Witch containment diary

Chapter 406 The world after growing up

Fighting demons is more troublesome, and humans have mastered flexible and active war-avoidance. This is a more feasible method developed by Zhang Su after cooperating with others.

Demons are powerful and powerful, and a head-on confrontation is like hitting a stone with an egg. Therefore, human beings must spread out. They can go to space residential stations, build deep sea shelters and deep underground shelters, and ride rockets to the vast sea of ​​​​stars, which can be regarded as fire. Other worlds excavated by Hong Yan also diverted many humans.

The vast earth will become a guerrilla zone for the strong to ambush the demons. A small number of the most powerful witches and breath-eaters will stay and attack sporadically on the 510 million square kilometers of earth, concentrating powerful firepower in local areas to severely damage the demons.

The concept proved to be very suitable, transferring a large amount of living forces, and the earth almost became an empty ball, not even worth being destroyed by demons.

The disadvantage is that the land is desolate and the ruins are scattered all over the place. Sometimes Zhang Su doesn't see a single person for months, so he learns to talk to himself.

After fifteen minutes, he finally repaired the sports car in front of him.

Zhang Su got into the car and turned on the car music. The memory card, chips and components were more durable and had not broken down until now. A burst of popular dance music from the previous era came from it, and he nodded.

The scavengers couldn't help but come over in twos and threes, looking at this strange scene with confusion, a car! It looked like something someone would drive before a natural disaster, and some of the sad people among them couldn't hold back their tears.

"I haven't seen a car like this for a long time..."


Zhang Su turned his head and glanced at the survivors in ragged clothes. Scavengers have established small settlements across the land to survive in the demon-infested wasteland.

"Where is the largest demon camp nearby?" Zhang Su asked.

The scavenger pointed out the direction of the Devil's Fortress on the seaside. Zhang Su nodded and stepped on the accelerator. The demons should be coming for him now, he thought to himself.

Before the natural disaster, the human defense plan cleared out the traitors and went into battle lightly. It also sealed many Hell Gates in an attempt to seal the fringe area and allow the demons to concentrate on landing in several locations. The remaining Hell Gates were connected to form several major, A massive demonic invasion of the rift. The Generalissimo did not agree with the "active war avoidance" suggested by Zhang Su, thinking that he was just timid, so he chose to organize many soldiers and civilians to stay and fight until the last moment, instead of arranging a retreat like Zhang Su did.

Zhang Su continued to drive and enjoyed the material legacy left by the previous era for a while, which made him feel relaxed.

He saw countless huge concrete walls along the coast, like gray giants hugging each other and standing silently, which reminded him of the Wall of Dongzhou long ago.

However, like the Wall of East Continent, they are almost useless. This time it is not because of betrayal or transactions, but because the demons have opened countless gates to hell and can easily bypass these walls.

Facts have proved that as long as the hell demons are determined to penetrate the defense line of one dimension, the alliance of humans and witches cannot resist it.

The spirit world itself was besieged and fell, and part of it materialized and crashed into the earth, causing terrible earthquakes and a slight shift in the earth's orbit, resulting in the intense summer now lasting 9 months, autumn lasting 2 months, and winter lasting only For about a month, it became even drier, with almost no agriculture to speak of, and the shock waves caused by the earthquake also caused a lot of losses.

Zhang Su stopped the car.

He saw the demonic fortress built on the seaside. The seawater around it had been evaporated by the flames, and the landscape turned into hell, with mottled molten cracks appearing, like bloody scars on the face of the earth.

"Come on." Zhang Su jumped up and quickly approached the Hell Fortress.

The God of War reached into the earth, used his strength to pull up the land within a radius of about four kilometers, peeling it off the ground, triggering rounds of earthquakes, and then raised it into the air to form a huge floating island.


"what is that?"

"The earth cracked..." The demons climbed to the top of the fortress and looked at the huge mountains in the distance that were lifted into the sky in amazement.

"Go." Zhang Su threw his hand forward, like a pitcher throwing a fast and deadly ball.

The entire rock mass was thrown out and hit the fortress with force, shaking its foundation in an instant. The walls were shattered with a huge roar, and the scattered clods of soil shot out. Each piece was as big as a building, ruthlessly When the ground presses on top of the demons, submerging them or killing them or crushing them, this is a real landslide.

"Wow ah——"

"Being crushed to death..."

"Human attack——!" More than half of the demons were destroyed in an instant, and the originally indestructible fortress was submerged by the broken soil.

A terrifying black blade energy broke through the soil, and a demon general with four horns flew out with a giant axe. It flapped its wings and moved extremely fast, leaving a sound barrier in place and covering several kilometers in just one second. Came to Zhang Su.

Now that Zhang Su has rich experience, he can probably tell whether the devil is stronger based on his speed. Generally speaking, anyone who is not as fast as him will definitely not be able to beat him.

