Witch containment diary

Chapter 394 Slaughter of Demons

An'in Ryuichi's apartment is the source of trouble.

The smell of blood is strong and black and smelly. The demons crawled out one after another and went outside to hunt and kill the citizens.

In such a dark and turbid place, Sayuri walked without fear, which made the demons feel strange. She seemed to be extremely confident, but also seemed to be a complete fool.



"I am Ryuichi's girlfriend, Ansin Ryuichi." Sayuri rambled nonsense, "Do you still remember him? He should be in the same group as you."

Demons have indeed heard of this name.

This human being is confident and smart, which provides them with great convenience, allowing them to find a place to settle invisibly in the human world. Now it is also convenient for them to use the apartment as their nest to invade.

They reported upward, and the words reached Mr. Fortunado.

"Ansuan Long Yi's girlfriend?...Long Yi himself doesn't know where he has gone." Mr. Fortunado pondered, "Maybe she brought news about Long Yi, we don't know yet."

"It would be a good idea to kill her and Long Yi. We don't need their services anyway." said the gluttonous demon.

"We are civilized people. We must be reasonable and make deals to see what benefits she can bring to us. If it is really of no use, it will not be too late to kill her and eat her soul." Mr. Fortunado said.


“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuakful...” Various demons gathered around Mr. Fortunado and went downstairs to the apartment to look for Long Yi.

There are demons everywhere, and they are eyeing Sayuri, looking at this witch who wears leather clothes and jeans and has a weird and calm expression.

"What are you looking at?"

"Eat it!"

"Gah!" The demons lined up on both sides of Sayuri.

Sayuri showed no fear.

"I'm here to repair something. This thing is completely broken." Sayuri took out the split gold coin, "This is what you gave to Long Yi."

Mr. Fortunado looked out from the group of demons and couldn't help but murmured when he saw the split gold coin.

It did give the gold coins to Long Yi before, asking him to distribute them to people with potential so that they could experience the joy of wealth. The effect is also quite good.

But how could it be damaged?

It is saturated with the power of wealth, which can continuously increase its value and make money faster than a money printing machine.

"It can't be broken," Mr. Fortunado said. "You're questioning the history of the invention of money."

"It's just broken, I worked so hard to get here, am I talking nonsense?" Sayuri threw the split gold coin in the air, clumsily, and dropped it to the ground several times, and the demons were all enjoying themselves.

"It's all broken because you smashed it around." Mr. Fortunado scolded, "Bring it to me now!"

"Here you go, you have to fix it quickly. I love money very much. Money is very important." Sayuri rubbed the gold coins in her hand.

"This is a fool!"

"Quack——" The demons were all happy. Sayuri is indeed born with a silly look, a very silly look.

"Take it." Sayuri threw the split gold coin at Mr. Fortunado at a very crooked angle.

"Don't waste money, this is the root of your poverty! You don't care about the money at all, you should take care of it! If you don't manage money, money will ignore you! Why do you waste gold like this?" Mr. Fortunado felt distressed about splitting the gold coins and immediately Run over and pick it up.

It bent down, and Li Yixin appeared behind it, stabbing it in the buttocks.

"Ouch - quack quack quack -" Mr. Fortunado raised his head high forward, his body arched like a shrimp, and his soul continued to escape from the back.

Li Yixin drew out his sword and completely transformed into a demon. He was covered with a dark cloak of wriggling flesh and blood, swallowing all light.

The soul that burst out of Mr. Fortunado was consumed by her crazily.

Li Yixin also began to grow in size, full of demonic power.

She opened her huge mouth, bit Mr. Fortunado from the top, bit it into pieces and swallowed it one by one!

Sayuri was shocked. She just came to help make bait. She didn't expect that Li Yixin was a devil himself!

"Kill her!"

"Avenge Mr. Fortunado!"

"It's dead!" The demons were panicking. These were all Mr. Fortunado's card buddies. Now they rushed towards Li Yixin and waved their claws or weapons.

Li Yixin disappeared from the spot, and Sayuri ran back in fright, leaning against the wall with her heart beating wildly.

Immediately afterwards, she saw black shadows flashing in the sky. Li Yixin started killing crazily. Every time he killed a demon, he flickered into the subspace, then reappeared and attacked again!

Sometimes she even just opens a window and stabs through it, without the demon having any countermeasures.

Starting from the most threatening demons, beheading and piercing the heart, Li Yixin went on a killing spree. Sayuri saw at least fifty demons sprinting towards her at the beginning. After about ten breaths, only one person was left floating in the field. Li Yixin himself.

Countless souls poured into Li Yixin's body, her body became larger and the evil energy on her body became stronger.

She looked at the golden power blooming in her hands and the huge soul power brought by about sixty low-level demons.

The advantage of using the power of demons is that like demons, you can squeeze out the memories, experiences and emotions from dead souls.

Now that Li Yixin had extracted the power of Mr. Fortunado, she raised her hand and sparkling gold coins bloomed from the air. And its plans, and the locations of the other demons.

Now that the Blade Order is fighting the most powerful Edith, Nazmi and Carmen attack the city from two different angles.

The new experience made Li Yixin feel that her strength was growing. Now she could even show her demonic face and make a large group of weaker demons surrender directly through coercion.

She looked at the only survivor in the field.

"Get lost." Li Yixin waved his hand, and Sayuri shrank back, feeling an unprecedented threat.

