Witch containment diary

Chapter 401 Promoted to Dongming Guardian

Edith had no intention of participating in the conversation between Zhang Su and the marshal. For some reason, when she learned that the marshal was visiting, a half-smiling expression flashed across her face, and she quickly got dressed and left.

In the temporary barracks, Zhang Su set up the beacon.

It reaches the satellite directly, and inside is a vague silver-white double helix reality anchor to ensure safety.

Chu Xiangyan served lunch, roasted pork trotters with sauce, large roasted pork knuckles, and green pepper pork belly. Zhang Su asked her to eat outside if she had something to do.

"What kind of person is the Generalissimo?" Chu Xiangyan tore open the pork knuckle. The scorched skin cracked and was extremely crispy. She stuffed it into her mouth and bit it until it was full of oil.

"A peculiar person, a person with infinite determination, and only such a person can be in charge of the human defense plan to this day. It is difficult to integrate the defense of the entire earth, but he did it." Zhang Su said.

"I think, master, you can be the general marshal, Chu Boyao can be the general marshal, and so can Edith. As long as your strength reaches a certain level, you will definitely not lack confidence and courage." Chu Xiangyan said with a smile.

"There are many people whose strength and state of mind do not match. Many people who have been practicing for hundreds of years will get angry and lose their temper over trivial matters. People with strong nature have been brave and strong since childhood." Zhang Su said.

Chu Xiangyan nodded and exited the barracks, returning to the sunshine outside. The sun's rays rose to the middle, submerging the landscape of the greater Tokyo area in a golden color. It was so warm that it gave people the illusion of peace and quiet. Many people looked up at the sky and did not dare to look around.

After the beacon was established, Zhang Su saw the virtual image of the generalissimo.

It was an expressionless face, with a stern look. There were no badges on the wrinkled uniform, only two silver stars on the shoulders. That was his own logo. No one was qualified to award the Grand Marshal the title.

"Zhang Su." The Grand Marshal's voice sounded like rolling thunder.

"Yes." Zhang Su greeted him simply.

In his previous life, he had received a long period of training at King's Castle, but he had never seen the Grand Marshal in person. He only remembered that he gave orders very majestically and never showed his face.

"I already know about the disaster in Dongming Country. It was a tragedy, and someone must be responsible for it." The Grand Marshal said.

"There are many people who need to be responsible. I have a list of members of the Red Letter Project. However, Generalissimo Kazama Yoshihuai has removed me from my position. I am no longer the supervisor of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau." Zhang Su said .

"It doesn't matter, I know it was you who defeated the demons. Without your help, not only New Tokyo, but the entire earth will be destroyed." The Grand Marshal said loudly.

"Thank you for the compliment." Zhang Su nodded.

"I feel that your power is so powerful that you can be on par with monsters like the Blade Order. And your character has been tested and there is no need for further testing. No matter what you want to do, your ultimate goal is It is for the welfare of mankind." The generalissimo's tone was measured and authoritative.

"...It's all what I should do." Zhang Su said.

"I have some questions to ask you," the Grand Marshal said. "What kind of existence do you think the devil is?"

Zhang Su thought for a moment.

"The devil is like a cancer of intelligent creatures. We have to face it sooner or later, and there is no way to cure it. It grows by devouring the best parts of our hearts. Let us lose hope one after another. It is too difficult to defeat the devil in a short time, Once this idea of ​​quick victory is thwarted, we will inevitably become negative and have thoughts of surrender and escape. The switch from quick victory to quick defeat only takes a moment," Zhang Su said.

"Then what do you think is the most effective way to deal with demons?" the Grand Marshal then asked.

"We must be armed. I know that we are currently experimenting with some plans, hoping to make some of us strong enough to carry out individual actions against the devil and cause a serious blow. But that is not enough unless we can make all the people become Strong, everyone is exposed to the opportunity of practice, and everyone is exposed to the training method." Zhang Su said.

"It means that mankind will transform into a civilization where all people are armed." The Grand Marshal pondered.

"This is our way out. Then we can mobilize a large amount of active forces to explore other dimensions and arm other dimensions. We can train our own emissaries and condense our own gods. Why are we waiting for the devil to fight in the earth? We? We should go out of the earth and go to many places. Traveling through dimensions is not difficult, at least in my opinion, there are many ways to travel to other worlds." Zhang Su said.

The image of the Grand Marshal on the screen flickered slightly.

"Zhang Su, stand at attention." He said.

"Yes." Zhang Su stood still. Their eyes met, as if they were sharing a huge and heavy mission in silence.

"In view of your unparalleled performance, I have decided to grant you the title of Dongming Guardian. This title means honor and responsibility. From now on, you will receive full support from the human defense plan. You are qualified to supervise and control everything in Dongming. Within the territory of the country, no one is higher than you, and no one can give you orders. You can freely judge and decide the future of the Dongming Kingdom Theater," the Generalissimo said.

His majestic voice conveyed an invisible majesty, vibrating like several huge copper bells.

Zhang Su was stunned for a moment.

