Witch containment diary

Chapter 402 Decided to give amnesty to the world

From the crumbling ruins of Tokyo, refugee camps spread.

Rows of dilapidated shelters and makeshift houses stretch down to the edge of the beach, a mix of faint shouts, hammering machinery, coughs and the hum of emergency generators.

Zhang Su looked in the other direction. The high-rise building of Sunrise Headquarters was being demolished due to its shaky state. The construction team was measuring the placement of explosives and studying how to properly demolish it.

"You seem to be in a better mood." Shang Shuqin walked backwards and looked at Zhang Su.

She is a complete true witch, and now she can vaguely feel the happiness in Zhang Su.

"Of course." Zhang Su said, "I feel that the direction of my previous efforts was a bit wrong. Why bother with the human defense plan? It is best to do it yourself. The generalissimo's army is nothing. What about you?"

Staying in the human defense program has to face endless lies, and only the truth can satisfy him. Shang Shuqin tilted his head and thought.

"I cherish you. I think you have some doubts, but hold my hand. I think people like you are really good enough, hardworking enough, and hard enough. God will reward you." Shang Shu Qin shook Zhang Su's hand.

"Thank you." Zhang Su hugged Shang Shuqin gently, "You helped me a lot."

Although it was a bit bizarre, Shang Shuqin was indeed infected by Zhang Su's deviant style today.

Feeling Zhang Su's arm, her heart moved and she needed to relax the pressure.

So Shang Shuqin changed directions and took him across the red line to the corner of the ruins. They couldn't help but hug him closely near the load-bearing wall that was about to collapse.

When they met again, there was a taste of mint in her mouth, and her eyes were filled with joy and contentment.

"I was about to run away on my own." She hugged Zhang Su's shoulders, "Seeing you on top of the sky gave me a little courage. That was the most thrilling day for me, but I never regret it. "

In the evening, Shang Shuqin took Zhang Su across the ruins to the place where she originally wanted to take Zhang Su, which was the temporary camp of the human defense plan.

Zhang Su originally wanted to cross over as usual, but then he thought that he had retired, so he stopped.

After Shang Shuqin made the announcement, a familiar figure came out.

"Zhang Su." Fengjian Yihuai looked at him carefully.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" Zhang Su was surprised.

"...Don't think about it, I was just knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was locked in the Prime Minister's room until Shang Shuqin sent a team of soldiers to find me." Kazama Yihuai said, "I just got the news , you actually resigned. Now everyone is spreading rumors about you, saying that you are colluding with foreign enemies."

"Who cares?" Zhang Su said, "Are you going to teach me a lesson for this again?"

"No." Kazama Yihuai said with some surprise, "No, it won't."

"What?" Zhang Su asked.

"I woke up. Since I woke up in the Prime Minister's room, I thought about everything I have done in the past two years. It was very shocking. I have always been complacent about what I have done and feel that I have done everything within my ability. . But compared to what you have done, what I have done is nothing! Even ten of me can’t compare to one of you. I will not question you, and will protect your reputation in front of everyone and the media. I I guarantee your honor with my honor, that's it." Kazama Yihuai said.

"You kid finally figured it out." Zhang Su sighed.

Kazama Yihuai nodded.

They looked around. Homeless dogs and cats were wandering among the ruins, looking for the remains of their dead owners. Ragged scavengers stared blankly at their homes that had been transformed into ruins. A few sporadic sounds were heard in the distance. Gunshots were fired, it was Akasawa Yoshio's troops controlling the situation.

"But I'm still sorry that you withdrew from the human defense plan. Before we defeated the demon, we were already divided internally, and it can never be healed." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"I can't sit still and wait for death. The human defense plan is limiting my performance." Zhang Su said.

"I understand that if I saw what you saw, those shameful betrayals, maybe I would quit. But we both admit that my sense of responsibility is stronger than yours, and I can't leave everything behind in Tokyo. I was too negligent, which caused the reality anchor to be pulled out. Now I have to make up for my big mistake and rebuild this place brick by brick. Fortunately, I heard that Anxin Home was not damaged, and you should go back soon." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Yes, I want to go back. As long as you have the ability to handle things here. I'm also glad that you are not dead. You are born to do delicate and troublesome work." Zhang Su said.

"Then let's reconcile." Fengjian Yihuai walked towards Zhang Su and shook hands with him, "I know that from now on you will have to walk your own path, a more difficult path, but I know that what you do is better than those of us who wear clothes. There are more men in uniform, and they are greater. As long as I live, we can continue to work together."

"...Okay, I'll help you." Zhang Su silently shook Fengjian Yihuai's hand as a comrade. From his past life to this life, it was not easy to gain the trust of Fengjian Yihuai. "I wish you well. transport."

