Witch containment diary

Chapter 397 The Competition Blade Broken an Arm

The Order of the Blade was defeated and its very existence was slaughtered.

Edith raised her hand like a net, and quickly dismembered the Blade Commander, leaving four long blades as before.

These are the remaining limbs of the order, and contain the great fear of cutting and tearing.

"The broken sword of the Blade Commander..." Akazawa Yoshie was extremely sensitive to weapons of war, and he suddenly realized that the fragments left by the Blade Commander were of great significance and dazzling.

"Each of these four knives can subvert human defense plans." Edith handed one to herself, the other to Zhang Su, and the remaining two were placed on the field, "You can fight for the rest. .”

She immediately left the conflict to Quantum Bodhisattva, Chu Boyao, Sisters Kouyi Jiangqu and Akasawa Yoshie who were left on the field.

The comradeship brought about by fighting side by side disappeared in an instant. When they thought of the ultimate decisive battle with the Blade Commander, they all looked at the two Commander swords left behind and were eager to take them as their own.

This is the capital to compete in the world and command the world!

"The witch spirit world must get one!" Jiangqu flapped her burning flame wings and descended rapidly, like a firebird, shouting sternly. She had just broken Lewontin and was eager for a new knife as compensation.

"Yes, Jiangqu." The ruins robot created by Quantum Bodhisattva also came over. Both parties came from the spirit world and immediately collaborated, "We each have one."

"You are all guests from afar, don't start fighting here." Akasawa Yoshiyo said, and he couldn't help but walk towards the two command swords.

Chu Boyao was also angry.

"You guys are such a bunch of dogs and donkeys!" Chu Boyao geared up and fired sparks with his iron hand.

Edith turned her gaze away, not caring.

This way they can fight each other without disturbing her and Zhang Su's world.

"Zhang Su." Edith called softly.

Zhang Su didn't care about mediating the dispute at this time, but hurried to find Kati who was seriously injured.

He rushed to the ruins, which turned out to be a car showroom or something like that. The floating car was broken into pieces and buried in walls made of metal and foam boards. The ground was full of broken glass and hollow corpses.

Katie was lying on one of the big rocks, as pale as a dead fish.

"Katie!" Zhang Su rushed over and picked up Kati who had recovered her original body.

She had passed out, and there was a shocking huge scar on her body.

Zhang Su adjusted his breath and used the breathing method to treat Kati. The air flow trickled in like warm water.

"Guwu——" Katie spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You won't die easily." Zhang Su himself was very weak, and he sat on the ruins.

"It's so cold..." Katie reached out and grabbed Zhang Su's arm, leaning her head against his arms, as cold as a rock.

"The fiercest battle is over. There is nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Su comforted.

Katie closed her eyes, weak. Zhang Su checked Katie's blood flow and pulse, and found that it was generally healing. Fortunately, Katie was a witch who had broken her position once, and with the blood of a dragon, her vitality was very strong.

"There is also Leimi waiting for you." Zhang Su said softly.

"Remi..." Katie thought of Remi's photo. She had not had time to go back and look at it after it hatched.

"Take a rest and then go back to Anyuan." Zhang Su stroked Katie's cheek.

"I want to smoke." Katie closed her eyes and moved.

"No more." Zhang Su looked around.

There are damaged rubble everywhere, and the city has turned into a series of gray mountains, like a huge salt desert in the sea, with slash marks and mine pits everywhere.

"I want to drink." Katie whispered.

"There seems to be medical alcohol in the mezzanine..." Zhang Su checked the armor.

"It's gone, evaporated." Lydia reported tiredly, "The entire battle just now was at around 120 degrees Celsius."

"No wonder I feel a little hot." Zhang Su sighed secretly.

He looked at Katie again, and she was already asleep.

"I have to take her away." Zhang Su covered Katie with a bright red emergency blanket, then hugged her and moved to the central shelter of the Human Defense Plan.

Behind him, several heroes were still fighting.

As long as they grab a commanding blade, they can all become people in the world from now on.

"Why are they causing civil strife?" Zhang Su looked at Edith.

"Sooner or later the knife will come back to me. What you should ask is why they succumb to the temptation of power so easily." Edith said, "Do you want to interfere?"

"This is not my business." Zhang Su said, "I want to rest."

"And I will accompany you." Edith walked to Zhang Su's side. Her breath smelled like scorpion venom, and after tasting it carefully, it smelled like rose fragrance.

"Wait." Zhang Su took out the silver-white silk scarf sewn by Lian Wu from the depths of the armor, wiped his face with it, wiped away the blood, and then treasured it back to the core, "...you can leave now."

"..." Edith glanced at Zhang Su meaningfully.

Zhang Su took Katie into the shelter at the Human Defense Project Center.

There is a lot of space inside, and there are still many refugees who have not escaped successfully, so it looks empty.

Rows of beds are arranged horizontally and vertically, and each bed is protected by a waterproof cloth for privacy.

He opened one of the red curtains, put Katie on it, and put the pillow under her head. Katie turned over unconsciously, and blood seeped out slightly, staining the sheets red.

