Witch containment diary

Chapter 393 Bloody Battle at the Gate of Hell

With a swish of Kati's head, Zhang Su jumped onto her back, and the huge figure swept across the burning sky of New Tokyo, like a giant diamond.

Below her, the Zenith Hotel, the New Sky Tree, the Capitol Building, the Witch Countermeasures Bureau, the Unseen Science Center, the Panorama Plaza, the Aquarium... and countless tall buildings all collapsed.

New Tokyo, as bright as a glass bead, is sinking.

She saw a complex building with low-cost apartments, shops, stadiums, hotels and observation decks from bottom to top, carrying at least 100,000 people. Now it was cut off in the middle, crashed into another commercial building, and both exploded.

The overpasses connecting each other shattered with an explosion, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and thousands of escaping figures fell out of the broken glass, falling freely toward the ground.

It's hard to tell the difference between human life and hell.

Zhang Su asked Katie to glide down, lock the position of the God of War, and recall it.

Chu Xiangyan noticed the Qi Zhou's call and immediately let go. He looked up and saw the burly dragon, waving to Zhang Su.

"Master, why are you dressed so majestically? Also, the God of War has grown in size!" Chu Xiangyan just used it to kill countless demons.

"It needs time to warm up. It takes time to extract the sea of ​​​​qi from the Guanshi Pagoda. Can you help me activate its power? Now I want to use it to kill all the demons." Zhang Su looked down.

A large group of fleeing citizens had gathered behind Chu Xiangyan, all of whom were begging her for shelter. She had been working hard.

"Master! Do you want to have a decisive battle with the devil? That means you are brave enough! You are riding a dragon, when did you become so handsome?" Chu Xiangyan looked up at the gate of hell in the sky, and couldn't help but said anxiously, "But The fierce battle with the demons is so dangerous and terrifying, do you really not think about your own safety, don't you know how to be afraid?"

Zhang Su held the Qi Zhou back in his hand, and at this moment, a huge shadow appeared behind him, like a mountain.

"Watch it, I'll only teach you once!" Zhang Su slapped the dragon on the back and rocketed up to 90,000 miles!

Chu Xiangyan punched the sky, as if sending a piece of power from afar.

"Master! I respect you!" she shouted.

On the way up, the armored ghost Lydia drives all the kinetic energy of the black beast.

"I let this armor be painted black because I know that no matter how bright the armor is, it will be soaked in blood sooner or later and become dark. Now it's finally time for it to be fully activated." The combat strengthening agent was injected into Zhang Su's spine, allowing He felt a twinge of pain, followed by a violent surge of ambition, with infinite power pumping out of it.

"Ouch -" Katie fluttered her wings and knocked away countless demons, spitting fire to clear the way, and stepped directly across the gate of hell.

Unlike the springboard world of Flame Bottle Seven, the rift opened by the Blade Order directly reaches Hell itself!

This is the hot, vast, endless seventh level of hell, where millions of demons are spewed out of huge incubators, scooped up from furnaces and molded into shape. The surrounding area was as vast as void, and the edge of his vision disappeared in a piece of molten metal.

Deep in hell, the demon warlord who suppresses this realm is dispatching a group of demons to attack. His name is Astaroth the World Eater.

"Any living being dares to break into the Seventh Hell!" World Eater Astaroth roared fiercely, "Kill him!"



The demon army is so vast that there is no end in sight.

It's hard to measure hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions. At this time, everyone is grinding their teeth and sucking blood, running and screaming toward this gap!

Zhang Su stared at the large demon Astaroth behind the demon group. This creature was huge and terrifying. Its entire face was dented and full of hideous cracks. Dark red evil light like a furnace was emitted from countless holes.

Zhang Su concentrated all his efforts.


The God of War squeezed the sea of ​​​​qi from the Guanshi Pagoda, and the volume suddenly exploded and expanded, just like the Titan who controlled the sky and the earth, blocking the crack itself with his body!

Then, draw the sword again!

Inspired by the God of War, Hui Dao instantly awakened.

It also transforms into a giant sword that stands tall on the sky and the earth, from which the infinite blade law is activated, capable of tearing apart everything!

Astaroth suddenly stared at this deadly sword energy.

It's the breath of the Blade Commander, what a terrifying power!

It was suddenly a bit shocking.

The beings who dare to break into hell are all confident, thinking that they can face the deadly force of hell. A strong man in a world should always have such power.

But he was holding the Blade Order's weapon in his hand, and this was what shocked Astaroth the most.

It means that a commander-level demon was defeated by him!

"Then let's fight!" World Eater Astaroth roared.

It grabbed several half-digested mummy asteroids from its huge belly and smashed them towards Zhang Su.

Over the heads of the demon army, several faded stars passed by. They were huge in mass and extremely small in density. They continued to expand and expand along the way, releasing endless gravity and sucking in countless demons.

Lydia scanned it carefully and was suddenly surprised.

Each dry and faded star point is a meteor that is dozens of kilometers in size and can smash the earth to the end of the world!

"Zhang Su!" Lidya shouted.

This demon can blow up the earth at will and is the master of this hell space!

"I know." Zhang Su's pupils shrank.

Qualified opponent.

He controlled the God of War, held the long sword tightly, and felt a power stronger than ever before, surpassing human limits and proving extraordinary.

This power flowed through one after another, bursting out from Zhang Su's heart, and continuously converging into the gaseous giant arms of the Martial God.

His will became more decisive, his strength strengthened, and his momentum surged.

Immediately afterwards——

Also slashed horizontally!

Zhang Su's own majestic energy is integrated into the endless cutting power!

As a result, a blast of white-gold sword energy blasted out, slashing towards the depths of hell.

