, listen to what I have to say." Mihashi Yu broadcast the live broadcast in the usual way, letting his charming, young and brave face look directly at the camera. He has won many times in this way. Presumably today is no exception.

"Today is our longest day. I have heard that Yoshio Akazawa's rebels are moving south. The vanguard is very fast and may engage in battle with our troops at any time. Every hour, outside New Tokyo, you will hear that Friends, relatives, classmates were trapped in the flames of war, or disappeared for no reason, and no one was held responsible."

"Due to the strong ambitions of individual witches, our peaceful life can no longer continue. New Tokyo is being targeted by artillery and missiles. This time we are not attacked by demons, but stabbed in the back by our own people. How cruel?! Our fate hangs in the balance. "

"I know this news is very shocking, but please follow me to overcome this difficulty. I call on all adult citizens to report to the nearest Human Defense Project garrison, take up arms, and at least have the ability to protect those around you from harm. . As Prime Minister, I declare that from this moment on, Dongming Country has entered a state of emergency. Anyone who tries to take advantage of the chaos for personal gain will be subject to the most severe sanctions. And the person who implements this is each of you! I give You have the right to defend yourself!" Mihashi Yu declared.


"Misashi-sama is so handsome——"

"Let's protect New Tokyo together!"

"The evil witch is too cruel..." Many citizens have full confidence in Mihashi Yu.

Mihashi Yu ended the live broadcast.

Looking outside, the live speech just now was being replayed repeatedly in large shopping malls and airships.

He was satisfied.

"Your popularity is really high." Mrs. Rosaville nodded, "And you can convince them."

"Basic operations." Mihashi Yu stood up, "It's time for us to get the reality anchor. Have you got the information?"

"It's done, the underground bunker of New Tokyo is located under the old palace." Mrs. Rosaville disguised herself as Kazama Yikai and threw the original Kazama Yikai under the desk in the office.

If she can change into someone else's appearance at will, is this appearance also an illusion? What is her true appearance like? Mihashi Yu thought, but still chose to follow.

Twenty minutes later, they successfully arrived at the Old Palace Garden and entered the facility where the Reality Anchor was stored through a hidden entrance.

Mihashi Yu takes the elevator down.

After declaring a state of emergency, he cooperated with the garrison commander of New Tokyo and was able to mobilize 40,000 regular troops in the entire city and initiate countless urban defense measures.

Nowadays, magnetic levitation tanks monitor the roads and the air force blocks the sky. Even if Akasawa Yoshiyo's rebels fight their way down, just blowing up the roads can hold them back for a long time.

"Have you notified them that the troops of the Unbounded Alliance will arrive at any time?" Mrs. Rosaville asked.

"If you don't say it, it will come true. This is what my father told me since I was a child." Yu Mihashi folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen, feeling the strength and ambition that are now surging, "When I see Zhang Su and the others, I have a surprise for everyone.”

"I thought you would use the name of the Unbounded Alliance to strengthen your authority." Mrs. Rosaville said.

"My own authority is enough." Mihashi Yu said, "After crushing the rebellion, my reputation will reach its peak and I can do more of what I want to do."

"I just heard you mention 'Zhang Su'. I know he is an anti-magic hero. Are you so sure that Zhang Su will be on your side?" Mrs. Rosaville pondered.

"He has an excellent quality, that is honesty. When I explain my interests to him and tell him that the Unbounded Alliance is very powerful, and with your help, we can save most people. Then there is a 90% chance that I can Let him stand on my side. He will definitely face the status quo honestly." Mihashi Yu said firmly.

"I have come into contact with many leaders of human civilization, and no one is as young and enthusiastic as you." Mrs. Rosaville admitted that Mihashi Yu's performance was a bit surprising.

"I love history, and I have discovered a rule: Only those who achieve great things will be remembered, and the great cause itself is good or bad. Those who save all people will be remembered, and those who kill all people will also be remembered, and even be remembered more deeply. I don’t know whether what I did was right or wrong, but from now on, I hope that everyone in the world will not forget me, and that I can leave a page in the history books of the nation. When my name is mentioned, there is a Note, a small circled 1, below is a line: Yu Mihashi, this person is the first leader in the world to openly cooperate with the Unbounded Alliance. How many people have such treatment? Ah, let’s sigh that this life is not in vain Come." Mihashi Yu nodded.

Then, Mihashi Yu asked the New Tokyo Garrison to take over the defense of the underground bunker, and at the same time sent capable personnel to hunt down Kazama Yihuai's secretary Shang Shuqin, hoping that she would not do anything bad.

The elevator reached the ground floor, and they walked through a long and narrow passage toward an increasingly higher ramp, which finally formed a glass trestle, close to the reality anchor.

"We're here." Mrs. Rosaville sounded satisfied.

Near the center of the facility, each Reality Anchor resembles a giant silver gun extending in a double helix, simple and elegant.

They are all inserted in the center of the anchor point, like a lotus. Except for the central main branch, they point in various directions of New Tokyo one after another, expanding the intensity and scope of the stable layer of reality.

