Witch containment diary

Chapter 407 Vision Ark Ship

The Ark of Vision, a large mobile living space station, carries the flame marrow power source of the Seven Worlds of Flame Bottle and the jump engine recycled by the technology of the Unbounded Alliance. It is parked in the sky above the hive world most of the time.

Zhang Su and Zaosui walked through the temporary portal created by the beacon and returned to the ship.

The little bees are working on the bridge, forming a long queue, taking turns to put down the debris they are carrying to the loading and unloading area, and then run back and transport it back from the production line.

"You are so diligent. If you do this, there will be a lot of people doing the chores." Saho crossed his arms and leaned back, looking very conceited.

Zhang Su looked at Xiao Xiaofeng. They were the descendants of Zhang Su and Xiaofeng. They were all witches in the juvenile stage of the insect swarm. They were relatively small, only about 130 to 140 centimeters tall, equivalent to lower grade students.

The clothes are all uniform, including white or blue short-sleeved T-shirts, trousers, work shoes or bare feet, and yellow safety helmets or reflective striped hats. They look very similar. They are both what Xiaofeng or Youfalin looked like when they were young and immature.

The little bees took over most of the work on the ship. Although they looked stupid, they inherited Zhang Su's genes, so they have very strong strength under their thin appearance. Each one can carry about 100 kilograms. of goods, the movement is very easy.

"Hey hoo...hey hoo..."

"It's work..."

They worked very hard, there were so many of them as far as the eye can see, and when Zhang Su passed by, they all turned to look at him in unison because they felt a familiar aura from him.

"Hello." Zhang Su also walked over and gave them a high-five when they were free, so that they would feel better.

All the little bees present looked at him. The insect swarm is the collective will of the mind. As long as Zhang Su greets a little bee, all the little bees can feel his concern, and the activities of a little bee will also be affected. Represents the will of most of the insect swarm.

Xiao Xiaofeng has high average intelligence, is also very loyal, is easy to feed, and is protected by Zhang Su.

The insect swarm will let the weak insects starve to death or eat them, but Zhang Su protects the rights of the children. About one in ten children here are born weak and would have been thrown into a corner to fend for themselves. However, Zhang Su asked to be saved, work hard to support him, grow up normally, join the work sequence, and become part of the insect swarm.

The wasps hatch more than ten eggs every day, and so far 15,000 little wasps have been hatched.

Some of the best wasps are trained as candidates for the queen. After the wasps break through to the second position, they will be allowed to become the first position and gain the ability to lay eggs, thus achieving the geometric expansion of the insect swarm.

After special training, Zhang Su was extremely hungry.

He came to the restaurant. Most of the food was rice-like crops produced in the hive world, and the protein was extracted and made into blocks.

The restaurant is full of little bees at a glance, and there are no boundaries. When you are hungry, you will quickly go to the restaurant to eat, and when you feel full, you will return to work.

They cannot eat too much. The wasps use mind control to control their appetite. After all, if they eat too much, they will evolve, and once too many small wasps break through, they will threaten the wasps' dominance over the insect swarm.

"There are endless bugs here! But we still eat these things. Even the black goat meat is precious. It's because the bugs don't work hard." Hayho picked up a piece of mixed-colored nutrients.

"They are not bugs, they are also witches, just like you." Zhang Su said, "You should understand their work."

"Now I just want to fight off the demons and go back to the ground." Hayho said, "I want to eat meat and drink Coke."

Zhang Su finished off box after box of energy.

"Who is not on the road to becoming stronger? Even the little bees are becoming stronger. This group of little bees will become stronger in the future as the strength of the insect swarm increases. They are all the future queens. There will be My own insect swarm. I found that you lack basic respect for them. If you are so rude, how should others respect you?" Zhang Su said.

"I am a master, they will respect my power, that's enough." Saho said.

"I'm very sorry...I apologize to you on her behalf." Sui Ying bowed to Zhang Su on the ground, looking like Hao Sui clinging to the ground and then bending down.

"In order for you, me, and everyone else to freely enter and leave the Ark of Vision, and to provide basic resources for our survival, Little Bee has worked hard. Come with me. Before the next operation begins, we have to take care of the ship. Little bees." Zhang Su stood up.

"Humph." Zaosui followed Zhang Su.

Arriving at the ship's laundry area, the little bees were hand-washing battle armor, training uniforms, and sortie clothes next to the wide pool, including Hayao's clothes.

The little bees soaked Zaosui's daily clothes in water, carefully dripped a little detergent, trying to reduce the amount of water and detergent, and then put their hands into the ice water and scrubbed them. They worked very hard, but the clothes they wore didn't work. How about it.

"Wash it well." Hayho said.

"Why not use a washing machine?" Zhang Su saw that the large washing machine next to him was empty.

"Aba, Aba." Little Bee felt that the washing machine used too much water, and fresh water was precious.

They held up their clean clothes to show them their efforts.

"This is also very clean..."

