Witch containment diary

Chapter 396 The decisive battle with the Blade Commander

Zhang Su and World Eater Astaroth fought hard and fought until the seven levels of hell were darkened.

All the demons were crushed into dust, and only the great demons could barely stand.

World Eater Astaroth is also a famous monster in hell, but Zhang Su can release 70% of the power of the blade and add his own mindfulness energy to form a special attack with huge lethality against demons. Don't fall behind.

"We need to learn that energy and evolve our army so that we can effectively capture the earth and take back what we are looking for." The demons were horrified when they saw this scene and couldn't help but spread the relevant news.

"Send the Winged Demon to the Maw of Fury quickly."

"The Brass Palace must know of this man's existence."

"Qi Jin... restrains us very much."

"Order the Moth Demons to design a new type of demon armor capable of blocking and digesting Qi, and equip it for the new batch of eggs."

"I have to inform Lady Liluciel..."

"There is still such a person guarding the earth. If he can survive until the war, he will be our biggest challenge..."

After several hours of fierce fighting, Zhang Su was very tired.

Astaroth was in full swing, and there were two huge Lieutenants of the Balrog next to it.

Once Astaroth is hungry, they will open a portal at will, go to a certain world to plunder and kill, and bring back a large number of souls to replenish Astaroth's soul.

Zhang Su, on the other hand, does not have such treatment and can only rely on the forbidden drugs and military rations built into the armor to maintain his mental and physical fitness.

This was almost reaching the limit. Zhang Su's counterattacks gradually became inaccurate, and he could no longer move with ease like the first few swords.

"Zhang Su!!!" Lydia warned, "The Blade Order is coming to kill!"

"..." Zhang Su desperately used his energy to escape from the gate of hell and jumped down, trying his best to fight the Blade Commander.

"Lost? Lost!" Warlord Astaros saw Zhang Su retreating and laughed, arrogantly.

"What a terrifying battle..." When the other demons saw this scene, they couldn't be as excited as Astaroth.

At least millions of demons in the Hell Plain were wiped out in the battle between Zhang Su and Astaroth, and the entire world was cut with wounds by the spilled sword shadows.

Zhang Su fell from the gate of hell, his body became translucent and his body fell.

Katie noticed Zhang Su's difficulty and flew over in time to catch Zhang Su with her body.

"Carty, let me go." Zhang Su patted Carty's neck urgently, "The Blade Commander is coming."

"I don't!" Katie said stubbornly.

The end result was that a blade hit Kati, slicing her body open and completely piercing her body. Kati's figure fell straight down, and Zhang Su was equally heartbroken when he saw it.

Zhang Su landed heavily on top of a large area of ​​urban ruins. He was exhausted. The lining of his armor had been soaked with salt. It was all sweat. Then the sweat was completely evaporated by the heat, absorbed again, and left a faint trace of scorching heat. Unbearable.

The Blade Order wielded a knife at Zhang Su. He tried his best to fight back, and the two sword shadows collided in the air.

The Blade Order's attack was obviously stronger, and it could continue to fly after the collision, slashing around Zhang Su and shredding the ruins into pieces again.

"You have become weak." Seeing that Zhang Su was no threat to him now, the Blade Order was disappointed. It turned back and aimed at the sky, with four blades pointed directly at the sky.

A meteor flashed across and stopped in front of the Blade Commander.

"I'm going to be your opponent. Get through me first!" A strangely burly, cold-faced man with long flowing hair and a face full of war lines suddenly appeared.

Zhang Su's heart moved. Chu Boyao! When did it come?

"Grandpa, grandpa!" Chu Xiangyan shouted while running below, "Show your domination!"

"?" The Blade Commander was also stunned for a moment.

It immediately bypassed this person and prepared to continue attacking the sky.

A huge flaming sword fell from the sky!

The Blade Commander felt a strange and ferocious force, and immediately raised his sword to flick it away.

"Compare your sharpness with Levantin!" Jiangqu soared in the sky, spreading her wings.

"Flag of the Holy Realm, put away evil thoughts!" Chloe held high the Holy Cross Flag given by Gotis around the Gate of Hell. Under its light, the demons throughout New Tokyo felt very tormented!

Angel sisters!

They're all here! Zhang Su suddenly felt more fighting spirit in his heart.