It swung the axe, and Zhang Su instantly came behind it. Qi Jin used a method similar to negative pressure suction to push Zhang Su himself to move. He could use Qi Jin to exchange positions with the air in a large area, thereby instantly moving him. He moved more than ten kilometers away, faster than this demon general.


The demon general swung his axe, shooting out streaks of blade light in the air. Each blow pierced the ground, cutting a knife mark with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters in the wasteland.

It also sensed that Zhang Su was behind it, and immediately dodged based on instinct. Zhang Su punched it hard, hitting it in the back.


Two explosions sounded. The first one was Zhang Su's hit, and the second one was a powerful reaction force coming from the demon's body. It instantly swallowed up Zhang Su's energy and then sent it back twice as much, making Zhang Su have to avoid himself. The fist edge.

Qi Jin internal pressure armor. Zhang Su thought silently. This is a countermeasure developed by the demons after they sensed the threat of Zhang Su after the New Tokyo War a long time ago. This kind of strong breeding armor was added to the elite part of the demon army, which can detect the incoming energy and counterattack.

But Zhang Su had previously trained Qi Jin to operate precisely for this reason.

"Roar!" The demon general turned around and swung an axe.

Zhang Su moved slightly in the air, opened a thousand meters distance to find an angle to avoid, and then punched again.

The strength of this punch is equally astonishing. It quickly dissolves before hitting, penetrating all the way like running water into a sand bottle, embedding the devil's shell through the small gaps, and then pulling it out like a hook or a sickle, peeling off the devil's carapace.

Following a series of crisp explosions, Zhang Su immediately saw large areas of damage appearing on the Demon General's body. The green soul flames shot out and began to dissipate, causing damage before the Qi Jin Armor was triggered.

"——A terrible opponent, but this fighting spirit makes me happy." The demon general distanced himself and stared at Zhang Su. Its wounds were taking away its vitality, but it still stood.

"..." Zhang Su clenched his fists and thought about how to resolve the battle quickly. If it dragged on for too long, other general-level demon reinforcements would be in trouble.

These generals are all demons at the level of legion commanders. They only left their legions and became a guard for the sake of unified dispatch. Now it is easy to deal with one on one, but it will be more difficult to deal with more than one.

Zhang Su raised his hand to release the negative pressure cyclone, and tried to suck the demon general away like before, intending to use countless stones to absorb it and form a rock ball to crush it to death.

The demon general stood on the ground, using the demon treasure on his body to maintain his concentration. At the same time, he aimed at Zhang Su, raised his ax high, and prepared to attack again.


There was a crisp sound, and the Demon General suddenly saw his chest crack, and a sharp shadow emerged from it.

Such a fatal penetrating injury greatly weakened it, making it unable to resist the invisible gravity in the air, and its body rose rapidly. Then, it felt that it had been stabbed hard again.

curse? magic? Qi Jin? The demon general was stunned, but couldn't tell.


The third attack came, more deadly, vicious, and cruel. The demon general was now faced with Zhang Su's 400 layers of explosive Qi pressure and invisible thorns. He couldn't look at each other from head to tail!

Although he struggled hard, his body was severely damaged and gradually spontaneously ignited, forming a huge green flame.

"I will see you again -" The demon general stared at Zhang Su, and then was driven back to hell. Even until it died, it never saw that its own shadow on the ground was being stabbed crazily.

"Die." Zhang Su punched its head.

"You are killing me!" An angry voice came from the ground.

"How old are you, and you still care about this!" Zhang Su shook his head.

He absorbed the demonic essence floating in the air, which was very sufficient. If it was completely refined, the energy would rise to four hundred and ten levels.

The energy of general-level demons is quite impressive, but many of them have their own unique skills. When fighting, they may fight back desperately, making hunting not so easy.

"Let's go quickly." Hayho took the shadow cone and ran away, "Go back to the ark. This demon head will be counted as my battle merit."

After the Ark of Vision was implanted with the power of flame marrow, the ship could travel freely through different dimensions. The plan to defeat the devil and take back the earth was all completed on that ship.

"I'm sorry, we don't usually act like this." Sui Ying apologized to Zhang Su. She now exists on her own.

Zhang Su nodded. Now 20 years old, Saho has also gained the strength to break the throne once. Now he pokes devils everywhere, which is very consistent with the concept of "active war avoidance".

As long as you poke enough, the position will be broken very quickly. Moreover, her attack on the shadow can be directly reflected on the demon body, which is very fatal to most demons without special defense.

"I'm used to it." Zhang Su followed Zaosui.

Saho lit up the beacon in her hand and summoned the portal of the Ark of Vision. Before the ship's navigator opened the door, she looked at Zhang Su carefully.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Su asked.

"Lao Deng, it's great that you're not dead, it's great that we are alive," said Saho.

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