Witch containment diary

Chapter 408 The Ring of Peace Reunions

Most people are dead, so Hayho wants to learn to cherish the people around her.

She wanted to identify the large swarm of tiny wasps, but only Zhang Su could distinguish them.

"This one's hair is longer, that one's hair is shorter, the number of joints on both sides of this one's arms is different, and this one's Velcro will stick crookedly when wearing shoes..." Zhang Su wanted to let Zaho understand the difference between Xiao Xiaofeng, but Hayao can't learn that much.

"Let's go." Hayho waved his hand, "Let's go to An'an Hospital."

Hayao put on the black tights that the little bees had taken care of for her, put on gloves, and covered her eyes, mouth and nose with a mask.

She didn't like the feeling of blood, mud or demonic residue splattering on her body, and her whole body was wrapped in shadow.

Those clothes also outline her current figure. Zhang Su always cannot accept the fact that Zaosui has grown into an adult, and always hallucinates the arrogant and carefree child in the past.

"It is said that the Shadow Witch came to see you again before." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, Lao Den." Saiho said.

Well, I still speak very arrogantly now.

"Did she also give you this temperament?" Zhang Su shook his head.

"I thought this was a way of saying closeness." Hayho knocked Zhang Su with her fist, "Just like now, I like you. You won't hit me because of it."

"Some people will. Don't cry when you get beaten." Zhang Su said.

"You will help me fight back, you will."

"Of course." Zhang Su promised.

Zaho saw Zhang Su's muscles.

His body shape has not become weirder and larger over the years. Instead, he has become more refined and restrained. His muscle density is probably about the same as that of metal. His reborn blood has also evolved into an advanced biological oxygen supplier.

"You are already strong enough, how much more do you need to practice?" asked Hayho.

"As for the earth, one of my current attacks can cause damage to the continental tectonic plates. In other words, a few more attacks can affect a continent, causing plate drift, tearing and volcanic eruptions. If the energy is doubled, it will reach seven or eight hundred If it's heavy, you can crush the mountains on the surface into dust with your bare hands. When it's a thousand heavy, the situation will change qualitatively. Each attack should be equivalent to an asteroid hitting the ground, evaporating the oceans, scorching the atmosphere, and exterminating the dinosaurs several times."

"And I actually lost my position once, and you actually killed me on the head." Saho snorted, "Be careful next time, Xiao Su."

Zhang Su picked her up and went back to An'an Hospital.

"War Zone" planet.

Some far-travelers believe this is the current situation of the earth.

The strong ones wreaked wanton destruction, moved mountains and reclaimed seas, leaving scars on the surface of the earth. Many powerful people from neighboring dimensions also ventured into the earth, trying to ambush the demons and seize the power and treasures from the demons.

Hell continues to add heavy troops to the earth, slaughtering life, leaving the planet without life.

In such a war zone-like earth, there is still a relatively peaceful area, forming a phantom world at the intersection of virtuality and reality.

As designed by Zhang Su, today's Anxinyuan stands in the "Red Flame Fantasy Township" on Kagura Mountain.

Red Flame Fantasy Township retains the landscape of the mountainous area in central Dongming and is isolated from the outside world.

The clouds and mountains are shrouded in fog, making it impossible to see its existence from the outside world. Sometimes people and things forgotten by humans will appear in Gensokyo.

Zhang Su and Zaosui entered through the portal on the Ark of Foresight. After stepping through, they reached the hub of time and space. In addition to the Ark of Foresight, there were several huge portals standing, each with its own scenery.

The gate with colorful lights and deep blue leads to the Undersea Dragon Palace.

The dark, vast, insect-dense gate leads to the hive world.

The scorching wind blows in the face, and the endless door leads to Flame Bottle Seven.

The pale, silent door leads to the lunar world.

Among them, only the surface of the moon is special. After Lianwu obtained some power from Yuehuaji, she completed her "Moonlight Breaking Ceremony" on the moon, and finally gained control of the moon.

Today, under Lianwu's guidance, the moon has built a space base to protect several residential stations operating in Earth's orbit, and to shelter the remnants of the human defense program and many surviving humans.

From the lunar base, they looked at their extremely dry and burning hometown, longing for the day when they could return to their homeland.

Due to Lianwu's "merit", she is currently elected as the temporary chairman of the Human Association, relying on her intelligence and intelligence to coordinate different departments of the organization.

"Let me sit on your arm, that way I will feel better." As Saho saw everywhere in Yuehua Garden, he was moved by the scene.

Zhang Su stretched out his arm and she sat on it, holding Zhang Su's neck with one hand.

"Why are you sad?" Zhang Su took her to the tea break hall outside.

Some followers of the Red Flame Worshipers meditate here. Their hearts are transparent and pure, and they live a life free from the world.