It was relatively peaceful here, and Zhang Su finally had time to breathe.

With the help of Edith, he took off his armor, which was filled with steaming sweat that had accumulated for a long time.

The cool air passed over Zhang Su's scarred skin, feeling extremely cool.

He shuddered.

Edith couldn't wait to kiss Zhang Su's muscles.

"We won," she whispered in his ear.

"The Blade Order... it has no name, so it will not be reborn in hell after death. Is it dead forever?" Zhang Su felt a strange touch on his body.

It was like standing in a shower room, but what washed down was not clean water, but thick blood.

"It is dead. Indeed. There is a reluctant and hierarchical system in hell. The title of "Herald" indicates that it has personally met a certain demon god. He has more cards than ordinary legion commanders, and is comparable to demons like warlords and warmasters, but he is still weaker than the real demon king, and even weaker than the demon god himself. "Edith said.

Katie was lying in the middle, Edith was sitting on the edge of the bed, and Zhang Su was sitting on the ground.

Because he was so big, he could turn over and rest his head on Edith's knees, feeling a touch of warmth from the endless coldness of Edith's body.

Edith could gently caress Zhang Su's cheek to comfort him while talking to him.

"Why doesn't such a demon have a name?" Zhang Su didn't understand. Most demons with high level have names, but powerful ones like the Blade Commander don't.

"A long time ago, the Blade Demon among the demons angered the King of Slaughter." Edith said, "So from every universe, every world, every dimension, every existence, all Blade Demons, whether physical or physical, Spiritual, real or false, ontology or clone, it is removed and forgotten from every world. No one remembers it anymore, and all the history, memories, records and descriptions related to it become blank. .The King of Carnage personally made the Blade Demon alive into a knife, called the 'Supreme Cutter', and shattered its real name. Therefore, once you leave the palace of the King of Carnage, everything with the Blade will be forgotten. There will not be another Blade Demon God in Hell. The entire demon race related to it has also lost its own name. If one dies, one will be destroyed forever. The Blade Commander just killed should be one of the few survivors. one."

"The devil is so powerful..." Zhang Su sighed.

"The strongest and most powerful one in hell is the demon god. Compared with the demon god, the messenger is not even a grain of sand in the vast sea. The real demon gods each control a concept that intelligent creatures fear, blades, fire, massacre, death, and aging. ...and so on, together we will form the master of hell." Edith said.

"Infinite." Such a concept flashed through Zhang Su's mind.

"Yes, infinite, endless, immeasurable. Hell is like the shadow of the human world. Every time a world appears, the border of hell expands, and the thoughts, fears and panic of intelligent creatures leave a shadow in hell. You It is difficult to find the origin of hell, because it is purely an abstraction, a realm above existence and consciousness. Sometimes you think you already understand hell, but you don’t know that what you see is only an insignificant aspect of hell. Maybe you can trace it back to many, many Aeons ago, when the first intelligent creature was afraid of something for the first time, hell arose," Edith said.

Zhang Su closed his eyes.

He silently recalled the battle just now, hoping to think of more things about fighting hell.

The devil is like a chariot, it needs fire and fuel, and its combat effectiveness is strong only when there is a supply of souls. After some wreaking havoc, the soul absorbed by the Blade Order was not enough to become a demon and become stronger, but it was like a lead that briefly ignited its full power. If the battle continues for a long time, he will soon become weak again. Just like at the end of the battle, the Blade Commander also showed signs of decline, which means that his soul is in a hurry.

After the attack by the Blade Order, the casualties were horrific. The aftermath of the war alone evaporated the old and new Tokyo. The Dongming Islands will experience large-scale geological disasters. I am afraid that there will be many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the next few years. I am afraid that a large tsunami will soon Come, the subsequent damage will be extreme.

It has caused indelible damage to the entire world. Demons of this level rarely appear on a small, ordinary planet like Earth.

The Unbounded Alliance has a very high level of civilization, but it is also used to dealing with demons that are weaker than its envoys, and they greatly underestimated the problems facing the earth...

Demons are looking for something. Zhang Su thought.

It is this thing that attracts super-level demons one after another to try to invade the earth, and it also opens a hundred gates to hell to prepare for future large-scale natural disaster attacks.

Zhang Su turned his gaze and looked at Edith.

"...I understand, it's no more than 2 meters long and 100 kilograms in weight. The demons are looking for you." Zhang Su sighed.

"Oh?" Edith's eyes wandered.

"They are here to find you. They want you to go back and lead them again. They will not stop until you agree, which is why it is so difficult for us. You clearly said that no one except the King of Slaughter knows about the blade, but You said it, you said it so clearly, you were not only present at the time! You are inextricably linked to the King of Slaughter. So you are the envoy of the Massacre?"

"You figured it out, so I hope you won't hand me over," Edith said.

"Why don't you want to go back?" Zhang Su didn't understand.

He suddenly felt a force wrapping around him. Edith pushed Zhang Su down to the ground, trying a more familiar position to save Zhang Su's effort.

Her eyes were bright red and her expression was gentle.

"I was purified by you many world lines ago, but you just forgot."

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