Witch containment diary

Chapter 398 Determining Dongming’s future



On the ruins of New Tokyo, the survivors are still fighting over the two Order Blades.

Akasawa Yoshie was able to break the throne once after winning the battle of Mount Kaguraku. Now he has not completed the Battle of New Tokyo. The second break has not yet been completed. His strength is insufficient and it is very embarrassing.

Moreover, without enough faith support from the people of New Tokyo, the magic of war has also been greatly weakened.

"Katy... Shinjo Miyu..." Akazawa Yoshiyo thought about his two companions, but one was seriously injured and the other was still guarding Nazmi.

Everyone else present was very aggressive.

Quantum Bodhisattva has broken the throne nine times. She has excellent wisdom and can realize complex technologies. Random leaks from her knowledge base can be enough for human civilization to study for several generations.

Now she was having a great time fighting, and the nanomachines she summoned quickly traveled through the city, splitting and absorbing all the damaged buildings, and constantly transforming them into self-reinforcing evolutionary armor.

Plasma cannons appeared from the arms and chest, and there were advanced honeycomb missiles on the front, chest and back, bombarding them indiscriminately.

Form a Quantum King Kong!

Chu Boyao is also a perverted and strong man.

He suppressed the Gate of Hell in the North, guarded the Gate of China, and killed many demon champions. In the summer, when the weather was too hot, I dug a few big craters into the Siberian peaks to blow out cold winds. In the winter, I thought it was too cold, so I went to the Arctic and repeatedly beat the cold air to make it warm.

He also had a terrifying performance of breaking through the outer armor of the Blade Order just now, and he was still at a disadvantage against a thousand moves.

Akazawa Yoshie visually estimated that Chu Boyao's strength was roughly equivalent to that of a witch who had broken the throne eight times. In other words, Akazawa Yoshie had to win another six battles in his life to catch up with such a weirdo!

No wonder Chu Xiangyan warned herself not to invite Chu Boyao easily... It seemed that she won today, but she really couldn't finish it.

It would be great if Zhang Su was here. Akazawa Jiashi secretly thought that he could make some sense. Then she shook her head and voluntarily quit the fight.

The red war lines on Chu Boyao's face suddenly bulged.

"Die!" Jiangqu summoned another spare flaming spiritual sword, dropped from the sky, and tried to attack Chu Boyao.

"A birdman without full hair, a witch who has broken his position three times, you are even weaker. You are the weakest among everyone present!!" Chu Boyao was determined to seize the blade, punched it up, and hit Jiang. song, instantly sending her flying beyond the skyline.

Chloe was repairing the door to hell. She turned around and saw her sister being killed in an explosion. She felt sad, but for the sake of the grand plan, she could only use the power of ritual to sew the door to hell first.

The Quantum King Kong on the ground quickly fired a series of high-temperature plasma projectiles at Chu Boyao. Chu Boyao bounced it away with his backhand and rushed straight at the Quantum King Kong. He held down its body with one hand, pushed it to the ground and beat it hard.

"Quantum Bodhisattva! You claim to be saintly and intelligent, but why didn't you calculate that your strength is not as strong as mine!" Chu Boyao pushed Quantum King Kong into the ground with all his strength. The surrounding ground cracked and sank rapidly. It directly hit the surface of the earth and blasted the Quantum King Kong into a 500-meter-deep pit in one breath, where it was covered by soil.

After a fierce battle, Chu Boyao suddenly caught the slight fluctuation of air flow, turned around and rushed towards the two command blades.

He punched into nothingness. At this moment, Li Yixin appeared to grab the knife, quickly grabbed the two knives, and then escaped back to the subspace.

"I fucking despise such a cowardly dog ​​like you!" Chu Boyao caught the opportunity and only released his energy in a hurry to repel Li Yixin.

Hearing Li Yixin's muffled sound, Chu Boyao knew that he had hit her. This blow was a solid blow, which relieved the hatred in his heart.

Great phase demon? When did it come. Chu Boyao felt extremely disgusted.

But now, both of the command knives had been stolen by it. Continuing to fight here would only increase the trouble, so it stepped on the spot with a deafening sonic boom and flew away at high speed.

