Witch containment diary

Chapter 399 Public Red Letter Plan

"...With the support of soldiers and survivors, frontline commander Yoshio Akazawa announced his independence in New Tokyo today and became the new Guardian of Kanto, calling for the return of the new Prime Minister Mihashi Yu who is now missing..." the news said of.

Yu Mihashi trudges wearily through the subway tunnels of old Tokyo, with Mrs. Rosaville close behind.

"Although the Silver Corona fleet has lost contact, there is another fleet from the Alliance on the way to help. The 'South Back Seat' is even larger. The grievances now are only temporary. As long as we leave from the submarine, we will arrive Just a safe place without being noticed by the rebels,” said Mrs. Rosaville.

Mihashi Yu nodded.

He picked up the flashlight and illuminated both sides, and saw that everything he saw was pale and cold. The rock formations on both sides were covered with the bones of the dead and the remains of the demon's minions.

Ten years ago, before Edith regained Tokyo, hundreds of thousands of demons were entrenched here, grinding their teeth, sucking blood, and killing people.

He thought that twenty years later, another group of people would walk into the underground of Tokyo, point to the rock and soil and say: Look, those are the bones and remains left behind by the New Tokyo War.

Victims from different eras were forgotten in the earth.

"That gun." Yu Mihashi saw the black box hanging on Mrs. Rosaville's big butt, "it can protect us."

"Yes," said Mrs. Rosaville shortly.

"I didn't see the trigger, how was it fired?" Yu Mihashi asked.

"It's very simple." Mrs. Rosaville took it off and held it up to the subway emergency lights. The gravity line release device looks like a black square pistol with a diamond-shaped tube for energy accumulation. "Here is a A spring-loaded trigger releases a gravity line when pressed. 'Gravity', which is the final form of electrons after collapse, can be directly regarded as a nuclear weapon used by an individual soldier, ultimately leading to the emission of linear highly charged particles, a vector energy weapon. The demonic legions have an annihilating effect.”

There was a faint red light under the muzzle of the gravity line releasing device, which made Yu Mihashi feel palpitations.

This is a big killer.

"It's scary." Mihashi Yu admitted.

"I will also avoid pulling the trigger. Improper use will cause a black hole." Mrs. Rosaville turned forward, "Let's go, there are submarines in the submerged area."

The subway tunnel is twisted and twisted, as ugly as an appendix. Once you move forward, the fear in your heart will accumulate every second.

At the end, the subway emergency lights disappeared, and Mihashi Yu followed Mrs. Rosaville, keeping his eyes on her swaying butt.

A secret dock could be seen looming ahead. Mrs. Rosaville stopped, stood in front of the door, and reached out to enter the password.

"This submarine can take us back to the ocean from a sea channel with a diameter of 4 kilometers." Mrs. Rosaville said, "We go straight to the west coast and can return to Seattle in 35 hours. Don't worry about living conditions, I have plenty of money."

"This way there is still hope." Mihashi Yu said.

"Is there any hope?" said Mrs. Rosaville to herself.

Mihashi Yu stared at Mrs. Rosaville's movements. Once she was taken into the submarine, everything would stop.

She entered the password and pushed the iron door open.

Mihashi Yu rushed up, grabbed the gravity line release device, and pushed Mrs. Rosaville over the threshold.

She was focused on looking at the submarine in the secret dock ahead, but now she was caught off guard and almost fell! He immediately turned around and grabbed the edge of the iron door, looking back at the hole of the gun.

"Are you crazy?" Mrs. Rosaville said in disbelief, "Try to steal my gun?"

"Don't move, we all know how strong this thing is." Mihashi Yu stepped back step by step. The gravity line release device was as heavy as a stone and needed to be held with both hands. "You don't want to die either."

Mrs. Rosaville slowly raised her hands, more confused than scared.

"Look at you, you look like a trembling cotton wool." She said, "We all know that you are not capable of violence at all."

Mihashi Yu thought about how he beat La Louie so severely. He had always been cautious and accepted the polite discipline of modern civilization, but he also knew that there was a ferocious beast hidden deep in his heart.

"I should apologize, accept punishment, and announce the Red Letter Project to the world. I know all the members on the list. As long as I get out alive, I can expose everything. Eight out of ten high-level officials in the Human Defense Program have been banned by the Unbounded Alliance for a long time. Agents corrode," Mihashi Yu said.