The milk tea counter was prepared with refreshments for people to enjoy. The Internet cafe was closed due to the extinction of the Internet. There was only one correspondent receiving intelligence from other human settlements. The products in the canteen were no longer updated, and the shelves were empty. After the last batch of shampoo was sold out, Saho couldn't find new ones, so he closed it.

"This is a false calm, a false peace. Everyone outside is constantly fighting and the demons are killing." Hayho couldn't bear to see them so calm. "Sooner or later, the people in Ansin will be involved in the war. At that time, these The more comfortable you are in your life, the more desperate you will be before you die."

"That's why the little bees respect you so much, because your existence can postpone the day of destruction bit by bit." Zhang Su said.

"I'm afraid I can't do it." Hayho turned his face sideways.

"What is more terrifying than the devil is your own weakness. Harden your heart." Zhang Su came outside.

In the open space, about a hundred human breath eaters were cultivating their qi and practicing according to the training methods passed down by Zhang Su. Generally, their qi strength was around one to twenty levels, and they could barely defeat some weaker demons.

In the school building next to it, the children were in class. The gentle Mrs. Reina taught them how to read and write, trying to make them understand the life of humans before the war as much as possible.

In the warehouse and underground cold storage, Zhang Su had already stocked up a large amount of food and purified water, but now it was really put to use, enough to support everyone's expenses for three to four years.

Some people once thought that Zhang Su's hoarding of goods like this was of little use because the human world is rich in productivity. But after the natural disaster, human civilization degraded faster than anyone expected.

"There are many people here, aren't you shy?" Zhang Su said.

"They don't fight but eat and drink here. They are the ones who are shy. It's a smart way for me not to walk by myself. Look, Mayumi is over there." Saho raised his hand.

"Ah, it's teacher and Saho." Mayumi was wearing black professional casual clothes, her black hair was neatly combed, and her appearance was more mature and charming. She walked over quickly, "Saho? Why are you still acting like a child. "

"I'm sad," said Saho. "I want everything to go back to the way it was before."

"Hey, how can the great witch of the Ring of Peace be depressed?" Mayumi rolled a happy ball and stuffed it into Saho.

Hayao wanted to swat it away, but he was hit just by touching the ball with his finger.

The melancholy thorn in her heart was quickly washed away by a warm current of joy, making her unable to help but smile.

After the Battle of Neo-Tokyo, Mayumi passed the temporary examination and became a young talent with excellent academic performance in a country that was waiting for development and was reused. After the natural disaster, he also served the survivors' organizations and served as a diplomatic envoy to maintain relations between various forces.

This kind of job is perfect for her. Zhang Su thought silently. She knew how to convince people, or at least make them happy to hear all kinds of mixed news.

"Everyone is a fool." Zaho jumped off Zhang Su's arm, "Okay, Mayumi, we are here to gather the Ring of Peace of Mind. Do you know where the others are now? It's our group, our last Good friends, we, us, us,” Hayho repeated, as if to emphasize an invisible bond.

"Muroka and her mother are building walls in the spiritual world to repair the broken defenses of the spiritual world." Mayumi said.

The attack on the spirit world was more severe than the earth itself. It is said that there were even demon-level beings who personally intervened and killed most of the witches. Zhang Su felt sorry when he thought about the collapsed spiritual world.

"It will be fixed sooner or later. What else?" asked Hayho.

"Baku is at home. Kati and Remi are in North America. Yuori, Reio and Qingxiao don't know where they are." Mayumi said.

"Hey, you don't know anything." Hayho was dissatisfied.

"Some people still know. The latest sighting claimed that Natsuki was wandering in the Arctic." Mayumi scratched his head.

"Then we have to bring Natsuki back, ah ah ah ah - I want to bring Natsuki back. Hurry up and bring the bomb. Are you coming, Mayumi?" Hayao made up his mind.

"I'm coming too." Mayumi followed Saho curiously, "The Ring of Peace is about to reunite, how can such a thing be done without me?"

Zhang Su and the others came to the Discipline Tower of Anxinyuan.

It was originally Katie's residence. After Katie went to North America, the environment here was very suitable for cleaning.

A figure wearing black spiked armor was among them, but the size of the armor was much smaller than before, and the whole body exuded a violent and ferocious aura of destruction.

It's more like a torture instrument than armor, with spikes everywhere, the joints are polished very finely, and its performance has been upgraded.

"Let's go, Zombie." Saho waved.

Baku stood up and picked up the command sword beside him. The aura of destruction in his body further expanded, almost cutting open the surrounding Gensokyo.

But in an instant, this power was solidified and gathered together. Her will restrained her own desire for destruction.

"Okay." Zhazhu followed everyone.

"We are going to the North Pole to find Natsuki." Mayumi told them, "And there is something very important in the North Pole, which is the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, which preserves crop seeds from all over the world before the war, and may also have modified seeds. Improved varieties, if we get them back, maybe we can eat delicious food."

"I want to sleep with Natsuki in my arms again. Let's repair all the broken things." Hayho said.

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