"Dongming Guardian"!

This means that he will be the ruler of Dongming Kingdom from now on. Zhang Su thought. She has the same high position of power as Edith in the past.

But this is too ridiculous.

"——You can't assert that." Zhang Su stared at the screen, "Why do you trust me so much? What if I am also a spy sent by the devil? With such a powerful force, have I also made a deal with the devil?"


"Last year I was just an ordinary low-level supervisor, and only one year later I took up my duties as the guardian of Dongming Country? Is the future of Dongming Country decided so rashly?" Zhang Su said seriously.

"What are you talking about? I trust you." The Generalissimo questioned.

"Is trust so easy to obtain?" Zhang Su asked, "We haven't even met each other, and with just one communication, you decided the life and death of 100 million people on the other side of the earth? And just because you asked me After a few conversations, and I answered well, you think such an important position can be given to me? Is the Human Defense Plan using this kind of grassroots team-like method to select talents? Do you think this is a little red flower awarded in kindergarten, and there are correct answers? prize?"

"You defeated the devil, you were trusted by most people, and you saved Dongming Country." The Generalissimo said incredulously, "Do you think this is not enough, or do you have no confidence in yourself?"

"I have no confidence in the human defense plan now. So many resources on the earth have been wasted, ridiculously wasted, the relationship between humans and witches is a mess, and the gates of hell are closing so slowly. People say you are determined Incomparable Generalissimo, in my opinion, you have no ability to manage the entire earth, and you just randomly handed over such a position to a stranger. No one with courage and leadership would leave such a huge It's a mess. Just like today's great disaster in the Tomyo Kingdom, tens of millions of people died. Mihashi Yu is responsible, Ansuin Ryuichi is responsible, and I, Edith, and Akazawa Yoshio also have their own problems. But your responsibility is the biggest. , Grand Marshal, Grand Marshal... How can you be such a Grand Marshal with such virtue?" Zhang Su said decisively.

After a storm of criticism, the generalissimo fell silent.

"You declared me the guardian of Dongming, but I refuse the title you gave me. I refuse to continue to serve in the human defense plan. You can send people to arrest me, but I don't care, because I know you can't mess with me at all. Here Previously, this was the list of members of Project Red Letter, you listen and then deal with them: Human Defense Program Chief Scientist Aisha Patar; Director of Global Military Operations Alessandro; E77 Director of International Relations Merlin; Navy Adm. General Kamel Falsi; Prime Minister Khalid Mansour, Takahashi Ryuji, President Li Junhao, Providence Group President Isabella Santos..." Zhang Su named a total of sixteen names , these are the most important figures on the list and the precious legacy left by Yu Mihashi.

Then he ended the communication without giving the Generalissimo a chance to continue speaking.

Zhang Su walked out of the barracks.

In this case, everything with the human defense plan will be over. Now it is not only disconnected from the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, but also has nothing to do with the human defense plan. Zhang Su thought silently.

Edith was at the door.

"I originally wanted to persuade you to leave the human defense plan, but I didn't expect you to leave on your own." Edith leaned against the barracks.

"What about you? Are you coming with me?" Zhang Su asked.

"No." Edith said, "I have a contract buried in the Castle. The contract stipulates that I will serve the human defense plan until it expires in three years."

"It's a time of natural disaster." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, when the time comes, I need you to help me dig out the contract and tear it up." Edith looked into the distance, "I'm leaving. The kangaroos in Australia and New Zealand are still waiting for me to save them."

"...Goodbye." Zhang Su kissed her one last time.

In the afternoon, Zhang Su was strolling outside.

More prefabricated houses are scattered across the vacant land. A large number of temporary housing dropped by helicopters are added up layer by layer to form a white plastic edifice. It is easy to get lost in such a maze.

Zhang Su strolled for a while and saw many lost residents looking uneasy. Farther away, soldiers were patrolling with guns drawn. He took a deep breath, and the title of "Guardian of Dongming" passed over him in an instant, but he didn't care.

Shang Shuqin hurried over.

She was dressed fashionably, with a white shirt of good material and a black vest, which hugged her figure and was very eye-catching. She finally put on high heels and new stockings.

"Hey, why are you out of the human defense plan..." Before she could finish speaking, Zhang Su picked her up.

"You also come with me." Zhang Su kissed her hard, "Stop going to work, I will support you."

"What are you doing? I love going to work." Shang Shuqin lay on Zhang Su's shoulder, blushing, "Where are you putting your hands?"

"I quit. My work has been done. Without me, the world would have been destroyed three days ago, but everything has survived. I feel that this has balanced my merits and demerits. From today on, I can do whatever I want. It’s done.” Zhang Su said.

"Humph. Put me down. What will happen next?" Shang Shuqin asked.

"Future people will handle future matters." Zhang Su didn't care, "But there is absolutely no way out with this empty shell of the Human Defense Plan."

"Ahhhh..." Shang Shuqin said lazily, "But there are still some finishing touches, so come with me."

"Okay." Zhang Su followed her.

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