Witch containment diary

Chapter 395 The gathering of allies

"Miss Shinjo Meiyu stopped Nazmi!" the intelligence soldier quickly reported.

At the entrance of the New Tokyo Human Defense Project Shelter, Yoshio Akazawa frowned.

Behind her, a large number of refugees were still pouring in, bringing their families with them, and the atmosphere was tense.

"Where is the flesh demon Carmen?" she asked.

"...It's still active. A large amount of meat is pouring out from the subway. The bay is full of large and small flesh-and-blood monsters, killing citizens everywhere. Its body seems to be constantly moving and it is difficult to lock it!" the intelligence soldier lamented.

The flesh-and-blood demon Carmen is the most low-key of the four demons in New Tokyo. Many demon believers also take advantage of the chaos to harvest lives for it.

After a human dies, not only is the soul absorbed and used as fuel, but the body is also captured by the flesh demon and condensed into a huge wall of flesh and blood. Mountains of flesh suddenly build up, like countless cancerous cysts in the ruins, growing crazily.

"With this devil around, most people won't be able to reach the shelter alive! We don't have the troops to escort them!" the junior sergeant said desperately.

With no soldiers to protect them, no reliable safe routes, and no rescuers, they were trapped in various parts of the city, miserable conditions everywhere, and a complete purgatory.

Thanks to Shinjo Miyu who stopped Nazmi, otherwise even the shelter itself would have fallen. By then, New Tokyo will really be turned into a dead city.

Akazawa Yoshiyo secretly sighed and searched for the available troops at hand.

Two armored brigades of 10,000 people fixed the tanks at high altitudes to form fixed firepower points.

The city defense garrison originally had 40,000 people, but after Nazmi broke through, there were still 30,000 left, and they were divided into ten battalions to form two lines of defense.

Far from enough, far from enough. Her army has not yet blocked the outside of the city, and there is no way to enter the isolated island of New Tokyo.

"We must call on everyone to join the defense!" Akazawa Yoshiyo raised the katana in his hand and felt the rhythm of war surging in the city.

"Ninjas can go find the Fujikawa group." Shui Li suggested.

"Please." Yoshiyo Akazawa greeted Shui Li, "Tell Chiyo Fujikawa that if she can help, she will have a share in the future of New Tokyo."

"I want grandpa and grandpa to come, but do you feel free to let God General Tianxiao intervene across the border?" Chu Xiang said seriously.

"General Chu Boyao from China? That is the greatest support, please!" Akasawa Yoshiyo nodded vigorously.

"Excuse me, I am Fazheluo, a vajra monk who travels around the world and serves the Quantum Bodhisattva. The computer room in New Tokyo is an important backup center for remote disaster recovery. Now she also plans to protect her own property." A mechanical monk suddenly walked out. crowd.

"Please contact me if you can, please." Akazawa Yoshiyo greeted Fazheluo.

"I have called the Generalissimo of Junbao." Shang Shuqin put down his cell phone and shouted to Akasawa Jiayo, "Kouyi and Jiangqu will arrive soon!"

"Angel!" Akazawa Yoshie's heart moved, "In this case, we can use the power of the ritual path to seal the gate of hell!"

"Ouch——" After Katie sent Zhang Su into the sky, she was unable to escape the terrifying battle and was forced to hover in the air.

"Katy! Go and burn all those flesh and blood monsters to death!" Akazawa Yoshiyo raised his head and shouted.

"Roar——" Katie's wings trembled, her body deflected, and she sprayed fire toward the huge squirming mountain of meat on the bay.

Heroes one after another join the war, giving Akazawa Yoshie some peace of mind.

Either we go into the abyss together, or we turn the tide together.

Akazawa Yoshiyo has gathered as many allies as possible, and people with righteous thoughts can unite at least at this moment!

She herself began to channel the power of war in New Tokyo.

"Come on! Everyone! People in the battle, no matter whether you have the strength or not, no matter whether you are safe or not, as long as you are willing to fight, you can resonate with my power and win the entire war together!" Chi Zejiashi sang loudly.

In every corner of New Tokyo, people feel the call of Yoshio Akazawa.

The people trapped in the collapsed ruins raised their fists and burst out with their faith in despair.

The soldiers fighting countless demons on the defense line roared loudly as they pulled the trigger again and again.

The citizens who fled to the shelters prayed for all safety and hoped that those who set out on the expedition would return in triumph.

Rescuers rushed into the rubble at great risk and tried their best to drag back the wounded one after another from the streets.

The witch prisoners in New Tokyo's No. 1 Witch Prison climbed onto the wall and used magic to bombard the demons near the wall in exchange for a chance to reduce their sentences——

They all want to win this war!

"Soldiers, mortals, witches... I have felt your belief!" Akazawa Yoshiyo raised his sword high, and the magic of war suddenly formed a giant sword light that pierced the sky, "Let me decide this The result of this war—must! Win!"

New Tokyo subway.

When Shui Li arrived, members of the Fujikawa group were retreating from Shadow Street.

Due to the collapse of the terrain structure and the intrusion of sea water, the former Shadow Street was submerged by the sea and completely destroyed.

"Who are you?" the aggressive mercenary asked.