"Excellent in washing clothes." They raised their heads, eyes bright, expecting praise.

"Good children, I will go to the hive world to pump all the cumulonimbus clouds from the sea to the land, so that there will be water. Then I will teach you how to use high-tech cleaning equipment." Zhang Su touched them, and the little bees felt like this Very happy too.

Hayho washes his shoes and shadow cone for them.

They all cherished it and carefully inspected it before washing it with water. One of the little bees washed her knife, picked it up, put it in the ultrasonic cleaning cabinet to vibrate and clean it, and then carefully dried and polished it.

Seeing the way Kobe was taking good care of her clothes, boots and weapons, Saho scratched his head and said nothing.

No wonder she felt that her equipment was clean and convenient every time she went out, and her weapons were sharp. She thought her good deeds had been rewarded.

The Ark of Vision is very large, with a total carrying capacity of about 10,000 people. Zhang Su closed his eyes and used the telepathy of the insect swarm to find those lonely little bees. They had lost contact for a long time and were separated from the group. They must be brought back. , reconnect to the insect swarm.

Zhang Su took Zaosui to the corridor and pointed to the maintenance port of the ventilation duct.

"Go in and bring out Xiao Xiaofeng." Zhang Su said.

"I'm taking a look." Hayao put Sui Ying in first to check.

Suiying blends into it, comes back and tells Haosui what's going on inside, and then she goes out on her own.

There is a little bee inside that got lost while repairing the pipe, and is now lying on the ground, spinning circles with his fingers.

"Someone will come to save Little Bee..." she said to herself, like a discarded stuffed toy.

Hayho stretched out her hand and pulled the chubby little thing back. Xiao Xiaofeng saw her and immediately smiled.

"They are really a bunch of idiots." Hayho complained as he grabbed the little bee and backed away, feeling that he had also turned into a bug.

Xiao Xiaofeng hugged Saho's arm and closed her eyes for peace. Saho felt that her skin was sunken and her body was thin. She must have been trapped here for a while.

"Hey." Zaosui put the little bee down from the maintenance pipe on the ceiling. Zhang Su picked her up and took her to the restaurant to replenish nutrients and water. "The little bees don't seem to care about their own kind. Even if she dies in Then, no one will take care of it if it stinks."

"The way they care about their companions is different, just because there are too many companions, and they all look almost the same. When a companion passes away, they will mourn in silence and mourn in their own way. After a few days of depression, they will look at When you see another little bee, you will feel that your companion has been resurrected in another form." Zhang Su fed and drank the lost little bee.

She quickly regained her energy.

"It's the missing little bee..."

"He's back."

"She looks protected."

"Continue working?" Some of the other little bees recognized this little bee and pointed at her.

As soon as Zhang Su let go, she returned to the work of the insect swarm and continued to check the safety of the pipelines in the ship.

"Find someone else to accompany you." Zhang Su told her. She nodded and smiled happily.

"Although I have nothing to eat and only a little water to drink, I am a very happy insect." Hayao observed the little bees on the ship.

At first she thought they were just like cockroaches or other swarming insects, but now they seem like a nice little society.

"This is a witch, surviving in an unexpected way." Zhang Su said.

"Please eat something." Little Bee brought over more ugly-colored energy blocks and offered them to Haoho.

"Why are they feeding me!" Saho was a little overwhelmed, "Just eat a little of the unpleasant food! It's cold."

"It's obviously very delicious..."

"Cherished food..."

"It takes a lot of hard work to harvest from the fields..."

"Why don't you like eating it?" The little bees were a little frustrated and turned around and left.

But even so, he didn't want to eat what he had on his hands, but put them back into the freezer where they were stored.

"This is a flower." Another little wasp came holding up golden flowers. They were some flowers left over from the insect hive world, growing in the wild, far away from the carpet.

The little bees cherish this flower. After all, sooner or later, they will eat everything that is not a swarm of insects, so flowers are to them like endangered substances that are about to become extinct.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Saho looked at Hana.

"We don't have the ability to help those who can fight outside." The little bees said happily.

Saho seldom spends time on the boat, but she didn't expect these little bees to treat her as a big shot.

She sighed, collected the flowers, and leaned back. The little bees left now contentedly.

Now she felt really defeated by the little bees. The presence of these little bees makes her feel motivated to work.

"I want to take back a world without demons," said Saho. "Every time I kill a demon, I feel I am getting closer to my goal. This is good. Ah, it's good to have you here."

"Do you have any ideas?" Zhang Su thought, "Do you want to regroup the witches of the Ring of Peace to fight?"

"What's the next battle?" Hayho asked.

"Go to Edith's dimension and find a way to rescue her from the siege of the demon bride Liluciel. Maybe there is a chance to turn defeat into victory." Zhang Su said.

"Okay, I will protect you this time. I want to gather everyone in the Ring of Peace of Mind." Zaohui patted Zhang Su, "As I said, you protected me in the past, and I will help you in the future. It’s your favor.”

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