If you stay here too long you will be killed!

Sayuri looked at the chaotic city in fear. Now she was in a corner of old Tokyo. It was actually very dangerous and she might be killed by rebels or demons at any time. The chances of her surviving were actually very low.

But she couldn't stay here, otherwise she would die at the hands of Li Yixin.

Sayuri nodded and ran outside the city, wondering if she could still see the day when the battle ended.

"Even if I only live to this day, I will be very happy!" Sayuri turned her back to Li Yixin and ran away.

"Humanity's loopholes are so obvious." Nazmi regained the appearance of a giant millipede and quickly crawled forward. With rows of claws squirming rapidly, she pounced directly into the human defense line and massacred.

The surviving defenders set up three lines of defense in an attempt to protect the hundreds of thousands of refugees in the Neo-Tokyo Human Refuge Center, but Nazmi easily crushed the first line, killing more than 4,000 soldiers and slaughtering the survivors in the defense line. Chased and crushed like a pig.

Even though Zhang Su blocked the cracks, there were still tens of thousands of demons surviving in the city and uniting around Nazmi.

At this time, it has entered the core area of ​​New Tokyo and is preparing to attack the largest underground bunker of the human defense plan.

The members of the garrison had red eyes, watching the unstoppable Nazmi break through quickly and killing people. They saw it leading the demon to rush in madly, crushing large numbers of residents along the way, and brothers and sisters fell to the ground one after another.


"Run!" The soldiers on the second line of defense shouted in fear and sorrow, hoping that the soldiers and citizens who had escaped from the front line of defense could escape alive.

Immediately, Nazmi's movements shattered their illusions. It raised its body and spit out a huge purple light cannon, which exploded on the ground and blasted countless people into a deep pit.

The demons jumped down excitedly, killing everyone they saw and frantically sucking out souls.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, the demon pierced their chests, smashed their hearts, and torn their bodies apart.


"Kill!" The soldiers on the second line of defense roared fiercely and fired at Nazmi desperately.

"This kind of weapon will not affect me." Nazmi raised the insect's body leisurely, and the bullet clearly hit but had no effect.

If you look closely, you will find that all the attacks are stopped very close to Nazmi, so close! But it can't cause harm.

It just ignored the guns and bullets, and then spit out a huge purple ball of light, which exploded in the area where the soldiers were densely packed on the second line of defense, causing a large-scale explosion and blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Countless people were blown to pieces alive. The people nearby had no time to reinforce, but they were trembling all over and their feet were trembling.

"Come on! Kill them all!" Nazmi tasted the soul permeating the air, then accumulated a powerful stream of purple light, opened her pincer-shaped mouth, and sprayed energy towards the human defenders.

Boom boom——

A huge stream of light exploded in mid-air and spread in all directions, unable to pass no matter what.

Nazmi was startled.

The human soldiers also raised their heads and looked at this strange scene.

The evil light cannon sprayed by Nazmi, the leader of the demon army, actually disappeared from the middle?

They saw a figure quickly arriving at the front line and moving forward without fear. He was wearing a silver-white fitted armor and had a heroic appearance. His long hair was combed into a ponytail and his face was calm and composed.

Beautiful jade in Xincheng!

"Retreat." Xincheng Meiyu walked forward, holding a huge and wide defensive wall in her hand, pushing everything forward.

The demons rushed forward desperately, but they couldn't hit this invisible wall of air!

"Do you want to fight me?" Nazmi sneered, "If you have a little wisdom, you will understand that you cannot defeat me."

"I don't need to defeat you." Xincheng Meiyu gathered her strength and waved her hand again, "Reflect on your own stupidity in the solid wall."


Nazmi immediately sensed something was wrong and quickly distanced herself, but when she encountered a wall behind her, her movement was obviously hindered.

It quickly climbed up, only crawling a few meters but unable to move forward. If you go to the left or right... you can't break through no matter what.

"You-" Nazmi realized that she had fallen into a cage made of six walls, as if she had been stuffed into a transparent cube.

"No one in this world can hurt you, we already know that." Xincheng Meiyu continued to walk forward, playing her fingers like a piano, "Then we just need to keep you here forever."

Nazmi's expression changed and she immediately started chanting the teleportation spell.

"If you were in your prime state, you should be able to teleport away from here, but you are no longer you, but a degraded copy of you who was reborn in hell after death. It will take time for you to return to your previous strength." Xincheng Meiyu stared at Nazmi.



Behind her, the soldiers regained their courage and immediately opened fire on the wave of demons!

They lost Nazmi's cover, and their offensive momentum was greatly weakened. The few survivors were able to cross the line of death and escape to a safe place.

"How long are you going to stay here? Can your magic power be maintained?" Nazmi growled.

"Do you want to compete with the guardian witch for patience? I've been waiting for ten or twenty years, so why wait another hundred years?" Meiyu Xincheng picked up an injection and injected it into her neck. She quickly looked at More harsh and cruel.

"You..." Nazmi realized that she had met a witch whose spirit had already collapsed, "you are crazy."

"You will stay here, and we will build a museum and a huge monument around you. Every year from now on, we will organize thousands of people to visit you, point at you, and record your every word and deed. , you will be an eternal prisoner of our civilization here. This is the sentence I give you, Nazmi!" Xincheng Meiyu's expression became more and more crazy, "And I am willing to stay here forever. When the time comes, I don't know who it is. Are you crazy?"

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