"It's burning!" The demons suddenly felt that their skin was torn apart, and the demonic essence on their bodies was melting rapidly, and they all fled from the brilliance of that flag!

The Blade Order consumes soul energy and evolves a layer of adaptive armor to withstand light.

In an instant, waves of unnatural sounds sounded, and the ruins of the city itself were deforming.

Countless light points of various sizes scattered down, and each light point expanded into billions of nano-robots. They quickly devoured the city's debris, crushed and reorganized all metal and concrete materials, extracted high-value materials for use, and finally Reorganize the total mass of three or four skyscrapers into a precision robot.

Quantum Bodhisattva also takes action! The battle of the strong! Zhang Su took the time to recover his physical fitness.

A bright light lit up above the new robot's head, locking onto the Blade Commander, giving it the feeling of being seen through its movements.

call out--

The robot fired a mediocre red laser, and the Blade Order subconsciously blocked it, only to find that it penetrated his weapon and hit its skin shell. Even though the attack is not powerful enough, it still makes it feel alert.

"I have investigated 67% of the information and now dispatch 24% of the computing power to analyze you." came the voice of Quantum Bodhisattva.

"They are all weak...!" The Blade Commander distanced himself and looked at the newly-appeared enemies.

"Hunting you is enough!" Akazawa Yoshiyo gathered these powerful men. She also wanted to join the battle. She jumped onto the ruins and showed the over-expanded war blade in her hand. She had to raise it high because the war magic power has now been condensed to 10 Kilometers long, she could cut down the demon in the air while standing on the ground, "I want you to run 10,000 meters first! Let's attack with all our strength!"

Within a moment, Chu Boyao took the lead and the Blade Order made them fight with all their strength.

The powerful fist struck at the Blade Commander at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, and the Blade Commander counterattacked thousands of moves in an instant, starting a frantic exchange of blows.

"Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit!"


Both of them have extremely terrifying martial arts skills. They have also experienced endless combat experience and are extremely well-educated. They cannot break through each other in a short period of time.

"Tianwu Overlord Wuji Unparalleled Ultimate Explosive Fist!" Chu Boyao violently blasted out with both fists.

"Die to me -" The Blade Commander forcefully took advantage of this move, caught Chu Boyao's flaw, and quickly chopped off Chu Boyao's head, "Now that you are punching with both hands, what are you going to rely on to catch this sword?"


People present were shocked.

The Blade Command uses force to slash a knife——

It was actually bitten by Chu Boyao!

Chu Boyao bit off one of the four knives in one bite, then opened his eyes angrily, and then fiercely punched hundreds of punches on the Blade Commander's torso, causing it to fall quickly.

"Fuck me!" Chu Boyao shouted angrily.

"So powerful! Is this the defender of China?" Jiangqu flew down, excited.

"Just relying on fists?" Akazawa Yoshiyo was also surprised.

"..." The Blade Commander quickly jumped on the ruins, picked up his damaged blade limb, and looked up at Chu Boyao.

Chu Boyao did not pursue.

A moment later, countless scars suddenly appeared on his body, and blood spattered out! His whole body was soaked in blood.

Before, he relied on his strength to barely seal the wound and complete such a fierce battle, but in the end, he took too many blows and could not support himself, and he quickly fell.

"I'll kill you!" Jiangqu quickly caught up and drove Levantine towards the Blade Commander.

"Attack me with a sword???" The Blade Commander felt really underestimated.

It exerted its power in an instant, and the appearance of the entire Levantine was rapidly deformed. From an indestructible flame magic sword, it became extremely blunt, with bizarre wear on the edges, completely turning into a damaged and useless sword. It fell to the ground during the flight, and then Also difficult to attack.

"Lewontin!" Jiangqu recalled it heartbrokenly. At this time, it no longer took the shape of a sword blade, and all concepts related to "blade" were confiscated by the Blade Order.

"Warning, warning, warning." The small robot made by Quantum Bodhisattva rushed towards the Blade Commander.

"Die!" The Blade Order quickly passed through the small robot and chopped it completely into pieces, leaving tens of thousands of metal fragments in place.


A large crack suddenly appeared, and a bizarrely huge iron fist protruded from it, hitting the Blade Commander hard and knocking its body back quickly.

Then Iron Fist quickly recovered and disappeared behind the crack.

The Blade Commander turned his head and found that the small robot he had just chopped into pieces had been restored by the repairs of countless nano-robots!