The vibration made his ears hurt... Akazawa Yoshio pressed his ears. Is this the master among the Chinese breatharians? It can actually fly at multiple times the speed of sound, leaving a long trail, just like a humanoid rocket.

His personality is also domineering and violent to the extreme. I guess this is the "strong demeanor" of being able to do whatever he wants. Zhang Su is also a breatharian, but his personality is obviously much easier to get along with.

"The flesh demon Carmen is retreating, opening a small gate to hell and escaping! Bringing the looting citizens of New Tokyo..." The messenger did not arrive until Chu Boyao retreated to report.

"Try to pursue and rescue the citizens." Akasawa Yoshiyo gave a brief order, and the soldiers nodded and left.

Akazawa Jiayo looked at the gate of hell where the sky was healing. Koi and Jiangqu had no intention of coming down to talk, and the Jiangqu people didn’t know where they were.

Quantum Bodhisattva went to the disaster recovery computer room in New Tokyo to repair the database damaged in the war.

Part ways. The heroes did not unite to fight together.

Things were coming to a head. Akazawa Yoshie put away his knife and walked towards the shelter. He felt a huge fatigue pressing on his shoulders, and then the feeling of weakness became even stronger.

"Hey!" Shang Shuqin, escorted by Chu Xiangyan, ran over to see Akasawa Jiayo.

"Are you okay?" Akasawa Yoshie casually sat on a stone next to him. It was already dark, and the battle continued all day and night without knowing it.

"It's okay. The soldiers have cleared a safe area, but now the entire Dongming Kingdom is finished. Congratulations, you captured a huge ruins." Shang Shuqin sarcastically said.

"Do you think the war started because of me? If it wasn't for Mihashi Yu, why would things be like this?" Akazawa Yoshie frowned, feeling that Shang Shuqin's words were not polite.

"I mean, you should find someone more suitable to rule this country. You are a general, but you cannot be the president." Shang Shuqin said.

"Who?" Akazawa Yoshiyo didn't understand.

"Hikoshiro Nagai. Former Prime Minister. Although he lost to Yu Mihashi, he still has a high political reputation. He is also in his own villa in old Tokyo now. You have to rush him before the devil captures him. After being rescued, he will have enough prestige and ability to piece together the territory of New Tokyo." Shang Shuqin gestured.

"In the end, you actually want to give power to that old man again?" Yoshiyo Akazawa said angrily, "Then what's the point of my resistance? This war is in vain!"

"Do you want to put your personal honor and power above people's safety? As a former prime minister, Nagai Hikoshiro has managed Dongming Country for many years and has held all positions. People trust him. And other people at home and abroad The leaders are also familiar with him and are willing to engage in diplomacy with him. If you were to manage Dongming Country, how long would it take for other countries to recognize you?" Shang Shuqin said in an orderly manner.

"...Then send someone to pick up Nagai Hikoshiro." Akasawa Yoshiyo let out a long sigh.

After Nagai Hikoshiro was defeated, he lived in his hometown outside old Tokyo, a three-story single-family villa.

Now the smoke is billowing and the flames are everywhere. He has a small security force, but most of them were killed in the process of fighting the demons. The surroundings are in chaos.

"We must move quickly! The earthquake seems to have abated!" the guard captain urged, blood flowing from the wounds on his shirt. "If another group of demons comes, we will all die!"

Nagai Hikoshiro worked hard to go downstairs and got into the courtyard with the help of the guards.

There is a strong soul-splitting demon roaring and trampling on the street, trampling the piles of corpses into bloody paste. Its ferocious giant horns and wide claws are frightening.

"We'll go through from behind." The guard tried to take cover.

Just when they were trying to figure out how to bypass the Soul-Splitting Demon, a military vehicle suddenly drove up with multiple firearms sticking out of the vehicle. Many armed men fired in time, and three grenades exploded on the demon in turn, knocking it over.

The Soul Breaker roared and rushed over. The driver of the military vehicle was highly skilled and risked turning the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to turn around at an alarming speed on the chaotic streets.