"It's not over yet." Kazama Yihuai said, "We have to go to see Akazawa Yoshio and decide with her how to manage the new country."

The followers of the trend built a new general armor for Akazawa Yoshio, and she was protected by a whole team of elite troops. After capturing Yu Mihashi, she completed the "war" and gained the strength to break the throne for the second time.

The former civilian staff of New Tokyo have now transformed into her staff, responsible for handling troop mobilization, supplies, and post-disaster reconstruction.

After Zhang Su, Kazama Yihuai and Shang Shuqin arrived, Akasawa Jiashi received them.

"Please take a seat." She said and glanced at Zhang Su. "Governing a country is a difficult task. I am glad that you all came to share the new news in time."

"Although I am a public official, I want to conduct diplomacy on behalf of Zishan Group, a merchant in China. Our company is willing to carry out a series of cooperation in the future and become a bridge for trade between Dongming and China." Shang Shuqin saluted Akazawa Yoshie .

"We will never forget that Zishan Group donated materials to help us tide over the difficulties. We will also cooperate in depth with Zishan Group in the future." Akasawa Yoshie said.

"Is Mihashi Yu not dead?" Zhang Su asked.

"After you rescued him, we sent a medical team to rescue him. Unfortunately, he only had a few days to live. He accepted it all and happily told more details, including what happened between him and the alien agents. And he was willing to testify. According to the Shinto plan, there should be a large-scale purge campaign in the future. After that, we will briefly try Mihashi Yu and then execute him," Akazawa Yoshiyo said.

"Well..." Zhang Su nodded, "How do you plan to manage this country?"

"I will confiscate the assets of those traitorous companies left in Dongming Country. These funds should be enough for us to tide over the difficulties and recover from the war as soon as possible. After that, I will organize an army to fight against the devil. This army will be a purely The war group exports weapons, soldiers, mercenaries, war witches and combat robots for the overseas fight against demons. Zhang Su, you should be the most suitable to train this war group. I also need to work together to draft a war that is in line with the spirit of the new country. Law. By the way, regarding this, I want to ask you, how to deal with the relationship between us witches and humans?" Akasawa Yoshiyo manages according to the method of war.

"My plan is to close all witch prisons." Zhang Su said, "The existence of witch prisons is a shame. It penetrates into the lives of witches and makes them feel that they are being monitored and controlled by humans. Since you are a witch To rule this country, you should establish an era where true witches and humans coexist as equals."

"What kind of laws should a witch abide by?" Akazawa Yoshiyo asked.

"Humans must pass a series of tests to obtain nationality when joining a country. Witches who want to stay in Dongming must join a witch association. This association is guaranteed by the god Hongyan to ensure the validity of the oath. The witches swear not to cause trouble in Dongming. Once they break their oath, they will will be arrested by Hongyan. This is more effective than all prisons." Zhang Su said.

"You run Anxinyuan, I didn't expect you to disband it yourself." Akazawa Yoshiyo sighed.

"This method of witch prison and imprisonment is twisted in itself. I can exert control over the witches and have multiple physical and psychological effects on them. I have experienced it personally and feel that these rules aggravate the imbalance in the relationship, causing the witches to become even more Distortion, physical and mental pain, damage to their dignity, just like human prisoners are degrading. Rigid laws make witches feel very uncomfortable, and will only intensify the contradiction between witches and humans." Zhang Su said.

"But you obviously have a good relationship with the witches, and you have a good relationship with me." Akazawa Yoshiyo was surprised.

"It's more about teaching and teaching people to do things. Most useful things are the result of education, rather than being imprisoned or repenting. Anxinyuan will become an open educational institution, allowing witches to take the initiative to meditate, repent, and accept Take shelter, pursue becoming a better witch, and develop your potential. Instead of being sent here by a prison armored vehicle." Zhang Su said.

"What do you think?" Akazawa Yoshiyo looked at Kazama Yoshikaei.

"I have no objection." Kazama Yihuai stood on Zhang Su's side this time.

He also silently sighed in his heart, to amnesty the world and release all the witches, indeed only Zhang Su had the courage to do so. From now on, at least in Dongming, the relationship between witches and humans will enter a new chapter.

"I also want to do my best for witches and humans. Then, I will consult all witches and offer amnesty to the world. Those who are willing to stay must join the witch association, change their beliefs, and unite with our local god Hongyan in Dongming. Those who are not willing If you do, you must receive additional supervision or leave here." Akazawa Yoshiyo understood.

"In fact, you should also believe in Hongyan. She is one of the few god-like witches who can fulfill her wishes in the world. We should take good care of her." Zhang Su raised his hand and summoned the shadow of Hongyan, and she walked around Go and turn around with your eyes closed, the damaged buildings around you are quickly rebuilt, and the ruin-like land becomes fertile, "Don't forget, she loves building houses the most."

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