"Does this punch from me feel good?" Quantum Bodhisattva sneered.

It realizes that its movements are precisely calculated.

"..." The Blade Order split the small machine apart again.

The next second, sure enough, the giant robot fist appeared and struck, clearly pre-reading its movements.

The Blade Order quickly blocked the blow with his blade feet, and then pushed back the infinite cutting power, along the robot's iron fist to the super giant body itself at the other end of the portal, smashing it into pieces.

"I'll give you the same words." The Blade Commander flew upwards, "Mechanical will is too limited."

"Don't run!" Akazawa Yoshio wielded the giant war blade and slashed at the Blade Commander, "This is the power of everyone's will!"

"What's the use!" The Blade Commander released a sword energy and clashed with the Blade of War.

The 10,000-meter-long magic blade cracked inch by inch like a bamboo joint, completely unable to break through this cutting force.

After a thin line was drawn, the war blade completely dissipated, and Akazawa Yoshio's weapon also shattered!

The Blade Commander glared upward.

After easily defeating these so-called "reinforcements" who came out halfway, only the white angel Chloe herself who tried to seal the gate of hell was left.

"Sister!" Jiangqu's scalp was numb, "It's time to go!"

"..." Chloe didn't dare to leave.

Because she felt the aura of World Eater Astaroth in the Gate of Hell, now she can stop this demon with the sealing power of the ritual pathway.

If there is a moment of relaxation, Astaroth and the Blade Order will reunite. At that time, there will be no power on earth that can stop the two great demons!

The Blade Commander raised his head and felt the sound of his companion, Astaroth the World Eater, knocking on the door of Hell.

As long as one more living hole is opened, the two demons can join forces to destroy the world.

As long as I can reach that place——

A large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the Blade Order's body, and many souls escaped from it.

"This is..." Its flight speed slowed down significantly.

Infinite domineering power swept through its mind, injecting a pure and extremely strong will, disturbing the Blade Commander's own judgment.

"How could I be like this?" The Blade Commander felt alienated and overwhelmed by the strong aura.

"That's my damn Tianwu Overlord Wuji Unparalleled Ultimate Explosive Fist." Although Chu Boyao was shot down, he still stood proudly on earth and sneered at the sky. He turned to look at Zhang Su, "You damn well have had enough rest. Bar."

"I've definitely had enough rest." Zhang Su regained his energy and re-energized his Qi. After a long period of rest, he finally regained his energy.

The Blade Order kept a close eye on Zhang Su.

Due to Chu Boyao's violent attack, it was seriously injured by the delayed explosion, and coupled with the punch of a huge mecha from Quantum Bodhisattva, its durability has been greatly weakened.

Additionally, a lot of power is spent on consuming the War Blade and polishing Levantine.

The witch on the path of war even absorbs the power of the devil's participation in the war, permeating the will and determination of all participants in this war.

It looked like he was cutting as if nothing had happened, but the blade made the user feel a heavy feeling.

Levantine is also a strange and powerful magic sword. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first-class artifact in this world. It takes great pains to peel off its sharpness.

The Blade Commander was at his weakest, but it was still enough to beat Zhang Su. The human who abused its broken arm has made it furious, and now it can finally take revenge.

"Then let's fight." The Blade Commander raised his blade and aimed at Zhang Su.


Zhang Su's mind was united, and Qi Zhou enlarged the blade of the Commander's Blade a thousand times, and then collided with the Blade Commander's weapon.

When they hit each other, Zhang Su's stump knife could not hold up to the original one and was easily chopped into pieces. He could no longer use the Lingshi Bingfeng.

"You deserve to die!" The Blade Order stabbed Zhang Su.

The blade of the blade hit the outer edge of Zhang Su's armor, unable to make an inch of progress.

Noble Phantasm!

"It's the Noble Phantasm that makes you unable to be hit. It's made with Nazmi's carapace. It's just causing trouble for me." The Blade Commander pressed down on the blade, "But it can only last for a while under my full attack. It's very difficult. It’s ridiculous, everyone is fighting for you to get opportunities and time, but you are still a waste.”

"I'm just buying time for others." Zhang Su looked at the Blade Commander and said, "Goodbye."

The Blade Commander suddenly felt his heart turn cold.

"Finally, I stopped moving." Edith's hand pressed the blade commander's back, ""Destroyed by birth date." "

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