Witch containment diary

Chapter 403 Continuously increasing emotions

As a result, Zhang Su disbanded all witch shelters, including Anxin Hospital.

All the witches were released, and the children in Anyuan were freed from their sins forever and were completely forgiven legally. All the sins committed by the witches would never be passed down to the next generation.

Zhang Su asked everyone in An'an Hospital to think carefully about what to do in the future. After that, he used the red flames to appear in New Tokyo to repair the city.

Wherever he walked, the broken bridges were miraculously rebuilt, and the broken houses restored themselves. People were still worrying about how to survive the difficult times. Overnight, they saw that a quarter of the city had been restored. Naturally, Surprised and delighted, he worshiped the red flame image that appeared behind Zhang Su.

"Is this the legendary power of red flames?"

"The Red Flame Bodhisattva broadcasts live broadcasts of building a house every day. It turns out that he is training in advance for this day!"

"Will Lord Hongyan pour sewage into the city like the live broadcast..."

"The live broadcast training is so effective that the road network has been restored!"

"He is indeed a bodhisattva of great mercy and compassion..." People were very moved.

Hongyan was lying in An'an Hospital, and suddenly she felt that her will power had greatly increased, and more and more people spontaneously joined in their devotion to Hongyan.

"Wow... is the power of the Bodhisattva going to conquer the world?" Hong Yan felt unprecedented power coming out of her body. Her hair grew longer, her height grew, and she became a super beautiful girl again. Everything should have been done for her by Zhang Su who was far away. This feeling makes Hong Yan very happy.

In New Tokyo, Zhang Su unloaded his burdens while walking, intending to travel to other places to practice and complete a complete transformation in order to face the natural disaster.

People who were familiar with him came to say goodbye one after another.

"I am Chloe." The white-winged angel Chloe hovered down, "I'm sorry, because my sister Jiangqu was injured, I want to return to the spirit world as soon as possible. I originally had thousands of words, but now I can only briefly convey to Godis's mother His will."

"Gedith...the angel lord of the spiritual world." Zhang Su understood, "What does she have in mind?"

"My mother has seen the disasters in the world and is very compassionate. She also noticed how you saved everything and the 'favor' you are currently carrying. That is the blessing of Hong Yan. Hong Yan is the ascended witch and is essentially the same as my mother. It is a series, and will eventually ascend to the spiritual world to join the eternal perfection of the mountains. There are oranges all over the mountains and plains prepared for her to make rice cakes. What my mother means is that she also left a seat for you until the future. Once the decision has been made, you can freely go to the spirit world, drink immortal food, and enjoy a long youth." Chloe said.

"Thank you for this opportunity. And thank you for helping us seal the gate of hell." Zhang Su stared at Chloe.

There was a lot of love between them in their previous life, but this time it may not be the same because Chloe is too busy.

"I also thank you for all your contributions to fighting the devil." Chloe felt something strange in her heart. She had never been so excited since she was born. She smiled slightly and turned to leave.

Zhang Su continued to move forward.

Li Yixin knew that Zhang Su would not change his mind once he made up his mind. She walked through the cracks in the subspace and came to Zhang Su with a shadow-like flicker on her body.

"Zhang Su." Her voice was hoarse, "You should know that I turned into a devil."

"What will you do in the future?" Zhang Su asked.

"The power of the devil is burning in my body." Li Yixin said, "Edith asked me to wear the hollowed-out phase demon. Do you remember? It was the phase demon we dealt with back then, its ashes, and its remnant soul. , now firmly fused with my body." Her face was covered with black mist, demon flesh sprouted all over her body, her size became larger and more terrifying, "This kind of power makes me addicted. I am still in Edith I took away the power of Mr. Fortunado, Nazmi, and the Blade Commander under the instructions of my boss. The three demons we finally defeated are now reborn in me. Just like our fight with the demons, there is no end. "

Li Yixin raised his hand, and it lit up with the gold of wealth, the purple of wisdom, the gray of the blade, and the iridescence of phase power.

"Nazmi was originally sealed by Xincheng Meiyu." Zhang Su said.

"It left using the space teleportation technique and passed through the subspace on the way. That was where I was hiding. I assassinated it." Li Yixin looked ugly and embarrassed, with a strange blade on his body.

"These demonic powers will make you inhumane." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, we all know that you are the only person in this world to whom I can express my feelings. Do you still remember that I was once as innocent and courageous as Chu Xiangyan, but now I am speechless." Li Yixin shed his demonic flesh and blood, He regained his pale appearance and gradually became unrecognizable to Zhang Su. "I used to be very jealous of your power, the power that can defeat demons. Now I have it myself, but I can't laugh. Zhang Su, hold my hand."

She held out her hand.