Immediately afterwards, the crew members continued to exchange fire with the soul-breaking demon and fired more than 200 rounds of bullets into it before killing it.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

"It's a soldier!" The guards were surprised and hurriedly covered Nagai Hikoshiro to go up to meet him.

"Come on!" the stern-looking soldiers in military uniforms shouted.

"Nagai Hikoshiro! Come up quickly!" They stretched out their hands and pulled.

Nagai Hikoshiro got on the car quietly. Although he felt that these people were extremely unprofessional, when he thought of the large number of new recruits in Hokkaido's army, he could only sigh inwardly.

The building itself is in dilapidated condition, which makes people sad. There are only a few survivors in the neighborhood, and staying here now is a dead end.

"Where are my guards?" Nagai Hikoshiro looked at the driver and stepped on the accelerator.

"You are the only one in our order," the soldier shouted.

The military vehicle left New Tokyo and drove to a more peripheral area, arriving at the river in the countryside. The soldier opened the door and quickly pulled Nagai Hikoshiro out.

"What...what's going on?" Nagai Hikoshiro was shocked.

He looked up and saw a motorcycle beside the raging river.

A young, charming girl was standing by the river, looking at him silently. Her eyes made him feel alert and familiar.

"You are that person's daughter, ah, New Tokyo detective Sasahara Shiroka..." A hazy figure of a woman gradually came to mind in his mind, yelling at the judge in the courtroom.

"Why did you kill her? Is it because she saw Zhenxin and saw that the prisoners were related to a red letter, but you presided over and let her go?" Lian Yang asked.

Nagai Hikoshiro sighed.

"She doesn't have the ability to track down Hong Xin, and I want to protect her." Nagai Hikoshiro raised his hands, "I didn't know that she would execute the people involved in the case herself."

"Justice will not be absent." Reio picked up the pistol and aimed it at Nagai Hikoshiro, "You once decided that my mother should die, and now I decide that you should die."

Nagai Hikoshiro took a deep breath.

"Listen to me, this is purely a tragedy. She wanted to carry out her own justice and launch a series of investigations. I wanted to help her and let her suspend the pace of the investigation. She ended up killing too many people, and the death penalty was a helpless move. But I collected all the information, and most people were punished by justice. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't. She was forced to be wronged, but there will always be a day of justice! Now I want to help you and save yourself." Nagai Hikoshiro said.

He looked at Lian Yang and knelt down.

"You can say anything to survive." Lian Yang looked into his heart, tears streaming down his face, and people watched this scene silently.

"I really-"

There was a gunshot, and Nagai Hikoshiro's forehead was shattered.

Reio got on the motorcycle and nodded to the members of the Sakai team who were pretending to be soldiers before leaving: "Yangkui will be released, you are free."

They nodded silently, smashed Nagai Hikoshiro's face beyond recognition, and threw it into the river.

By the time the soldiers sent by Yoshio Akazawa arrived at Nagai Hikoshiro's house, the place was already deserted.

They searched the scene and found that several hours had passed since the latest traces. Nagai Hikoshiro was taken away at least half a day ago.

There is no way to trace it, but Nagai Hikoshiro probably became one of the victims in the endless demonic disasters. They looked at each other and had no choice but to return.

"Mr. Nagai Hikoshiro... was probably killed." The soldier reported to Akazawa Yoshiyo and Shang Shuqin.

"Eh?" Shang Shuqin opened his eyes, "Is he dead?"

"...Then as long as I kill Mihashi Yu, I will win. I am the only winner, and no one can replace me to rule Dongming Kingdom." Akazawa Yoshiyo's eyes lit up.

"Where is your righteousness? Where is your legitimacy?" Shang Shuqin shook his head, "No one will support you, a rebel warrior, to achieve justice."

Akasawa Yoshiyo was talking when he suddenly heard a powerful decision.

"She won the world by force, and I support her." A tall figure came over.

Akazawa Jiayo and Shang Shuqin were both surprised and happy when they saw him.

Zhang Su!

"Then I have no objection." Shang Shuqin ran over barefoot and jumped into Zhang Su's arms.

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