"The human defense program has been divided since the beginning. We only offer a suitable price for those who are willing to leave. Don't you accept it? Do you think they can forgive you?" Mrs. Rosaville said.

"I don't care." Mihashi Yu stepped back step by step, "The only thing I did wrong was trusting you and mistakenly believing that your fleet really existed."

"They exist." Mrs. Rosaville used her mind to create a puzzle and projected it into the air.

Mihashi Yu saw the sky filled with yellow sand, lava and bright red sun. A monster in black armor drove a sword shadow spanning dozens of miles, cutting through the fleet in the sky in an instant.

"What is this? A demon?" Mihashi Yu was surprised.

"I read the remnants of the spiritual power left by Elder Crohn in the subspace. Our fleet was destroyed by the Order, and now such creatures have appeared in New Tokyo. Listen to me, we were just also destroyed by the Blade Order. It's just murder," said Mrs. Rosaville.

"Asshole." Mihashi Yu gritted his teeth.

"Give me the weapon now." Mrs. Rosaville walked quickly towards Mihashi Yu.

"Don't come here!" Mihashi Yu took two steps back, his heart was shaken, and he pulled the trigger, sweating all over his head.

He pressed it twice and nothing happened.

After a moment, he saw unfamiliar alien text scrolling rapidly across a tiny monitor. He gritted his teeth and pressed twice more, but nothing happened except a similar error flash.

Mrs. Rosaville raised her leg forward and kicked Mihashi Yu away, then picked up the weapon and sighed.

"You lack the instinct of a warrior." She hung the gravity line releasing device back behind her skirt.

Mihashi Yu kept vomiting blood, and Mrs. Rosaville broke his ribs with just one kick. He vomited profusely, and there were some internal organ fragments in the blood.

"Kill...me..." Mihashi Yu hugged his arms and looked at Mrs. Rosaville angrily.

"You want to die?" Mrs. Rosaville frowned.

"I should...die proudly...accept punishment." Mihashi Yu's voice was distorted by the severe pain.

She glanced at the submarine in the secret dock behind her, and then at herself.

"It's no use." Mrs. Rosaville lowered her head.

"..." Mihashi Yu stared at her closely.

"I feel the approach of a high-risk target. Maybe it's your friend Zhang Su, maybe someone else." Mrs. Rosaville looked at the other end of the tunnel, where there was a slight vibration. "I can't risk being captured alive, and I can't Let you live like this."

She grabbed Mihashi Yu by the throat, fed him a pill of poison, and then took one herself.

Madame Rosaville waited for death to come.

"Sometimes I feel that what the Unbounded Alliance does is just wandering and escaping. This wandering has lasted for many epochs. When will we find a place to accommodate us? I really hope to find our promised land, No more wandering, getting rid of the devil's pursuit. We only need a dimension large enough to confirm our sovereignty and meet the needs of our people. No more escaping from one dimension to another, no longer confused in the subspace..." Mrs. Rosaville fell back, her body gradually twisting and deforming, returning to its true state, a huge, pale octopus-like creature.

Zhang Su broke through the infinitely huge subway tunnels in old Tokyo, chasing the insignificant breath and rushed to Mihashi Yu.

Mihashi Yu foamed at the mouth and turned to glare at Zhang Su.

"Die on the execution ground, don't die here." Zhang Su picked up Mihashi Yu.

Mihashi Yu held Zhang Su's shoulders tightly and read out a series of names with his last strength.

Zhang Su listened while leading him to retreat.

The names chilled him. They are the senior leaders and heads of human defense programs and today's large multinational companies, partners, and consortiums.

He's seen it on social media, seen it in the news. They are funny, creative, wealthy and loved by everyone, and they sell out the interests of humanity.

Mihashi Yu read many names and named the characters in the Red Letter plan one by one. He felt that his memory was fading, like a lightbulb with insufficient power. His mind no longer lit up, but became dimmed by the second. Once everything was swallowed by darkness, it would never return.

At the last moment, he remembered that Zhang Su, who was now coming to rescue him, was wearing the same armor as the armor in Mrs. Rosaville's vision.

"...Good friend..." Mihashi Yu patted Zhang Su on the shoulder and closed his eyes.

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