"Incredible..." Mihashi Yu stared at the reality anchor.

Under its brilliance, he saw various levels reflected in the soft light, like a vast ocean woven by particles and probabilities, compressing the weird and unstable future into quantum foam, which was very vast.

Once you switch off, there is no turning back. Mihashi Yu thought.

"It's time to take action. Turn off the reality anchor." Mrs. Rosaville said. She now belonged to Kazama Yoshikazu. She also imitated Kazama Yoshihuai's stern tone, which woke Mihashi Yu out of his thoughts.

"No -" Mihashi Yu said.

"Don't tell me you regret it now," said Mrs. Rosaville.

"I'm worried about the devil. It is said that the devil did not launch direct raids in big cities because of the reality anchor." Mihashi Yu said.

"After turning off the reality stabilizing anchor, there may be demons to plunder. Don't forget, our large fleet of the Unbounded Alliance will also arrive by leaps and bounds, with an error of less than ten minutes. By then, it can complete a heavy blow to the demons. This is also It's planned." Mrs. Rosaville said calmly.

"Then, come on, let me see the army of the Unbounded Alliance." He nodded, opened the locking panel, pulled down the joystick, and entered five different verification passwords in succession.

In addition to Kazama Yoshihuai and Mihashi Yu himself, the other three code holders are the senior staff officer of King Castle, the head of a core laboratory in Europe, and the commander of the New Tokyo Garrison. All three of them are members of the Red Letter Project Members have already spent money to buy themselves seats on the Unbounded Alliance escape boat.

Verification completed.

Around them, a burst of unusual harmonic resonances erupted on the neutrino display.

Like waking from a long, glorious dream, the light on reality's anchor faded.

Their tips turned black, losing the power to constrain reality and destiny, taking the world to a new world line full of unknowns, and double helix spears popped out of their anchor points.

A new space-time continuum is created.

Mihashi Yu saw a line of text that he couldn't understand appearing on the screen.

He was murmuring in his heart, and he saw a large number of indicators around him suddenly breaking through the red line and issuing warnings. He could understand this - something big was about to happen.

"...terrible." Mihashi Yu felt a sense of sublimity, "I am indeed a person who has achieved great things."

"It's a good idea to have this idea." Mrs. Rosaville patted her shoulder. "Neither the so-called witch rebels nor the devils are the enemies of the Constellation Fleet. When our heavenly soldiers restore order, your civilization Will learn to thrive again.”

"What about the fleet?" Mihashi Yu looked at Mrs. Rosaville.

Mrs. Rosaville felt that the barrier restricting communication with the Unbounded Alliance was completely broken, and now she has restored her ability to communicate with the nearest fleet.

She has gained enough allies and resources from Earth, and the opportunity has come to move this world away.

"I'll contact the commander right away." She closed her eyes and began to meditate, "——Elder Crohn?"

She paused.

"Elder Crohn?" she called again.

After waiting for a while, she felt extremely confused and uneasy.

"Where is my fleet?"

Old Tokyo, An'in Ryuichi's apartment.

"Hurry up." Blade Commander urged.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Mr. Fortunado, the wealth demon, looked at his cards, "I am only one card away from taking off."

"...Don't tell me you're going to be in prison again." The flesh demon Carmen has been losing souls ever since she learned to play mahjong.

"Touch yourself." Mr. Fortunado quickly grabbed a card, the skull's eyes widened, "——Red!"

It put the cards back into its hand and spread them forward.

"Ten thousand and ninety thousand, one piece, nine pieces, one cake, nine cakes, east, west, north, south, center white - unparalleled national scholar!!" Mr. Fortunado said proudly.

"Pure and pure cheating." Wisdom Demon Nazmi questioned.

"Do you have the strength like me? I don't think you do!" Mr. Fortunado's fingers passed over the card, forming pieces of gold plating to commemorate the rare thirteenth unit.

Grand Slam cards make the Devil feel excited and happy.

"You dragged us all into a game that only you are good at." Nazmi said, "This is of no use to us in developing our plan. For example, if we do not successfully infiltrate the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, we will not be able to pull out the reality anchor, New Tokyo It will become an impenetrable city.”

"I believe that good luck is waiting for us in front of us, and fate is coming to you step by step with the gifts you want." Mr. Fortunado said, while swallowing the chips handed out by other demons, "This game It’s not over yet.”

"No, I think this is wrong." Nazmi sneered, "We must at least take action. Otherwise, we will just sit and wait here. Although Ansin Ryuichi has found a very safe hiding spot for us, sooner or later we will be Discover and fall into passivity. We need to use wisdom and layout to win. Don't be blinded by your greed. Playing mahjong here, you will never win."


An abnormal energy fluctuation suddenly came, and the demons looked at each other.

"It's time to get started."

At dusk on June 7, the Gate of Hell appeared over New Tokyo.

The Order of Blades appeared in New Tokyo for 16 seconds, New and Old Tokyo were destroyed, and 2.26 million people died.

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