Zhang Su shook hands with her, and the righteousness in him began to burn Li Yixin's palm, leaving a deep scar. He quickly took it back, while Li Yixin nodded.

"This is Edith's idea. I am a qualified container, a container that absorbs dead demons. Now the slain demons are sealed in my body, so that I can not only temporarily absorb their power and become stronger , it is also very convenient to deal with in the end." Li Yixin said.

"Deal with it..." Zhang Su was stunned.

"There is a limit to the amount of demons I can absorb. Once I can no longer support it, I cannot die without authorization, because then the demons will be returned to hell. Edith has a box, a huge storage room. I will be sent there in the future, together with the thousands of demons swallowed in my body, so that they cannot be reborn in hell over and over again. And I will remain silent in a quiet and clean place." Li Yixin said, " Zhang Su, I’m telling you now, please, when I become like that, you must come and visit me.”

"I will rescue you." Zhang Su said.

"Don't worry too much about people like me. I'm nothing. And you, take care of yourself." Li Yixin turned around and walked into nothingness.

Zhang Su was silent and walked a few kilometers north.

The troops under Chiyo Fujikawa were newly armed and organized and became a force to assist the new country. They were stationed on both sides of the Tokyo river.

She came alone to say goodbye to Zhang Su.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Fujikawa Chiyo looked at Zhang Su on the road.

"This is not suitable for me." Zhang Su said.

"I know that you are very unique." Fujikawa Chiyo sighed, "I will never forget the extremely strange experiences I have had over the past year, from being a prisoner to revitalizing the family. Without your help, I don't know how many times I would have died. . But now, relying on Akazawa Yoshio’s care, I can still stand firm.”

"This is because you were willing to help in previous battles and you won the status of the family. This is a good thing." Zhang Su encouraged.

"What you have done is amazing. We have just experienced a battle that can be recorded in history. Thinking about it now is still like a dream. I have found an opportunity that will allow me to become a broken witch. The development prospects of thunder and lightning magic are great. I hope There will be a day when I can join the big battle. Now, Zhang Su, I've brought wine, let's have a drink!" Fujikawa Chiyo took out the prepared Dassai wine.

Zhang Su pointed to the ground.

"Look, Chiyo, this land we stand on, this vast planet, has endured more in the previous battles. I propose to toast it first, thank it for cultivating humans and witches like us, thank it Provide a good home for our lives." Zhang Su picked up the wine glass.

"Yes!" Fujikawa Chiyo agreed.

Before drinking, they poured wine on the earth together under the scorching sun to commemorate this world that was invaded by demons.

On the way out of New Tokyo, Zhang Su saw Renwu's car in the chaotic convoy. He thought it was Renwu coming, but it turned out to be Kyoji.

"Kyoji." Zhang Su brought him the tape found in Shengyang Building, "Long Yi left this tape before he left. I think it belongs to your family."

"Hey - Long Yi is always like this." Kyoji picked it up, "Do you want to hear it?"

"Forget it." Zhang Su shook his head.

Kyoji finished listening to the recording left by Long Yi in the car.

"Brother Long Yi is so handsome." Kyoji looked out the car window. "He said a lot of great things. Hey, it also makes me feel ashamed. No two of us brothers and sisters are similar to each other. It's really weird. . If it were me, I would never leave so coolly."

"He left? Where did he go? It couldn't be hell." Zhang Su said.

"Yes. But it's probably the best ending for him. After all, if we catch him, we can only execute him. By then, both I and Sister Lianwu will be heartbroken. Ah - yes, that's right. In this way, Brother Long left on his own to prevent us from being sad. This guy who saved our tears without permission..." Kyoji shook his head.

"He committed a crime." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, and it is said that Hideyuki's father was seriously injured in prison. I went to New Tokyo to visit my girlfriend and my father this time. That's probably what happened." Kyoji said.

"Where is Lianwu?" Zhang Su was concerned.

"Since the announcement of the preliminary closure of Ansin Home and the nationwide witch prisons, and the amnesty for witches, my sister has been a little strange. You should go back to Anshen Home and have a look." Kyoji said.

"I'm going back." Zhang Su said, "But I will deal with the demon group in the north first, and then return to Anxinyuan."

"I wish you good luck!" Kyoji nodded.

Walking through the traffic, Zhang Su heard a burst of powerful footsteps.

"Master, can I go with you?" Chu Xiangyan ran wildly and followed Zhang Su.

"We have known each other not long ago, and I haven't taught you many methods. You can practice with me for another year, and then leave and return to China." Zhang Su said.

"Thank you, master!" Chu Xiangyan knelt on the ground and formally bowed to Zhang Su, "Where should we go next?"

"North." Zhang Su said.

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