Collide with the dry planets thrown by Astaroth!

The two huge forces collided and instantly destroyed a corner of Hell.

"Wow ah——"


burst! burst! burst!

The demons screamed again and again, and were wiped out by the endless bombardment of golden white energy!

This is the first time that this hell is illuminated by light. At this moment, no demon can pass through this door of hell alive!

The crack also instantly released light, which shot straight down from the sky and illuminated the groggy New Tokyo!

The dark clouds rolled back and retreated hundreds of feet.

The long light awakens the world, and the light shines on thousands of miles away!

On the other side of the earth's sky, the Blade Order killed more than five million people and returned to its full glory. The four blades were tightly integrated into the perfect body to fight with Edith.

The skylight caught the attention of both.

Edith intercepted the Blade Commander's slash with one hand, turned her head and caught a glimpse of the brilliant light in the sky, which stung her eyes.

"I did it..." Edith was somewhat satisfied.

The citizens and soldiers on the ground looked up in shock.

"Devil Tide - blocked!"

"Can't the demons come down?!"

"What a bright thing!"

"Like a nuclear bomb?"

"Is there anything so spectacular?" Shang Shuqin was running away. At this time, he looked up and saw the powerful white light pouring down from the sky, and couldn't help but stop.

It's Zhang Su! Shang Shuqin reacted.

She suspected that something unexpected had happened to Kazama Yihuai, and she could only let her handle the rest.

Since Zhang Su is still fighting, she can't escape like this and must take responsibility.

She kicked off her high heels and ran barefoot on the street. While running, she picked up her mobile phone and issued an announcement to New Tokyo:

"I am Shang Shuqin, the secretary of the director of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau Kazama Yoshihuai! Our director Kazama disappeared after looking for Mihashi Yu! I suspect that something happened to him, and it is probably Mihashi Yu who was behind this. cause trouble!"

"Here I call on all existing armies and armed units in Dongming Kingdom, and all those who can fight, to put aside their prejudices and defeat the intruding demons in front of them first!"

"Then go catch Yu Mihashi! He is probably the mastermind behind it!"

Shang Shuqin shouted with all his strength, hoping to help.

Using the only available satellite signal, she successfully sent the video, which should have been received by many units in New Tokyo.

There must be no civil strife, we must unite to fight the devil, and then catch Yu Mihashi and find Kazama Yoshihuai. Shang Shuqin prayed silently.

The fact that he worked so hard to send out a message should have some weight.

Sure enough, not long after the message was sent out, many military units responded, intending to unite to overcome the difficulties, and at the same time began a city-wide search for Mihashi Yu!

Shang Shuqin trembled, looking at the crumbling city around him. The buildings beside him were crumbling and shattered, like a terminally ill giant. There were ferocious cracks on the facade as thick as tree trunks, as if they would collapse at any time.

"Roar!" A strange voice sounded.

In the dim ruins, the demons started up one after another and moved in the direction of Shang Shuqin. Several spider-like demons crawled across the street, raising their long and sharp limbs, preparing to hunt her.

"Help - help!" Shang Shuqin cried and ran away. The gravel on the ground hurt the soles of her feet. Every step she took was in excruciating pain, and her stockings were torn.

She suddenly felt pain under her ribs, and a strong metal arm lifted her up. Then her body flew off the ground, and the guy carried her through the city.

"Who are you?" Shang Shuqin lowered his head.

"Ninja... take my concubine to a safe place." Shui Li went to the largest human defense plan evacuation center in New Tokyo.

"I'm no longer a concubine!" Shang Shuqin said angrily.

The human defense plan took into account the situation of big cities being invaded by demons at the earliest, and prepared extra-large underground shelters early on.

This building is very large, with eight lanes at the entrance and exit, and the interior is brightly lit. Rows of speakers are hung on the concrete walls, which can send and receive unified dispatch commands in a timely manner. The slender white light bars illuminate endless fluorescent white, giving people a sense of security.

Each bed is separated by a red curtain, and an automatic surgical robot shuttles back and forth to rescue the injured as much as possible. Soldiers maintained order and distributed purified water and canned food.

"Eh? You are all here." Shang Shuqin saw a few familiar people.

Akazawa Yoshiyo led the army into New Tokyo to maintain order and allowed all the refugees to take refuge in the underground center.

Chu Xiangyan looked up at the sky, cheering for the master who was fighting against the demons alone in the Gate of Hell.

Li Yixin clasped her hands on her chest and was talking to Lian Yang and Sayuri.

Xincheng Meiyu wore a silver armor and silently looked at the chaotic situation around her with a cold expression.

"Thank you for helping us clarify the facts." Akazawa Yoshie spotted Shang Shuqin and nodded to her, "With your statement just now, many troops have taken the initiative to contact us, hoping to clear up the past suspicions and solve the devil first."

"That's what it should be." Shang Shuqin let out a long breath, sat on an empty box, and sighed, "Over there at the First Witch Prison, Helena is in charge. She is very powerful. Don't worry about the prison. A witch took advantage of the chaos and ran out."

the other side.

Li Yixin consulted relevant information from Lian Yang and Sayuri.

"This is it, this gold coin." Lian Yang took out the split gold coin that Long Yi gave her earlier, "This gold coin has a demonic aura, and it will continue to copy itself. Although it is not certain, you can definitely find it by following the aura on the gold coin. What."

"I probably know who it belongs to, and that guy may be the mastermind behind it." Li Yixin said coldly, "Take me there. I'll kill him."

"Reiyo?" Sayuri turned her head, "What? Shall we go?"

Lian Yang was thoughtful.

"Go ahead." Reiyo touched Sayuri, "If you're lucky, we'll meet again."

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