"Shui Li?" Chiyo Fujikawa walked out of the crowd and frowned, "Why are you here?"

"Ninja. New Tokyo is gathering all those who can fight. If you are willing to join the war now, you can be forgiven of many sins, and you can also join the reconstruction of New Tokyo in the future!" Shuili nodded to Fujikawa Chiyo.

"Where's Brother Zhang Su?" Fujikawa Chiyo asked.

"We are fighting to the death with demons." Shui Li responded, "Now the streets are full of demons. If you fight, the citizens of New Tokyo will owe you a favor."

"Official words are the hardest to trust. I think it's better to just flee to the coast to protect yourself." said the ninja from the Shadow Dojo.

Chiyo Fujikawa thinks.

"...Listen to me, if we stand with innocent people at this time, justice will be with us. If we protect ourselves and escape, even if most people survive, they will be liquidated afterwards." Fujikawa Chiyo turned around and waved, signaling to his hall masters and Wakatou, "Gather up the courage to fight the devil to the death! Find a way to rescue more citizens and send them to the shelter!"

"oh oh!"

"It's time to fight!"

"The Fujikawa group is the strongest!" Under the order of Fujikawa Chiyo, they quickly armed themselves and left the subway to fight with a large number of flesh and blood monsters, trying to find a way to rescue civilians from the devil's claws and tentacles.

"The Street of Shadows has been submerged, and the underground world will be overthrown. We can only find a way to stand on the winner's side. Let's work hard. It would be too cowardly to sit back and watch the demons make trouble." The ninja leader of the Shadow Dojo also said briefly. .

"let's go!"

"Follow up!"

"It's a pity that the Shadow Witch can no longer see Shadow Street..."

"Let's drive the Shadow Street to the ground." The heroes of the Shadow Street set off. Ronin, killers, samurai and mercenaries stranded in New Tokyo participated in the battle and tried their best to resist the devil.

"Shui Li, thank you for coming all the way to tell us about this opportunity." Fujikawa Chiyo looked at Shui Li.

"Forbearance." Shui Li turned around and looked up at the sky, "We all have to find a way to survive. Let's talk about gratitude later."

Cool ninja. Chiyo Fujikawa thought.

High in the air.

The Blade Commander then slashed countless sword shadows at Edith, which were sharper than the rules Zhang Su used.

This kind of fear stems from people's fear of all sharp objects, fear of swords, fear of having fingers cut off with kitchen knives, fear of having throats cut, fear of having fingers pricked by needles, fear of being blinded...

The fear of infinitely intelligent creatures condensed into the Blade Demon and its supreme power!

Edith raised her hand to dissolve these rules, and large empty mouths appeared in the air, swallowing up these knife lines.

She cannot simply avoid it, because once the power of these blades hits the ground, the entire earth will be cut open, and all mankind will be annihilated in the explosion of the earth.

"You have no name, and once you die, you cannot be reborn in hell." Edith said, "Escape now, maybe you can survive for a while longer."

"You are timid. Why are you helping humans?" Blade Commander muttered, "Why don't you come back to us?"

"Tired." Edith aimed at the Blade Commander, but gave up.

The Blade Herald is too fast and her attacks will be dodged.

"Have you forgotten your most shining days? You came back with blood on your hands, sitting on the brass throne, staring at the sea of ​​blood below. All the demons passed by you carrying the trophies, and you enslaved us, and every world Trembling in your gaze, you can promote mortals to become your champions, let the tribes in the chaotic wasteland sacrifice on a large scale under your banner, hell is yours to pass, do whatever you want, there are so many demons for you Are you not satisfied with the drive?" The Blade Commander was in disbelief.

"Then why don't you stop and let me kill you?" Edith tried to aim at the Blade Commander again, but she still lacked a hit rate.

"Because I know you are no longer you - you are just a shadow of the most powerful image in the past. Missing the past does not necessarily mean bowing to you. We need a fresh start." The Blade Order maneuvered rapidly in the air.

It is so fast that it cannot be caught by the senses of living things.

Edith realized that her current energy could no longer detect the existence of the Blade Order.

Now its flight speed, combat speed, and reaction speed have been stretched to the limit. Its speed is sub-light speed, and its resistance is also extremely extreme.

Unless Edith can hit directly with "Life Destruction", she will not be able to cause effective damage.

A flash of sword light came.


Edith looked down at her empty chest and abdomen.

It has to be said that the Blade Order is even better now.

"I pity you." The Blade Order turned into a escaping light, turned around and headed to the gate of hell to kill Zhang Su.

The Gate of Hell leads to the infinite wilderness of the Seventh Hell, where Astaroth the World Eater is stationed, a demonic overseer of hell who takes pleasure in devouring asteroids. Now Zhang Su would probably have a hard time parrying Astaroth's attacks, not to mention having a Blade Commander of the same level stab him in the back.

In the final analysis, the deaths of tens of millions of people in New Tokyo were too serious, and too many souls were absorbed by the Blade Order, causing its strength to exceed its limit in a short period of time! This is why Edith hopes to control the casualties to around five million. If there are more, she will not be able to control them.

"Zhang Su." Edith muttered silently, "Wait for me for a while."

Then she fell into the sea.

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